Read Boxed Set: The His Submissive Series Complete Collection (Part One-Part Twelve) Online

Authors: Ava Claire

Tags: #Alpha Male, #billionaire, #bdsm erotic romance, #alpha male romance, #bdsm romance, #billionaire romance

Boxed Set: The His Submissive Series Complete Collection (Part One-Part Twelve) (8 page)

BOOK: Boxed Set: The His Submissive Series Complete Collection (Part One-Part Twelve)
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I gave her a halfhearted smile and swallowed the lump in my throat. "You know, I'm not very hungry either."


"I'll see you in the morning."

I moved to the lobby, shooting a look toward the entrance where Rachel posed for pictures, each one snapped better than the last.

Who was I kidding, thinking that Jacob could have a connection with me?
I thought despondently. I tried to get close and he took two steps back. And now on top of that, I was competing with Rachel Laraby?

I walked briskly in the direction of the elevator, but a bellhop stood in my way, looking over at Rachel like she was his soulmate.

Molto bella
, no?” he said with a sigh.

didn’t need a dictionary to figure out what he said. “Yep,” I said acidly, pushing past him. “She’s gorgeous.”


fussed over my hair, trying to tug it into submission. With a groan of frustration, I snatched a Chanel scarf from the bundle of accessories Jacob had given me. I gathered my dark spirals into a bun at the nape of my neck then wrapped the scarf around the rest, letting only a curve of curls peek out. Paired with a black sheath dress and gold sandals, I actually pulled off chic.

Appearances can be deceiving,
I thought glumly, grabbing my purse stuffed with a planner and a notebook. Truth was, I felt like the new girl on the first day of school, completely out of my element.

I moved to the elevator and punched the ‘C’ for the conference floor and the elevator zipped me to my destination.

You can do this,
I thought to myself.
You’re just taking notes

But the thought of being in a room with Rachel Laraby was enough to make me hyperventilate. I hated to admit it, but the notion that she’d ever been with Jacob coupled with her disbelief that he could be attracted to someone like me was enough to make my blood boil.

I took a deep breath as I rounded the corner and came face to face with the ornate door of the room Jacob reserved for the meeting.
Here we go

When I pushed into C12, the sight of Allegra, dressed in a crisp charcoal jacket, slacks, and a supportive smile, was enough to make me sigh with relief.

“Leila,” she breathed, bringing me a piping cup of coffee. “You look well rested.”

I gave her a look and glanced at the clock on the wall. It was three minutes ‘til 10. “Jacob’s running late?”

She moved to a table on the wall, lined with fruit, slices of bread, and cheeses. “He had to pick up Rachel.”

A part of me couldn’t help but leap at the last bit. ‘Pick up’ meant that they hadn’t spent the night together. When Allegra turned and gave me a curious look, I brought the mug to my mouth, trying to hide the smile on my lips. If she picked up on my reaction there’d be even more questions, which meant more confusing emotions for me to muddle through.

The door creaked open and the sound of Rachel chattering about chateaus and gondolas came rushing in.

“You should have seen it, Jacob. The stars, the music, the water.” She cozied up to him, obviously for my benefit. “Maybe tonight?”

I hated myself for moving to a table near them, making my presence known. I found his gaze and held it, silently hoping he would just tell her “No” flat out. That he had something planned. Had someone.

Jacob only looked at me for a moment before he broke away, extricating himself from her arm. “Perhaps we should talk about this later, Rachel.”

I bristled at his vague response, slamming my purse onto the table. “Good morning.”

Rachel turned her head in my direction, flashing a smile so sweet it could rot teeth. “Oh, hello, Miss Montgomery.”

Jacob gave me a gruff nod. “Good morning, Leila.”

Rachel struck a pose, making sure I got an eyeful of the body hugging royal blue dress she wore, paired with onyx colored stilettos that made her lean legs sing. She was pulling out the big guns.

“I think it’s great that it’s all hands on deck for little old me,” she said, giving me a coy look. “Even the non-essential personnel.”

I opened my mouth and spied Jacob’s pained look and thought better of it. “I’m just ready to get to work. as I’m sure we all are, Miss Laraby.”

“Rachel, I insist!” she drawled. “After all, I’m not that much older than you.” She winked before strutting over to the refreshment table.

Jacob followed her and as soon as his back was to me, I rolled my eyes, slumping a little in my chair. This was going to be the longest meeting of my life.

I tried to focus on happier things than the snark I knew was in store. Like how Jacob was wearing the hell out of a white button down shirt and tan slacks. His pants hugged him in all the right places, drawing my eye to the snug fit of him. I wanted him so bad that I could feel the dampness spreading in my panties. My mouth watered at the image of us wrapped up in each other.

I forced my eyes to the table, crossing my legs and saying a prayer that I’d make it through without mouthing off to Rachel.


I lifted my head, surprised to see Jacob staring down at me. “Y-yes?”

“I hope your room is satisfactory.”

If I’d had a pencil in my hand, I probably would’ve snapped it in two. “You hope my room is satisfactory?” I tried to take a breath, but it did me no good. “That’s all you have to say to me?”

His eyes softened, but Rachel’s laugh cut through whatever moment we were about to have and he glanced away. When he turned back to me, the mask was back in place. “We’ll talk later.”

“Oh that’s not necessary,” I said frostily. “Unless you have further business or...submissive needs, we don’t really have anything else to say.” I pushed back from the table. “Excuse me.”

I knew a storm was brewing and I would get an earful later, but it was in the best interest of us both that I got a little space.

When I made it to the table, Allegra offered me some bread and cheese. “
?” Remembering, she clarified. “Hungry?”

“Starved,” I said, taking the small crystal plate.

Allegra held a second plate that she probably meant for herself, but Rachel was hovering so she offered it to her.

“No thank you, Al,” Rachel said, crinkling her nose. “Carbs go straight to my hips.” Her green eyes zeroed in on me before she pivoted on her stilettos and strut back to the table where Jacob sat.

Allegra and I exchanged a look and I plunked a piece of bread in my mouth, savoring it with an exaggerated moan. Allegra laughed and gave my shoulder a supportive squeeze.

“Ready?” she asked gently.

“Nope,” I said honestly, dusting off my hands. “But let’s get it over with.”

We filed over to the table and sat down, all eyes turning to Jacob.

"Alright," he began, calling the meeting to order. "I believe introductions have been made so we'll jump right in." As I flipped open my tablet and poised the pen over the paper, his brow arched in surprise. "Where is the iPad?"

"The iPad?" I licked my chapped lips, trying hard to ignore Rachel's glare. "It's up in the room."

His mouth crossed in displeasure and I geared myself up for a chewing out, but instead, he leaned in, his voice quiet. "In the future, your iPad doesn't leave your side. All of the information and important correspondence will be maintained and exchanged electronically."

Duh, Lay!
"O-Of course. It won't happen again."

Rachel set her glass of ice water down and the cubes were like nails on a chalkboard. "But how would she draw hearts in the margins if she had an iPad?"

I looked her square in the face, a retort on my tongue that was
gonna get me in trouble. Allegra cleared her throat, grounding me, and I just let it go, turning back to Jacob.

We discussed the press junket that was scheduled after lunch, complete with all the talking points from the director and studio. If any reporters asked about her recent stint in rehab, she was to refer to it as a period of growth and divert attention back to the film. During the screening, she was to pause for photographs only and then exit discreetly for the charity after party.

Jacob's voice deepened to the low, authoritative tone that gave me chills as he wrapped it up. "There is to be no alcohol consumption of any kind, Rachel." He gestured at her glass of water. "We've arranged for a substantial amount of Evian and Perrier and I don't care if you tape it to your wrist like a corsage, but when you're in public, no glasses, no cups. Everything is bottled and clearly H20."

She bat her eyes at him dismissively. "You and your rules."

"I mean it," he said, no undercurrent of joking to be found. "Remember what we discussed last night. My terms are non-negotiable."

The gasp that shot from my lips was gone before I could stifle it. The rational part of me knew that it was possible that the two of them met platonically. But since Jacob Whitmore touched me, there was no room for anything except irrationality and doubt. And Rachel squeezed right into that hole of uncertainty.

"What is it, sweetheart?" she said, with condescension practically oozing from every word. She steepled her fingers beneath her chin and let out a gasp of her own. "Are you finally getting that the billionaire doesn't ride off into the sunset with the help?"

I shoved back from the table, my anger erupting from my lips. "I'm not gonna sit here and put up with this bitch for one more second."

Rachel went wide eyed. "What did she just call me?" She stood up too, crossing her arms tight against her chest. "I refuse to work with her, Jacob. I absolutely

All eyes were on him and I could tell from the way he grit his teeth that he wasn't happy with any of us. Still, he remained quiet.

His silence only stoked her indignation. "Jakey, did you hear me? I said-"

," he said curtly. "And I think we all need to take a breath." He looked at each of us, daring us to question him. I had a lot more to say, but I jutted out my lip. Rachel flipped her hair. Allegra was still as a statue.

"Now," Jacob said after a moment. "Everyone's a little on edge. Leila, I believe you owe Ms. Laraby an apology."

"What?" I snapped. He couldn't be serious.

He moved to my side and dropped his volume level. "I know Rachel can be trying, but she's our client. As such, you have to put aside your baggage-"

baggage?" I said in disbelief. "She's been treating me like crap since the moment she met me. Any baggage was already packed and ready to go. Her baggage is
." I stepped away from him, getting Rachel in my crosshairs. "I'm sorry I'm the first person to call you that to your face."

Seeing nothing but red, I found my way to the door and threw it open. Tears of frustration cascaded down my face and I knew I looked horrible from the stares I got, but I didn't care. On some level, I knew I wasn't being professional, that Jacob was right about putting aside my issues for the job, but that woman had a way of getting under my skin. I couldn’t just let it go.

As soon as I opened the door to my room and saw Jacob’s card on the bed, I knew it was a little more than a client with an attitude. It was the idea that she liked him. That maybe he'd been with her. That he'd cared about her. It was the thought that maybe instead of coming to my bed last night, he'd gone to hers.

"Doesn't matter now," I whispered, walking to the bed and sinking into the mattress. What came next was pretty obvious—no way Jacob would let our exchange fly, especially in front of a client. I'd gone from applicant to research aide to personal assistant to the boss....and now, back to unemployment.

The door echoed with knocks and I peeked at it. Probably the staff removing me from the premises. Another sets of knocks, more urgent followed—along with a familiar voice that made my heart stop.

"Leila, open the door."

I kicked my legs over the edge of the bed and snatched the door open, lips rounding in shock. "Jacob."

The side of mouth curled upward. "So you
know how to obey."

He was upon me, his lips crashing into my lips as he kicked the door closed with his foot. I had no time to catch my breath as he spun me around and slammed me against the door. The spasm of pain was dulled by the tenderness of him holding the sides of my face. It was confusing; the mixture of force and power as he pinned me in place contrasting with him caressing me like I was something precious.

He pulled back, scanning my face and gauging my reaction. I brought a shaky hand to my lips, still feeling him there before I let out a giggle.

"I guess this means I still have a job."

His eyes sparkled and when he smiled, I felt the warmth in it down to my very bones. It was quickly replaced by lust as he roped an arm around my waist and pulled me in close.

"The last thing I want to talk about right now is work."

His touch tightened, the hands at the curve of my back venturing down until he clutched my ass. His mouth possessed mine and with those luscious lips pressed against me I knew I was in major trouble. The
boom boom
in my chest was more than arousal, the blood rushing through my veins more than the fantasy of finally being with him. I'd do anything for him.


When we came up for air, he reached around and unhinged my scarf. My hands instantly flew to my hair, but he brought them back down with a look that made my core clench. Without using a single word, he'd just given me an order.

He ran his pointer along my jaw line and even that slight touch made me tremble for more. But his hands didn't drop to the usual suspects; not to my breasts, finding my nipples solid and aching, or down further, to the part of me that was dripping wet. No—he bit his lip as he toyed with the stray curls from my bun. He reached to the base of my neck, unwrapping my ponytail and freed my wild hair. He threaded his fingers through my locks before dropping his mouth to my ear.

"That's better."

I let out a moan and reached for his pants, trying to get at him, trying to be with him totally and completely, but he gripped my wrists.

BOOK: Boxed Set: The His Submissive Series Complete Collection (Part One-Part Twelve)
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