Bittersweet Catastrophe (Second Chances #2.5) (6 page)

BOOK: Bittersweet Catastrophe (Second Chances #2.5)
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“Do you see this?” She lifted up her left breast, eyeing it curiously. “This tiny indent here. I don’t remember that being there, do you?”

I moved closer, but to me they looked the same as they always had. She had perfect tits, only now they were a little fuller. “Baby, I don’t see anything.”

“Just take a closer look. I know I’m not crazy. There’s a noticeable difference.” She appeared genuinely concerned, but the longer I gazed down at her dripping wet body, the more aroused I became.

I leaned in further and slowly gazed up at her, a sly grin tugging at the corner of my mouth. “You know, I think I do see something.”

“You do?” Her voice perked up.

“Yeah, there’s a little something right…there.” I pressed my face between her breasts, smearing the remaining shaving cream everywhere. She giggled, all of her previous concern evaporating away, and though she tried to shove free from my hold, I kept a firm grip on her hips. I wasn’t willing to let her get away from me just yet…or ever, for that matter.

Burying my face in her now foam-covered breasts, I motor-boated her until the laughter pouring out of her had her gasping for air. She had such a beautiful laugh, and I prayed that I’d never have to go a day without hearing that exquisite sound flow past her lips. Every time I heard her laughter, it was like breathing pure oxygen in a world that was constantly trying to suffocate you.

I needed it to survive.

I reluctantly pulled away and ran my hands over my face, rinsing it off under the steady stream of water.  “In all seriousness, sweetheart, I don’t see anything different. You have gorgeous tits, and any woman would pay a lot of money to have a set of knockers like yours.”

She slapped my chest playfully. “You’re such a pig.”

“True… But I’m your pig, and you know you wouldn’t have me any other way.” I gently cupped her soft, round globes in my hands, feeling the added weight and relishing in the contrast of her smooth skin against my calloused fingers.
Fuck me.
Touching her like this and watching the effect I had on her was a true testament to my self-control, but I’d be the first to admit that when it came to my gorgeous wife and the mother of my children…
I simply had none

I took a step forward and then another, until she was pressed up against the shower wall, and the second she felt my lips ghost over the sweet spot just below her ear, she released a soft, breathy moan that had my cock instantly stirring against her belly. “Baby, you have no idea how bad I want you right now. You’re so fucking beautiful.” Using my lips and tongue, I traced a path down her slender neck and whispered in her ear, “Turn around and place your hands on the wall.”

“Wh-what? Shayne, we don’t have time for this. You’re going to be late for work, and–”

“Shhh, don’t argue with me, sweetheart. It’ll be worth being late. Trust me. Now don’t make me ask you again. Hands. On. The wall.” Liberty slowly pivoted around and brushed her ass against my raging hard-on as she placed her hands on the cool, tiled wall of the shower. I drew her ear lobe between my teeth and gently nipped and tugged at it. Drinking her in, I lowered my voice, the deep, husky sound resonating between us. “And don’t you dare take your hands off that wall.”

Liberty threw a devilish grin over her shoulder and pulled her bottom lip between her teeth. “What exactly did you have in mind, Mr. Thompson?”

I gently took both of her wrists in one hand and pinned them above her head. Dragging my other hand down her body, I mapped out her gorgeous curves.
When I reached the apex of her thighs, I slipped one long finger between her folds, already slick with her arousal.
She was always ready for me.

My dexterous fingers worked quickly,
teasing her swollen clit in tantalizing circles until she was on the brink of coming undone, and then I slowly sank into her from behind, feeling her warmth surround me with a vice grip. Her pussy clenched around me so hard that I could feel her drawing my cock in even further, causing my head to fall forward against her shoulder as I thrust into her. “You, sweetheart. Always you.”

“Ohhh, ohmigod!” She whimpered unsteadily, her knees beginning to quake. “Shayne, I want you to fuck me harder…I need to feel all of you.” She managed to wiggle her hand free from my grip and reached behind me so that could dig her nails into my ass and pull me deeper inside her. I let out a brusque moan, loving the way her nails bit through the skin at my backside, like a tigress staking her claim.

“I thought…I told you…not…to let go…of the wall.” I gritted through my teeth, trying to keep from blowing my load, but with the way she was wiggling her ass and sliding back on my dick, I couldn’t hold back any longer. Pregnancy hormones or not, it drove me crazy when she took control. If this was how the rest of her pregnancy was going to be, I’d die a happy and well satiated man.

“Shayne, please…”

“I got you, baby, but I don’t know how much longer I’m going to last. You feel so good. So damn good.” I was never one to deprive my wife of the pleasure she desperately craved, and if she wanted it hard and fast, you bet your ass I was going to give it to her. Digging my fingers into the swell of her hip and gathering her long auburn hair around my free hand, I slammed into her, filling and stretching her tight, wet pussy with every inch of me. I buried myself to the hilt, and she cried out, either from pleasure or pain, but she never asked me to stop. Not once.
My girl fucking loves it.

The water cascading over us began to cool, and Liberty’s skin pebbled beneath my fingers, the friction igniting our lust-induced haze into a blazing inferno.

A few more thrusts and I had her trembling in my arms, shouting my name, pulsating around me, and milking my release with abandon. I squeezed my eyes shut and held my breath, seeing an explosion of stars behind my lids as the aftershocks of my orgasm coursed their way through me. With my forehead on her shoulder and my chest flush against her back, we both caught our breath and gradually came down from our blissful high. We remained wrapped up in one another, locked in an embrace that had no end and no beginning.

God, I never wanted to let go of the amazing feeling that we shared every time we made love, but deep down, I worried that one day I would lose all of this. I had no idea where these negative thoughts stemmed from, but I just couldn’t shake them from my ruminating mind. I didn’t deserve to have such a beautiful, selfless, and caring woman in my life. I didn’t deserve to have two healthy babies growing inside of her. Every day I expected to wake up and find that this had all been a dream, that some sick fuck was playing a prank on me.
Seriously, am I being punked?

As much as I hated to break the connection, I slipped free from her body, and she let out a soft whimper in protest. She turned around and gazed up at me, her eyes penetrating me with so much love that I felt like my heart would burst from the impact.
…that was what I needed to see. That passion and fire in her eyes that always washed away any doubts that what we had wasn’t real, that I was undeserving of this life we shared together. I knew I made my fair share of mistakes in the past, mistakes I wasn’t proud of, but I worked my ass off to be a better man, and that was exactly what I wanted to be for my wife and my children. For my family.

“I love you.” I cupped her beautiful face in my hands and leaned down to capture her lips. The lustful haze was still thick in the air surrounding us, even after the water had grown cold.

Sliding the shower door open, I stepped out first and wrapped a towel low around my waist, grabbing one for Liberty before I swept her back up in my arms and pulled her close. I took my time drying her off, running the towel down her arms and legs, and paying extra attention to her lower abdomen where are babies lay safely nestled inside of her. It was hard to believe she was even pregnant without the baby bump, but I had all of the proof I needed when she looked down at me, her eyes teeming with a loving tenderness that only a mother could bestow.

Liberty slipped her hand over mine, halting my efforts to get her dry, and I let the towel fall to the floor before our mouths collided. I dipped my tongue out to trace over her bottom lip, and she readily let me in. Her tongue stroked and caressed my own, and I had to rest my hand on the wall behind her to keep from falling to my knees.
Fuck me. I could drown in her kisses.
From the moment I laid eyes on her, I knew there was no escaping the pull that drew me to her, and her kisses solidified just that. It was amazing how perfectly in tune our bodies were to one another, as though we were truly made for each other. But her lips…
God, her lips
…they had to have been heaven sent. Nothing so sweet and so perfect could have been created from anything other than a divine being.
And I can’t get enough of them.

“I love you too, Shayne.” She breathed against my lips, and I could taste the truth behind her words. “Always.”


We promised each other always, and even now, almost a year later, our vows resounded through my mind:
to honor her, to treasure her, to be at her side in sorrow and in joy, in the good times and the bad, and to love and cherish her always.
I would give her all of that even if it killed me. Regardless of the truth her words held, it still felt as if something was coming between us, a force neither one of us could stop, and I couldn’t break free from this unnerving feeling that my entire world, my reason for living, was slowly slipping through the cracks.


Time flew by faster than either of us could have anticipated, which both excited and scared the shit out of me. I was sure any first-time father would agree…but a first-time father of twins? Yeah, there wasn’t any way to skirt around the fear of bringing two precious lives into this world and still keep a sliver of my sanity throughout the entire process.

Liberty was coming up on the end of her first trimester, and knowing that she had made it this far along without any complications also meant that we had less than six months left before the babies arrived. We still had so much to do, and with my long hours and Liberty working and starting up classes again next month, it didn’t leave much time for us to get everything together for the nursery. Just the thought of having to buy two of everything had my mind spinning, and it was beginning to take a toll on my focus – or lack there of – at work.

I felt a hand crack against the back of my head, snapping me out of the stress-induced fog that had enveloped me as of late. “Son, do you plan on getting any actual work done today?”

I looked up to find my father with a goofy smirk plastered on his face. God love him, the man didn’t have a serious bone in his body. Unless my mother was the topic of conversation, he was laughing and joking around with the best of us. “Sorry, Pops. Must have been in the zone.” Returning my gaze out toward the water, I realized we were pulling back into the marina.
Shit, is it really that late?

“Seems to be happening a lot lately. Ya got something on your mind?”

I nodded my head, smiling. “Yeah, you could say that.”

He maneuvered the boat into the marina, and just as we were approaching the dock, I jumped off and secured the ropes to the horn cleats that were spaced out along the old, rickety wooden boards. My father shook hands with the group of fisherman, whose names I’d never taken the time to get to know, and handed them their freshly fileted catch of the day. I was usually in charge of keeping things running smoothly on the boat, but it appeared he’d taken it upon himself to do my half of the work. I’d probably get reamed out for that later.

They said their goodbyes, and he stepped back onto the boat, planting his feet right beside me. I started hosing off the deck, and after a few minutes of deafening silence, I caught him out of the corner of my eye, folding his arms across his chest.

“So…how far along is she?” My father’s steady, yet gruff voice penetrated my thoughts, and my eyes snapped up to his. His aviator sunglasses were pushed down the bridge of his nose, and emerald green eyes that matched my own bore straight through me.

“How…I never…y-you know?!” The hose fell from my hands and water began to spray in every direction. I quickly reached over the side of the boat to turn the spigot off, and when I turned around, my father was drenched from head to toe. “Shit, Pops, I’m sorry. It’s just…” I retreated to grab him a towel and took a deep breath, shaking my head in disbelief. “How the hell could you possibly know she’s pregnant?”

The fact that he hadn’t made a move or even blinked had the hairs on my arms standing on end. I watched as droplets of water fell from the brim of his hat and hit the deck, one after another. He finally uncrossed his arms and slipped the aviators off of his beet-red face, his movements slow and calculated, putting me on edge.
Oh, I’m fucked.

With pursed lips and a murderous glare, my father did a complete one-eighty, and a hearty laugh tore through him until he was hunched forward with his hands on his knees. I must’ve missed the punch line…that or he was developing signs of early-onset dementia because he had clearly lost his mind. I chose to go with the latter.

BOOK: Bittersweet Catastrophe (Second Chances #2.5)
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