Read Billionaire Bond: My Billionaire Boss, Part 2 (A BDSM Erotic Romance) Online

Authors: Emily Cantore

Tags: #billionaire, #erotica short story, #erotica series, #emily cantore, #billionaire bondage, #billionaire bdsm, #billionaire alpha, #billionaire boss, #billionaire boss erotic romance, #billionaire bdsm erotica, #billionaire alpha male, #billionaire bdsm stories, #billionaire bdsm sex, #billionaire bdsm romance

Billionaire Bond: My Billionaire Boss, Part 2 (A BDSM Erotic Romance) (2 page)

BOOK: Billionaire Bond: My Billionaire Boss, Part 2 (A BDSM Erotic Romance)
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"I'll walk. Thank you for the offer."

"Very well," he said and stepped around me. I
heard him enter the elevator and the doors close. I opened my eyes
with a sigh of relief and felt myself break out in perspiration. I
couldn't control myself around him. I had to remember why I was
here. It wasn't to be spanked. It wasn't to be fucked. It wasn't to
have him pull me to my knees and make me open my mouth...

I shook myself out of that idea, swiped my
security card and walked outside, the door locking behind me with a
double beep. In time with the final beep the storm-clouds above the
city decided to let go. The dark night turned into a dark and wet
night instantly. The rain was like a vertical wall of water and I
shivered as the temperature dropped.

I turned around and tried to swipe back in
but the digital lock beeped and refused to open. A message scrolled
across it: Access denied until 7am. There goes the idea of sitting
inside until it cleared up. I looked up and down the street to see
if there were any taxis. Not that I had the money to afford one.
And traffic would be guaranteed to be bad in this weather so I'd
end up paying double just to sit in a jam while staying dry.

I decided to make a run for it. There were a
few trees and around the corner some shops had overhanging roofs.
Not that it mattered with the wind that seemed intent on blowing
the rain sideways.

Okay, one ... two ...

A black BMW pulled up at the curb in front of
me and the passenger door opened. It was Mr. Stone.

"Delilah, come with me," he commanded.

He was watching me as though he was daring me
to say no. I hesitated and that was enough for him to leap out of
his car in the pouring rain and walk towards me.

"Your suit!" I cried out and then gave
another yelp as he bent down and picked me up, throwing me over his

"But," I started to say and then yelped once
more as he swatted me on the rear.

"I told you to come with me," he said and
swatted me once more before he turned around to face his car. I
could see myself in the reflected windows of the Stone-Black
building. My top blouse button had come undone and I was showing a
lot of cleavage. My momentary coolness from stepping outside had
vanished now that Mr. Stone had me slung over his shoulder like a
caveman. My body was responding to him and the sting of his hand on
my ass was nothing compared to the heat I felt in my pussy. I could
feel the strength of his body and his hand on my lower back.

Suddenly he strode out into the rain and I
gasped as cold droplets hit my back and neck. They were cold and
made even colder by me being so hot. I felt like they'd steam off
me like water dripped on a hot frying pan.

With no effort at all, as though I weighed
next to nothing, he lifted me off his shoulder and lowered me to
the ground. I was close to his body, as close as lovers, and I felt
the heat from under his suit jacket and the strength of him.

He held the door open and smiled at me, the
droplets of rain sparkling on his face and darkening his suit.

"Hop in before this suit is completely
destroyed," he said, his eyes twinkling.

I swallowed and slid into the car. He closed
the door behind me and walked around the front of the car. Between
his trip from my door to his I made myself promise that I wouldn't
kiss him, flirt with him, fuck him or think anything about sex and
him. Then he slid into the driver's seat and unbuttoned his suit
jacket and all those promises evaporated. The rain had soaked
through his shirt and plastered it against his body. My mouth gaped
open as I saw an actual-for-real six pack. I turned back and saw my
reflection in the visor mirror. My top button was still undone and
my sheer white shirt hadn't fared well in the rain. I was all
cleavage and curves and at the sudden thought of what his body must
be like under that shirt I saw my pupils dilate in the mirror.

"Let's get something to eat," he said and
pulled away from the curb.

I nodded, too overwhelmed to speak and closed
my eyes.

Gotta calm down. Gotta calm down. Gotta calm


We drove for about ten minutes before I
opened my eyes again. Mr. Stone had turned the heater on and the
gentle warmth was doing an excellent job of drying me off.

He glanced across at me and I saw his eyes
stray down my body before he looked away. I brought my hand up to
finally do up my blouse button but then stopped. Let him look. I
wanted him to.

"Are you always so disobedient?" he asked,
navigating us through the traffic and pouring rain.

I wanted to
say. I'm disobedient. And obedient. I will do what you say. I will
disobey you and you will punish me.

Instead I asked where we were going and saw
his lips twitch with a smirk even as he narrowed his eyes. Fuck yes
I was disobedient.

"Laton," he answered as we came to a stop at
a red light.

Laton? As in
Celebrities dined there - if they could get in. I looked down at my
clothes and suddenly felt too underdressed to even walk past the
front door.

Maybe I could ask him to take me home or
somewhere cheaper. I glanced across at him as we took off again and
immediately rejected the idea. He would take me home if I asked but
... I didn't want to go home. I wanted to be with him, around

Before I could make more small talk and
blunder some more, we pulled up at the front entrance to Laton. Mr.
Stone was out of the car in an instant and opening my door for me
before I could even straighten my skirt to step out. He held out
his hand and I allowed myself to be pulled up and out on to a red
carpet, Mr. Stone taking the time to look me over again. I felt
myself blush and let go of his hand. He gave the keys to the
blue-jacketed valet and then held out his arm to me.

My mantra of
don't freak out don't freak out
stuttered to a
stop as I realized what he was doing. He was about to walk me down
the red carpet of Laton. I put my bag over my shoulder and my other
arm through Mr. Stone's and tried to pretend I was here after the
premiere of my new movie.

We went inside where the maitre de smiled and
shook Mr. Stone's hand like they were old friends. My mind was
already spinning at what was happening when Mr. Stone made a small
joke with the maitre de and I felt like my body was about to float
away. Where was I? Did I fall down the rabbit hole? Who was this
man who had replaced my boss?

We followed the maitre de into the restaurant
and through to our table. I may have been floating in wonder but
small details pushed through. Candles. Polished wood. Artwork.
Couples together under low lighting. I saw a man I thought I
recognized and then realized he was an actual movie star. He smiled
his seven-million-dollar smile at us and Mr. Stone gave a small nod
in return. His companion was a gorgeous brunette with a dress slit
down to forever and dark purple eye-shadow. She gazed at me with a
look as hungry as the one Mr. Stone had given me earlier.

Before we sat down I buttoned my blouse and
tried to fix my skirt again. It seemed intent on riding up and I
felt like all my clothes had shrunk in the rain or my body was
trying to burst out just for Mr. Stone's benefit.

Mr. Stone clasped my hand and stepped close
to me.

"You're beautiful but if you don't stop
adjusting your clothes or trying to fix your hair then I'll take
you over my knee right here and smack that ass until it's red."

My breath stopped as I looked into his eyes.
He was dead serious but I felt a spark of rebellion inside me light

"They'll throw you out," I answered.


He leaned forward until his lips were nearly
touching my ear.

"I own the place," he said and let go of

He pulled out my chair and I sat down, a
little miffed that my challenge had gone nowhere. He sat down and
passed me a menu. His face had gone back to what I was starting to
think of as Mr. Stone Standard: a cool gaze and no expression. An
unreadable mirror.

I opened the menu and bit my lip at the
prices. Did I want a steak that cost half my month's rent? How
about a dessert and bottle of wine that could keep me in Oreos for
the next year?

"It's all on me," Mr. Stone said and held out
his hand to me. I was about to put my hand in his when he said "Do
you mind if I order for us?"

I quickly gave him the menu and put my hand
on the table but he smirked at me and I knew he'd seen.

"We'll start with a nice clear white wine,"
he said and glanced down at my blouse. Then he winked at me and my
insides melted.


Once I had a glass of wine behind me and was
sipping the second, I started to relax. Then the food arrived and I
suddenly found myself chatting with Mr. Stone as if this was just
any other man on any other date. We had salty edamame beans, using
our fingers to split the pods open. Plates appeared and disappeared
as more dishes arrived. One was two small pieces of tofu in some
dark sauce that was about the most delicious thing I'd ever

As we ate, he asked me about my family and my
life before coming to the city. I told him about my two sisters and
brother and before I knew it I was showing him photos of us on my

"You're a beautiful family," he said and took
a bite of his meal. "Are they still back in Bedford?"

I felt my smile falter but he apparently
didn't see it as he was looking down at his plate. I found myself
suddenly racking my brains. Did I tell him I was from Bedford?

"I ask because years and years ago we used to
have an office there. Closed down now," he added and cut off a
piece of duck meat before putting it in his mouth.

It wasn't closed down. It was burned down and
I know that because I was there all those years ago. I'd held the
Molotov cocktail in my hand that had done it. Was he playing with
me? Did he know everything?

I sipped my wine and found my voice

"Only one sister and my grandmother are still
there. Everyone else scattered to the four winds I'm afraid. The
town isn't what it used to be."

I looked up at him but he gave no reaction to
what I'd said. If he knew anything about what Stone-Black had done
all those years ago he wasn't revealing it tonight.

Suddenly I felt angry and stupid at the same
time. Of course he knew about what his company had done! How could
he not? And here I was allowing myself to be seduced by him.
Allowing him to carry me over his shoulder and smack me on the ass.
To forget why I was here.

"Why did you leave?" he asked and smiled at

"My grandfather died," I answered, unable to
stop the harsh tone in my voice. "I was left looking after my
grandmother until it got too much. She went into a home."

"I understand," he said and regarded me with
his cool eyes.

"What do you mean?" I asked, my fingers
clenching around the stem of my wine glass.

He looked at me with concern and then placed
his hand on mine. "You're kind and that is a quality second only to
honesty. I knew I made the right choice in asking you to be my
assistant. The happiness your family has" -at this he waved at my
phone- "is something sorely lacking in my family. I admire you and
your sacrifice."

He stroked the back of my hand and went back
to eating his meal as though he hadn't just undone me completely.
He seemed sad and I realized the cold billionaire had a heart in
there somewhere. One that had been bruised and hurt so many times
that he'd covered it in iron armor.

I took a gulp of wine to steady myself as I
felt I was about to cry. No one, not even my happy family, had ever
acknowledged me looking after our grandmother. I hadn't been called
kind. In fact, one of my sisters had started a huge fight with me
when I told her I was moving away to the city. Like I was meant to
stay there forever so I could visit our grandmother. Like it was a
reverse game of musical chairs and I hadn't stood up quick enough
and so I had to stay there for the rest of my life. We'd made up
later but the pain of it still felt raw and I missed my grandmother
terribly, even as she forgot who I was day by day. How did this
man, this man who was said to be cold and calculating see through
to the heart of me so easily?

Mr. Stone took my hand and I found myself
staring into his eyes. The restaurant vanished and I felt myself
being absorbed into him. He was safe. I felt safe.

"Come with me," he said and led me out of


The car was warm and we cruised along in
comfortable silence through the pouring rain. The storm had only
worsened while we'd been at dinner, as though the clouds were
intent on dropping an entire ocean on the city. I'd given Mr. Stone
my address and we were following the GPS. I felt the deep comfort
of good food, good wine and getting out of the cold all at once. I
wasn't drunk but I'd had enough wine to relax me.

Mr. Stone was calm and quiet as we drove
along, seeming to take the terrible weather in his stride. When we
were halfway back to my apartment the GPS beeped and indicated that
some power lines were down due to the storm and an alternate route
was required. We slowed to a stop as the GPS updated, the yellow
roads turning red one by one and the time estimate for the trip
rising from twenty minutes to three hours.

"You'll stay with me," Mr. Stone said and
turned the car around.

It wasn't a question so I didn't
answer. If I had, I would have said


I awoke when Mr. Stone turned off the engine
and found myself outside a gigantic mansion set on a hill. Before I
was properly awake, Mr. Stone opened my door and reached in to lift
me out of his car. I instinctively clasped my arm around his neck
as he pulled me up against his body. I blinked slowly and then
closed my eyes, resting my head against him as he carried me up the

BOOK: Billionaire Bond: My Billionaire Boss, Part 2 (A BDSM Erotic Romance)
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