Body Image (Body Heat Series Book 2) (8 page)

BOOK: Body Image (Body Heat Series Book 2)
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one of the last cars to arrive at the theater and we’re stuck parking in the back corner of the lot. I smile approvingly, because I don’t plan on watching much of the movie tonight anyway. We’re about halfway through our 30-day hiatus and I’m going crazy for him. I want his hands and mouth all over me. I want to feel him get hard for me, feel his balls tighten when he finally comes.

He kills the engine but leaves the battery on so we can hear the movie through the radio. We have just enough time to run to the concession stand for drinks before the previews start to play. We sit and pretend to be interested for a respectable amount of time. And then Bayne can’t take it anymore.

“Take your panties off,” he says. His voice is deep and gruff and it makes me instantly hot. When I told him I wanted him to get tough with me, I didn’t mean on the next date. But I’m certainly not going to argue.

I reach under my dress and shimmy my elastic lace thong down over my hips. I kick it onto the floor. I move to adjust my dress but he places his hand on mine.

“Don’t cover yourself. I want to see you. To see the pretty little pussy that’s all mine.”

“But what if somebody sees us?” Two can play at this game. He reaches down and adjusts the bulge in his pants.

“Spread your legs.” I put my hands on my knees and ease my thighs apart. I move my hips forward so he can see me better.

“Wider,” he commands. He slides closer and cups my sex with his warm hand. I try to grind against him but he pulls away every time I thrust. Still, when he takes his hand away it’s slick with my juices. Having him tell me what to do is even hotter than I imagined.

“Spread your pussy lips for me.” I reach down with both hands and part myself for him.

“I need to keep you stretched out so I’m not too big for you when it’s time for us to get back to fucking.”

He massages my opening with the pads of his fingers, gently playing with me until I’m squirming in my seat. I lift my feet off the floor and pull them back to give him better access. He responds by easing one large knuckled finger inside of me. It feels so good; I want to bounce up and down on it, to grind on it, but he holds my hips in place with his other hand.

“You have such a greedy little pussy. Do you see how it’s trying to suck my finger inside?”

I whimper when he slides a second finger in next to the first. By the time a third finger stretches me I’m nearly incoherent with pleasure. Then I feel the pad of his thumb rub my swollen clit up and down and I’m lost. I turn my head to the side and bite down on the fabric of his shirt as the orgasm tears through me. My legs shiver and he strokes the inside of my thighs as I come back to earth.

I gaze over at him. His cock is out and he’s stroking it as he watches me.

“You’re so beautiful when you come,” he says.

“Now it’s time to get you there.” I slide closer to him and replace his hand with my own. I pump away at his thick member, giving my hand a twist each time I reach the sensitive head. His hips thrust against my hand with each stroke. I reach my other hand down to cup his balls. I heft their weight in one hand as I work his length in the other. He groans as I pick up speed and I know just what to do to push him over the edge.

I nudge the strap of my dress off my shoulder. It slides down and exposes my bare breast. My pale pink nipple shines in the light of the the movie screen. I lean in and deliver the coup de grace.

“Baby, you have to hurry, the couple in the next car is looking at us and know what we’re doing.”

He erupts in my hand; I feel the semen pump out of him before it cascades down my clenched hand. It’s so damn hot and I’ve been wanting to taste him for weeks, but he grabs a napkin and cleans up before I can stop him.

“You have goose bumps.” He grabs a soft blanket from the backseat and drapes it over my lap.

“Thanks,” I say. “I wasn’t expecting it to get so cold tonight.”

“I guess it’s fortunate we’re good at coming up with other ways to stay warm.”

t’s a lovely Sunday morning
, and we’re seated at a table for three at the Hanover House. I’m famished and can’t wait to tackle the brunch line, but my father isn’t here yet; Bayne insisted on arriving ridiculously early and now I have to sit here and smell the bacon. It’s torture. Bayne perches on his chair, in his best suit, with ramrod straight posture. Only his tapping foot gives him away.

“How can you possibly be so nervous to see my father again? You already know him. He’ll be thrilled to see you!”

“You do not know that, Caroline.” Beads of sweat dot his brow. “I’ve known more than a few completely reasonable men who became complete lunatics when it came to their daughters.”

“You do, huh? I’d like to hear more about that,” I tease. I flag down the server and order a mimosa. I guess he’s not the only one with nerves.

He mops at his brow with a napkin. “I’m just saying, he’s a very intimidating man. And I felt that way about him
I started sleeping with his only daughter.”

“You’re intimidating, too, you know. So I guess you’ll have that in common.”

“We’re both crazy about you.” He takes my hand. “I’d say that’s at least two things.”

I’m gazing at him like a love-struck teenager when my father’s booming voice cuts through the room.

“Caroline! There you are.” He waves from the hostess podium and weaves through the crowd. I stand up and hold out my hands. Bayne rises to his feet next to me. The old man takes my hands and pulls me into an awkward side hug. He’s never been one to show emotion, so the effort surprises me.

“Hello, son.” He turns to Bayne, with me still tucked against his side, and offers his hand. “It’s a pleasure to see you again.”

“You as well, Sir.”

We settle into our seats, and the waitress appears with a carafe of coffee and my mimosa.

“I can’t tell you how happy I am to see Caroline with an army man. I’ve wondered why it took her so long to bring someone home, but now I understand she was just holding out for someone worthy of her.”

Bayne looks astounded at the compliment. I’m a little flabbergasted myself. Dad has never been one to throw praise around easily.

His voice lowers as he continues. “Sergeant, I always admired the way you fought to take care of your mother. Anyone who puts family first like that is a rock-solid man in my book.”

I can read the pride on Bayne’s face. It’s bubbling inside me as well. This is going better than either of us could have expected.

We tackle the buffet line together and return to the table with plates piled high with quiche, bacon, fruit, sausage, and French toast. Dad slices off a chunk of sausage, spears it with his fork, and begins his friendly interrogation of my man.

“So, Bayne, Caroline tells me you run your own security firm. That’s impressive for someone your age.” He pops the sausage into his mouth and chews slowly.

“Once I moved into the private sector, I realized I’d much prefer working for myself to working for anyone else. I don’t mind putting in the hard work or taking the risks; to me it’s worth it when I’m the one who reaps the rewards.”

“And it seems you’ve done quite well for yourself.”

“I didn’t necessarily set out to make a lot of money, but it does provide a level of comfort and security that was previously missing in my life. And it’s nice to be able to spoil Caroline.”

“He took me to his cottage on Silver Lake a few weeks ago so we could watch the fireworks from his boat.”

“You managed to get my little girl out on a boat? I’m impressed. She’s scared of the water. Has been since she was a little girl.”

“And heights. And snakes.” Bayne starts ticking off items on his fingers with an amused smile. My father joins in.

“Don’t forget bugs, tight spaces, and clowns. Her fifth birthday party was a disaster.” They both laugh at the thought.

“I’m glad I amuse you two.” I pretend to be offended, but I’m secretly thrilled they’re getting along as well as they are. “You forgot some of the other big ones: spiders, mice, death, public speaking, corn mazes, mannequins, and sharks.”

“See,” my father says, “that’s why she needs a good man to look out for her. You’ve got your work cut out for you, son.”

Bayne meets my gaze across the table and winks. He relaxes back into his chair, and he and my father proceed to talk sports, cars, and the armed forces for the next few hours.

They battle over the check when it arrives and I’m floating somewhere on cloud nine when my dear old dad leans over, lowers his voice, and shares our dirty little secret with the man I love.

“You don’t know how relieved I am, Bayne, to know that Caroline has found a good man who can take care of her in the manner she is accustomed to.” His voice lowers to a whisper. “Our financial circumstances have had me lying awake at night for months now. I don’t care what happens to me, but I want my little girl to be taken care of.”

Bayne looks confused. And rightfully so. I’ve kept him totally in the dark. I put my hand on his. “Dad, we’ve talked about this a million times. I can take care of myself financially. I don’t need anyone to support me.”

My father waves his hand dismissively and continues on. “I’m sure she told you all about it. It’s awkward to talk about, I know. I’m so ashamed of how things worked out. I thought I was more savvy when it came to money, but really I was just a rube willing to hand over everything I worked so hard for to the first snake oil salesman who came along.”

“I don’t understand . . .”

My father pats Bayne on the shoulder. “It’s kind of you to pretend you don’t know, to spare and old man’s feelings. I’m just happy she’s found someone to make a life with. Someone who will look out for her better than I did.”

I avoid all eye contact with Bayne, hastily rise to my feet, and grab my handbag.

“I’m going to go powder my nose.” The click of my high heels against the hardwood floor sounds in time with the pounding of my heart. I make it to the restroom, close and lock the door behind me, and close my eyes as I lean back against it.

I know my father will tell him everything, but I can’t be there to listen to it. It was hard enough when my father told me he’d lost everything. We’re officially broke. I don’t care about the money, and I realize I never really did. He has to sell the house and downsize and start working again, but it’s not like either of us will be going hungry, or going without anything else that really matters. We’re still luckier than most. And, despite what Bayne thinks, I’d always planned on building a career and working for a living.

It’s just hard to see my father struggle. To see his shame at being swindled. To watch him list the dream house he shared with my mother and raised me in. Job hunting at 60 won’t be fun; I imagine it will crush a little part of his dignity every time he has to reach out to an old acquaintance and beg for a position.

I should have told Bayne a long time ago. I know that now. But the right time never seemed to present itself. He worships my father and I just couldn’t be the one who tarnished his image.

I walk to the sink and stare at myself in the mirror. I’m as white as a ghost. I pinch my cheeks for color and reapply my lip gloss. I run my fingers through my hair and steel myself for the walk back to the table. Bayne will be upset; it’s like waiting for the storm to arrive after the weather advisory sounds.

The ride back to my place is going to be a real bitch.

the table quietly and they’re so intent on what they’re discussing that they don’t even notice me.

“Son, I can’t let you do that.” My father is shaking his head.

“I can’t let you sell the house where Caroline grew up. Where she has so many memories of her mother.”

I slide into my empty chair.

“I won’t be able to pay you back, not until I start working again.” My father’s resistance is losing some steam.

“I would never expect you to. I just want you to be able to stay there, for Caroline. So that we can visit you there.”

My father, for perhaps the first time in his life, is speechless. And Bayne isn’t done yet. He pulls out a business card and hands it across the table.

“And I’d be honored to have you come work with me. I’m still growing the firm and getting advice from someone with your experience would be invaluable. I’d think of it as a personal favor if you would consider helping me out for a while.”

My father stares quietly at the business card, before tucking it into his jacket pocket. “Son, that’s an extremely generous offer. But, from what I’ve seen, I’m not sure you need any help.”

Bayne finally breaks into a smile. “I’ve fumbled my way through things plenty of times. It’s been a bit of a case of two steps forward, one step back. With you on board and think we could make a run for the finish line.”

He extends his hand across the table. My father grasps it tightly in his own, and my eyes tear up.

* * *

e’ve been seeing
each other for weeks. How could you not tell me?” Bayne has just slammed the car door shut and we’re already into it. I can tell he’s angry by the way he jams the car into reverse and tears out of the parking lot. People on the sidewalk stare and I give them an apologetic wave.

“Well, now you know the family fortune went down the crapper. I don’t think there’s much more I need to explain at this point.”

“How about explaining that palace you live in? How did you swing that?” He’s clenching his jaw and slowly shaking his head.

“I don’t own it. I’m house-sitting for friends of the family. There’s no way I could afford anything on my own, much less a mansion like that.”

“What about your job? You must make pretty good money?”

I throw my hands up in the air. “Well, believe it or not, the going salary for a museum party planner is about $30,000 a year.” I know Bayne makes that much in a week. Even someone who grew up poor knows it would be hard to stretch that into a livable wage in this city. “I do just fine on what I make. I don’t need you to worry about me. I just wish I could help my father.” My voice shakes and I break into tears as I think of humiliation the General is dealing with.

Bayne softens. “There has to be something left.”

“It’s gone. All of it. Every last cent.”

We ride in stunned silence for a few blocks. He takes his hand off the gearshift and engulfs my tiny hand in his own. He gives it a squeeze.

“Don’t feel sorry for me,” I say. “I have a good education and I’m able bodied. I’ll make my own way. I just feel bad for my father. He has nothing left. He’s putting the house on the market next month. I don’t know where he’ll go after that.”

“You heard us talking; I’ll take care of the house and I’d love to have him come help me build up the firm. The same things I would have done weeks ago if I would have know.” He sounds genuinely hurt. “Why didn’t you tell me?”

“That the spoiled rich girl isn’t so rich anymore? You would have loved to hear that.”

“I don’t care about the money.” He slaps his hand against the steering wheel. “I seriously could not give two shits about the fact that it’s gone. I care that you never trusted me enough to tell me.”

“I would have.” He purses his lips and I know he’s not buying it. “Bayne! I seriously would have. It’s just not the sort of thing that’s easy to put out there. It’s personal and it embarrasses my father. Do you really think I should have blurted something out the first night you took me home? Seriously?”

“No.” He says it so quietly I can barely hear. We ride in silence until he pulls to the curb in front of my house.

“I guess you’re not coming inside?” He leans over, snakes his giant hand into my long hair and pulls me close for kiss. It’s cramped in the front seat, but I don’t care. I wrap my arms around him and hold on tight until he breaks off our kiss.

“You make me so crazy, Caroline. I’ve never felt this way about anyone before.”

“So come inside and prove it.” I gently nibble his earlobe.

“I’m not coming inside.” I start to protest and he places a finger against my lips. “Not because I’m angry. I understand why you did what you did. I just have an early day tomorrow. Meeting with a new client and all that sort of boring stuff. And I still have to run a few errands this afternoon.”

“I understand,” I say. “I’m just really disappointed. How are you ever going to make it up to me?”

“I’ll cook you dinner tomorrow night, my place?” He rubs my back as he nuzzles against my neck.

“That sounds perfect.” I open the car door and lean back in for one more kiss. “I’ll bring dessert.”

BOOK: Body Image (Body Heat Series Book 2)
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