Read Blue Moon Online

Authors: Danielle Sanderson

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Science Fiction & Fantasy, #Fantasy, #Paranormal & Urban

Blue Moon (7 page)

BOOK: Blue Moon
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“I’m alright now, I promise.”

“Now? What’s happened to you up there?” He growls, looking insanely sexy.

Before I can make up a lame lie to get myself out of it, I have the most bizarre feeling of someone’s breath on my face, and then
... shit! Someone is touching my hair!

“Dallah I think we should
go,” I tell her calmly, but push my fear on to her that someone is in the bedroom as we lay defenseless in bed asleep, and luckily, it works. She whispers something to Julian, before rushing to me and taking my hands.

We say our goodbyes and promise to come back to their dreams and to keep safe. They ask
questions on why we are leaving so soon, which Dallah answers like a pro. 


I imagine each one of them in their own bedrooms, and just like that, they all disappear. Quicker than lightning, I take Dallah back to her dark dream and wake myself up, then Dallah. We both scan the bedroom as best we can for any movement.

“Someone has been here, but I don’t know who!” Dallah says and we both suspect it was Richard.

“Shit, do you think I freaked the Brothers’ out, with leaving so abruptly?”

“No, they’ll be fine and whoever was here is long gone, so let’s get some sleep. I’m too happy to let some peeping tom ruin my dreams tonight,
if, and when I find out who was in here, I will blow their head into tiny pieces,” She growls out her last words.

“Yeah you will,” I tell her with a snort, not because I don’t believe her, no, the total opposite. Dallah maybe stunningly beautiful, kind, good natured, and emotional at times, but mess with her or those she holds close, and she will bring he
ll to their door. Luckily, the Brothers’, Angus, Parrise, and I am her friends, her family, but I would be scared of her if she ever had it in for me.

I close my eyes listening to Dallah as she tells me how fantastic it was to see Julian again, and how desperately she wants to be with him, which breaks my heart to hear. Nevertheless, they will be together soon, I know in my heart they will, and when I tell her this, I can actually hear her smile.


The next morning, I wake in a mass of quilts and pillows, like I’ve had a restless
night’s sleep. Sitting up in Dallah’s bed, I start to panic when I don’t see her. I jump out of bed and run to the bedroom door and fling it open with speed and force.

“Where is she?” I ask Kiss-
ass, who stands guard against the wall.

He sighs and looks back down to the floor, not wanting to acknowledge

“Prick!” I call him, before slamming the door and rushing to get ready.

I dress quickly in one of Dallah’s outfits and leave the bedroom in search of her.

As I get to the top of the stairs, I sigh when I see Richard standing to the side with a mischievous look in his eyes.

“Lovely to see you, little whore.”

“Get over yourself Dick!”

“Dick?” He asks with a raised brow.

“Yeah where I come from we shorten names, and Dick is short for Richard in England, so Dick it is?” I tell him, while plastering a fake smile on my face.

He laughs just before slamming my body against the door opposite the staircase. Gripping my shoulders and squeezing hard till he has the satisfaction of seeing me wince in pain.

“What makes you think you can speak to me in this way?” He shouts in my face.

“What makes you think you can treat me the way you do!” I shout back at him, and getting his hand across my face in return. I look him hard in the eye, full of contempt for him, while biting my tongue. That bastard might be standing tall and proud, but not tall enough for me to miss the fear in his eyes, even if it was only a flash, it was still there.

“I am the Prince; you will speak to me with respect!” He commands.

“I have no respect for you, I never will! You will regret the day you met me Richard, I swear to it! The...”

Before I finish my curse, two Werewolves dash out of their room, smirking and hoping to see some drama. Richard takes his hands off me and sneers at the man and woman as he stalks away. 

There is no way of charming that man he is a lost cause. He always has been, always will be in my eyes.


“Zara, hey Zara!” Dallah shouts.

I look around the grand ground floor as I see her heading my way with a
beaming smile.

“Where have you been?” I ask her with a smile, relieved to see her safe and happy.

“I left a note on the mirror, did you not see it? Ok, well I had to pick something up from a friend!” She tells me eagerly; as she passes me the necklace that she made for me when we first connected. I take it from her hands and hold it close to me, smiling as I look at her.

“Where did you get it?”

“Dorothy found it and asked me to retrieve it.”

h my god, I thought I had lost it,” I tell her as I slip it over my head, and place the stunning pink stone in between my breasts, so grateful to have it back.

“What happened to your shoulder, and your face?” She asks with her face turning red
with anger.

“Nothing I can’t handle. Thank you for picking this up for me, I don’t know what I would have done if I had lost it. Come on I’m starving.” I tell her as I pull her arm to walk beside me. She doesn’t budge.

“This was Richard wasn’t it?” She asks in an irate tone.

“Dallah, I can handle Richard, he doesn’t scare me. I will stay away from him, but don’t make a big deal out of it, please for me. I want to feel happy that I’m with you, not scared you will go off to find him,” I ask her in desperation.

She takes me in her arms hugging me tightly,

“I don’t want this for you Zara, you shouldn’t be here.”

“I don’t want this for you either, but that’s what we got. I’m not going anywhere without you, and Richard can try to break me, but he never will, as long as I know I have you and the guys.”

“You are so stubborn, you know that right?”

“Yeah, I do. Seriously though, let’s go get breakfast, I’m starving.”


We spend the day together, as she shows me around the palace and the gardens outside. The palace is magnificent and the gardens are something from a fairy tale, not what I expected the Dark Coven to be like at all, with lush green lawns, stunning flowerbeds, and a beautiful water fountain. Dallah told me that I can tell the royal Witches and Warlocks apart from the non-royals, by a silver ring they wear on their thumb, and to stay away from them at all cost, as they have great power and magic, and subtly telling me that they don’t like me. She also told me that to tell the difference between Werewolf and Vampire, is that a Vampire will breath in your scent when you get close, and a Werewolf will look deeply into your eyes to see the shade, as werewolves have a great sense of knowing what you are by the shade of your eyes, which I never knew.

Chapter Six



As it draws close to the evening, the ground floor starts to get a little crowded for my liking; it is hard to ignore the snide comments and snarls that I get of many of the people. Nevertheless, I do, I ignore them all. They think I don’t belong here because I’m not one of them, but they are wrong, and one day I will enjoy showing them so.

Dallah tells me of a secluded bar on the third floor where no one will bother us, which puts a smile on my face straight away.


We change into our outfits for tonight, again beautiful gowns, I have a white
dress on, that is backless scooping down, just above my bottom. Dallah has on a deep purple dress much like mine, but with a v-neck that shows off her breasts elegantly. We do our hair and make-up and sneak off to the secret bar on the third floor, rather than eat dinner with Richard and his merry men.

“Oh wow this place is
... wow!” I tell her as she shuts the door behind us. The small bar is amazing! Everything is glass, the bar, the stools, the tables, and the retro looking duke box. The floor is black tiled and a stunning chandelier hangs from the ceiling.

know this is my favorite room. What can I get you maim?” She asks me in a terrible English accent.

, that was really bad,” I laugh, “A bottle of you finest champagne please waitress.” I tell her, putting on my posh voice, and then winking at her as I point to a bottle of champagne cooling in the fridge.

Oh, you’re good, I didn’t even see that. I hope its Richards.” She tells me, and I laugh aloud because I was hoping for the same thing.

“So do you think Richard will be mad that we missed dinner?” I ask as I take a gulp of the delicious champagne.

“Oh, I hope so, could you imagine his face if he saw us here, all dressed up and drinking his prized stash?” She lets out a drunken giggle.

“Oh damn! What is this stuff? It’s so strong, I have had half a glass
and I’m seeing double!” I tell her with a hiccup.

She near enough falls on the floor in a fit of giggles.

Man, this is some really strong stuff. Suddenly I feel Angus, it’s as if he had just entered the room with us, but he hasn’t.

“Angus is here I can feel him!” I tell her excitedly as she looks at me in high spirits.

“Let's go down and find him, but after I finish this, and you!” she says, while knocking her drink back and lifting my glass to my lips with a mischievous grin.


We stumble out of the bar, and to the staircase, which we walk down in a zigzag pattern whilst holding on to the railing to stop us from falling down in our drunken state. We look at each other and laugh hard, when we realize that Kiss-ass is behind us, and looking so uncomfortable that he actually looks to be in pain.

A girl walks down the steps elegantly, unlike us, and then her phone starts to ring, which plays an Alisha keys song.

“OH SNAP!” I laugh as I sing at the top of my voice, “THIS GIRL is ON FIRE, everybody stares as she goes by...” I sing the rest of the song to Dallah with my pretend microphone, as she stands and watches me with an open mouth. By the time I finish, Kiss-ass cannot wait for us any longer and walks past us with a disgusted noise.

“You never told me you could sing?” She says looking at me in awe.

“I don’t, that was a one timer!” I wink at her and pull her down the last step, as we laugh hard looking at the disgust on kiss ass’s face, as he waits for us to hurry our asses up, and get in the ballroom.

“You need to sing
more often, you sound like an Angel.”



“One timer!” I tell her with a wicked grin.

We both push open a door to the ballroom, and stop laughing as we have a hundred eyes on us. Dallah and I lock eyes as I burst out laughing once again.

Richard appears in front of us, roughly taking Dallah’s arm in his, trying
his utmost to appear scary, but failing miserably.

“What the fuck is going on? Where have you both been?” He asks infuriated.

“Lighten up Dick, we got lost,” I tell him with an eye roll.

“You’re both acting like teenagers! Sober up!”

“Uhh, you’re such a bore!” Dallah tells him, as he drags her angrily across the ballroom. Just then, Theo stalks over to me smiling and offers me his hand.

“Hey handsome, thank you very much,” I tell him with a playful wink, making him laugh.

“You’re going to get yourself in trouble angel.”

“What’s he going to do
, beat me?” I joke, but he doesn’t find it funny.

Hey, come on, Parrise’s friend just turned up, it’s a very special night tonight, but you stay with me angel.”

“Where is he?” I ask searching the room.

“You like the Vamp’s?” He asks with a raised brow.

Shit! I need to keep my cool.

“Yeah, I suppose.” I shrug my shoulders.

l, come on then he is over here, I’ll introduce you.”

I walk beside Theo with a smile, as I cannot wait to see Angus; I have missed him so much. When I was going through a living hell after finding out about Sallack and Mary, he was the one person who knew what to say, and when to say it.

We stop at a table full of Vampires, as I see Angus’s head turn to me and we lock eyes, I just can’t help the smile that forms on my face.

“Angus, this is Zara, Zara Angus.” Theo introduces us.

Angus stands and picks up my hand laying a kiss to it, and making me blush, the little bastard.

“What a beauty, will you join us?” He says with a stunning smile.

“I would love to.” I tell him as I take the seat next to him, and Parrise on my right.

“Parrise, lovely to see you again.” I tell him drunkenly.

He nods his head in acknowledgement, and then goes back to staring daggers at Theo who joins us at the table. Dallah is introduced to Angus, and she smiles knowingly at him, as he kisses her hand.

“Angus, Parrise, I’m sorry for the way these
entered the hall, and watch out for that one she loves the men!” He says smiling smugly at me, pleased with his comment. Angus and Parrise goes stiff beside me and Angus address’s me.

“Is that true sweet?” He asks me with a raised brow.

“No it is not, Dick loves to joke, don’t you Dick?” I ask looking at Richard, as his lips twitch in anger.

“Just don’t drain her, Dallah would be upset.” He tells Angus with a wicked grin, as if egging him on.

“Oh, never would I drain something so beautiful, it would be a waste.” Angus tells him, before looking back at me.

“Ha, I would hardly call it a waste.” Richard laughs, making me roll my eyes.

“Richard a word!” Dallah tells him through gritted teeth.

“Dog house!” He tells the men at the table with an arrogant grin.

Dallah and Richard walk away from the table, while Angus faces me with a smirk.

“Was that you singing

“Did you hear it?” I whisper in shock, feeling embarrassed.

“We did, who would have thought you have both a beautiful face and voice,” Parrise tells me as his hand slips onto my thigh, making my blood tingle and my heartbeat race.

“Can I borrow Zara for a moment?” Richard asks, cutting in on our conversation. He stands directly behind me waiting. Dallah takes the seat next to Angus, the smile from earlier completely wiped from her face.

Parrise reluctantly nods his head to Richard while slipping his hand off my thigh.

I let out a sigh as I stand up to face Richard, who then guides me away from the table with his hand on the small of my back, making
me cringe inside at his touch, surprising me by leading us onto the dance floor. Turning me to face him, as he takes me in his arms to dance, making a frown appear on my face.

“What do you want?” I finally ask in annoyance, the last thing I
want be doing is dancing in his arms.

“I wanted to apologise for being rude to you.” He tells me, smiling at me with a wicked glint in his insincere eyes.

“Really! I don‘t think you’re sorry at all, Dallah told you to apologise to me, so well done.” I say, trying to twist away from him, but he holds me in a death grip.

“Now, now! Little Zara, Play nice and dance with me, I just want Dallah to see I’m making the effort with you, maybe you should too?”

“This is sick! Dallah doesn’t want us to be friends, and you sure as hell don’t have a friendly bone in your body!”

“Shut up Zara, and just dance, or I will feed you to the wolves!”

“That’s more like the Richard I know and hate,” I reply, with a snort.

“So what’s with all this dinner and dancing every night?” I ask needing to change the subject.

“We have much to celebrate, Dallah and I will soon be bonded, and I have allies’ cueing up to join me.”

How soon?”

“We will be bonded next Saturday.” He tells me with a knowing smirk.

“Next Saturday?” I ask in shock.

“Yes,” He tells me simply.

Dallah didn’t tell me the bonding had moved forward or why!

“Why are you doing this to her? Do you love her?”

“No! I despise her, but she will be a welcomed asset.” He says coolly.

“Can you take another?”

“Yes, if I wish to.”

“Well...why don’t you then?”

“Because she is strong, and she isn’t needy.”

“Charming. There are other strong Witches you could have a pick from, so why not just choose one of them, someone who wants you and could love you back?”

He stops dancing and looks me in the eye, holding me tight against him.

“Why could I have my pick, Zara? And what makes you think I
would want someone to love me?” He asks with a snigger.

“You're a Prince, as you keep reminding me! And everyone wants to be loved,
it’s natural.”

“Not true, love is for fools. Look around you Zara, you are in a room full of monsters, no one loves them, but they are happy, are they not?”

“Maybe on the outside.” I shrug.

“Dallah has been sending women my way for over a year, trying to get out of this, it hasn’t
worked, and neither will your desperate attempts! Maybe you want to take her place, is that it!” He mocks.

“Take your hands off me Richard, now!”

He spins me around and pulls me back into his chest as he lowers his head to mine and whispers,

“Will you make love to the Vampire Zara, worship his body?” He asks, in such a cruel mocking ton
e, as I lock eyes with Parrise across the room.

“If I were to sleep with him, it would be all those things and more. Not that you would ever understand that, it’s something you could never feel in life,” I tell him as I walk out of his arms and back to the table.

There is something in the way he looks at me and speaks to me, there is hate, there is lust, but there is no heart.

Dallah told me that if he takes another before their bonding that the bonding will be called off and he will have to choose another. I
will not sleep with him, but maybe I could find the perfect girl for him, no, I think Dallah and I need to knuckle down, and think of a way out.

“Love?” Parrise whispers to me, as he stands up from the table, holding out his hand for me to take. We get everyone’s attention at our table and a few odd looks from some of the men. Shit!
I am blushing like an idiot.

“Will you join me in my room, I am a little thirsty?”
He asks, with his eyes now glowing a brilliant red, and his fangs showing as he strokes his fingers slowly down my cheek. I know he is talking and acting this way for the men at the table, but it’s a little mesmerizing.

“Yes,” I answer him coolly, followed by the men at the table looking away as they lose interest in us. Thank god!

Richard Steps in front of us, stopping us in our tracks, and addresses Parrise,

“Another time Parrise, for now
I need to speak with everyone, follow me!” Richard commands, as he looks at me with contempt in his eyes.

I share a look
of sadness with Parrise, as the men rise and follow Richard out of the room. I haven’t had the time to speak with Parrise and Angus how I desperately want to, and with them being Vampires needing to rest throughout the day, it leaves no space open for us to be ourselves together.


Sitting on Dallah’s bed, now in pyjamas, I turn to her with a raised brow.

“Why didn’t you tell me the bonding has moved forward?”

“Ahh, I’m sorry you found out this way Zara. I was going to speak to you about it, but the thought of telling you makes it all too real.” She tells me, full of gloom. I hold her hand to get her to look at me.

BOOK: Blue Moon
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