Blink: 1 (Rebel Minds) (5 page)

BOOK: Blink: 1 (Rebel Minds)
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Chapter 15


e’s still there
. Shock ripples through me.

I strum the opening chords to my last song and sneak one more glance at him. His eyes haven’t left me. Butterflies have nothing on the current churning of my stomach. I swallow hard. I’m at once hot and nervous cold. This guy…

I turn my attention back to my music and block out his handsome face and piercing eyes—
Wisdom’s eyes
—focusing everything I have on the song. I have to end this well. This gig keeps me in food and drink for at least half a month. I need to keep my thoughts on something
than this guy… this man who draws me to him like some kind of supersonic magnet.

I belt out the chorus and wind my way to the bridge, trying my best to ignore him. Completely unsuccessfully it turns out. Everything in the room fades to nothing, and it’s like he’s the only one there. He’s my audience of one and the lyrics pour out of me, straight from my heart to his.

The music stops, the last note ringing out while I just stare at him.

He grins, his white teeth flashing along with that small dimple, and I realize everyone is clapping, with a few hoots and hollers and whistles piercing the air. I blink, breaking the spell and tearing my gaze away.

After packing up my gear, I make my way back to his table. I have no idea know why, but my mind can’t even think of going anywhere else.
Moth, meet flame.
I snort, my inability to stay away from him annoying me on some level.

“Nice job.” He lifts a brow, his gaze piercing me right through my soul. My world tilts, but I struggle to keep myself collected.

“I…” I stop. Part of me wants to tease him, but I think he actually means it. My lips twist ruefully. “Thanks.”

“Got you something.” He indicates a small plate on my side of the table. It holds three chocolate covered strawberries and my eyes fly to his.

“These are my favorite.”

The corner of his mouth turns up, just slightly. “What a coincidence, mine too.” He reaches over and grabs one, popping it in his mouth without even bothering to bite it first. I shoot him a protesting look.

“Hey. You said these were for me.”

His grin melts my insides, just a little. “You’re too slow.”

Rolling my eyes, I grab the larger of the two left and bite down, savoring the tangy sweetness mixed with smooth, rich chocolate.

We stare at each other, me wiping away the juice from my chin with a napkin. “What?”

“You’re kinda beautiful.”

His words are pitched low, rolling over me like water. They make me blush and I have to give myself a mental shake.
He’s a jerk, Aria, remember?
All I manage to say though is, “Whatever.” I pop the last bite of strawberry in my mouth nonchalantly, praying like heck he can’t tell how much he’s affecting me.

“No. Really.”

I finish chewing and look away, a slight frown creasing my brow. Why is he being so nice now? What’s changed? Does he want something from me?

“Let’s take a walk.”

My gaze flies to his. “What?”

He laughs, the sound warm and inviting. He gives me a teasing look. “You know. That thing where you put one foot after the other. Generally you head in one direction.” He uses two fingers to mimic a walking motion, his eyes dancing.

I hesitate. I know I should say no. He’s a jerk. He’s sarcastic. Completely not funny. He’s… he’s staring at me and I find myself blurting, “Okay,” before I can stop myself.

He flashes that devastating grin and stretches out his hand. Again, without thinking, I take it. He pulls me to my feet, and grabs my gear. We head toward the door.

The night air is cool, washing over my heated face and sobering me up a little.
Aria, what are you doing?

My steps slow. “Hey, I don’t know if this is such a good idea.”

“Don’t worry. I won’t hurt you.”

My sharp intake of breath draws his attention. He stops and swivels abruptly, setting my gear down, and I run into him. He steadies me with a hand at my waist.

He’s so close now.
Oh, goodness Aria, what are you doing? Not again.
I reach up and clutch the edge of his jacket. We breathe the same air, everything around us disappearing. He steps closer, leaning in. Holding my breath, I know what’s next. Before I even finish the thought, his lips slant across mine.

His hand at my waist presses me closer to him. My guitar sits on the ground, forgotten, as I slide my hands down his jacket and slip my arms around his waist. His other hand tangles in my hair, strong fingers gently cupping the back of my head.

It’s strange, but I feel so
. There’s no rhyme or reason for it, but that’s the single thought I have. I’m safe with him.

Our lips part as we pull away, and a whisper escapes mine before I can stop it. I utter just one word.
There’s no denying it. I
it’s him.

He looks stricken, like he’s been hit by lightening. He backs away, dropping his arms, and I’m instantly cold without them around me.

“That was a mistake.”

“What?” I choke on his words, giving him an incredulous look.

“I—I shouldn’t have done that. I’m sorry.” His face is pale in the dim light, his expression conflicted. In that moment, I know he’s going to leave again.

“No, wait—” I lift a hand, trying to stop him, but he’s gone before I even have a chance to call out his name.

Though I’m not sure which name would have come out.

Chapter 16


run through the darkness
, refusing to look back even once I know she’s long out of sight. I don’t even know where I am, but that doesn’t bother me too much. What
bother me is my lack of control when it comes to Aria. She’s like a drug that I’m addicted to. I can’t seem to get enough.

The worst part is that I put her in danger the more I’m with her.

I trip on the uneven sidewalk and curse, spinning around to catch myself against the rough stones of a building. I pound my fist against the wall, biting back a cry that comes with the pain of contact.

You can’t see her again.
My mind rebels at the thought, but I know I’m right. It’s that simple, really. I can either give into temptation and risk her life, or stay away and keep her safe. I don’t have any other options.

Even here, at least a mile away from her, I am drawn in her direction like someone in a trance—

That thought freezes me, and in an instant I know why they want her.
She’s like me.
She has some kind of special power.

I turn and slam my back against the wall, sliding down until I’m sitting. I stare out into the dark, dazed. Aria has an ability. Of
she does. I close my eyes, my stomach feeling a little sick.

It’s as plain as day now that I have some space and clarity to consider the facts. I was just too blinded by her beauty and the intoxication of
, that I didn’t even consider it before.

With this realization comes more fear. If I can’t wipe her from my memory, they
find her. I sigh heavily. And there will be no way to save her once she’s in their control.

Chapter 17


drive home in a daze
. My lips ache, missing Jameson’s kiss, and I hate myself a little bit.
The man is nothing to you, Aria.
He made it very clear that kiss was a mistake. I try to give myself a stern talking to, but it doesn’t help much.

Feeling angry, I slam on the brakes in front of the small condo I share with my sister. The lights are out and I frown, realizing it must be later than I thought. I’d hoped to talk this though with Sierra, but I guess it will have to wait until morning. I sigh.

Guitar in hand, I unlock and maneuver my way through the front door noisily, muttering under my breath. Sierra tends to sleep deeply, so I’m not too worried about waking her up. Finally managing to get myself and my guitar inside, I drop my keys into the bowl on the side table instinctively, knowing I’ll lose them if I don’t. I set my guitar down too, and make my way down the dark hallway, entering the kitchen. I flip on the light and freeze, going cold all over. I can feel the color drain from my face, and I sway on my feet, dizziness encroaching.

I lift hands to my mouth, eyes wide with horror. My sister is lying in the middle of the floor, surrounded by a pool of dark, sticky blood.

A scream catches in my throat, and my breath quickens. I squeeze my eyes shut, and then open them again, hoping I’m trapped in another nightmare. Every molecule in me wills what I’m seeing not to be true. It
be true. She’s still there, her small frame crumpled and her hair matted with blood.

“Sierra!” Her name is torn from my lips as I rush to her side, gently easing her lifeless body over. “Sierra,” I whisper, tears welling up. Her eyes stare up at the ceiling, unseeing, and I feel another scream curdle in my throat. It escapes as a choked sob. My tear-filled gaze wanders over her face and lands on a dark crimson slash shining with fresh blood at her throat. I blanche, bile rising as I look away, yet I can’t let her go. I’m frozen.

Not breathing. Not moving. Not thinking.

My hands start to shake, so much so that I clutch them together, but then my whole body starts shaking. I force myself to look at her again, though everything in me screams not to.

Sticking out of the corner of her jacket I see something vibrant green. I want to run, to burn these images from my mind forever, but a strange calm takes over me. I gently slide the object out and realize that it’s a notebook. One of her little journals. I’ve seen her writing in a similar one before, and many others, and I used to make fun of her all the time. I kept telling her no one uses paper anymore but she never cared. Said she preferred things old school.

Still holding her in my arms, I set the notebook on the floor and flip open it open, moving in an almost trance-like state. Her handwriting blurs together from the tears in my eyes. There are only 3 words written in it, on the very first page.

Wisdom. Jameson. Same person.

My breath catches, dread replacing my grief, at least for the moment.
has my sister been up to?

Chapter 18


. My office,

My stomach tightens at Rox, my handler’s, tone. I steel myself, unsure what’s coming. Has he found out I’ve been hiding Aria?


I step into his office, my body thrumming with a surge of adrenaline I have to struggle to keep hidden.

“Close the door,” he says flatly.

I comply, then turn to face him. He locks eyes with me, a frown lining his craggy face. “There has been a breach in security.”

I’m careful to keep my expression neutral, despite my inner turmoil. Is this what Drew had told me about?

“Thankfully, that threat has now been neutralized. However, I’m sorry to say they did make it away with at least some information. We don’t know how much, and we’re unsure at this time whether that information has been passed on to anyone else, but we’re still digging.”

He stops, staring at me for a moment, and I almost blurt out,
Yeah, so what?
Instead, I ask, “Are you wanting me to help with this mission then, sir?”

“No.” His answer is firm. “I’m telling you this because the information was regarding you.” He pins me with his gaze, and I stiffen, the movement imperceptible.

Panic surges blindly for a second before I reign it in. I clear my throat, shifting on my feet. “Do… do we have any idea who this person is, sir?”

He shuffles through papers on his desk, squinting his eyes before looking back up at me. “Actually, we do.”

I wait, holding my breath. Is he going to make me beg for it, or what? His gaze is unreadable, and I keep my own gaze steady and unflinching.

“It was the sister of your current target. Sierra Grace. She was actually a known operative that worked for this office years ago, but rumor had it she just up and disappeared. Apparently she was able to have all memories of herself wiped. She’s laid pretty low, at least until now.”

I’m immobile, rooted in place. Like a stone statue.
Aria’s sister. She was an operative. She’s dead.

Rox glances back down at the papers covering his desk, seeming not to notice the change in me. “And speaking of your target, we think we’ve got a lock on her now.”

Something frigid, like ice, forms in my chest. My heart thuds sluggishly against my rib cage. “You, uh…” I clear my throat once more, hoping I don’t sound suspicious. “You know where she is then?”

He reaches for a file in one of the file racks off to the side of his desk, his tone absent-minded. It’s clear that his thoughts are already skipping ahead of our conversation. “We have a pretty good idea. Which means I’m reassigning you. You’re new target is now Reed Lawson.”

Like a robot, I reach out and take the info file from him. I nod curtly. “Sir, yes sir. I’ll get to work on this right away.”

He inclines his head, then looks back down at the papers strewn across his desk, effectively dismissing me.

I step outside his office, closing the door gently behind me. Every molecule in me demands I go to Aria,
right now
, but my logic takes over for once. I have to play things cool, just in case there’s a possibility this is a trap. I’ve known my handler for several years now and nothing about him has ever seemed off. But his mind has always been closed to my abilities, whenever I’ve tried to sneak in. That’s nothing groundbreaking, but it does affirm my decision. I can’t give myself away by being stupid now.

Regardless, I know I have to go to her.

BOOK: Blink: 1 (Rebel Minds)
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