Read Brainy and the Beast Online

Authors: J. M. Cartwright

Tags: #Romance, #Erotic Romance, #Gay, #Contemporary

Brainy and the Beast (24 page)

BOOK: Brainy and the Beast
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“Slow down. I don’t want you going off before I’m ready.” When I obediently dropped my hand to the bed, he gave me a half smile. “Good boy.”

In almost automatic response, I bent my knee, spreading myself open. “Jesus.” I punched the pillows behind me, pushing myself higher up the bed.

Henry was looking like he had something serious in mind, because his gaze continued to roam over me as he finished undressing. He set his clothes over the arm of the upholstered chair, neatnik that he was, then approached the bed. Setting one knee on the edge, he balanced on a palm. “Why don’t you open that drawer there and pull out your favorite?”

Almost whimpering again, I rolled to my side in a flash and pulled the lower drawer of the nightstand open. In my zest, I yanked it out so far that it spilled onto the floor. I ignored Henry’s devilish chuckle behind me and pawed feverishly through the toys. I was looking for the thick, realistic-looking dildo that I knew Henry loved to be fucked with. If he was in a mood for that kind of play, I was all for it.

“Oh, perfect,” he purred. Knee walking up to me as I once again lay on my back, he straddled my waist. “Did you grab the lube?”

“Shit.” Fuck, what was wrong with me? I was practically out of my mind with the thought of plowing the doc. And maybe all that new
I was doing?

“Tsk-tsk.” Henry stretched himself, and I watched in admiration as his muscles coiled and shifted. The man was a study in layers. He cloaked himself in
ish scientist clothing, and he had a quiet manner that had at first led me to believe he was something of a pussycat. Hah. Far from it. The man was tough, superintelligent, and he was kind of a slut in bed. Wasn’t much he wouldn’t try. “Here we go.”

“Yeah. Yeah. Get yourself ready, Doc.” I licked my lips, visualizing him with that ten-inch dildo in his ass. “I want to fuck you with that.”

“Do you?” Henry sat back on my thighs, popping the top on the lube. He slicked up the monster cock, taking his time. “I was thinking we’d try something a little different.” With that, he slid backward enough to get one hand under my right thigh. Before I knew what he was doing, he’d pulled upward, setting my foot flat on the bed, spreading me wide.

“Wait. What the fuck?”

“Exactly.” With that, Henry yanked my other leg up and out, then muscled his knees into place, holding me open. He was swift, pressing two wet fingers to my hole and pushing in.


“I repeat: exactly.” He drove his fingers in, spreading them wide, and the burn was fast, hot, and
good. I did say that I liked it a little rough, didn’t I?

“Henry.” I felt compelled to complain, even though what he was doing was
good. “Ooh. Doc. Yeah.” I couldn’t seem to make up my mind. Did I want him to stop, or did I want him to continue?

“Yes. I know. It’s good, isn’t it? There you go,” he soothed. He’d added a third finger by this time, and I grabbed one knee to open myself even wider. I certainly had no qualms about getting fucked—loved it, in fact—and I slouched down a little in the bedding to get his fingers in the vicinity I wanted. When he pulled his hand back at that moment, I cursed.

“Just a moment, Nicholas.” He shifted his weight to make room for the dildo.

I gaped at him. “You’re gonna use that?” I’d forgotten about it, to tell the truth. I was hoping he’d be sticking his seven-inch monster into me. “But, Doc—”

His answer was to press the dildo into me, and I cried out at the move. “Fuck! Fuck! Fuck!” Even though he’d stretched me, the silicone toy was an alien invader. Until it banged against my prostate, that is. “Holy shit!”

With what I’d call a demonic grin, Henry loomed over me, one hand planted near my shoulder, slowly moving the toy in and out of my ass. His own dick was dripping, and as I rolled my head on the pillows, I imagined taking it into my mouth and licking up all that precum.

My hands clenched in the sheets, and I humped up and down to the rhythm of the toy in my ass. “God, Henry. God. I want—” I couldn’t even finish the sentence as he nudged my gland again.

“Yes. You like that, don’t you?” Henry continued to fuck me, the dildo moving deeper with each stroke. “I’ve wanted to do this for a while now. You’ve been driving me insane not knowing what’s going on inside that head of yours, and”—he grunted as he slid closer—“I knew you needed me to—”

He didn’t finish his sentence, but by that time I pretty much didn’t care. I reached for my dick again. Henry stopped what he was doing long enough to knock my hand aside. I whined.

“No, don’t do that.” He shoved the dildo almost the entire way inside me, and I gasped at the feeling of fullness. “I’ll take care of you.” He retreated, then pressed some more, and the toy moved another inch deeper. He curled his spine and scooted down enough to take me into his mouth. His lips sucked at my head. Then his tongue pushed into my slit, fucking it slowly.

I called out hoarsely. I’d never felt so full, so impaled, so stuffed. I was babbling by that time, reaching out for Henry, begging him to come closer. “Please. Please.”

He met my gaze as he raised his head. “Oh, yes. Yes.” If he sounded triumphant by that time, I couldn’t have cared less. Leaving the dildo stuffed in my ass, Henry scooted up onto my chest, his knees pushing my arms all the way up. “Grab the headboard.”

I floundered, my hands banging against the wood until they found purchase under the lower edge of the headboard. Henry moved so that his cock was at a level with my mouth and his knees were practically in my ears.
Holy shit, he’s caging me
. I almost came at the thought of it. My ass worked the dildo and my hips rolled as I tried to madly fuck myself on it.

“Now.” His voice had gotten so deep it was almost scratchy. “Now you’ll take me.” He bumped my lips with the slippery head of his dick, and I opened without hesitation. “That’s a good boy.”

. He knew that got to me. When he pushed himself forward into my mouth, I took him deep, so hot, so turned on I couldn’t think of doing anything else. He was aggressive, and I jerked my head back into the pillow in reaction.

“Oh, oh, easy there.” He soothed me as though I were a fractious stallion on Derby Day at Churchill Downs. “That’s a good boy; you can take it. Let me in, Nicholas. Let me in.” Slowing down, he eased forward, testing my ability to deep throat him.

With a groan, I relaxed my throat. I hadn’t done this all too often, but I remembered the way. I breathed through my nose as much as I could, gulping in air when Henry pulled back. He got a rhythm of sorts going, then paused. I could see him twisting around to look behind. He stretched to shove the dildo deeper into my ass when it slid outward.

I shouted at that, and he grinned victoriously. “That’s my boy.”

He resumed his place at my shoulders with a sigh of satisfaction. He pushed himself past my lips again. “This time, you’re going to take it all.” My eyes fastened on his face as he spoke to me, and his Jaguar-blue eyes burned into mine. “You’re not only going to take it, you’re going to swallow my load.”

I shuddered, my hips fucking the air wildly and my lips suctioning him as hard as I could. He hissed in response, his back arching and his head going back. He continued his filthy talk to me, and all of a sudden, I found myself spurting. I groaned loudly, coming harder than I had in a while, jetting my semen onto my belly. Some of it might even have hit his back. I couldn’t quite tell, but he suddenly stood on his knees and grabbed the headboard.

That position forced his dick deeper into my throat, past the point of no return. I gripped the wood with white-knuckle force, swallowing almost involuntarily. Henry shouted above me, and he was coming too, flooding my throat with his cream. He hunched above me for long seconds. Then thankfully he slid backward far enough for me to breathe again. I heaved in as much air as I could and found myself sucking on his softening dick, wanting to get as much of his flavor as I could before I lost it.

“Easy. Easy now. You can let go.” I couldn’t tell if he meant my hands or my mouth, but I figured it out when he stretched for my fingers and peeled them away from the wood. His dick slid out of my mouth at that, and I moaned at the loss. My own semen was already cooled and drying on my belly, but I couldn’t have cared less right then.

“My God.” He sounded shaken as he slid down, his legs going between mine again and his chest coming to rest on my middle. He supported himself on his elbows, his head just inches above mine. He panted, puffs of breath hitting my cheek.

I couldn’t speak more than a croak or two, my throat was so sore. “Doc… You…”

“Jesus, God, you made me crazy, Nicholas.”

I closed my eyes and nodded, squirming enough to get his weight resting where I wanted it. Oh. Uh. That reminded me. “Hey.” My arms were flopped at my sides, and my legs were spread widely. “Would you… uh, could you… ” I weakly gestured with one hand.

I watched as Henry turned to look where I was pointing. Grunting, he shifted enough to reach toward my ass.

I felt it when his fingers wrapped around the dildo still inside me. Our eyes met as he tugged gently. Funny. I could feel a tug somewhere in my chest at the same time my muscles released the silicone. My voice was still husky when I spoke. “Thanks.”

He stared at me a moment longer before dropping down the rest of the way, then settled his head in the pocket of my left shoulder. With a gusting sigh, he brought up one hand to rub softly along my chest.

I could feel myself starting to drift into sleep. I wanted him to know, though, that this had really been something special. I’d certainly never swallowed anyone’s cum before. It had almost become a source of pride for me, I guess. And now? Now, I’d done what I’d sworn I wouldn’t do. Oh, he’d certainly put the full-court press on for me to do it, but in the end it had been my decision. I’d been enjoying what we were doing way too much to say no.

And somehow? I couldn’t be sorry. His flavor was still in my mouth: salty, a little bitter, a little sweet. I opened my mouth to tell him what I was feeling.

“Doc? Henry?”

With a small moan, Henry lifted his head to meet my gaze.

I paused when I felt the heat of his glance, and I scanned the expression on his face. Henry looked exhausted, but somehow he still emanated enough of the conquering hero to nudge my competitive nature.

“I guess…” I swallowed, once again feeling the soreness of my aggravated muscles. I gingerly cleared my throat. “Um—” I paused to make sure I had his full attention. “I guess I will be drinking cream in my coffee after all.”

Chapter Twenty-One

The Tuesday before Thanksgiving, we got hit with almost twenty inches of snow, and it was supposed to keep coming. The forecast for the holiday itself was snow, snow, and more snow. Lake County was doing all it could to keep the main highways clear, and the area cities and villages were working crews overtime to keep streets passable.

I had a plow attachment for one of the trucks at the shop, so I’d been going back and forth between the house and the garage to keep both clear. I’d also been taking care of two of my neighbors’ properties. One of them belonged to an old boy in his eighties whose wife had died five years before. The elderly guy was in pretty good shape, but I’d been handling his snow removal since the first winter I’d owned the place, and he was good-natured enough to let me take the work off his hands. The other neighbor I watched out for was a young mother of three whose husband had run off two years ago, the dick. He’d decided that dipping his wick with some bimbo in New York he saw every other month was more important than taking care of his family.

By the time I’d cleared the shop’s lot and all our driveways on Wednesday evening, it was close to midnight. I’d had to go over the curb cuts of the driveways several times in the last two days, since the municipal guys kept piling the snow at the entrances, blocking even the most rugged SUVs from getting through.

I groaned as I let myself into the house. Grant had been helping me—and doing a damned good job of ground clearing while I drove the truck—but I’d sent him to bed an hour before. Right now, the snow was coming down so fast that I’d have sworn there were already two inches in the spaces I’d cleared.

The mutts came to greet me, jumping on me as I got rid of my snow gear in the mudroom. I shushed them as I rolled my head side to side to ease my tight neck muscles, then bent down to unlace my tall snow boots. I hung my snowsuit on one of the big chrome hooks my dad had set when he’d moved in. Rum took that as an invitation to nuzzle my crotch, and I jerked sideways into the wooden wainscoting. “Damn it, boy.” I frowned at him in reproof, but he looked so crushed that I had to kneel down and hug him. That gave Coke the opportunity to lick the inside of my ear, which had me shrinking away with a squawk. “Christ, you two.” They were so lovable, though, that I smiled tiredly as I hugged them both.

With a last pet for each of them, I pushed myself to my feet. I was now clad in my boxer briefs and a matching black T-shirt, and I shivered in the cool air of the house. The programmable thermostat turned the temp down to sixty-five at night, and right then I wished I weren’t so goddamned energy conscious. “Fuck.” I scurried upstairs to my room, wanting to dive under the covers as soon as I washed up.

I detoured into the bathroom to piss and scrub my face and teeth; then I hurried to my cushy bed. I was looking forward to the four-inch memory foam mattress topper that cuddled me every night, and I yanked back the down comforter and sheet to slide in.

God, that softness around me was so good. I squirmed and squiggled as I tried to get comforta—

“Holy shit!” I jumped out of bed like I’d been scalded at the feel of another body in my bed. “What the fuck!” I slapped the wall switch so hard I should have broken it, then squinted in pain at the bright light from the ceiling fixture.

Henry stared at me from my bed, his straight hair now going every which way in true bed-head style. “Nicholas?”

“Yes, it’s me,” I spat. My heart was still pounding a mile a minute. “What the fuck are you doing here?” I did not like to be scared. At all. Ever. No doubt a residual from watching
when I was ten.

BOOK: Brainy and the Beast
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