Read Big Tex Online

Authors: Alexis Lauren

Big Tex (3 page)

BOOK: Big Tex
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            A few minutes later, Sierra and Micah came roaring back to the beach.  "That was so cool!  It is so much fun to ride these things."  Sierra said to the group.

            Willow and Brody got up to take their turn on the jet skis.  "Have ya'll ever ridden one of these?"  Brody asked Willow.

            "Yeah, but it was a while ago.  I also had someone on the back with me, showing me what to do."  Willow answered.

            "Well, we can either go separate, or I could ride with ya and help you out."  Brody offered.

            "Ok, hop on.  I think I need a little help.  I'm not sure a quick refresher course would help me with this thing."  Willow said as she got on the jet ski.  Brody hopped on behind her and showed her what all the controls were for, where the gas was and where the brake was.  After his mini-lesson, they turned and waved to Micah and Sierra on the shore and took off to the middle of the lake.

            "Hmm, interesting!"  Sierra said.

            "So, what's her story?"  Micah asked about Willow.

            "Well, not much of a story.  She is a hard worker and super-nice, though you wouldn't know it by the way she has been acting down here.  Her mom is her best friend, and it hurts that she's moved all the way down here.  I think she is kind of trying to build this wall around her.  I know that she likes it here, but she loves New York, and she is trying to find reasons to hate it here."  Sierra explained.

            "What's she think of my boy?"  Micah asked.

            "Well, that's not as much a mystery to me as it is to her.  I can tell she really likes him, but she's trying to push him away.  She doesn't want to get attached to anything here in Texas.  She won't even admit to herself that she likes him, but I can tell.  I've been her best friend for too long."

            "Yeah, I can tell Brody really likes her too, but he doesn't really know how to act around her.  It’s almost like he's nervous, and he's never been nervous around a girl before.  He's been burned before, some girl basically wanted him for his money, he thought she really loved him."  Micah said.

            "Well, Willow has money of her own.  Her dad died a couple of years ago and left her a bunch, her mom is really successful, and she just started running a new business too.  Besides, Willow has been making a bunch of money on her own lately.  She is so talented and people are finally recognizing her for that."

            "So, what about you?  How do you feel about Texas?"  Micah asked.

            "Well, it’s definitely different from New York.  It's really pretty, but so slow.  I like all the people I've met so far, but we'll be heading home tomorrow."  Sierra looked sad as she said that.  "I don't know, I guess the place grows on you pretty quick.  So why did you leave here to go to Connecticut?"

            "Work.  But I realized how much I hated it there.  People tended to be really snobby.  All of the clients I had were loaded, and they never let us forget it.  So I came back here.  I was pretty homesick too.  I missed everyone, and I just wasn't happy there."  Micah turned to her and smiled.  "Hey, let’s go swimming!"  He pulled Sierra to her feet and dragged her to the lake.

            "Um, I don't think so."  Sierra said and tried to go back to their towels.

            Micah grabbed her waist and picked her up off the ground.  He ran into the water and threw her in, with Sierra kicking and yelling the whole way.  His strength was no match for her though.  After she had resurfaced from being underwater, she ran and jumped on Micah's shoulders, pushing him underwater.  They played around in the water until they heard the jet ski pull back up.  They looked at each other, both knowing the plan as they raced to grab Brody and Willow to throw them in the water.

            Willow was a little less than thrilled about being thrown in the water, or at least she acted that way.  It actually felt really good to cool off from the heat, but she was worried that her makeup was running and her hair was matted.  She was trying not to be self-conscious around Brody, but she couldn't help it.

            Brody, on the other hand, looked at Willow and thought how he had never seen anyone look more beautiful after being thrown in the lake.  He wanted to sweep her into his arms and kiss her like he had never kissed another woman.  But he also knew that was impossible.  She had another life that she was going back to tomorrow, and he didn't have any place in that life.  He just had to make the best of the last few hours that they had together.

            "Hey, what are ya'll doing tonight?"  Brody asked the girls.

            "Nothing that we know of, maybe spending some time with my mom since we leave her tomorrow.  Why, what's up?"  Willow answered.

            "Well, I know of this place that has karaoke tonight, and I thought it would be fun if we all went."  Brody said.

            "We love karaoke!"  Sierra shouted.

            "Let me call my mom and see what she has planned and I'll let you know."  Willow went and got her cell phone and called her mom.

            "Well, looks like my mom has a date tonight.  She's actually leaving in a few minutes.  So, I guess we're all yours tonight guys, do with us what you will!"  Willow said dramatically.

            "Ok, how does this sound…let's go up to the house so me and Micah can get ready, then we'll head to your mom's so you girls can get ready?"  Brody asked.

            "I guess.  Mom won't be home anyways."  Willow said as they picked up their stuff and cleaned up the beach before heading up to the house.

            Brody led Micah and the girls to the house and they entered the back door that led to the kitchen.  Brody put the picnic basket on the counter and called for Lisa.  A few minutes later, a woman in her mid-30s walked into the kitchen wearing a small tank top, jean shorts, and bare feet.  She had long brown hair that was pulled up into a high pony tail on top of her head.  Her brown eyes sparkled when she saw the four people standing in front of her.

            "Hey Lisa, meet our new friends Willow and Sierra.  Willow's mom just moved here from New York, and Willow and Sierra are here to help her move in.  They leave tomorrow to go back home."  Brody said as the girls shook hands with Lisa.

            "Nice to meet you Lisa.  Thank you for lunch, it was excellent."  Willow said.  She couldn't help but feel a little jealous of Lisa.  She was expecting some 60 year old lady, not the pretty and fairly young woman standing before her.

            "Oh, you're welcome, it was nothing.  You'll have to come sometime when I cook an actual sit down meal.  Much better than chicken and rice!"  Lisa said and smiled.

            "It was wonderful Lisa, thanks!"  Sierra thanked her.

            "Ok, we're going to go shower now.  Lisa, why don't you show the girls to the game room.  Have fun, we'll be back in about half an hour." Brody said as he was walking up the stairs.  Micah started to follow him, but turned around quick and gave Sierra a quick kiss on the cheek.  He then turned and ran up the stairs, leaving Sierra standing with the other two girls blushing.

            Lisa led the girls to the game room and showed them how to work the television.  When Lisa turned to leave, Willow called out to her and told her to come and sit with them.  "So, how long have you worked for Brody?"  Willow asked her.

            "Um, it's been about a year now.  He's a great boss.  He was really uncomfortable having me work for him at first, but he's finally getting used to it.  He hates giving orders, so I have to basically do things on my own.  I'm finally getting a routine going so that he doesn't really have to tell me what to do.  It makes it easier on both of us."  Lisa said.

            "So, you must have gotten pretty close to him over the past year?"  Sierra asked.

            "Yeah, I mean we have a pretty good relationship.  I had the biggest crush on him when I first got here.  He is probably the nicest and most genuine person I have ever met."  Lisa replied.  "Well, I'd love to stay and chat, but I need to get some stuff done before I can get out of here for the night.  It was nice meeting both of you, I hope to see you again."

            "Nice meeting you too Lisa."  Sierra said.

            "Bye!"  Willow said as Lisa walked out the door.

            Sierra turned to Willow.  "So, tell me how your jet ski ride was.  I bet it was nice to have Brody's arms around you, holding you tight."

            Willow blushed.  "He definitely made me feel safe, but it doesn't really matter anyways.  We leave tomorrow or have you forgotten?  Why bother getting attached?"  Willow asked.

            "Are you asking about me getting attached to Micah or about how you're attached to Brody even though you don't want to admit it?"  Sierra asked.  Before Willow could answer the guys walked in looking clean and smelling great.

            "Ya'll ready to head out?"  Brody asked.

            "Yeah, let’s go.  I could really use a shower right now."  Willow said.

            "Yeah, a cold shower."  Sierra muttered under her breath.  Micah looked at her and laughed.  Thankfully Willow and Brody hadn't heard her.

            After Willow and Sierra had showered and changed at her mother's house, they rejoined the guys and headed out the house.  They all got into Brody's SUV and headed to a small bar for karaoke night.

            "So, Country Boy.  What's with the 'Big Tex' tattoo that I saw earlier?"  Willow asked during the drive.

            "What do ya mean?  It’s just a tattoo.  Not a big deal.  'Big Tex' is pretty common here in Texas, and a lot of guys called me that because I've always been bigger than them.  Since I'm 6'4", I kind of tower over a lot of people.  So they call me 'Big Tex' and the other part of the tattoo is my college mascot.  I was pretty drunk when I got it."  He blushed a little.  "What's with your tattoo?"

            "Which one?"  Willow asked.

            "You have more than one?"  Brody asked and Willow nodded.  "Um, the ladybug?"

            "Ah, that one.  Makes sense.  I don't think you saw the other one, or will ever see the other one."  She said with a mischievous look.  "Anyways, it symbolizes my grandmother.  When she was in the hospital dying, there were a ton of ladybugs on her window sill.  Just before she died, she commented that they were for good luck.  After she died, whenever I thought about her, a ladybug would fly by me.  Then on the first Thanksgiving and the first Christmas without her, we had ladybugs sitting on the ceiling fan over our dining room table, like she was there with us.  So I had a ladybug tattooed on my shoulder as if to say that she is always on my shoulder looking out for me.  She will always be with me.  We were really close, almost as close as my mother and I are."  Willow explained.  Just thinking about how she lost her grandmother brought tears to her eyes.

            "I'm sorry Willow.  I didn't mean to bring it up.  If I'd have known…"  Brody said and reached over and grabbed her hand.

            "So, we're here, let's go!"  Willow said and jumped from the SUV, wiping her eyes and hoping no one noticed.

            The three others followed Willow into the bar and saw her talking to the bartender already.  She had ordered beers as well as shots for everyone.  "Ok, let's just have some fun tonight!"  Willow said.

            "Will, let's sing something."  Sierra said and Willow nodded.

            "I supposed we have to sing something country, huh?"  Willow asked.  Sierra nodded.  "Ok, we can do one together, then one each alone.  I pick yours, you pick mine?"

            "You got it.  I got the perfect one for you already!  Oh, hey, are you guys singing?"  Sierra asked Brody and Micah.

            "You bet.  Would we be here if we weren't?"  Brody asked.

            They all went and signed up for their songs.  While they waited to be called, they got some more drinks and played a few rounds of darts, with the girls beating the guys each time.

            Finally the girls names were called to go up and sing.  Together they sang "Any Man of Mine" by Shania Twain.  After they finished, the crowd roared with applause.  Willow and Sierra made their way back to Brody and Micah.  Micah kissed Sierra lightly and said "Ok, that's it, I'm not singing.  You guys are going to make me look horrible.  No one is going to sound good up there after that performance."

            "Ha-ha, whatever joker."  Willow said.

            "That was unbelievable!"  Brody yelled and picked Willow up in a hug and swung her around.

            Just then Micah's name was called and he went up and sang "Don't Take the Girl" by Tim McGraw.  Sierra stood rooted to her spot, amazed at how good of a singer he was, and how beautiful the song was.  By the end of the song she had tears in her eyes.

            "Unreal!"  Sierra said to Micah.  She put her arms around his neck and kissed him long and hard.  When she finally released him from the kiss, her knees were weak and his eyes were glossed over.

            "Get a room!"  Willow teased.  She was really happy for Sierra, but worried at the same time since they were leaving soon.  She didn't want to see her best friend get hurt by having to leave someone she cares about.

            "Next we have Sierra Lockheart!"  The guy who was working the karaoke announced.

            Sierra broke away from Micah and turned to Willow.  "Will, what did you pick for me?"

            "Something really appropriate.  You'll find out when you get up there."  Willow told her and pushed her towards the stage.

            When Sierra heard the first few notes of "Cowboy Take Me Away" by Dixie Chicks, her eyes started to tear up.  Willow always knew the perfect songs for the perfect moments.  Sierra just hoped she could make it through the song and not mess up too bad.

            Sierra sang beautifully.  Micah was so impressed with her voice.  When Sierra and Willow sang together, they sounded good, but apart, he could hear how strong Sierra's voice was.  He met her at the stage when her song was finished and hugged her tight.  They were both grinning from ear to ear.

BOOK: Big Tex
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