Read Bonding Camp Online

Authors: Christelle Mirin

Tags: #Romance, #Erotica, #Fiction

Bonding Camp (7 page)

BOOK: Bonding Camp
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You seemed so private when I interviewed you at the office.” He traced his fingertip along the edge of her shell-like ear. Then he said something he’d never said to anyone before. “You know, Lauren…I’m falling for you.”

A smile bloomed on her lips. “I’ll catch you if you do.”

Justice laughed then kissed her. “Come on, let’s get into this water, sit down, and relax.” He took her by the hand and led her to the edge of the pool, where he sat in one of the built-in chairs. “Sit beside me.”

She shook her head. Placing her hands on his shoulders, she widened her legs and lowered herself onto his lap, facing him. “This is better.”


Christelle Mirin

His cock sprang to life. “Yes. It is.”

She leaned her head back, hands still on his shoulders. “This feels great. I haven’t felt this free in what seems like forever.”

Justice clenched his teeth, the sight of her breasts bobbing just above the water almost too much. “What happened?” he asked, trying to keep his mind focused.

“What do you mean?” She sat back up straight. She gathered her hair in her hands and lifted it up off her neck.

The water lapped against her breasts. With her arms lifted like that, he couldn’t think.

“You’re killing me, Lauren.”

She only tilted her head. “In what way?”

His cock throbbed, bobbing against her pussy below the water.

“You, sitting there like that—it’s like you’re offering yourself to me.”

“Maybe I am,” she replied in a sultry tone.

That’s all it took. He grasped her rib cage and caught one of her nipples in his mouth, sucking, flicking it with his tongue.

“Oh, yes,” she breathed, her hands going to the back of his head, clutching him to her.

. With a groan, he released the rosebud nipple and lifted her, bringing her back down on this throbbing shaft in one smooth movement. He heard her suck in her breath, her pussy clenching him tightly. She placed a hand on his chest.

“Lie back,” she said, her eyes hooded and full of lust. “It’s my turn to fuck you.”

He wasn’t going to argue.

Justice leaned back, resting his head against the edge of the pool and scooting his ass toward the edge of the seat to give her room to move.

She didn’t waste any time.

Lauren leaned forward, placing one hand on the edge of the pool on either side of his head and shifted her legs so she could brace her knees. Then she began to move, up and down, grinding herself against
Bonding Camp


him. Lauren groaned low in her throat. “Oh God, this is so—”

Suddenly her back arched, and she jerked.

Justice felt like his eyes were rolling up into his head. She was coming, her pussy pulsing, squeezing him. “Argh!” he cried, digging his fingers into her hips as he came.

They both gasped for breath, coming down slowly from the heights of pleasure.

Justice leaned up and kissed her. “That was amazing.”

She nodded, swallowing. “Yeah.” Disengaging herself from him, she slid into the water beside him and rested against his side. “I’m exhausted.”

He slid his arm around her shoulder. “Me too.”

“Now, what were you asking earlier, before I assaulted you?” she asked.

“Oh, yes,” he said, clearing his throat. “I wanted to know what happened. What caused you to want to be so private?”

“Oh. That.” She shifted beside him. “Well, I was involved with someone, and I made the mistake of letting him know one of my fantasies. The one about the handcuffs.”

“And?” Justice stroked her smooth shoulder, coaxing her to talk.

“It was so embarrassing,” she continued. “He told his friends, and one day, while they were all at our place watching football, they thought it would be fun to ask me about it.”

Justice looked over at her. Her cheeks were flushed. He couldn’t tell if it was from the sex or if she was remembering the embarrassment she felt at her secrets being told. “That won’t happen here, Lauren. We’ll keep your secrets.”

She looked up at him and gave him a small smile. “I’m finding that out. And you know, I really do feel like I belong here. With Cane, White, and Moss. I feel secure.”

He reached over and tweaked her nose. “And you can feel that way. After all, we’ve got a contract to secure our secrecy. So, my lovely, you can fulfill any fantasy you want. We will indulge you in

Christelle Mirin

any way and keep it to ourselves.” He leaned over and kissed her lightly. “But I must tell you, my fantasy has been fulfilled.


She looked up at him. “And your fantasy is?”

He smiled and hugged her against his side. “You.”

Bonding Camp


Chapter Eight

Lauren entered the dining room, tired but pleased. They were supposed to have dinner together, and then she was going to meet with Crystal White, the only partner left for her to bond with. She was a little nervous about what “bonding” with Crystal was going to be like. She wondered if it would involve sex. She’d never had sex with another woman. The thought did give her a little tingle, though.

Justice rose from his chair at the dining room table and pulled one out for her. “Thank you,” she said, folding her body into the chair beside him.

He sat down again and leaned over to brush a kiss across her cheek. “You look lovely.”

Morgan and Crystal sat across the table from them, smiling.

Morgan raised a glass toward her. “Wine, Miss Brooke?”

“Yes, please. And please, call me Lauren.”

“Lauren it is.” Morgan motioned for Rodgers to pour the wine.

Rodgers moved beside her, expertly pouring her a glass. She looked up at him and smiled. He returned the smile and stepped back, away from the table.
I wonder if the staff gets involved in the
fantasies. I’ll bet they do.
She took a sip from her glass, the wine caressing her tongue.

“Lauren, I want to personally welcome you to Cane, Moss, and White,” Crystal said. “I’ve heard you’ve signed the contract and are totally agreeable to the terms.”

Lauren nodded. “I am. I’m very happy to be here, and I’m sure I’ll love it at Cane, Moss, and White.”


Christelle Mirin

Justice raised a glass. “Toast,” he said, grinning. “To our newest colleague, welcome to our little family.”

All at the table clinked their glasses and drank.

Lauren smiled widely. It was odd, but she felt so secure here, in the midst of them, that her inhibitions seemed to evaporate. They began to eat their dinner, conversing lightly of mundane things, everyday things, and Lauren fully enjoyed the dinner and the company. After dessert, Rodgers served coffee.

The brew was rich and strong. Lauren savored it on her tongue before swallowing.

“Well, Lauren, it seems we have a meeting in half an hour,”

Crystal said. “What do you say we meet in the massage room for a little massage after dinner? Just to get completely relaxed.” There was a glimmer in Crystal’s dark eyes.

“A massage? That sounds like heaven. Just let me freshen up a bit, and I’ll meet you there.” Lauren’s muscles were a bit sore from all the activity of the day. A massage before bed would be heaven.

“It’s a date, then.” Crystal said, smiling.

* * * *

Lauren entered the massage room, wrapped in a large, fluffy white towel.

Crystal was lying on a table on her stomach, a towel draped over her bottom. Missy was massaging the calves of her legs. “Lauren, I see you’ve found the preparation room. Aren’t the towels soft?”

“Yes.” Lauren ran her hand over the nap of the towel. It was the softest thing she’d ever felt. “Shall I sit?” she asked, pointing toward a white wicker chair against the wall.

“Oh no, don’t sit there. Go ahead and lie on the table beside me here. That way I can see you while we talk.”

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Lauren nodded and moved to the other massage table beside the one Crystal was lying on. She was a little self-conscious about dropping her towel in front of Crystal.

Crystal noticed. “Don’t be embarrassed, Lauren. We’re all girls here. There’s nothing we haven’t seen before. Now relax. That’s an order from your superior.” Then she grinned.

With shaking hands, Lauren removed her towel.

“My goodness,” Crystal said, lying her head down with her face turned toward Lauren, “you look juicy.”

Lauren felt heat rush to her face. “Thank you. I think.” She mounted the massage table and lay down on her stomach. Resting her cheek on her crossed arms, she faced Crystal. “You’re very lovely, too.”

Crystal smiled. “Missy, why don’t you begin on Lauren? From what I’ve heard, she’s had quite the workout today.”

Heat rushed to Lauren’s face.
They told her what they did

Crystal laughed, the sound like bells. “Don’t be embarrassed. We tell each other everything when it comes to bonding camp. That way the other partners and I know whether the prospective associate is going to fit in with our little family. It’s nothing to be embarrassed about.”

Lauren felt Missy move to her side. “Are there any places in particular that you’re feeling tightness in?” Missy asked, moving the towel that Lauren had draped over herself down to her bottom, exposing her bare upper body.

“My shoulders are a little tight,” she said. And they were.

Missy nodded, her blonde ponytail bouncing. She was dressed in a sports bra and short shorts, looking very much like an athlete. Missy glanced toward Crystal. “What lotion do you think?”

Crystal pursed her lips for a moment. “Hm, the cinnamon. Yes.

The cinnamon.”


Christelle Mirin

“You use flavored lotions?” Lauren asked, shifting so that her cheek lay flat on the table, her arms to her sides.

“It is flavored, but it also has other qualities,” Missy answered, taking a bottle of lotion from the warmer on a side table. “I’ve already got it warmed up.”

“You’ll love it,” Crystal said, rising up to prop herself on her elbows.

Lauren couldn’t help but notice Crystal’s full, heavy breasts were still partially pressed against the table even though she was propped up. Crystal was tiny, but her breasts were large and full for her size.

Lauren swallowed, wondering why the sight of Crystal’s breast gave her a tingle in her own. She’d never felt this way toward another woman. Possibly it was the hint of contact, of a fantasy, that caused it.

Missy’s hands slid over her shoulders, slick with lotion. “Now, please relax. Let me do the work.”

The scent of cinnamon rose to her nostrils. Then a tingling heat permeated her shoulders where Missy expertly massaged. “Um, that does feel wonderful,” she said, closing her eyes.

“Told you,” Crystal said. “Now, I’ve heard your fantasy entails a bit of bondage. Were you satisfied by Morgan and Justice in that arena?”

Lauren opened her eyes and looked at Crystal. “Um, yes. Can I ask…do you normally discuss these things in front of…?” She didn’t know what to call Missy. She didn’t want to offend her in any way, but she did seem to be an employee, not a partner.

“We can discuss anything in front of Missy, or any of the other employees. They are all part of Cane, Moss, and White, so you don’t need to feel you need to hide anything. Right, Missy?”

“Right, Crystal.” Missy kneaded the muscles over Lauren’s shoulder blades, her fingers dancing over her skin.

“I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to—”

“Don’t worry, Lauren,” Missy replied. “You haven’t offended me.

Now relax. I’m going to move down your back. Loosen you up a bit.”

Bonding Camp


Her hands moved lower, stroking Lauren’s skin. She almost sighed, it felt so good.

“How do you feel about indulging someone in a fantasy?” Crystal asked. “I mean, a fantasy not your own.”

“What do you mean?” Lauren didn’t quite understand.

“Well, we’re all about having a healthy, satisfied sex life with a strong connection between all of our colleagues, but say, if someone asked you to fulfill their fantasy…would
be willing to indulge

She thought about it for a moment. It was getting hard to think straight with Missy’s hands on her. The warm lotion had some ingredient, a special something, that made it feel as if a thousand tongues of flame, licking, teasing, roamed over her flesh, tickling her toward frustration. Yes, she was definitely feeling the effects of the lotion, and the touching, and it was igniting her libido.

“Uh, yes, I would be willing to, I think. Short of a few bodily functions, that is.”

“I don’t think you need worry about any golden showers and the like. We don’t normally indulge in that.” Crystal shifted, sitting up.

The towel fell away, and as she slid off the table, she was revealed in all her naked glory.

Lauren felt another zing whip through her, intrigue filling her.

“Are you asking if I would fulfill your fantasy?” She locked gazes with Crystal.

She tilted her head. “Yes, I am.”

Lauren smiled at her, totally relaxed. “I’ll do my best, but I’m not sure what it is you want from me.”

“How about I show you?” She took a step toward the table and slid her arm around Missy’s waist. “I’ll take it from here, but stay. I may…need you,” she said to the young woman.

Missy stepped away, handing the bottle of lotion to Crystal. “I’ll just watch for a bit, if you don’t mind.”


Christelle Mirin

“Do you mind, Lauren? It is one of Missy’s fantasies,” Crystal asked.

“Okay. That’s fine, I guess.”

Missy smiled and moved to the wicker chair. She sat down and crossed her legs, getting comfortable, it seemed.

Lauren wasn’t sure what was coming next. Then Crystal’s hands were on her back, massaging. The tingling sensation grew, heating her flesh. She closed her eyes again and ordered herself to relax.

“Do you like the cinnamon?” Crystal asked, her voice taking on a husky tone.


“Good. That’s good,” Crystal replied. “I’m going to remove the towel. All right?”

BOOK: Bonding Camp
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