Blondie's Hero (Heart of Teufel Hundens Book 1) (4 page)

BOOK: Blondie's Hero (Heart of Teufel Hundens Book 1)
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Chapter 6

Sunlight streamed through the curtains waking Blondie up, as she stretched lifting her arms over her head in bed, feeling the pull from her fingertips to her toes. Slowly she got out of bed and went to the kitchen. Coffee was needed before she was actually awake.

Sitting down at the table with a full cup of coffee in her hand,
Blondie went over last night in her mind. Jake was a capable bartender he handled the Friday crowd pretty good, he was friendly with all the customers and was quick when making drinks. Hopefully he can handle tonight’s crowd as Saturday was their busy day. She still couldn’t believe Jake’s declaration last night. When he said that he would have her, her body responded right away. The question she needed to ask herself was should she let Jake claim her, especially after the whole James fiasco.

There are so many things she doesn’t know about
Jake and she wants to know more before she gets involved. She does know that he was an honorable Marine, was medically retired and he is good to his friends. Besides that she really doesn’t know anything about him. He does have the ability to make her feel and think things that no man has ever made her think or feel. That makes Jake much more dangerous to her heart than James ever would have been.

As she sipped her coffee Blondie thought about
James. He had been a constant in her life long after the feelings they felt for each other where gone. Blondie knew she should have broken it off six months ago especially when he started commenting on the way she dressed and her body size. Then they stopped having dates and the only time she saw him was when he came in for business lunches at Teufel Hundens. Blondie knew then she knew she was getting played. As foolish as it sounds she felt like she needed someone to just be able to say she had someone. She still can’t believe that he brought a date in her bar, well that won’t happen ever again. Everyone at Teufel Hundens knows he is banned so that should make things easier.

Blondie got up and went to refill her coffee cup, time to get dressed and see what Big Al is making for breakfast.
Good thing about having a Godfather who is not only a cook but also lives in the same building, hot breakfast. Plus Al always waits till she comes down before he makes breakfast during their work week. Then they go to Teufel Hundens and prep for the day.

After finishing her second cup of coffee and getting dressed, Blondie took the
stairs down to the second floor. She gave a little knock on Al’s front door before unlocking the door and walking in.

was sitting on the couch reading the newspaper, waiting for her.

“What took you so long Lil Mary
? I thought you might have been sleeping in and forgot all about your Uncle Al.” he said with a huge smile.

“You know I have to have my coffe
e in the morning before wake up. It took me two cups this morning,” Blondie said as she bent down and gave her Godfather a hug.

“With everything that went on last night I had to wrap my head around what happened. Truth be told Al, I am worried that James will try something as he isn’t used to being told no or being banned from
somewhere especially on Topsail. Jake did me a big favor in dealing with him, but I don’t know what was said only that it was taken care of. I don’t even know what to think about Jake, there is something about him that attracts me yet leaves me with questions.”

Shaking her head and thinking she was pretty sure she was crazy, she decided to confess to Al what Jake had said last night.

Al just laughed when she told him and then looked at her with a serious face and said, “Mary-Alice, that boy Jake is a good man, I am not saying that because he is a Marine. I am saying that because he took care of a problem that wasn’t even his to take care of. He is someone I know your dad would approve of and I don’t say that lightly. I am not trying to tell you who you should and should not date, as you are your own woman; I am just saying I know that with him you would always be safe.”

Now, Lil Mary what do you want for brunch as it is too late for breakfast? I was thinking of making a broccoli and cheddar quiche and fresh fruit with yogurt.”

“I think that sounds pretty damn good Uncle Al, I am starving. Do you need any help in the kitchen?”

No Lil Mary, you go ahead and make us some orange juice then put it in the fridge to chill. I can handle the kitchen, sad to say, you burn water honey,” Al said as he grabbed the ingredients to make brunch.  

“It was just that one time, I was
fourteen can we forget about it already. Really Al; why you gotta bring that up?” Blondie asked in a huff.

answer honey to see you smile. Now stop stalling make that juice then go watch some TV. I got this.” Al responded over his shoulder as he got back to cooking.

Thirty minutes later Blondie was setting the table and getting the juice out of the fridge. Everything was set as Al placed the quiche and fresh fruit on the table. He went and grabbed the small container of yogurt out of the fridge and took a seat. Blondie knew the drill, they might not be church going people but they still said grace before they ate and gave thanks for all the good things in their lives.

Al finished saying the grace and cut up the quiche, serving Blondie and passing her the fruit bowl. As she finished filling her plate, she took a bite of the quiche; it was fluffy and perfectly done. She couldn’t help but enjoy the taste.

“Oh m
y God, Uncle Al, this is fracking awesome. See this is why I never lose any weight, and take the stairs all time, I love your cooking” Blondie stated with a huge smile.

“You a
re perfect the way you are Lil Mary, I remember your Mom always telling your Dad that if I was a horrible cook she might have actually been skinny. You’re the spitting image of your mom. So take the stairs if you want honey never gonna change that you got your curves from your mom.” He said with a laugh.

Enough sitting around we have prepping to do, so let’s clean up this mess and get next door to Teufel Hundens. Did you want to take some of this upstairs? I don’t really want it to go to waste. You can heat it up for breakfast tomorrow as I told someone I would help them out tomorrow morning”

“Oh you know I will take it Unc
le Al, probably the healthiest thing I have in my house right now. Let me go run this upstairs, I will meet you down stairs in a minute.”

Blondie went up to her ap
artment and put the quiche and fruit in her fridge, then met Al downstairs.

“Come on lets go Lil Mary,” Al said as he mot
ioned her to come with his arm. “The food doesn’t prep itself and the bar doesn’t stock itself either.”

Locking the front door to their apartment b
uilding they walked across the parking lot to Teufel Hundens. As they got inside Al went to the kitchen and Blondie went to the bar to do the inventory and start stocking.

Having finished
stocking the bar Blondie went to her office, as she paid bills and figured out the months’ earnings. She shook her head over the amount of money that James had cost her. Teufel Hundens was in the black so there was nothing to worry about as they were an established business, however why didn’t she catch on to being used earlier. It actually kind of pissed her off that she let him use her.

She knew
James made good money as a realtor working for Samson-Adams Reality, a well-known company that works with the resorts selling their high end beach houses and condos. She had questioned James once about why he just didn’t pay for his business meals as they could be written off on his taxes. He said by him coming to Teufel Hundens she would receive even more business from his clients so it would be worth it for her. Shaking her head Blondie knew as a woman who prided herself on being business savvy she made the mistake of trusting someone who took advantage of her. Never again, would she be so trusting when it came to her business.

The knock on her office door had her looking up from her papers, Jane standing there with a sly smile on her face.

Oh lord
, Blondie thought to herself.
What is Jane up to now? Please Lord, don’t let it involve me.

Hey, Mary-Alice what ya doing?” Jane asked as she walked in and sat at the corner of Blondie’s desk.

bills now get your heifer ass off my desk, Jane. I don’t have time for your games I have paperwork to finish.”

“Now, now Mary-Alice, I have known you since you were a teenager d
on’t go talking to me like that. Boss or not you know I will get Al in here to tan your hide in a minute,” Jane stated as she wagged her finger at Blondie. “Plus I just wanted to talk to you about that yummy marine that started working yesterday. Do you think he could take some of my shifts? I am thinking I need a break from here and certain people. I am due a vacation and knowing that Nikki isn’t going to be back for two weeks I won’t take it till she gets back.

I’m sorry Jane, you didn’t deserve that. You know I love you. It’s just that I am updating the books and paying bills which made me finally realize that I was stupid where James was concerned. As for that yummy Marine, I will have to ask him. Even if he can’t you deserve a vacation. I don’t know what is going on but you have never asked for any time off so I am not going to tell you no when you ask for it.”

“Don’t worry about it Mary-Alice and you know
that Al wouldn’t even take me seriously. He doesn’t even listen or care what I say.”

At that comment Blondie, took a closer look at Jane, she looked tired and sad. Something was going on but Jane would tell her when it was time.

“Thank you for letting me have vacation time, but let’s just keep it between us for right now.”

Anytime, Jane. Don’t even worry about it you know what is said in my office stays in my office.”

Hoping off Blondie’s desk, Jane sa
id over her shoulder, “Best get my old heifer ass out to the bar and start working before my boss gets her panties in a bunch. Oh yeah, just thought you should know last night Jake was ogling your ass. Hell, if I was younger I would give that boy a run for his money.” Jane’s laughter filled the hall as she walked away.

Blondie laughed to herself, she was glad that Jane was easy going, no m
atter how crazy she is at times and Jane was more than a little crazy. Unbeknownst to Jane, Blondie wanted Jake to do more than just stare at her ass.

Blondie still had to
finish updating the accounts and then go take a quick shower and get ready before it was time for her bartending shift with Jake.

Chapter 7

Jake was feeling refreshed and ready to work after his talk with his uncle and lunch with Rich. He made sure he grabbed his pill case from the console of his jeep and put it in his pocket. Making sure his watch was set to six thirty so he would be reminded to take his pills, Jake walked into Teufel Hundens.

A voice called out
Hey Sud Muffin
as Jake walked past the bar. Glancing over Jake saw Jane behind the bar, with a huge smile on her face. Waving at her, he continued on his way to the kitchen to clock in.

“Hey Jake
, ready for the Saturday crowd?” Al asked as he wiped his hands on a towel.

You know it Al, Marines can handle anything. I was just going to clock in and go help Jane count out. Is Blondie around? I saw that her office door was closed when I walked by.”

Oh Lil Mary will be back in a minute, she went to get ready for work. I don’t understand how that girl can get dressed in the morning, come over here stock and do paperwork, then go back home and change. I guess we all need a break now and then and that is hers.”

it, well I am going to get going to the bar, talk to ya later Al.”

Jake needed to talk to Jane, he wanted to
ask her some things about Blondie and hopefully Jane would have the information he needed. He was going to ask Blondie out on a date tonight and with Jane’s help hopefully their first date would be memorable.

Hello sexy you ready to work tonight? Saturday’s are busy so are you sure that you can handle working with Mary-Alice? Or are you going to be too distracted by her ass to serve drinks?” Jane asked as Jake walked behind the bar.

Well, hello to you too Lady Jane. As for our boss lady’s ass, I can’t help it. When you put a sexy woman in front of a Marine, they can’t help but appreciate the goods. Serious though. I am ready to work tonight, but I do have a couple of questions to ask you before Blondie comes in and I figured you could help me out with them.”

What questions do you have? I will try to answer them if I can.”

“Well, I plan
on asking Blondie if she wants to go on a date with me tomorrow. I want to know what her favorite flower is and if there is anything she really enjoys doing. I normally don’t date as I was always deployed and I want everything to be perfect because I really like her.

Don’t think you can fool me boy, Al told me what you said to Mary-Alice and I think that you more than like her. It is more like lust her. It’s about damn time a real man stepped up to her. Al and I, even though I hate to admit this, actually agree on something. We think that you would be good for her. So I am going to tell you all about Mary-Alice.”

proceeded to tell Jake everything she knew about Blondie. She told Jake that Blondie’s favorite flower were Lilacs, but she also loved wildflowers such as tiger lilies and black-eyed susans. She enjoyed slow dancing and swing music. On her days off Blondie was known to walk on the beach and just enjoy the salt air. Jane even told Jake what her favorite restaurant was and that way to Blondie’s heart was through food. Deserts were her favorite but she ate healthy so she could indulge in all sorts of sweets. By the time that the register was counted and Jane was ready to leave, Jake had enough information to make sure that the date he was going to ask Blondie on was going to be perfect. They were just finishing their conversation when Blondie showed up.

“Jane, Jake good to see ya. A
re you all switched over and ready to work?”

Yes, Mary-Alice, I was just getting ready to go clock out. I will see you on Tuesday make sure you have great weekend,” Jane replied as she went to go clock out. “Oh yeah”, she said as she stopped and turned around, “I expect to hear all about it on Tuesday Mary-Alice and don’t leave anything out.”

Don’t know what is going to be so special about my days off but I will tell you about them on Tuesday.”

Blondie shook her head as she turned her attention to Jake, “Do you
know what Jane is taking about? I feel like I missed something big.”

“Who knows with Lady Jane, she is quite a character, but I figure we get though
tonight’s’ service and maybe some things will come to light.”

“So now
you’re being cryptic. You’re lucky you’re cute. I can’t handle crazy today and Jane already paid me visit earlier. So let’s get working as we won’t get much of a break tonight.”

As Blondie walked to the other side of the bar to take an order Jake stood there a minut
e by the register and thought,
Damn, she just called me cute
progress is always good

Blondie and Jake got into the swing of things each handling different parts of the bar. At six-thirty Jak
e’s alarm on his watch went off, Blondie heard the beeping and started to come his way.

“What’s the beeping
for; you got a date I don’t know about?”

a date, I got to take my pills. If I don’t have a reminder I’m likely to forget to take them and that’s not good for anyone involved. It will only a take a minute and I just need to grab a glass of water.”

“If you don’t mind me asking wh
at type of pills are you taking? I don’t want to be that person, but as your boss I would rather you not take something that would leave you inebriated or sluggish behind the bar.”

don’t mind you asking, Blondie. I was going to talk to you about it earlier but you weren’t in your office when I came in. I have to take medication for my PTSD. I only need to take the two during work. One is to limit my anxiety and help me stay focused; the other is a migraine medication for my headaches.”

“Well, if at any time you need a break
or it gets too much let me know. I can handle the bar by myself if needed. Go get glass of water take your pills and let’s get back to bartending. By the way Jake you’re doing a great job. I know that Nikki will not have any problems bartending with you when she gets back.”

Baby doll,” Jake responded as he winked at her. Blondie, flushed red when he called her that, turning around she went back to her side of the bar.

Time passed quickly and before Blondie knew it Al was announcing last call for food at
eleven pm. Teufel Hundens was busy on Saturday nights thanks to the live bands that played. Tonight there was a rock band that played everything from 80’s rock to recent. They had quite a following. Having a good band, kept the drink orders flowing, between the servers and the customers at the bar, Jake and Blondie where getting a work out tonight.

Jake was a riot to work with, when the band played Def Leppard’s Pour Some Sugar on Me, Jake sang ever word dancing around the bar, gyrating his body rubbing his hand down his chest. Blondie couldn’t help but laugh, as he swaggered over to her grabbing her hand and
spinned her around, bring her to him rocking back and forth dancing to the song.

one crazy mess you know that right?” Blondie asked Jake when the song was over.

“Crazy like a fox
Baby doll and only for you,” Jake replied as he snapped his bar towel at Blondie’s ass. We only got a few hours left but at least we have good music to listen to as we work.”

It was almost
two in the morning, the band was packing up and there were only a few people left in the bar. Most were waiting on rides or were friends of the band. The rest of the employees were gone besides one bouncer. Blondie was in the process of counting the till and locking things up, Jake was just about finished washing the bar dishes. Before they knew it, Blondie and Jake became the last two people in Teufel Hundens.

“Almost done with locking things
up, Jake you about ready to go?”

“Just waiting on you
Baby doll. I’m going to walk you to your place so that I know you get home safe.”

“I live just next
door.” Tossing her hands up in the air, Blondie said, “I mean how hard is it? I just have to walk across the damn parking lot!”

“I know it’s just across the parking lot but I told Big Al that I would make sure you get there safe. Plus I want to walk you home, so if you are finished, let’s go.” Jake said as he took possession of Blondie’s hand.

Jake walked Blondie to the side door, going outside he waited as she locked up Teufel Hundens. As they walked across the parking lot, Blondie walked in front of Jake, her hips swaying as she walked.

Baby doll, you better walk beside me. The way you are swaying your ass has me thinking unpure thoughts right now.”

As they got to the front door of Blondie’s building, Blondie knew she was going to make the first move.

“Really?” Blondie said as she turned around, cocking her head. “What kind of thoughts?” She walked toward Jake stopping in front of him as she placed her hand on his chest. Pressing her chest against his as she leaned in and whispered in his ear, “I think I can handle some unpure thoughts from you Jake.”

Jake actually
growled as he grabbed her hips, pulling her flush against him so she could feel the hard ridge of his dick through his jeans. He kissed her with all the pent up frustration he has had the last few days.

Blondie reached her hands up from his chest, and grabbed his head as she pulled him down, leaning even more into the kiss she kissed him back. Moaning a little as she licked his lips and pulled away from the kiss, Blondie stepped back from Jake giving them both some space.

“Damn, Baby doll” Jake said his hands still on Blondie’s hips. “I wasn’t expecting that but I will take it. I really wanted to ask you out on a date before I kissed you but I couldn’t help it. So I am asking you now, would you like to go on a date tomorrow?”

Blondie looked up at
Jake; the need that he felt for her illuminated his beautiful green eyes, the gold specks in them shining.

“I would love to go on
a date with you tomorrow, Jake. What time do you want to pick me up?”

four-thirty sound good? Nothing too fancy, casual wear is perfectly fine.”

“That sounds great.
” Blondie said as she turned and unlocked the front door of her house. Until tomorrow,” she gave Jake one last kiss before going inside.

Jake made sure that she relocked her door before he went to his Jeep.
Unlocking his Jeep he got inside. Sitting there he still could taste her on his lips. Her lips tasted sweet like strawberries. Touching his lips Jake smiled. He couldn’t wait till tomorrow to taste her again.

Jake drove to his house, as he got out in the garage he decided he would check the second floor for Ham first before he went to bed. As he took the elevator he
realized just how tired he was, looking around the second floor he didn’t see Ham but there was a note of the fridge. Jake couldn’t help but laugh when he read it.

Hey Daddy Warbucks,

I am upstairs sleeping. To answer your questions yes I took my meds and had a relaxing day. I didn’t over work my leg and actually took a short walk on the beach. Make sure you take your sleeping meds. I left some hotdogs in the fridge if you are hungry.

Night Brother


Making sure the front door was l
ocked he turned off the lights. Taking the stairs Jake went to his floor. He stopped at his small kitchen and grabbed a glass of water to take his sleeping pills. Hopefully they would work and he wouldn’t have any nightmares. He has a date tomorrow with Blondie and needed his sleep.

BOOK: Blondie's Hero (Heart of Teufel Hundens Book 1)
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