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Authors: Jane Robinson

Bluestockings (31 page)

BOOK: Bluestockings
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8. ‘The Ladies’ College’, Somerville Hall (later Somerville College), 1880.

9. Students at Cambridge in 1897 protest at the preposterous idea of degrees for women.

10. A proud graduate, probably of Birmingham University,

11. Chinese student Pao Swen Tseng on her graduation from Queen Mary College, London, 1916.

12. Sarah Mason (Mrs Tebbutt) and her children. Sarah was at Girton from 1878 to 1882.

13. A student cocoa party at Royal Holloway College, London,

14. Oxford ‘Home Students’ (whose college became St Anne’s in 1952) take a break from tennis, cycling, rowing and reading, 1899.

15. Durham University’s first female graduates, 1898.

16. The Principal and students of St Hilda’s, Oxford, 1907. Note the college kitten.

17. Girton’s ‘College Five’: its very first students, photographed at Hitchin, 1869.

18. A portable fire-escape in use during a fire drill at Westfield College, London,

19. The Girton student fire brigade, formed because of the college’s remoteness from Cambridge.

20. A third-year student performance of
The Princess
at Girton, 1891, based on Tennyson’s poem about ‘sweet girl graduates’.

BOOK: Bluestockings
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