Read Bound by Consent Online

Authors: Dalia Craig

Tags: #Lydian Press, #butch, #lesbian erotica, #submission, #Revenge, #love story, #Romance, #lgbt, #erotic, #dalia craig, #suspense/thriller BDSM, #femme, #e-book, #Lesbian, #femerotica

Bound by Consent (5 page)

BOOK: Bound by Consent
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“You can try.” I wasn’t sure I had a palate for spirits but maybe Cassie could teach me as part of my general education.

What was I thinking? Turning this transient arrangement into some sort of permanent relationship. I must be mad, or bad... Yes, definitely bad where Cassie was concerned.

Over dessert of a rich chocolate gateau served with both cream and ice cream – it turned out Cassie had a very sweet tooth – she raised the question of my experience or lack thereof. “Judging by your response to my playroom, I gather you’ve attended a club or a party where that sort of equipment has been available but I’m not sure you’ve actually used any of it. Would that be a fair assessment?”

I nodded. “Yes, I belong to a private club – Out of Bounds – I’ve been a member for a few years now and although I keep up my membership I don’t go there very often. I’m not…I haven’t been very adventurous with the equipment. Also, just for the record, I know nothing about being in a proper Domme/sub relationship which is where I think we’re headed.”

Cassie gave me a rare smile. “I appreciate your honesty, honey.” Another spoonful of the rich confection disappeared into her mouth. “Mmmm, I’ve heard of that place; it has a good name. Would you propose me as a member? I need a proper workout to calm me down so I don’t frighten the shit out of you when we get physical.”

It was my turn to smile. “Of course I’ll propose you. I can also sign you in as my guest while you’re waiting for your membership to come through.”

“Thanks.” Cassie pushed her empty plate aside and eyed my half eaten blueberry cheesecake. “Are you going to finish that?”

I shook my head. “No, desserts aren’t really my thing.” I’d only ordered it to keep her company. Before I could blink, Cassie had whipped my plate across to her side and cleared the contents. How did she keep so trim, so fit, with her love of sweet things? Sex? No, probably all her outdoor activities, exercising the horses and dogs.

It was still early, barely eight thirty, I watched Cassie stir sugar into her second cup of coffee and drink the sickly-sweet brew. The rest of the evening needed some thought and as this was my home turf, I decided it was up to me to suggest something in the way of entertainment. Out of Bounds stayed open until two AM. on week nights, plenty of time to give her a guided tour and get her membership organized.

“Would you care to take a look at the club tonight?”

“Nah, I’m fucked.” Cassie signaled for our server to bring the bill then she leaned across the table. “Talking of fucking…how about we go back to the apartment and work off some of this food in bed? Meanwhile, I will put some thought into your training. We should get to know each other a whole lot better before we go anywhere near the club and the serious stuff.”

“Yes, please.” I liked her idea, a lot. Thoughts of what we might do in bed together ratcheted up the tension. As well as satisfying my increasing sexual need, it made sense to find our level of understanding so I’d feel comfortable putting my trust in her no matter what she did or how she constrained me.

“Good.” Cassie nodded. “I’m sure you’ll be a diligent pupil.” She paid the bill with her gold card and we swapped the well lit restaurant for the somewhat darker streets. I enjoyed the feeling of togetherness when she took my arm to steer me through the crowds, as we hurried back to the apartment both eager for what was to come. I sincerely hope there wasn’t a CCTV camera in the elevator to witness to our outrageous behavior. We were so busy touching and kissing that we almost missed our arrival at the seventh level. Once inside the apartment, Cassie dragged me straight into her room. Our frantic kisses hiked the temperature up another good few notches. Then, suddenly, she withdrew and held me away from her.

“Undress me!”

Her sharp command and stern expression jolted me back to reality. After a pleasant evening out, we were suddenly back to Domme/sub rules.

“Yes, Mistress.” I sprang into action, starting with the buttons on her shirt. Once I’d dragged the sleeves off her arms, I lifted the vest up and over her head. She wasn’t wearing a bra, her tits were small and firm and didn’t need support. I kissed and licked my way down her body then dropped to my knees in front of her. My fingers were clumsy as I fumbled with the button and zipper on her jeans but I eventually won and pushed the denim down her legs then helped her to step out of both jeans and boots.

Lordy, lordy! I regarded her final garment. The black briefs were so...


I moistened my lips, hooked my thumbs into the elastic and eased the underwear down her thighs. With my face close to her crotch, I could smell her need, the musky aroma turned me on big time. Saliva flooded my mouth and I leaned forward to…

“Get up, bitch!”

Mortified, I did as instructed, bitterly disappointed that she hadn’t given me a chance to taste her. Instead, she left me standing, isolated in the middle of the room while she strolled nonchalantly away and settled herself into a comfortable reclining position on the bed.

“Strip for me!” Her heated gaze raked my body turning my insides to liquid fire. “I want to see a proper striptease, the full works; show me what you can do.”

Hell! Do I have the bottle to perform in front of her?

I didn’t have any choice…I must do it or say goodbye to Cassie and whatever the future held for us. Besides which, Cassie would expect much more than that from me over the coming days and weeks as my training progressed. If I failed this simple test, our relationship would be history and, even on such short acquaintance, I couldn’t bear for that to happen.


Night Games






Danger lurks in the dark recesses of Out Of Bounds. Will Cassie be able to save Bryana from harm?




trip for me!”

I reclined on the bed, naked, contemplating Bryana standing before me, whilst I hastily revised my view of her experience and therefore the direction that this evening might take from here.

Bryana’s reaction had completely thrown me. Indecision writ large on her face, she shifted her feet uneasily, as if poised for instant flight. How could anybody change so much in so short a time? She was a totally different person now from the hot, sexy, woman who’d practically let me fuck her in a public elevator less than an hour ago. Or, for that matter, the one who’d climaxed so readily with just the pressure of my hand against her silk covered sex earlier today. Now she appeared awkward, hesitant, or even downright reluctant to do as I asked.

Although Bryana had been perfectly frank concerning her level of experience specifically regarding the BDSM lifestyle, based on our previous encounter, I’d expected her to show a modicum of understanding when asked to do something. To be honest, though, I hadn’t really taken her claim to know anything about D/s relationships at face value. She wasn’t stupid; I was certain she knew the basic rules of the game. More likely, she was simply being modest or covering herself in advance for any slips. Anyway, I scoffed, this wasn’t rocket science; she didn’t need any knowledge of D/s protocol to perform a sexy strip for her lover; something like that should come as second nature.

My gaze raked Bryana from head to toe. God, she was a beautiful creature. So elegant, too. That understated black two-piece clothed her gorgeous body so perfectly it might have been designed especially for her – well, when one considered her career and the top designers with whom she associated, in all probability it had been. Black suited her; it enhanced the creamy perfection of her skin, and brought out the golden highlights in her hair. I couldn’t get enough of her but that didn’t mean I was prepared to go soft and allow her to call the tune. If we were to have a future together, she had to learn obedience, and how to behave. The first step on our road to understanding must be trust. Bryana needed to understand where I was coming from and that even though I might push the boundaries of our relationship from time to time I would never ask her for anything more than she was willing to give.

Bryana shook her head, seemingly lost for words.

Now we’d come so far, I wasn’t prepared to back down, it wouldn’t serve any purpose except to confuse the issue. She must show a little good faith, place her trust in me and pass this first simple test before we could move forward onto the more serious stuff.

“I want to see a proper striptease, the full works; show me what you can do.” My mouth dried, and anticipation set my heart pounding as I silently willed her to obey me.

Yet with Bryana’s apparent awkwardness and uncertainty, one could almost be forgiven for thinking that this was her first time and she had no idea how to strip for the pleasure of displaying her body.

Could it be?

No, I mentally shrugged, she wasn’t a virgin in the recognized sense of the word. My research into her background had returned a string of past lovers. However, it didn’t follow that any of those bitches were fully paid up Dommes. I also knew, for a fact, that she liked being whipped to an orgasm: the sexy little wench had proven that point by coming apart before my eyes when I introduced a light spaghetti-string flogger and a dildo into our only dungeon workout. At the time, I felt sure she’d have been up for much more, maybe even a session on the cross, but she ran out on me before I could test my theory. I’d still not discovered why she fled from Auchtercairn in the middle of the night like she did. There’d been no clue in her behavior before we went to bed. In fact I’d got the impression that she’d be happy to stay the whole weekend.

Just when I’d almost given up in despair, she finally raised her hands to undo the topmost button on her jacket. One by one, she slipped the tiny iridescent spheres through almost invisible buttonholes until the two halves of the garment parted. She dropped her hands to her sides giving me sight of a bare midriff and a black lace bra that cupped her to perfection, lifting the soft creamy flesh into a tantalizing cleavage. I focused on the rise and fall of her breasts, accentuated by her rapid breathing, and moistened my lips, almost tasting her on my tongue in the process. I had plans for those exquisite breasts but first I needed to get her naked, and totally tuned to one path, serving my needs.

“Come on, Bryana, stop messing about. You’re testing my patience.” I waved my hand to demonstrate what I wanted. “Lose that top, now!”

“Cassie, I…” She behaved as if she was scared of the consequences. The demons chasing each other across her lovely face were now glaringly obvious. Had somebody mistreated her in the past or had I made a monumental error and this was a simple case of inexperience?

Hell! Have I found myself a virgin, in the metaphorical sense?

The question backed me up, adding to my sense of disbelief. As a Dominatrix, I’d met all levels of experience bar one, the complete novice. Visitors to Auchtercairn, both my own guests and the varied groups who came to use my fully equipped dungeon, were already committed to the lifestyle and to whatever particular line of BDSM they followed. I sometimes joined them, or not, as the fancy took me. More often not these days, my appetite for the pleasures of the dungeon had become somewhat jaded by the same old routines with the same old submissive partners.

I had never before started from scratch with a clean sheet, a virgin canvas with which to work. If Bryana was that person, my life would be complete. My heart beat a little faster at the prospect of training her to follow my word, teaching her to be the perfect sub, my dream woman. That, of course, would take time and patience. Long discussions and ever harder tests of her devotion and her willingness to serve. For now, and for the immediate future, all I could envisage was taking small steps toward the greater goal.

Since we weren’t making any progress with her first step, I tried a different, softer approach in a last ditch attempt to get things moving. “Bryana, honey, I know how much you want to remove your jacket.” My voice crackled with the increased tension. “You want to do it to please me and, I can assure you, pleasing me will make you feel so good.”

Bryana flashed me a startled glance before she lowered her gaze once more. With scarcely any movement, she shrugged the garment from her shoulders then allowed the soft fabric to glide slowly down her arms and drop to the floor.

“Now your skirt.” I kept my voice even, without a hint of the irritation I felt at her obstinate refusal to yield more than an inch at a time.

Again, there was a slight hesitation before Bryana complied. She slid the zipper down and the skirt followed, the material whispering over silk clad legs to pool around her ankles. Black panties hugged her slim hips, the lacy fabric matching both her bra and the stocking tops.

Jeez! Moist heat pooled in my crotch and my nipples peaked. Bryana was trying my forbearance. I was sorely tempted to leap off the bed, grab her, and strip those sexy undergarments from her body then fuck her until she begged for mercy but that wouldn’t move us forward. Patience had to be my watchword. I ran my hands lightly across my tits seeking some relief from the overwhelming ache of denial. I would get my reward soon enough.

I took a deep breath in an attempt to settle my nerves. “Turn around, slowly. Let me look at you.”

She did as I commanded although I sensed a slight reluctance, or perhaps shyness, about her actions. No, I couldn’t believe she suffered from shyness. I tried to recall how she’d behaved on our first, our only, night together but my memory of that event was a bit of a blur. I only remember she wore nothing but a towel when I came upon her exploring my dungeon and, in my eagerness to seize command of the situation, the towel soon disappeared. Who would have guessed all was not as it appeared? I could have sworn then that Bryana was fully aware of her place, both understanding and accepting the rules of the dungeon. Whatever her hang-up was, she would need to overcome it before we could move to the proper first stage of her training. I let her stand and reflect for a few minutes before I issued the next command.

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