Read Bound & Teased Online

Authors: Marie Tuhart

Tags: #Erotic Romance

Bound & Teased (6 page)

BOOK: Bound & Teased
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The hit itself wasn’t hard at all, not anymore than the spanking she received the other night. The unexpectedness of it had caught her off guard. She clenched her fingers into her palms so she wouldn’t reach back and cover her ass.

Two more hits then there was a slight pause. Katie fought to keep her position, though she wanted to stand up. Her ass was warm and tingling. Her clit throbbed, and her pussy clenched hard.

“Now my turn,” Ry said.

Oh crap, she’d thought Ry had spanked her first. Ry struck her with more force. Not enough to cause her pain—just a stinging sensation—but damn if her pussy didn’t clench tighter with each hit. By the third hit, her ass was hot, moisture coated her pussy, and she was panting.

“Good girl.” Jed’s hand caressed her ass.

“Very good.” Ry’s hand joined Jed’s. Then his fingers slipped down and ran over her slit.

“You liked that,” Jed said.

“Yes, Sir Jed, I think I did.” She wasn’t going to lie. When she had experienced it with Sir William, it had been more clinical. And she’d wondered why people enjoyed it. Now, she understood. She needed to be with someone who excited her, someone who cared about her and someone she trusted.

“Straighten up and look at your ass,” Ry said.

Katie pushed herself onto her knees and looked over her shoulder. Ry held a mirror so she could see her pink ass. She wanted to touch it to see if it felt as hot as it looked.

“We used the fur-covered paddle this time.” Jed held it up so she could see it. “But next time we’ll use a different paddle.”

Oh, God, how would a regular paddle feel? Her pussy creamed.

“Go get on the bed and lay on your back, arms over your head and legs spread.” Ry waved his hand toward the bed.

Katie kept her gaze on the two men as she walked to the bed. Jed put the paddle back, and Ry went to one of the drawers that held all the insertable toys. Climbing on the bed, she did as they asked.

A small shiver of excitement slid over her skin. What were they planning next? Apprehension entered her veins. Could she really do this? Her hot and tender ass against the cool sheets reminded her of what would have happened if she disobeyed.

They both appeared in her vision.

“Tomorrow night, you will be here at five-thirty, we will have dinner, and after dinner, we play,” Jed said.

“In the mean time…” Ry’s hands were at her pussy, opening her lips, and pushing something around into her soaked channel. “I’ve put four weighted balls into your pussy. You are to keep them there until we take them out tomorrow night.”

“Sir Ry?” The metal balls were cold, but her wet pussy warmed them up.


“What happens if they fall out?”

“You will keep count of how many times they fall out, and you will put them back in.”

“Keep clenching those pussy muscles, that will keep them in,” Jed said.

“And do not pleasure yourself. You are not to come. If you do come, keep track, because you will be punished for each time you come without permission.”

“Yes, Sirs.” Oh, God, how the hell was she going to survive? Her pussy was already clenching the toy, and her clit throbbed with need. They were asking for the impossible.

“Now close your legs and lower your arms.”

The second she lowered her arms, the men were on either side, cuddling with her. Aftercare. She remembered this from the club. After a scene, she’d watch the Doms cuddle with their subs, giving them water and making sure they were okay.

“You are so very wet, Katie. You enjoyed what we did tonight,” Ry said, his lips caressing her shoulder.

“Yes, Sir Ry, I did enjoy it, although...” Jed’s fingers began toying with her nipple.

“Although what?” Jed asked.

“I was very nervous at first. I haven’t been naked in front of either of you in a long time.”

“You did very well,” Ry said, his lips near her ear. “Trust your instincts, Katie, and talk to us.”

The men kissed and petted her for a while before Jed declared they needed to call it an evening. She was nice and relaxed, just laying there in their arms. She enjoyed their brand of aftercare.

Katie climbed off the mattress and moaned. The movement of getting to her feet had the balls shifting in her pussy, and they expected her to keep them in for almost twenty-four hours? Already her pussy was straining against the balls.

She reached for her clothing, which she’d neatly folded and set on the small side table. Picking up her panties, she paused.

“Need help?” Jed plucked her panties from her fingers and knelt in front of her. “Lift your foot.” He tapped her right ankle.

Katie started to lift her foot, but needed something to hold on to.

“Allow me.” Ry’s hands framed her waist. “I’ve got you.”

Her right foot lifted maybe an inch, and Jed slipped her panties over her right, then waited until she changed feet and did the same maneuver. His fingers brushed against her calves as he pulled her panties up. She bit back a moan of pleasure.

“Hand me her bra,” Ry said.

Jed snagged the lacy fabric and placed it into Ry’s outstretched hand. Ry’s chest pressed against her back as he held the bra in his hands. “Put your arms in the straps.”

She followed his directions, all the while trying to control her breathing. She’d never had a man dress her before. Ry expertly slid the straps up, fastened the bra, and lifted her breasts into the cups.

“Perfect,” he whispered against her ear as his fingers trailed over her hard nipples.

Unable to help herself, she shifted from one foot to the other and let out a gasp as the balls shifted within her core.

“I think for the jeans you need to be sitting down.” Jed gestured toward the bed, and Katie sat on the mattress.

The two men finished dressing her quickly without jostling her too much. “Are you going to be okay to drive?” Jed asked.

With a groan Katie stared at Jed. “I walked here.” There was no way she could walk all the way back to Gran’s house with those balls torturing her with each step.

“We’ll drive you home,” Ry said.

“Okay.” She took a step then stopped. Damn, how was she going to get anything done? “Umm... Sirs?” She went back to formality.

“What is it, Kitty Kat?”

“I don’t know if I’ll be able to walk, let alone function, with the balls teasing me.”

Jed glanced up at Ry.

“This is part of your training, little one.” Ry said as his hands settled on her shoulders and rubbed them gently. “You have control over your body, but since this is your first time with them, if they get too overwhelming, call one of us.”

“Yes, Sir.” She closed her eyes, took a deep breath, let it out, and straightened her spine. “I’m ready.”

“That’s my girl.” Ry’s breath brushed against her ear. “But I’m not going to make it that hard on you.”

Katie let out a small squeal when Ry scooped her up into his arms and carried her out of the dungeon.

Jed started laughing as he followed them up the stairs and grabbed the keys to his truck. “I guess I’d better drive since you have your hands full.”

Five minutes later she was standing at her front door, waving Ry and Jed off. Now to just make it inside the house and upstairs to her room.


Ry and Jed sat in the truck, watching Katie stroll up the walkway to her home. Her steps were slow and measured, and Jed would bet his best breeding mare that Katie’s pussy was sopping wet and clenching those balls to keep them in. To make sure she didn’t disappoint them by allowing them to fall out.

“Finally,” Ry said as Katie pushed open the front door and stepped into the house. He didn’t know how much more he could take, watching her struggle.

“I think our phones are going to be ringing shortly.” Jed’s fingers curled around the steering wheel. “Do you think she will accept us?” Jed pulled his truck away from the curb.

Silence answered him. Then Ry rubbed the back of his neck. “I believe she will, but she’s just a little overwhelmed.”

“But if she doesn’t?” Jed couldn’t help but asking. He wasn’t willing to give Katie up, but could he give up Ry’s brand of loving? Ry offered him the domination he craved, but he was a switch and got off on dominating Katie. Could he go back to a non-touching relationship with Ry? They’d have to touch when they made love to Katie together. His thoughts twirled in circles.

“Let’s cross that bridge when we get to it.”


Ry’s phone rang, cutting him off. “What’s up, Katie?” Ry asked, putting the phone on speaker.

Jed made a mental note to talk to Ry about this again. Ignoring it wasn’t going to fix the issue, if there was one.

“Um, Sir, I really need to remove the balls to get to my bedroom.”

“Where are you?”

“Downstairs bathroom.” The tension in her voice spoke volumes.

“Okay, sweetheart. Put your phone on speaker and set it on the sink.”

“Yes, Sir.”

Jed glanced at him. “What do you have in mind?” he whispered.

Ry put his finger over the mouth piece of his cell. “I’m going to have Katie take the balls out while we listen.”

Jed twisted in his seat. They could hear fumbling noises on the other end.

“Okay, Sir. Phone on sink.”

“Good girl. Can you get undressed?”

“I think so, Sir.” The rustling of clothing could be heard. “Pants and underwear off.”

Jed shifted in his seat again. His cock strained against his jeans.

“Now reach between your legs and spread your pussy lips.” There was silence then a small gasp. “Move your fingers around until you find a small string.”

“Have it, Sir.” Her voice was a little breathless.

“Pull the balls out, one by one, Katie. Counting them as you do so.”

“One.” A louder gasp, this time. “Two.” Then she let out a groan. “Three.” A moan this time.

Jed’s dick pulsed. If he released his cock and gave it stroke, he’d come right there in the truck.

There was a pause, and Ry opened his mouth. But before he could say anything, Katie’s voice came through loud and clear. “Oh, fuck. Yes.” Loud panting. “Four is out.”

“Did you just come, Katie?”

“Yes, Sir, I did.” There was no regret in her voice, only pleasure.

Jed bit back his laughter.

“Go to bed, but you’re to put the balls back in before you go to sleep.”

“Yes, Sir. Thank you, Sir.” The line went dead.

Ry let his head fall back against the truck seat. “I need some relief.”

Jed glanced down. Ry’s erection clearly outlined by the fabric of his jeans. “Let’s get into the house.”

They both bailed out of the truck. Jed
ambled toward the house and
Ry fell in step right beside him, their gaits slower than normal.
They were both fighting massive erections. Once inside the house, Jed pushed Ry up against the front door and dropped to his knees.

“Mine,” he whispered, lowering the zipper on Ry’s jeans and releasing his hard dick.

Jed’s hot mouth enveloped his cock, and Ry groaned. Jed sucked deep. He loved Ry’s spicy flavor. Hell, who was he kidding? He loved Ry, period. He loved serving his Master, how he could make Ry groan and shout.

Ry’s fingers tangled in Jed’s hair as he started to fuck his mouth. Jed relaxed his throat, taking all of Ry’s cock. Ry let out a moan, and contentment filled Jed. He wanted nothing more than to please Ry.

Jed lifted his right hand off Ry’s thigh and began playing with Ry’s balls. Ry shifted his hips in reaction, and if Jed could have smiled, he would have.

How would Katie’s mouth feel wrapped around his throbbing dick? Would she accept him and Ry playing together, fucking together? God, he hoped so, because he didn’t think he could give Ry up.

Jed’s cock throbbed as he continued to pleasure Ry, to give his Master pleasure. All too soon, Ry let out a shout and shot down his throat.

Jed twirled his tongue around Ry’s cock, enjoying his salty taste, knowing he’d done a good job. They were both pretty worked up after playing with Katie. Jed wondered how they would survive until they could fuck her. In the mean time... He licked the head of Ry’s cock and then let it slip from his mouth. He grinned at Ry.

Ry’s dick was already hardening again. It was going to be a long night. One he looked forward to.

Jed unzipped his jeans to give his own erection some breathing room. “I’ll be waiting in the dungeon.” He stood and jogged down to the room, his cock bobbing. Once in the dungeon, he glanced at all the equipment until he found what he wanted. He sauntered over to the kneeling stocks.

Taking the top off the stocks, he set the wooden top down. He knelt on the padded seat, leaning forward until his chest rested on the upper piece. He put his head and arms in the stock and waited.

Ry’s swift intake of breath had Jed’s cock jumping. A soft hand caressed his ass before the stocks were locked into place. He was captured. Pressure on the inside of his thighs had him widening his legs as much as he could on the seat.

“Now that I have you at my mercy, what shall I do with you?” Ry asked.

“Whatever you want, Master.” Jed wiggled his butt.

Ry slapped his ass with an open hand, causing Jed to gasp, his ass stinging. “That’s right, my little obedient sub.”

Jed couldn’t see what Ry was doing, but he heard the opening and closing of the drawers. He took a calming breath. He needed relief, and Ry would give it to him. Ry would make him feel so good and ease the ache inside him.

“First things first.” The noise of the shelf unhooking caused Jed to glance at Ry and then back down. Ry lowered the shelf right below Jed’s groin. Jed clenched his hands. What did Ry have in store for him?

Ry’s fingers curled around Jed’s cock, stroking and pulling as if he wasn’t hard enough already. Then Ry slipped a penis sleeve onto his dick and set it on the shelf that was at the perfect level to torment him with the toy.

Oh, fuck. Ry wasn’t going to go easy on him. Not that he wanted him to, but he hadn’t expected this.

The sound of a cap being popped reached his ears.

Cool liquid hit his ass, then Ry’s fingers were there. Relaxing his muscles, Jed closed his eyes as Ry pushed one lubed finger up his ass. Ry added another finger, stretching his opening and spreading the lube.

BOOK: Bound & Teased
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