Read Bloodsong Online

Authors: Eden Bradley

Tags: #Romance, #Paranormal, #Two Hours or More (65-100 Pages)

Bloodsong (7 page)

BOOK: Bloodsong
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She was to be handed over to him, this ancient vampire who radiated power like a dark cloak. He was to touch her, with his long, beautiful, stone-hard hands. The hands of an artist, a musician.

A vampire.

She shivered once more. Bowed her head, the weight of his aura bearing her down, making her yield instantly.

His light footsteps echoed on the smooth marble floor. Then his hand beneath her chin. Unbelievable, how hard and cool his skin was. Aleron was warm beside her, compared to this being.

“She’s even more beautiful than you described, Aleron.”

His voice was rich, full, and seemed to carry some distant echo. There was a trace of an accent, but she couldn’t make out what it was.

“There is no way to accurately describe such lush beauty, is there, Ever? You must see her for yourself, as I told you on the phone.”

“And now, here she is. A gift, this one.”

A small laugh from Aleron. “I think so.”

“As are you, my friend.”

Ever dropped her chin, stepped closer to Aleron, and taking his face in both his hands, kissed Aleron on the mouth.

Terrible, scorching need raced through her as the two vampires kissed. Lush, red lips to lush, red lips. As they broke apart, their faces only inches from each other, she could see the tips of their eyeteeth, small flashes of pure white against the red flesh.

Aleron smiled. Ever smiled back and stepped away. Something frightening in his smile, and yet it seemed sincere to her. Something a bit frightening about him, perhaps—his age, his excruciating beauty.

Was this really happening?

Desire was burning her up already, and it hadn’t even quite started yet.

Ever turned to her and took her hand, his harder and colder than she’d expected. Absolutely like stone. Like the marble floors of his office. She breathed him in, that scent of ancient stone that reminded her of Aleron, but so much older. More pure, until it was more a sense than something she could actually smell. She didn’t know how to explain it to herself.

“I am eager to taste you, Meeraj. To play with you. I can sense your eagerness. This pleases me. So does your fear.”

She swallowed, nodded.

Aleron put a hand to her waist, leaned in and said quietly, “You will obey Ever as you would me, Meeraj. Give yourself over to him. I will be with you every moment. I will be with you both.”

She was melting as they each took one of her hands and led her across the wide expanse of marble, past an enormous, ornate antique desk, and through another set of doors behind it.

The play chamber of the owner of the Midnight Playground.

The same black marble panels as the club downstairs, but everywhere were the gilt-framed mirrors, like the hall in the Palace at Versailles she’d seen in books, so that everywhere their images were reflected a hundred times. There were red velvet-covered lounge chairs, spanking benches, high tables with golden cuffs at the corners, hung with golden chains. The bondage frames and St. Andrew’s crosses were of intricately carved wood, as was the platform of the high bed in the center of the room. One could fit a dozen people on that bed, an entire orgy. And the whole, enormous room was lit by three chandeliers of ornate crystal hanging from the vaulted ceilings, casting pools of soft silver light.

They took her to the smallest of the bondage frames, a freestanding carved wooden square that was perhaps eight feet tall and eight feet wide, and paused before it.

“We’re going to undress you now, my beauty,” Aleron told her.

Ever’s hand moved over her back, finding the zipper to her dress and drawing it down slowly. “Such pretty, golden skin,” he said, as he let the dress slip to the floor, revealing her naked body beneath. “And her breasts… She is perfect. An angel.”

She felt her head emptying out, her body light, weighed down only by her own desire, thick in her veins, and the vampire’s hands on her. Aleron held her around the waist while Ever stroked her breasts, filling his palms with them, then thumbing her hardening nipples.


“Yes, you like that, Meeraj. I can feel your excitement. It excites me, too, as much as the sight of your lovely body, your golden skin. As much as the idea of sharing you with Aleron.” Ever stroked her breasts, his touch a cool feather on her skin, desire shimmering through her in long, undulating waves. “We have been lovers before, Aleron and I, many times over the centuries. Does that arouse you? Yes, I can see that it does. It does me, as well, remembering. Picturing what his naked body looks like. What his hard cock feels like in my hands, in my mouth. What it feels like when he fucks me.”

He was sending images into her head. Aleron standing over him, the sliding of his cock into Ever’s ass. The sensations, the sweet scent of vampire blood. Her pussy was soaking wet, needy, pulsing.

“Ah, you enjoy this.”

Ever slipped a hand between her thighs, his fingers sliding in her juices. Need was hot and sweet, cutting into her, making her clit pulse. She thought she would fall, but Aleron tightened his grip around her waist.

“Please…” she whispered.

“Please what, my golden angel?” Ever asked, his hand stilling.

“Please…touch me. I want you to touch me. To whip me.”

To be played by him…them…Ever and Aleron.

Ever laughed, the sound reverberating around the room, echoing on the marble and the mirrors. “I intend to.
intend to, don’t we Aleron? To touch you. To whip you. And so much more.”

He moved his hand away then, and she collapsed into Aleron’s embrace.

“Very good, my beauty,” he said, his breath warm against her hair.

Then they took her hands and she heard a small click as the golden cuffs were fastened around her wrists. Long gold chains held her arms out wide on either side, attached to the sides of the bondage frame. They slipped her boots off next, and her ankles were restrained in the same way, so that her legs were spread, as well. She had never felt so vulnerable in her life, but gorgeously so. The two ancient and beautiful vampires stood before her.

Aleron looped an arm around Ever’s shoulder. And as she watched, he pulled the older vampire in for a kiss.

Their lips met, briefly, a small kiss, then another. Ever pulled back a few inches, and his tongue, wet and pink, came out to touch Aleron’s lower lip.

She could hardly stand it. They were too beautiful, too utterly sensual. She had never seen anything like it.

Her pussy was drenched, her breasts aching, as she watched them. Their mouths were crushed together now, the kiss becoming more urgent, more primal. She pulled against her restraints, needing to feel that she was held firmly in place, that there was something to control this wild, aching need.

They began to undress each other, their clothes coming off in seconds. They stood together, two tall, pale bodies of dizzying, unearthly beauty she could barely comprehend. Long, lean muscles, their skin like the whitest satin, gleaming in the soft light. Their two cocks, both long, hard as silk over steel, the plump and succulent heads pink. Almost touching.

They kissed once more, briefly, smiled to each other before turning their attention to her.

Every nerve in her body came alive with their gazes on her—one pair like a clear blue sky she had only ever imagined, the other bottomless black fire. Her body surged. They came closer.

Four hands on her then, stroking everywhere: her belly, arms, thighs. Unbelievable sensation. She was immediately overwhelmed, her body flooded, her own moans soft in her ears. Then her gasp as Aleron gave her nipples a hard pinch.

“You’re ready for us,” he said.

“I am always ready for you,” she managed to get out. “For whatever you want of me.”

Anything for you…for you both.

Ever’s laughter, soft and smoky. “Oh, you are something, aren’t you? Beautiful girl. And your absolute submission is every bit as gorgeous as your golden body, your exotic face.”

They both stepped away for several moments, leaving her bereft, confused. She was deep in subspace. There was no other option, with these two powerful beings touching her, commanding her. Then she felt the heat behind her.


And the cooler presence of Ever.

One moment of exquisite anticipation, then the sharp crack of the whip against her back.


Her body melted, pain and pleasure fusing like water. She recognized instantly the difference in the touch of the whip, and knew it was Ever.

The whip came down again, and again. She surged into its kiss, wanting the pain, wanting to please them both. Wanting the pleasure of it all.

It was a hard whipping, her skin going raw quickly. She was panting, her body working to convert the pain to pleasure, her mind flooded with endorphins. Soon, it became too much. Too much desire, sharp in her veins. Too much pain pelting her skin, over and over. Tears pooled in her eyes, flowed down her cheeks.

“Enough,” Aleron said, his tone commanding.

It stopped.

She sighed, pulled in a gasping breath. Aleron came around until he was in front of her.

“You did well, Meeraj.”

He kissed her cheek, her forehead, and her chest ached, needing him. Wanting to please him. Needing

He pulled back, gazed into her eyes. Some strange intensity in his gaze, but she couldn’t make it out. Her head was spinning, her body consumed with desire. Her heart ached for him. He moved in closer, laid his lips on hers. And his hand went between her spread legs, his fingers teasing at her slit. She opened for him, his hot tongue sliding between her lips, his strong fingers sinking deep into her pussy. She moaned into his mouth, her body burning. She melted into him.


The whip took her by surprise, coming down hard across her buttocks. Aleron’s hot mouth never let her go as the whipping began once more, his fingers working inside her. Pleasure was like a tide, drowning her, taking her under. All she knew was Aleron’s mouth on hers, the kiss of the whip on her flesh, scalding her skin, and the aching throb of her pussy. And something more…that odd humming sensation in her veins she’d felt with Aleron before, as though her blood were hot and moving faster and faster, vibrating in her body. Then making a sound, like the long, drawn out note of a faraway flute. She understood in an instant that it was Aleron’s song she heard, but in
veins. And it was more powerful than it had been before, until it was a lovely white roar in her head.

The whip stopped at the same moment Aleron pulled away. He held her chin in his hand. “You feel it,” he whispered, awe in his voice, his pale brows drawn together. “The Bloodsong. Impossible that it’s happening, yet you feel it too. And I feel it so strongly now… Impossible,” he repeated.

She nodded her head. She didn’t understand what it was about, only the overwhelming intensity of it.

“I’ve known for a while…that it’s happening to you. It means something. You are meant to be here with me, Meeraj.”

It seemed a crucial bit of information. But she couldn’t think straight. Later…later. All she could think of now was that he’d said she was
for him. Her heart surged, tightened.

She hadn’t realized until he wiped a tear with his thumb that she was still crying.

“So, so lovely,” he whispered.

He drew his thumb to his lips, licked her tears from the fleshy tip, licked her juices from his fingers.

“Yes, lovely,” Ever agreed, coming around to stand with Aleron once more. He held Aleron’s hand to his lips, pulled the fingertips that had just been inside her body into his mouth and sucked, then let them go. “I can almost taste the flavor of her blood. Almost. I don’t want to wait, Aleron. Shall we have her now?”

Aleron nodded, his gaze still locked on hers.

While Aleron watched, Ever unchained her—her ankles, one wrist, then the other. He slipped his arm around her body when she would have fallen, his arm coming under her legs, the other under her back as he picked her up and carried her to the bed in the center of the room. There, he laid her down against the pillows gently, the velvet coverlet soft on her skin. As he moved back, she had a brief moment to think that it was this, the exquisite contrast of primal need and gentle touch, their absolute command and this odd tenderness, that really got to her.

They stood side by side, a pair of statues, almost too beautiful to look at—their faces, their bodies, their rigid cocks.

“You enjoy the sight of us,” Aleron said. It wasn’t a question, but she nodded her head. “You’d like to see us touch each other, wouldn’t you?”

“Oh, yes…”

He smiled at her, and slipped his arm around Ever’s slender waist, turning until they faced each other. Aleron’s hand smoothed over the ancient skin, his fingers gliding over the tip of Ever’s long, rigid cock.

Ever hissed, his hips arching. Aleron smiled and began to stroke.

Pleasure pulsed in her body as though it were her pussy beneath his caress. She swore she could feel it, the stroking, stroking, the pleasure of the rhythm, his hand coming over the sensitive head. And she realized she was getting Ever’s sensations, the ancient vampire’s pleasure.

She wanted to slip her own hand between her thighs, to ease the knife-sharp need building there. But she would not do it, not with these two. Not unless she was instructed to do so.

Aleron paused, grabbed Ever’s hand and brought it to his own cock, and she watched as Ever’s fingers clasped around that rock-hard flesh, flesh she knew well. Craved. Needed.

Her nipples, her clit, were swollen, throbbing. When Ever stroked Aleron, both their hands moving in time, she thought she would die of yearning, her pussy clenching hard.

She couldn’t wait one more moment.

“Please,” she begged.

They both turned to her, those burning gazes. Then they slid onto the bed, one on either side of her. She thought she might come right then, simply from having them next to her, these two fierce, ethereal figures, all pale flesh and rock-hard cocks and nearly unbearable beauty.

“Hold it back,” Aleron ordered her.

She bit her lip, hard, nodded her head. Another tear fell. There was nothing she could do about it.

BOOK: Bloodsong
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