Read Blood of the Dragon (Her Dragon's Bane 2) Online

Authors: Harmony Raines

Tags: #General Fiction

Blood of the Dragon (Her Dragon's Bane 2) (9 page)

BOOK: Blood of the Dragon (Her Dragon's Bane 2)
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He had cooked a breakfast like the one he had made for her in the garden. That day seemed an eternity ago. Connor placed it on the bed, and then straightened up. “I’ll leave you to it. I’ll be in our room when you’re ready.” He looked at Serena, leaving her in no doubt what he wanted, what he needed from her tonight. “Charlotte, I’m glad you're safe.”

“Thanks, Connor.”

He closed the door behind him as he left the sisters to eat.

“Man of few words?” Charlotte asked, tucking into the food he had prepared for them.

“Yes. And no. In think he’s out of practice.”

“He’s lived a long time.”

“Yes, and thought he would always be alone. He never wanted a woman or a child. And now suddenly he has both.”

“Did you ever think of betraying him?”

“At first. But he was so kind. And I figured I had to trust someone or we would never be free of Samuel.”

“And now we are.”

“I think we are going to leave the city.”

“But I wanted to go back to school.”

“I know. But I don’t know how safe it will be here for us. What if all Samuel's men didn’t die in the fire? What if they come back for us?”

“Let’s not talk about it now.” She smelled her clothes. “Yuck, I stink. Before I eat any more I am going to have a quick shower. Tomorrow I’m going to lie in that bath until I look like a prune.” Charlotte headed for the bathroom.

Serena sat alone, her appetite gone. There were so many more questions floating about in her head, and none of them had easy answers. While she waited for her sister she lay on the bed and closed her eyes, going over the events of the day. She could still picture the look on Samuel’s face when Connor had hit him, still hear the crunch of broken bones. Yet there was no pleasure in the fact her tormentor was dead. Only worry over what was to come for her family, especially her child.

“Clean.” Charlotte burst back in, settling down to eat more food. “This is so good. I can see why you fell for him.”

“That is just one of many reasons.”

“You really like him.”

“Of course I do. After the crap I’ve had to put up with my whole life, with mom and then Samuel, it’s nice to find someone I can trust.”

“Then why don’t you go to him?”

“No. I’m going to stay with you until you go to sleep.”

“Go. I’m fine. I bet that big bad brother of his is prowling around somewhere, standing guard.”

“Maybe I should ask Connor for a key to this door.”

“Relax. I was joking. You are still so easy to wind up.”

Serena grinned. “I’ve missed you too.”

The two sisters fell into each other’s arms, Charlotte sobbing against her sister's chest. “I was so scared. But I knew you’d come for me.”

“Of course. There was never any doubt about that. It’s all worked out. One way or another we’ll be fine.” She smoothed Charlotte’s hair back from her face. “I love you, Charlotte.”

“I love you too. Now I need to sleep. I think the adrenalin rush from earlier got washed away while I was in the shower. If I don’t get into bed I think I’m going to fall asleep sitting up.”

Serena helped Charlotte into bed, tucking her in, and then sitting by the side of her until she dropped off to sleep.

“You should go,” Charlotte murmured. “He’s waiting for you.”

“He can wait a few minutes more.” She watched her sister as her eyelids closed. “Are you sure you don’t want me to stay with you tonight?”

“No. I’m fine.”

Serena sat for a few more minutes longer, but she could tell from Charlotte’s breathing that she was asleep now. Her face was relaxed, the food and hot shower having put colour back into her cheeks. Gathering up the food tray, Serena whispered good night to Charlotte and then carefully opened the door, and with one last glance behind her, pulled it closed, praying her sister would always be safe.

Almost dead on her feet she made her way back towards the kitchen. Too tired to wash the dishes up, she dumped the tray on the side, eager to get to her own bed, and her dragon. She didn’t know if she might be about to disappoint him though. His face had said he wanted sex, but she didn’t know if she had the strength left in her.

“Thought you’d got lost,” he said when she opened the door to find him lying in bed waiting for her.

“I wanted to wait until she was asleep.”

“Is she OK?”

“Yes. I think so. She resilient. Wants to go back to school. But I told her we might be leaving the city.”

“I’m not sure yet. Tara wants us to visit the dragons in Spellholm.”

Serena felt her mind flex and wake up at the mention of the witch. “Does she? And since when does a mighty dragon do the bidding of a witch?”

“I’m not. I don’t trust her any more than you do. But it’s something I want to do. We’re the last of our kind, I want to know if our child is likely to ever have playmates.”

She stroked her belly, feeling a warmth there. “I guess you’re right, But I don’t like Tara, and the less time I spend in her company the better.”

“Then let’s go and get it over with, and then we have the rest of our lives to forget all about her.”

“Can we make plans tomorrow. I’m shattered.”

“Sure,” he agreed.

She quickly stripped her clothes off, and slid into bed beside him, pressing her body close to his as she searched for the warmth and comfort he always gave her. Placing her hand on his stomach, he flinched.

“You’re hurt.”

“Only a bruise or two. The bullets don’t pierce my scales, but they still do damage.”

Serena pulled the covers down to look at his abdomen, and sure enough it was peppered with tiny bruises. “Ouch.”

“I’ll live. I’ve experienced a lot worse than that. Spears have a nasty bite to them.”

“Spears? You’ve been attacked with spears before?”

“Yes. I got brought down by a net, and then some savages tried to skewer me.”

“I had no idea. No wonder you aren’t so keen on humans.”

“That’s not strictly true, there are some humans I’m very fond of.”

“Oh, and who might that be?” she asked feeling really corny.

“I think you know.”

Despite her tired aching body, she felt that familiar curl of tension in her stomach. It threaded through her body, awakening all the tiny nerve centres until her sex ached for him.

He gently kissed her lips, and his hand slid around her to pull her closer to him. “I have never been more scared of losing something than I was this day.”

“Our fates are bound together. I think I’m coming around to the idea that it will take more than one madman to tear us apart.”

“Indeed. We are joined in a way far deeper than this mortal earth we walk on.”

She laughed, and stroked his cheek, kissing his lips softly.

“What’s so amusing.”

“Sometimes it is so obvious you have kept yourself away from the modern world.”

“How so?”

“In the way you talk.”

“I am old fashioned in many, many ways.”

“Oh, How so?” she asked mimicking him.

“In the way I believe a woman should be treated, with honour and respect.”

“I like the sound of that.”

“And in return she should obey her mate.”

“I see. That would depend in what her mate expected of her.”

“There is only one way I expect obedience, and that is in the receiving of my body inside yours.” He stroked her neck, kissing where his fingers ignited her skin.

She wanted to laugh at him again, but the touch of him on her flesh was nothing to laugh about. Instead she sighed in agreement, if he wanted her to receive his body inside hers, she would obey. At least on this occasion.

Despite the tiredness of her body, she responded to him. Her sex aching to receive him fully and completely. He lifted her leg, placing it on his thigh, his fingers going to her exposed flesh and stroking her clit. She nipped his neck in anticipation, kissing him and licking his salty skin.

Breathing in his now familiar scent conjured up the image of the dragon who had fought so hard to keep her safe today. He was unique, loyal and yet kind. She loved him more in this minute than she thought she could ever be capable of.

He entered her slowly, his body tired, lacking the virile vitality with which he normally took her. This was different, a coming together, a reforging of their bond. He needed her as much as she needed him. Wrapping her arm around his neck she held him close, kissing his neck while she pressed her body against his.

Connor teased her nipples, his nimble fingers drawing her arousal ever higher. She moaned against him, her body taking on the rhythm with which he moved, they were as one. His body awoke with each stroke, his hands restlessly roaming her body, touching her breasts, her clit, and stroking her flesh until he seemed to surround her, encompass her completely in his love and desire.

She came quickly, writhing against him. Thrusting harder he impaled her again and again, and then he came, filling her with his seed. Serena felt it spurting inside her, and her sex contracted, drawing it into her womb. A womb she hoped already filled with a new life.

Chapter Twenty - Serena

Afterwards they lay in each other’s arms. His deep steady breathing, told Serena, Connor now slept. A thing which seemed determined to evade Serena, despite her renewed fatigue. Frustrated she eventually got up, hating to leave the warmth of the bed, but deciding that perhaps if she saw Charlotte lying safely in her bed, she would be able to clear her mind of the disturbing thoughts that were intent on worming their way into her head.

Quickly she followed the corridors and hallways to her old room. As she turned the last corner she stopped dead. There leaning back against the wall was Zoah, staring unblinking at Charlotte’s door.

“Zoah?” Serena said softly.

He turned to look at her, his face pale and tired as though all his years had caught up with him.

“I thought you might come.”

“What’s wrong? Is Charlotte all right?”

“I haven’t opened the door to see. But I can hear her heart beating and the sound of her breath.”

With a sigh of relief she went and sat down opposite him, keeping her distance. She still didn’t know whether to trust him completely. He had an air of madness around him, and it frightened her.

“I have lived for thousands of years,” he began, “I had thought I had experienced everything this world had to offer. So many women...”

“I know. But today that changed.”

“I knew you had seen it. Did you tell Charlotte?”

Serena shook her head. “I don’t think it’s up to me to tell her. In fact I would prefer it if she didn’t find out. I want her to live a normal life.”

“You want me to deny my feelings for her? So we have something in common after all.” He smiled ironically.

“That’s not what I meant, Zoah. But she’s so young...”

“Don’t worry. Her virtue is safe with me. I have no intention of ever telling her.”

“Zoah, I don’t think you can change your fate like that.”

“Why not? I thought you would be pleased that I was going to set her free. That she won’t ever have to go through what you have.”

“I wouldn’t change a thing if what happened was the only way I would ever have found Connor.” It was true, all the hurt and pain was worth it. Although she wished she could have spared Charlotte.

“When Tara first told me, showed me my son, I could think of nothing else. But now, after some thought, I think it would be best if I left here.”

“Not yet, Zoah. I have one favour to ask you. I know I have no right, and I know it will be hard for you. But Connor wants us to go to Spellholm. Wherever that is. Tara is coming with us, so she’ll be out of the way. I want you to stay here and look after Charlotte, she wants to go back to school.”

“That is not a good idea. I can’t even look after myself.”

“I’m just asking you to guard her, make sure she’s safe. Despite what you say, I know that’s what you want for her too.”

He thought for a while, and then answered, “While you’re away. And then I’ll leave.”

“That’s up to you.” Serena got up, feeling happier now. Despite his actions she believed Zoah to be honourable where his promises were concerned. You had to love old fashioned chivalry.

“One thing before you go.”

Serena turned back to face Zoah, who now stood up. He held out his hand to her. She looked at him, confused. “What is it?”

“The witch asked me to get this from the church. She said she needed it, it’s to do with the dragons in Spellholm, something she was going to use to get their attention.” He took a step forward and reached for Serena’s hand. Then he dropped a stone onto her palm.

“What does it do?” There had to be some magical property to it, or else why did Tara want it.

“I have no idea. But Samuel had it in his safe, so it must be worth something. I figured if she needs it, then you might be able to use it as leverage if she double crosses you.”

Serena held up the small pink stone. “It doesn’t look special in any way.”

He shrugged. “It might not be. But I’d rather you had it than her. Although, of course, this might be exactly what she intended to happen all along.”

“What do you mean?”

“If you think about it, all we know is that she sees the future. What we never know is whether what she tells us is the truth or if she’s making things up to get us to do things her way.”

“I’d never thought about that.”

“Well you should.”

“Thank you, Zoah,” she said, and then wearily walked back to her room, leaving Zoah to his vigil outside his mate’s door.

Slipping into bed next to Connor, she placed the stone under her pillow. Her uneasiness at travelling with Tara had increased. The witch wanted something, and Serena planned to find out, one way or another.


Heart of the Dragon
The conclusion to Serena and Connor’s story
BOOK: Blood of the Dragon (Her Dragon's Bane 2)
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