Read Biggest Baddest Wolf (One of the Pack, Book 1) Online

Authors: Scarlett Fate

Tags: #romance

Biggest Baddest Wolf (One of the Pack, Book 1) (2 page)

BOOK: Biggest Baddest Wolf (One of the Pack, Book 1)
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I held him tight and he held me as well.

I kissed his chest and let my hand explore every inch of his godly form.

We breathed hard saying nothing, just planting kisses on each other until finally he exited me, while pulling me closer to his form nonetheless.

"Can we do that again?" I asked after a time.

"Fuck, yeah," Cody grunted ad smiled wide.

His cock already stood high at attention. It seemed the little guy (or should I say big guy?) was ready for another round as well.

I wanted to be fucked, and to his great credit, Cody delivered. He rode me fast and hard, just the way I liked it. He was balls deep inside me, and I loved every fucking second of it. He was a big man, but I was determined to take it and make it a good experience for him as well. And by the look on his face as he came, I knew I had done my part.

By the end of the night, we were both exhausted; though Cody, to my surprise, was always ready to go once I told him I wanted more. Faster. Harder. Longer. None of these phased the hunk of meat laying beside me. Oh, what a glorious night it was. Not only was I not a virgin anymore, I had the perfect man to thank for it. And thank him I did. Let’s just say that that night my cock sucking skills improved considerably! By the smile on Cody's face, I knew he approved.

It was in the still of the night, when all was asleep, that I noticed something strange about the man laying next to me. I admired his chest as it went up and down in unison with his breath. He had the most perfect body I'd ever seen, on TV or in real life. I gently kissed his chest, which was covered in sex sweat. I smiled as I thought about how hard he had to exert himself on my behalf.

But he was asleep now, and I just enjoyed watching him sleep like a lovelorn school girl staring at her crush, the guy she could never have. But I had him right here, and it was amazing.

It seemed that Cody was having a nightmare of sorts, because he was starting to toss and turn. I remembered Jess's words about what freaks his family were supposed to be. I wondered if there was truth to any of those rumors. Would he go crazy and kill me now? The very thought was disturbing, even though at the same time the danger of it all was kind of exciting. My pussy was sore, so I definitely wasn't ready for another fuckathon, though I doubted Cody would have any trouble getting hard. The man was practically a god if you asked me!

And then it happened. I heard something in the night. A howl? There was a wolf somewhere close by? I huddled closer to the big man laying next to me and immediately felt safer, until he practically pushed me off the bed and I heard the most earsplitting noise I'd ever heard in my life. It was a growl. And it wasn't coming from out there, it came from right inside this house. It came from Cody.

Then I noticed them. His eyes. They were glowing a bluish color.

"What the hell?" I asked him as I settled back on the bed after almost falling over.

Cody looked like he was about to say something because his mouth was starting to open, but then he shut it just as fast. But not before I could see his teeth. They were fangs now.

In less than a second I was across the room, cowering against a wall with nothing but my hands to cover my naked body.

"What the hell are you?" I said.

"I can explain!" Cody was next to me in no time. I cowered from his naked form. Before his build and stature made me feel safe, and horny, now it only made me afraid. He could rip me to shreds if he wanted to, and there was nothing I could do about it. And judging by those fangs, he could literally do it right now!

"Don't be afraid, Bridget, I can explain everything."

"Then what are you waiting for? I'm ready to hear your explanation."

"I'm a..."

"A what? Spit it out, Cody, or I swear I'm getting the hell out of here."

"I'm a werewolf, alright, are you happy now?" He turned away from me and I had to admit before what he said really registered, I found myself admiring his amazing ass.

I quickly snapped out of it, though, because the word "werewolf" finally reached my brain.

"We don't have time for this, Bridget, you have to get dressed and get out of here. He's coming!"

"Why? Why do I need to go? I'm not saying I don't want to get as far away from your crazy as possible, but why do I
to do it?"

"Shit, it's already too late," Cody said as he quickly put his jeans on. There was a loud knock on the door.

"He's here," Cody said, with a grim look on his face.

"Should I hide?" I offered. It was hard to read the situation one way or the other.

"No, he probably already caught your scent," Cody said as he opened the door.

"Yo, bro, what's up? You got anther girl here, ah?"

I quickly made it to the bed and put the covers around my naked form.

Then I stole a glance at the door. There was gorgeous guy standing there. He looked very much like Cody, except he had blonde hair and beard.

"Hi, there, sweetheart, my name's Oliver," the guy said and smiled wide, but then the smile was gone. He quickly entered the room and closed the door behind him. He turned toward Cody. "Shit, dude, what were you thinking?"

"I wasn't! That's the problem!" Cody answered, panic clear in his face and demeanor.

"What the hell are you two talking about?" I demanded. I might have been butt naked under the covers, and might have just been fucked by a mythological creature, but I deserved some kind of explanation damnit.

"He was your first, am I right?" Oliver asked me.

"Yeah, well my first man. I did experiment with my roommate if that counts for something."

"I'd like to have been a fly on the wall for that," Oliver said and whistled.

Cody punched him in the arm. Hard.

"Sorry dude, she's your woman. I shouldn’t have said that."

"Damn right you shouldn't have," Cody said, obviously pissed at his brother.

"I'm nobody's possession!" I chimed in, pissed that they were talking about me as if I wasn't even there.

"You gotta finish it dude. She's driving some of the younger wolves crazy. Even I'm not immune to her charms." Oliver looked down and that was when I saw the growing bulge in his jeans. Before I could comment on it, he turned around and closed the door behind him. "Finish it!" I heard him yell in the distance.

"Finish what?" I demanded. "Are you going to kill me or something?"

"No, but if you want to survive this night, you have to let me fuck your ass."

My mouth was agape. Did I hear that right? I had to give him anal or else I'd die?

"What the fuck, Cody? Is this a joke? Jess was right, wasn't she? You and your family are a bunch of psychos. And that werewolf thing is just a trick, am I right?"

"No, sweetie, you're wrong. I'll try to explain it to you as quickly as possible: if a werewolf takes a woman's virginity, that woman is his for life, or until one of them dies. Once that's done, the woman’s scent is irresistible to any wolf around, so in order to really claim his possession of the woman, the wolf must fuck her doggy style. I'm really sorry, but that's just the way it is." To his credit, Cody did look remorseful.

"What will the wolves do if you don't fuck me in the ass?"

"They'll tear you from limb to limb as each of them tries to take possession of you."

I took off the sheets and stood naked before him. "Fine, Cody Bane, you have my permission to take me in the ass."

Cody smiled. "Are you sure?"

"Better fucked than dead, is what Jess always says."

Cody took off his jeans in no time and I saw his erect dick. It seemed he was ready to get the show on the road. I turned around and let him take a look at my ass.

"No, it's better if we do it on the floor. You can put some pillows down if it's too hard."

"Whatever you say, baby," I winked and smiled. I got down on all fours and in no time I felt Cody behind me.

He worked on my ass, with his spit and fingers with one hand, while the other hand fingered my pussy.

"Fuck that ass!" I demanded when I heard screeching howls all around us. I much preferred getting fucked in the ass over getting mauled to death!

To his credit, it didn't take long for Cody to enter me. At first he was slow, because my asshole was much tighter than my pussy, but once he was in all the way, it was easier to start the actual fucking.

I moaned and I screamed, and I almost cried, but I loved every fucking minute of it.

"You're so tight, baby," Cody grunted as he fucked that ass hard.

"I bet you like that, don't you, you filthy animal?"

That only made him fuck harder. He fingered my pussy as he fucked my ass, and in no time I was having multiple orgasms. My cum only made his fingers go deeper, and his cock too. My whole body belonged to one man, and his name was Cody Bane. The bane of my existence, and the only reason I was alive right now.

I whimpered as he pulled my hair with his teeth. "You like that, you little whore, don't you?" He whispered in my ear.

"You know I do, baby," I whispered back between moans of pleasure. I knew we were just role-playing, but he was getting more and more animalistic, which made some kind of sense I suppose. His thrusts were getting harder and harder, and my ass couldn’t get enough of his cock.

"Fuck that ass, baby," I screamed. "Fuck it good!" I used the exact words I overheard Jess scream out on more than one occasion. When I asked her how anal sex compared to regular sex, she said that it was different, but not without its advantages. I knew what she meant now. My backside was a lot tighter than my front, and while it did hurt in the beginning, the longer Cody fucked me, the better it felt.

"Fuck yeah, baby," Cody grunted as he fucked my ass hard. It seemed like he was enjoying himself as well. I wondered if what he had told me was true, but remembering Oliver's reaction to me, and not to forget his erection, it seemed plausible. As plausible as the existence of werewolves at least!

Cody finally came inside me. I felt his bristling hot cum inside my ass, reaching depths I thought weren’t possible. Cody collapsed on top of me, and once again I didn't know where he began and I ended.

The howling outside stopped.

"You're safe now," he whispered in my ear. "And you're mine."

I knew I should have been worried about that last line, but as exhausted as I was, the words only managed to comfort me.

I woke in the comfy bed in his arms as the morning sun hit my face. Cody must have woken after our anal fuck-fest and carried me to the bed. He was such a romantic. It made me feel that much better. I held on tight to his warm body and breathed in the manly smell. Oh how I loved that smell. No other smell in the world compared to his. And no taste either. From his mouth to his cum, if I could live on those alone, I'd die a happy woman.

Cody slowly opened his eyes and held me tighter. "Good morning, beautiful," he whispered in my ear.

"Good morning yourself, mister," I said and giggled.

I reached beneath the sheets until I found his flaccid member. I held it in my hand and started to stroke it gently.

"You'll be the death of me if you keep this up," he said and grinned.

"That's the plan," I joked as I made my way beneath the covers. I sucked his dick hard and loved every moment of it, but my favorite part was hearing him moan in pleasure. Once his sweet hot cum jizzed down my throat, I was ready to face the world again.

Cody brought me in for a deep kiss. "I'm hungry too you, know," he said and flipped me on my back. His face was between my legs in no time. It was my turn to moan as his impossibly long tongue basically fucked my pussy, and then lapped up its creamy reward.

Cody came up for air and gave me a deep kiss. The mix of the two of us the most perfect thing.

"I love you, Cody," I found myself saying without even thinking about it.

Cody looked me deep in the eyes. "I love you, too, Bridget, with my whole heart."

"And don't forget your whole body," I joked.

"That, too," he said and smiled. "Speaking of which," he looked down on his fully erect dick.

"Fuck me, Cody," I whispered. "Fuck me like you’ve never fucked anyone else before, okay?"

And he did. Every move, every sense, every taste, every touch, it all became One and Many at the same time. I held on to his ass as Cody pounded my pussy hard. He was impossibly big, but it seemed my pussy was built just for him. I screamed and I moaned as he fucked me, and I loved every excruciating, passionate, maddening, exciting, glorious moment of it. We both laughed good-naturedly after we came at the same time.

"That's never happened to me before," Cody said, looking like a little boy who had just discovered candy.

"I'm your one and only, now, right? Is that what all of this means?"

"Yes, Bridget, that's exactly it. We're mated for life now."

That made me the happiest woman alive. Not only did I lose my virginity, I found the love of my life, or at least I hoped I did.

We spent the morning in each other's arms, until Cody broke the spell and put on his jeans and shirt. "Get dressed," he told me.

"Why?" I asked.

"’Cause I'm taking you to the big house. You're going to meet my family."

Other Titles by the Author

The Affair

The Priest

The Professor

The Cops

The Thief

Forbidden Desires (The Collection)

BOOK: Biggest Baddest Wolf (One of the Pack, Book 1)
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