Read Blood Law Online

Authors: Karin Tabke

Tags: #Blood Moon Rising

Blood Law (36 page)

BOOK: Blood Law
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slid his hand down between her thighs. “I can feel your heat for me, and”—he
nipped her ear—“you are so wet, I could fuck you right through your pants.”

rubbed against his thigh as he pressed it between her knees. He rode up on her,
and she nearly came. “Rafa,” she breathed.

backed her into his office and deftly shut and locked the door behind them. He
drew the blinds and had her clothes ripped off her before she could turn
around. He lifted her to the edge of his desk and ravenously assaulted her
breasts. Falon caught her breath and leaned back on the slate desktop. Her
scent was thick and musky; even she could not ignore its call.

arms tightened around her waist, pulling her hard against his mouth as he
ravaged her nipples. Falon surrendered to him.

scent is intoxicating, Falon.

stiffened at the sound of Lucien’s voice. He was right behind her! His fingers
traced along her spine.

God, did Rafael know?

have powers of my own, corazón. He cannot smell me or even hear me in your
head. Unless you tell him. And I don’t think he’s going to be very happy with
you if you do that.

went rigid.

I tell my brother you covet my touch? It is why you call to me, is it not?


be shy, Falon,” Rafael hoarsely whispered. “No one will dare come through that

not afraid of that,” Falon squeezed her eyes shut, terrified to tell Rafael and
spoil everything or not tell her beloved and spoil everything. If she could destroy
Lucien while he was in her head, she would. But she had no idea how. “I’m
hungry,” she lamely said.

am I,” Rafael breathed as he slid down her belly to her thighs. He dropped to
his knees and pulled her into his ravenous mouth. Falon hissed as her body

musk is powerful, Falon. Lucien said from beside her. It makes me think of
things a man and a woman would be ashamed of.

swallowed hard, unsure what to do.

licked her moist slit. Falon hissed in another breath and rose off the edge of
the desk. Dear God. With his hands on her knees, he spread her wider, then
pressed his tongue deeper into her opening, lapping her honeyed folds. Falon
closed her eyes, her body delirious with desire. She ignored Lucien.

him watch. Let him see what Rafael did to her. Things he would never do. Falon
dug her fingers into Rafael’s thick hair and pressed him against her, and as
she did she leaned back and looked his brother straight in the eye.

laughed, shaking his head. Oh, little one, you would challenge me? He leaned
over her and nipped at a turgid nipple. Falon gasped and slapped him hard. Her
body vibrated from the velocity of it.

Rafael whispered against her swollen, weeping folds. He slid a finger into her,
and she came off the desktop. Lucien grabbed a hank of her hair and pulled,
drawing her body taut. He forced her shoulders to the desk, and from above her,
he cupped her breast and again took liberties with her.

sucked her clit, as his finger slowly slid in and out of her. Lucien licked and
sucked her breast. She raised her hand to slap him again, but instead she
grabbed a large hank of his hair and before she knew it, pulled him more firmly
to her. She squeezed her eyes shut, unable to look at the man who she despised
more than any other man in the world. Her desire for him would show, and she
could not bear that he knew. Shame and guilt washed over her. It was because
his blood, little as it was, ran through her veins. He made her want him.

tightened his lips around her hardened, sensitive nub and sucked hard,
launching her to the moon. She cried out, arching her back, riding the orgasm
out as her chosen one lapped at her drenched pussy and his brother mauled her
nipples then shocked her when his lips took hers. His thick tongue invaded her
mouth. She tried to wrench her mouth free, but he grabbed her chin with a
powerful hand, forcing her to accept him.

gasped, caught up in an erotic maelstrom. Fear clashed with the shocking
reality of what was happening to her. Her body ached for Rafael and she could
not help but respond to him, but Lucien’s hands and mouth heightened the
experience. It did not matter to her body that her mind and heart didn’t want
him. How was that possible? What did that make her?

pulled her to a standing position. Lucien’s lips painfully tore from her lips.
She bit back a cry. Rafael smiled. “Your cheeks are flushed, Falon. Did you
like that?”

she helplessly said.

love when you come in my mouth.”

she nodded, trying to keep from glaring at Lucien, who now stood behind his

I see
there is one thing my brother and I can agree on. I’m sure I will enjoy you
coming in my mouth even more. Knowing that my brother will be howling at the
moon as I take you will be my greatest pleasure.

going to kill you, Lucien.

look forward to you trying.

out of here.

no, I’m having too much fun. Do you know what I’m going to do to you when my
brother fucks you?


going to fuck you from behind.

You are

Falon said, as he began to undress. “I don’t feel very well. Can we, can I go
to bed?”

know you’re lying. You will never convince him you don’t want to fuck.

feeling well?” He touched her cheek. “You’re flushed and warm.”

A large
warm hand stroked her ass, then slipped down between her cheeks. Falon bit her
lip and pushed back against the edge of the desk. She heard Lucien’s head whack
the edge


away from me, or I’ll do more than that.

took Rafael’s hand and pressed it to her cheek. “So much has happened in the
last two days, hell weeks! I’m feeling a bit overwhelmed.”

looked up at him to see if he was convinced. The sharp glint his eyes told her
he wasn’t.

really wrong, Falon?”

took a deep breath. “Lucien, he—” She had to tell Rafe. Or Lucien would plague
her the rest of her life.

he intrude?” Rafael raged. His eyes flared red, and she watched him fight the
beast. Falon backed away, genuinely afraid at his instant fury. She had hoped
he would not flash, but knew when it came to Lucien, Rafael had a zero flash

No, I-I was just thinking—what if he tries to, you know, do something

pulled her into his arms, instantly calming. “He is weak, Falon. His vengeance
drives him. It will be his downfall.”

brother fools himself.

are half the man your brother is.

will pay for that, corazón.

wrapped her arms around Rafael and stood up on her toes. “I love you, Rafa. I
could never love anyone as I love you.” And she meant it. “Now take me, before
I start howling at the moon.”

Twenty - one

DELIBERATION, FALON turned around and set her hands on the edge of Rafael’s
desk. Lucien stood on the other side facing her. She wagged her naked bottom at
Rafael, who stood behind her. “Come to me, lover. Take me, mark me, then take
me again.” Her glare never wavered from Lucien’s except when Rafael entered her
and she closed her eyes, savoring the thick heat of him. Her nipples beaded, but
her skin pebbled when she opened her eyes to see the fury contorting Lucien’s

refused to allow her to look away. Rafael’s hands held the cradle of her hips
as he thrust into her. She arched her back as sensation mounted on top of
sensation. Rafael’s taking of her while Lucien watched was oddly thrilling.
When Rafael pulled her hair back, arching her back into a C, her breasts jutted
out only a foot from Lucien. Her nipples were hard and sensitive, craving a
man’s touch.

swirled his hips as he thrust deeper into her. He hit that sacred place, and
she felt her body begin to liquefy. The scent of their sex was thick in the
room. Her skin slickened with perspiration. Her breaths became harsh and
ragged. She threw her head back as the orgasm reared. She closed her eyes.

your eyes. I want to watch you come.

opened her eyes. Lucien had moved closer. His face was drawn tight in sexual
tension. She could smell his anger and his lust.

leaned into her as he pulled back her head. “Mine,” he said roughly and scraped
his teeth along her jugular. Falon screamed. The combination of the orgasm, the
pain of Rafael’s bite, and Lucien’s voyeurism was too much. It pushed her over
the edge, and she tumbled headlong into a wild, raucous climax. With a roar,
Rafe followed her.

collapsed back against Rafael. When he slipped from her, she deliberately kept
her gaze off Lucien, but it was more difficult to do so than she would have
expected. Turning in Rafael’s arms, she pressed against him, kissing him

go to bed,” she whispered.

dressed, wrapped her in an Indian blanket folded on his sofa, and carried her
upstairs. Again, she didn’t look to see if Lucien lingered. She didn’t care,
she told herself. If he showed up in her head again, she would find a way to
kill him.

left Falon sleeping soundly in their bed. The festivities were still well
underway when he went back downstairs. He motioned to Anton and Yuri to follow
him in to his office. He laughed when he opened the door. Falon’s musk hung
like an “I had sex here” sign. His own scent was as prominent. He stopped short
and sniffed. The hair on the back of his neck rose. Another dominant male scent
mingled with theirs.

Damn him!

was here earlier today,” Anton said, reading Rafael’s reaction to his brother’s
lingering scent.

whirled around. “Why am I just being told about this?” His brows drew together
in a hard frown. “What did he want?”

Yuri said when Anton hesitated.

told him to go take a flying fuck,” Anton said, closing the door behind them.

wished the statement filled him with satisfaction, but all it did was make him
tense with dread. “I take it he knows of her Lycan status and Edward’s death?”

nodded. “He also knows you’re insisting on a council meeting. He didn’t seem to

said your Slayer ploy didn’t work fourteen years ago, and it wasn’t going to
work now,” Yuri elaborated. “We didn’t tell him you had the backing of key

been busy while you were gone, Rafe,” Anton said, coming around to stand beside
him. “We’ve contacted the northern packs. Your father’s kin are anxious to come
to your aid, as are several unrelated eastern packs.”

shook his head. “How?”

Internet is a beautiful thing, and since we created all of their systems, it
was a no-brainer to use technology to get the ball rolling. They will be here
by sunset tomorrow.”

clasped Anton on the shoulder and squeezed. “Good work, Anton. I will go to
Sharia and ask for the council to meet here then. But we have a more immediate
dilemma. I’m going to need Talia.”

and Yuri looked at each other then back to Rafe. “Why?”

saw the body, though she doesn’t remember what happened to it. I need for her
to remember! I need her to talk about how crazy Lucien was around his Slayer.
Talia can spot black magic ten miles away. She will support my claim that the
woman had a supernatural hold on Lucien. You all felt it; the council must
believe me!”

shook his head. “By the time we got to you, Talia had called upon the Great
Spirit Mother and you were wolf and Lucien human. Other than the blood, I don’t
remember seeing the Slayer’s body.”

she have turned to ash so soon?” Yuri asked. “I thought only the old guys went
up like that.”

either turned to ash and we all overlooked it because our emotions were riding
so high at the moment, or someone removed her body and buried her ashes.”

Lucien allow Talia to testify?” Anton gravely asked.

will demand the council call her as a witness on my behalf.” Rafael paced the
room, thoughts of his brother infuriating him. “He’s going to be the downfall
of the entire Lycan nation if we allow him to do what he’s doing. He needs to
be sanctioned, but the council refuses to take action.”

council has a weak spot for both of you,” Anton said. “You and Lucien are the
golden sons. I almost feel like they’re awaiting a miracle that will magically
mend the bad blood between you two.”

flung his hand up into the air. “Each day that goes by, my hatred for my
brother deepens. He has pitted pack against pack. Why the council has
steadfastly refused to see his hand in our destruction is beyond me.”

BOOK: Blood Law
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