Bound to Ignite (South Jersey Bound Series) (9 page)

BOOK: Bound to Ignite (South Jersey Bound Series)
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Eyes like his should be illegal.

Her reaction to Mr. Walker was the exact reason that she’d avoided the man for months.
Damn hormones.
She could not control her body’s response to him, no matter how hard she tried. Every time they were within ten feet of one another, a shiver started somewhere behind her lower ribs and slithered down, pulsing in her sex and, eventually, forcing her to seek release—either by distraction or, more frequently, in the privacy of her bedroom with the help of her vibrator.

She only had to look at Bryce to know he was not a man to be trifled with. She’d had her fill of overbearing males, thank

…but if I were you, I’d be more adventurous.

His mischievous, sexy-as-hell smile stopped just beneath his sunglasses.

Christina recognized his double-entendre, but offense would have been an act. Her body drummed the truth: she wanted nothing more than to pick up what he was putting down.

Screw it.

“Why hello, Mr. Walker,” she said, in her best librarian-voice. “I thank you for your advice, but I’d never consider vanilla.” She lifted an eyebrow. Their eyes locked and the pulse in her sex began.

Bells clanged as another customer entered the shop. She turned back to the server.

“Maple walnut, please,” she said, correcting her posture and straightening her skirt.

“Cup or cone?” the teenage clerk droned.

Bryce was standing way too close. His heat radiated through her blouse, contrasting with the cool sensation of the counter against her belly.

“Cone, thank you.” On impulse she added, “and you know what else I want? Jimmies.”

The clerk nodded, not bothering to glance up as he prepared her order.

Bryce cocked his deliciously masculine head to one side. “Feeling reckless, Ms. Welch?”

She shook her head no. “Indulgent, more like. Today is my birthday.”

She wrinkled her nose.
Why had she told him?

“In that case―” Bryce turned and spoke to the clerk. “I’ll pay for the lady.”

She thought of refusing, but to tell the truth, his gesture made her feel ridiculously pleased. Giddy even. She couldn’t remember the last time anyone had bought her ice cream.

The clerk handed Christina her maple-walnut. “You want something?” he asked Bryce.

“Yeah,” Bryce smirked, “a single cone of vanilla.”

“Hey,” she laughed. “I wouldn’t have pegged you as a vanilla man. I thought you said to try other flavors...”

“Oh, I’ve tried other flavors,” he replied. “Once I know what I like, though, I stick with it.”


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Bound to Ignite


Gillian Daniels keeps a secret buried deep in her heart: she craves an erotic spanking. When a friend’s wedding reunites her with the man who first ignited her fantasies, she can no longer deny her desire. Though Gillie has been friends with Eric since high school. She knows he'll never settle down and she'd never be stupid enough to fall under his spell. She's certain, however, that for one night, he'd be willing to make her darkest desires come true.

Eric has wanted Gillian in his bed and in his life for longer than he cares to remember. But she throws him a hell of a curve ball: she wants him to spank her. The idea makes him hot and ready, but contrary to Gillie’s belief, he’s never been involved in that lifestyle before.

Through the night, Gillie and Eric sink deep into the “game” and the bond between them strengthens. Eric never intended for this to be a one-night stand, but as he experiences Gillie's willing submission, his “dom” instinct is roused and he's even less willing to let her go. In the bright light of morning, will their bond be strong enough for Gillie to trust?

Excerpt from Bound to Ignite:

“You know, Eric, sometimes I find myself just a little bit curious. I wonder what it’d be like to play like Lisa and Ben play.”

Her mouth dried. His arm tensed under her hand. He glanced to the side and surveyed the mostly empty diner.

She kept her gaze on him, knowing no one could hear them. She’d slipped a twenty to the hostess on the way in, just to make sure they wouldn’t be disturbed. She held her breath until Eric’s dilating eyes returned to hers. The soft flesh between her breasts quivered.

“I suppose every couple is different,” he replied, betraying nothing.

“My fantasies make me hot. And…and I was wondering if,”
, “you would be interested in helping me fulfill a fantasy?”

He blinked a few times before clearing his throat.

“Are you asking…if I would…if you and I could…?” His eyebrows were high and his voice sounded low and gravelly.

She nodded, never breaking eye contact. She shivered from her spine down to her hips as Eric searched her face. She left herself open, tilting her chin. Emotions played on his features, thoughts she couldn’t hope to read and, if she were honest, didn’t really want to understand.

Of course, their situation was complicated. Of course, sex would change things. Those details didn’t concern her, not anymore. She would have him, even if she had him just for one night.

“Jillian, I—” He looked away.

“Don’t.” She gripped his arm.

He stiffened. Panic jolted in her belly. She let go.

Consent couldn’t be forced. She shoved her hands back under the table so she wouldn’t be tempted to touch him again.

“Eric,” she made her voice even and sure, “I don’t want any promises, really, I don’t. I don’t want to talk about the past or the future—not even next week or next month. I just need one night. I need this. It’s all I can think about, and,” she took a deep breath, “I think you want it, too.”

She’d done it. No matter what he said, things would never be the same.

She looked out across the diner, trying to give Eric time and privacy to think. She closed her eyes. Let him walk out. She did not have to watch.

Her heart jerked as the diner bench creaked. He settled in by her side. Rough heat radiated from his fingertips as he slid them, slowly and lightly, from her cheek to her chin. His knuckle touched the bottom of her chin and urged up her face.

She opened her eyes, and dropped her gaze away from his lingering reserve. A few dark hairs peeked out where his shirt lay open. She imagined how he would look when naked. Dark curls would spread across his chest, tapering off at his taut stomach and then…
Oh God
. She licked her lips. Closing her eyes again, she focused on the sensation of his finger on her chin.

“Tell me more about your needs, Jillian.” His baritone voice broke her reverie.

Light as an eyelash-kiss, his knuckle retraced its path across her cheek. She couldn’t call forth a single sound, though her breath returned in a rush.

There was a vast gap between suggesting a fantasy and actually spelling one out. She edged toward the precipice.

“I…I…” Jillian peeked around him. The diner was empty except for a few old men reading papers at the far counter.

He wrapped one arm around her waist. She snuggled into his hard, athletic body and inhaled. His soothing scent filled her, dissolving the tension from her shoulders. He stroked her hair to a gentle rhythm and effervescent bubbling tingled in her chest like cold champagne.

“Better?” he asked, his lips muffled by her hair.

“Yes,” she sighed. His warmth seeped into her skin and her heartbeat slowed until it matched his, steady and strong.

“Tell me what you want, Jillie. Tell me everything,” he whispered against her ear. His tone held just a hint of command. She sucked in her bottom lip. She loved that tone.


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About the Author



Tess Lamont tried to be a good girl.
. But despite her best efforts, her imagination kept right on wresting her away to places where powerful men appear to dominate, but willing women keep them both guessing and enthralled.


Tess lives in New York City with an often incredulous yet marvelously supportive husband. She enjoys writing romance, reading romance, web surfing, laughing with her best friend ‘til her sides hurt, wine and cheese. She hopes her tales of wicked, lusty love leave her readers breathless.


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Note from Tess:

Thank you for purchasing & reading my story. Writing stories has always been my dream, and I sincerely hope you’ve enjoyed this creation. I love to hear from readers and can be reached through the contact form on my website.
Reviews of any sort are greatly appreciated!


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BOOK: Bound to Ignite (South Jersey Bound Series)
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