Bound By Her Scent (A BBW Shifter Romance): Twin Canyon Shifters (3 page)

BOOK: Bound By Her Scent (A BBW Shifter Romance): Twin Canyon Shifters
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“No. Not yet Ally, but soon,” he said, soothing her. “I don’t know how much more they can take, baby. I need you to come, Ally. Show us what it takes to make you scream with pleasure.”

Ally was more than ready. She began a full assault on her clit, circling and swirling, changing pace, direction, and force, until she couldn’t hold back any longer. “Ry-Ryker!” she screamed letting him know she was close.

“Fuck, that’s it, Ally. Come. Come for me.”

Ally began to tremble with the stirrings of her release and instinctively her legs began to close, needing to trap her pleasuring hand in place.

“No! Don’t close your legs; keep them spread wide when you come, Ally. That’s it,” he praised her when she relaxed again. “Let us see all of you. Let us watch as your body milks its pleasure from you.”

“Fuck. Oh-oh… God! Ryker!” Ally screamed as her orgasm took over. It was difficult, but Ally managed to keep her legs open as she thrashed and shook, moaning with her release.

She was so engrossed in her own orgasm, she didn’t even hear the five shifters surrounding her shout as they came in unison. Their cocks jerked and pulsed, spilling generously out onto the wooden floor.

It took several minutes for Ally to catch her breath, and when she finally opened her eyes she was shocked to find herself alone. The men had vanished, leaving her feeling empty and used. She stood and fumbled with her robe, tying it haphazardly while she tried to stop the flood of shameful tears that flowed uncontrollably from her eyes.

Chapter Three



It was done.

Ally wasn’t sure how she’d expected to feel once the demonstration was over, but she hadn’t anticipated such utter humiliation. She’d screamed Ryker’s name while she came, for crying out loud. If that wasn’t desperation then she didn’t know what was.

The men had left without even a thank you. She’d been dismissed once they no longer had use for her and her services. She had agreed to today’s demonstration for the sole purpose of the pack’s survival, not to fulfill her own sexual fantasy. It hurt to be treated like nothing more than a common whore.

After today, Ally realized it was pointless to hope that there would ever be anything between her and Ryker Black. He’d hate her even more for what she’d done in front of his men.

Sadly, Ryker was still her ultimate fantasy — tall, dark, and brooding with wavy brown hair, chocolate eyes and a body that would put a competitive fighter’s to shame. He was built like a predator and Ally wanted to be his prey. She wanted him to devour her in every way.

She’d watched him with his pack mates and the staff at the Institute. He could be fun and friendly, but never with her. All Ally ever got from Ryker was a scowl or a glare. She had no idea what she’d done to make him dislike her so much.

Over the last year, Ally had tried to date other men, but none had lived up to Ryker’s standards. He was not only gorgeous and strong, but he was also smart and loyal. She’d seen him petition for shifter rights to the highest of dignitaries and she seen him protect even the smallest member of his pack. No one would ever be able to compare to Ryker and Ally knew it. Too bad he didn’t want her.

Ally looked at her reflection in the bedroom’s large dressing mirror. She never imagined a wolf could be enticed by a curvy woman like her; today’s demonstration, however, proved she was wrong.

She’d showered, but still stood naked beneath her robe in the bedroom they’d provided for her. Ally untied the blue silk and surveyed her nude body in the mirror’s reflection. She was not perfect by human standards — her breasts a little too full to be high and perky, her hips and thighs too wide, her legs too short and her stomach too generous. But what she lacked physically she made up for in other ways. She was pretty, in an exotic kind of way. Her golden cat-like eyes drew people’s attention from her body to her face. She was intelligent, kind, funny, and she loved animals. She would make a good wife to a man who’d be willing to look past her physical flaws. Sadly, Ryker wasn’t that man.

A knock on the door startled Ally from her brooding. She was told a pack member would provide her a ride home.
She’d have to come up with a quick excuse as to why she was still not ready.

Ally couldn’t hide her shocked expression when she came face to face with Ryker Black over the threshold. He wasn’t alone; beside him stood Dr. Jennifer Lucas, the pack physician.

“Yes?” Ally inquired.

“Hello, Miss Benson. We just stopped by to make sure you were alright,” the doctor announced.

Ally spared a brief glance at Ryker, who surveyed her nearly-nude appearance with his usual scowl. He entered her room behind the doctor and leaned casually against the closed door.

“I-I’m fine,” Ally replied.

The petite blond woman smiled warmly. “I’m glad to hear it. I was quite concerned about your welfare. Do you need to be examined? Did the males touch you or harm you in any way?” she asked.

“No. No one touched me. Physically, I’m fine. Really,” Ally advised, not wanting to discuss her mental state with her surprise guests, especially since Ryker was the reason for her current emotional distress.

The doctor studied her, as if deciding whether to inquire further, but thankfully kept quiet.

“I’m so glad to hear it,” the doctor replied honestly. “Please know that if there is anything you need to talk about, I’m always available,” she offered.

The woman’s offer was genuine and Ally instantly liked her. “Thank you. That’s very comforting.”

“I hope it’s not too early to ask, Miss Benson, but I am very curious to know how the session went.”

Ally’s cheeks flamed with embarrassment and the doctor continued quickly, “Sorry - I didn’t mean the exact details. I just meant... would you consider today’s demonstration a success?” Dr. Lucas clarified.

Ally truly couldn’t say if her demonstration had been a success. From what she’d witnessed she wasn’t sure lifting the ban on human sex would be a good idea, even if it meant the future demise of the Twin Canyon Pack.

“It’s hard to say,” Ally admitted. “I did what I was asked to do, but I’m still not convinced that shifter/human sex would be a good idea.”

Her direct comment caused both the doctor and Ryker to furrow their brows in concern.

“What? Why?” Dr. Lucas asked earnestly.

Ally had hoped the doctor wouldn't want details, but she owed it to Gerrick, Jack, and the rest of the pack to be completely honest in her opinion. “They’re too big,” Ally said, trying her best not to sound crass. “The males are too well-endowed.”

Confusion registered on the doctor’s face, “I thought you said no one touched you?”

Ally spared an embarrassed glance at Ryker, who still had his arms crossed over his chest in defiance. However, the subtle tilt of his cocky grin told Ally that Ryker was enjoying her discomfort.

“No one touched me. It’s just, well… some of the men…they, well they, er, um…”

“Oh for fuck’s sake!” Ryker huffed. “What little-miss-prim-and-proper is trying to say is that they jerked off. Some of the males who have less control took out their cocks and jerked off right alongside Miss Benson here.”

Ally glared at him and he had the nerve to wink at her before shrugging his shoulders.

If Dr. Lucas was shocked by Ryker’s declaration, she hid it well. Smiling, she addressed Ally, “I have seen shifter genitalia, Miss Benson, and I’m not at all concerned about their size. You’d be surprised how well the human female body can adapt—just think of childbirth. ”

Ally shook her head unconvinced. “Yes, but sex isn’t supposed to be painful, doctor.”

The physician chuckled, “Maybe childbirth wasn’t the best example. A woman’s body has been made to adjust, Miss Benson… not just for birth but for pleasure as well.”

Dr. Lucas seemed confident in her knowledge and Ally had to admit it was comforting. She really didn’t want to learn that despite her efforts the pack males would still be incompatible with humans.

The doctor turned towards Ryker. “In your opinion, Ryker, have the males learned enough to adequately prepare a woman for sex before mounting her?”

His gaze locked on Ally across the room. “Yes, Miss Benson did a very thorough job. She’s quite the ‘professional.’ I’m sure they have all they need to know.”

The term “professional” was a deliberate dig aimed at Ally and she knew it. She wanted to remind Ryker that she was chosen for the demonstration by his peers. She didn’t volunteer.

“Good. Then I will happily report to back to Gerrick that we are in agreement. We recommend he lift the ban on shifter/human sexual relations.” The doctor shook Ally’s hand in thanks before she turned to leave.

“Um… Dr. Lucas?” Ally inquired, before the other woman could walk away.


“You’re the only human female in the pack. Won’t you be concerned once the ban has been lifted?”

Dr. Lucas shook her head; “I’m not huma—” she stopped in mid-sentence, her gaze darting toward Ryker nervously.

It seemed whatever the doctor was about to say was lost, until Ally remembered something. “Is it because Gerrick declared you off limits?”

“I… he did!?” The doctor asked, clearly surprised.

Ally nodded.

“N-no. It’s not that,” the doctor shook her head as if clearing away that newfound knowledge. “Whether Gerrick declared me off limits or not, the pack males wouldn’t touch me. They respect me too much to want to mate with me — especially the alphas.”

The doctor seemed momentarily saddened by that thought and Ally wondered if there was more to Gerrick’s declaration about Dr. Lucas than just professional courtesy. She didn’t have the opportunity to ask, as the doctor made her way to the door.

“Thank you again, Miss Benson, for your assistance today. The entire pack will benefit from your time. Ryker has been tasked with ensuring your safe return. Please feel free to contact me if you should ever need anything,” Dr. Lucas declared before leaving to share the good news with Gerrick.

Chapter Four



“I’ll be fine. You don’t have to see me home,” Ally advised Ryker, aware of the fact that he was not pleased at the prospect of being stuck with her.

The large shifter snorted in reply, “For an animal behaviorist you seem to know very little about shifters Miss. Benson. Because of your demonstration, you have at least eight shifter males attuned to your scent. You aren’t marked, which means the minute you leave this room, at least half of those men will be waiting to mount and mark you.”

“Mount as in…”

“Fuck,” Ryker supplied bluntly when she hesitated. “Yes, mount. Wolves can smell sex, Ally. It’s unusual for a woman to carry the scent of sex, without being marked.” He took in her damp hair and sniffed deeply, then continued. “Regardless of your recent shower, you still carry the scent of sex. Female wolves don’t smell of sex without being marked. They do not pleasure themselves, like humans do. If they want sex an unmated wolf is always ready and available to them. You carry the scent of your sex alone and it calls the wolves in the pack to mark you.”

“Mark? As in territory?” Ally asked.

Ryker nodded. “If you carried the scent of another male, you’d be marked. You would be off-limits in the eyes of the others. They would not dare to touch you. But since you aren’t marked you need to leave as soon as possible.”

The gravity of the situation began to settle on Ally. She knew from her studies that for a wolf to mark a female he’d need to cum on her, or better yet, inside her.
Shit! She’d need to hurry!
“I’ll get ready and meet you out front in a few minutes.”

Ryker shook his head. “I’m not leaving,” he declared.

“But I’m not dressed. I need to change,” Ally stated, motioning to her robe with her hands.

Ryker’s cocky grin appeared once again. “There’s nothing under that robe that I haven’t seen up close and personal, now is there, Ally?”

He was mocking her. It was low, even for him, and it pissed her off. “Why can’t someone else guard me and take me home? You’ve obviously been forced to babysit me against your will. Go ask Sam or Hotdog, they wouldn’t hurt me and they’d be happy to take me back. I swear I won’t tell Gerrick.”

If she thought he’d be pleased by her suggestion, she was wrong.

“No one will protect you but me, Ally.” He pushed away from the door and stalked towards her. “No other shifter will ever see what’s under that robe again. If Hotdog, Sam, or even Gerrick ever come near you I will kill them. Do you understand?” he asked menacingly.

Sure. She understood perfectly. He didn’t trust her around his men. He didn’t want her near his pack mates ever again. It seemed Ally was good enough to show them how to fuck, but that was all she was good for.

Ryker’s low opinion of her hurt, and Ally had all she could take for one day. Without thinking she closed the space between them until she stood nose to chest with the massive infuriating man. “No! I don’t understand!” she shouted, poking him hard in the chest with her index finger. “You should have never let me come here if you didn’t want me near your precious pack! You should have tried harder to convince the board not to choose me!” she yelled, accentuating her point with another poke to his chest.

BOOK: Bound By Her Scent (A BBW Shifter Romance): Twin Canyon Shifters
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