Black and Blue (Black and Blue Series) (28 page)

BOOK: Black and Blue (Black and Blue Series)
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Jamie wondered what the
hell they were doing to Henry. She knew the stories, but she wanted to know if her father would be able to do that to her husband. She wondered if he would do anything, with her knowing he loved Cynthia. Of course she would never say anything, Jamie wouldn’t want to have her father or Cynthia in there.


She looked up when she heard the door slide open and saw Ryan walk in with her father. He
stood against the see-through front of her cell, and he stared at her with his arms across his wide chest. She saw his that he was irritated. Jamie had only seen him angry at her a few times, but he would always forgive her pretty fast. However, just then he was glaring at her and she didn’t look away. She just stared back at him, but she noticed there was blood on his knuckles and it made her heart sink.


“What did you do?” Jamie asked as she tore her ey
e away from his bloody knuckles to his face. Without saying a word her father walked toward the table and pulled out the chair to sit down. “Dad!”


He narrowed his eyes on her. “I don’t kcou2e>
Do you know I can’t get you out of this? The council wants to sentence you to death to make you an example! Unless you say you were forced, I can’t save your life.” He still wore the black suit from the party and she wanted to reach out and put her hand on his.


“I wasn’t forced. I
’ve never wanted anything in my life like I want Henry.”


Her father looked like he
’d been kicked in the stomach. “Jamie, are you willing to give up your life for him?” he asked as tears filled his green eyes.


“My life doesn’t matter when he already owns my heart and soul
,” she said and watched her father’s tears stream down his cheeks.


Jamie I can’t lose you.” Finally, he placed his hand on top of hers, and squeezed.


“I can’t lose Henry. H
e is my husband.” Jamie didn’t let her voice shake even though inside she was shaking like a little kid. She had never really stood up to her father.


“He will be the death of you. I shouldn’t have let things get that serious with you two. When Ryan came to me and told me what he had seen, I didn’t believe him
, but then I saw it. Jamie I always wanted better for you, and you deserve the world at your feet. Henry Roarke will never be able to give that to you. And now he will be killed, we haven’t decided when, but it will be soon,” he said with a grin on his perfect face, and Jamie felt sick. She needed to get him out, no matter what it cost her.


“Jamie you can be with me again a
nd everything will be forgotten,” Ryan said and she had forgotten he was here.


turned to look at him. He was leaning against the stone wall with his arms across against his chest. He was still wearing his black Enforcer’s uniform. He was her first everything, love, kiss, sex and heartbreak. But she had never loved him like she loved Henry. Ryan taught her it was okay to take the chance on love, even if you knew it wouldn’t last. Jamie shook her head. “No, I can’t be with you, when my heart is with him. If I need to die, then so be it.”


“I never thought I would feel this way about you
, Jamie.”


Her father’s voice grabbed her attention, and she looked back at him. He was now standing next the chair
, but he was leaning forwarded toward her. “I am so disappointed in you.”


Now it was Jamie’s turn to narr
ow her eyes. He was the one who had been having an affair with Cynthia for sixteen freaking years, and he was disappointed in her? “You are disappointed in me? I think it should be the other way around,


He stood up straight and looked to where she knew Ryan was standing.
“I need a few minutes alone with my daughter. Please make sure of it.”


Jamie glanced at her ex-boyfriend and he nodded
toward her father. She sighed and turned her attention to her hands that were cuffed to the side of the table; she didn’t like that she felt like she was a criminal.


“Jamie I don’t know if you plan on telling anyone what you saw yesterday, but I would like if you kept it between us. Cynthia wouldn’t make it in here more than an hour and I know you love her as well.”


Slowly she looked up at her father who was now standing next to her. Jamie narrowed her eyes. “You’ve got to be kidding me. If you cared for her then you would do something to be with her. I am standing up for who I love, and that does include Cynthia. She deserves a better life where she can have a real life and love who she wants to.”


Her father slammed his hands down
, but she kept her eyes on his. “This revolution will never happen. We have known about the so called leaders since they started. I have known about Henry and Mike. Why do you think I hired him? I’m not stupid or blind. I saw the way you two looked at each other. You lit up like a Christmas tree.”


Jamie sat as tall as she could, she knew he was getting more angry with every word he said because his face was turning redder.
“You saw me the night you raided the
No B Club
, didn’t you?” She bit her lip remembering how the club was raided with guns, and Mike was shot.


“Not many wome
n have your bright red hair. I knew it was you. Your phone has tracking device that activates when I want. I can also listen in on your conversations when I want, so I know more than you think. Do you really think you love him when you barely know him?”


Now Jamie smiled, because she
’d had that thought too. But the truth was she knew what she needed from him, he loved her unconditionally. “I know enough dad, I love him and that should be all that matters.”


Her father closed his eyes, and frowned. “You know he will be killed and it will break your heart and there is nothing I can do. I tried to get you off and I can’t. Now I will watch my only daug
hter be killed because she loves the wrong person.” He reopened his eyes, and tears were streaming down his cheeks.


“Dad, you see how wrong this is
, don’t you? I’m not going to back down. You taught me to fight for what I love and that is what I’m doing.”


He reached
across the table and gently touched her cheek. “I don’t want to lose you. You are all I have of…Becca.” His voice cracked when he said her mother’s name.


“I will always be in your heart, and I won’t be dying anytime soon. So don’t worry about that.” Jamie wasn’t stupid
. She knew her husband had a plan in place to get her out, or he wouldn’t he wyour ave let the Black Enforcers take her.


Her father’s hand fell away from her face. “Jamie this place is impossible to break out of, trust me I know.”


She knew that, but she had people in the tower who thought of her as a friend. Jamie glanced down at her father knuckles again, and frowned. “What did you do to Henry?” Her father narrowed his eyes and glanced down at his hands.


“I did something you won’t like
, but I needed to do it. He put a death sentence on your head.”


Jamie shook her head; she didn’t believe that.
“No he won’t. He saved me.” An alarm started beeping, and a red light blinked on and off. “What’s going on?”


Her father laughed, and she glared at him. “T
hey have broken in to the tower. I didn’t believe they would be able to.”


They? Who in the hell wa
s he talking about? “Dad who?”


e looked at her and smiled. “Your get out of jail free card is here.” He laid a small silver key on the table and turned to walk away.


“Dad!” S
he wanted to tell him she was sorry and she loved him. She knew that she was being selfish.


He stopped and turned around. “I know darling, I love you and we will see each other again. That I promise you.” That was all he said and he pressed his hand to that glass and walked out.


Jamie’s heart was pounding
, wondering who her rescue team was. Her heart leapt at the thought of seeing Matthew again, he would be the one that came for her, right? She shook her head, and stared at the key. She was married to Henry, and that would never change. He was her world and that was that. The loud beeping was starting to make her head hurt, but she heard fighting outside and it was close.


Ryan’s handsome face was at her glass window with a man in a long
blue trench coat behind him. Jamie narrowed her eyes, who the hell was that? He had a hood on and she couldn’t see his face. Ryan opened the door by putting his hand on the window just like her father. He smiled warmly at her, and she felt nothing toward him. They were in here because of him.


The man
in the royal blue trench coat walked toward her as Ryan stayed by the glass. He turned and faced the hallway. The other man approached her, but stopped to grab the key on the table. He lifted his head and she smiled. Matthew was there to save her. “You’re hurt?” His eyes seemed to blaze, and she remembered that the asshole she’d punched had bled on her. She shook her head to answer him. “You have blood on your dress.” He arched a blonde eyebrow at her.


“It’s not mine
,” she said and he reached for the cuff on her right hand. With a click, the hard metal of the handcuff was off and then he did the same to d tause of her left hand. “I am so happy to see you, but we need to get Henry out.” Jamie looked at the wall that separated them.


“We don’t have time, and
my orders were to get you, not him.” She looked back at him and he shrugged. “I am here for you, Jamie and I will make sure you make it out of here alive.” He reached down and took her hand in his, she tried to take it away, but he just tightened his hand around hers. “Jamie, please let me get you out of here and I will do my best to get Henry out.”


Jamie pulled hard and freed her hand. “I want to see my husband.” She walked
toward her ex-boyfriend.


“He is in the one to your right
,” he said, and she nodded.


Jamie walked out and rushed to the cell next to hers. Henry was at the glass, and his face was bloody. She wanted to take him in her arms, but she placed her hand on the glass. Henry looked at her, and tried to smile
, but he couldn’t.


She looked over her shoulder when a hand appeared on the glass in front of her. “Now you two can talk, but make it fast
. You don’t have much time before the Black army is here.”


“Oh Henry
,” she said and leaned her forehead against the cool glass.


, it will be okay. I have faith that I will be out of here before I am killed. But if I don’t make it, know I love you, and you made me the happiest man in the world when you became my wife.” He leaned his forehead against the glass; she wanted to feel the warmth of his skin on hers.


“Henry my life isn’t worth much without you.” He smiled at her, and it made more of her tears fall.


“Jamie you never know. You might be carrying a part of me with you now,” he said and looked down at her stomach.


Her eyes grew large
. That thought had never crossed her mind. “Oh my God,” she whispered, and her heart raced. Could she really be pregnant? She’d never had unprotected sex before.


“You need to be strong regardless and know you are a
Roarke no matter what,” he said, and winked at her.

BOOK: Black and Blue (Black and Blue Series)
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