Breathless Awakening (The Breathless Series) (5 page)

BOOK: Breathless Awakening (The Breathless Series)
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As I ran into a stall, slamming the door behind me, I started to go through the bag. Not knowing where it had come from, I didn’t really want to touch that thing so I grabbed some toilet paper to pull it out. As it came free of the bag, I saw a tag on it. I flipped the tag over and it said, “Just in case Luke isn’t enough for you…”

It took me a minute even to figure out where the batteries went, or how to get them out, since I had never actually seen one of these in person. Once I figured out how to remove the batteries, I thought about throwing it out, but then I realized how much fun it would be to play with. I mean I knew how good Luke felt after last night, but this could end up being be a lot of fun. And I could tease Luke by making him watch me.

Walking out of the bathroom much calmer than I ran in, I found Luke standing off to the side with a very worried look on his face. “Cailyn, what’s going on? What happened back there?”

“That? Oh, don’t worry about it. Just a little misunderstanding about a present the girls put in my bag without me knowing.”

As he started to walk towards our gate, I saw him roll his eyes, “Oh Lord, that doesn’t sound good at all.”

“I guess we will have to wait until later to find out, won’t we? Now where were we? Oh yeah, the dream and me sliding my lips up and down that gorgeous cock of yours. That’s not all we did. See, in the dream I was frustrated, you always wanted to have sex missionary style and in the bedroom. Please tell me you won’t be scared to teach me other things. I know I’m not experienced, but I want to enjoy life to the fullest, especially when it comes to our sex life.”

“Cailyn, you have nothing to worry about. After last night, I’ve already figured out that I had better not coddle you. You are a wild sex craved woman in bed, and I loved every second of it. Maybe we should change the subject a little. All this talk has me getting a little worked up and we’ve got a long flight ahead of us.”

“What’s the matter, honey, don’t you want to hear about how I bent over and had you fuck my ass in the middle of the kitchen?”

Luke tripped over absolutely nothing but my words. “Excuse me, what did you say?”

“Yea, I was a little nervous about it, but I loved feeling your hard cock sliding in and out of my tight little ass. That was almost the best orgasm of the night.”

Luke reached down and adjusted his crotch before smiling at me. “Almost the best, huh? Do tell, what topped that?”

“Well, I don’t want to get you too worked up right now. Why don’t I tell you about it later when you can do something about it?” I leaned over to give him a quick kiss, but he grabbed me and a make‐out session ensued. Before I knew it, I was nibbling on his lower lip, my panties were getting wet, and they were calling our flight for boarding.

Chapter Five


Cailyn and I started to board the plane, but there was nothing like trying to reach your seat, squeezing down the aisle while people were trying to put their bags in the overhead bins, all while dealing with a huge erection. A lady was trying to get four kids settled into their seats, and all of their stuff put away in the overhead. I didn’t have time to wait for her to get all that up there so I squeezed past her.

As soon as I turned sideways, I realized I should have turned the other way. That would have put the bulge in my pants right in the face of the little old lady from the line at security though, as she sat there in her seat. Just as I started to step past the mom, thinking I had enough room to get by, she stepped back not knowing that I was there. She immediately felt my erection pressed up against her ass.

Oh shit, just keep moving, Luke
. Damn, why did that guy in the next row stand up? I couldn’t go anywhere.
Please, lady, don’t think I’m a creeper, just step forward and sit down with your kids, please! What the fuck?
She was backing up more, pressing against me. Did she just wiggle her ass into my crotch?

I looked over at Cailyn, who was trying to stop herself from laughing. The MILF, because at this point she was dry humping me so I might as well fuck her, looked over to Cailyn and said, “I heard you say earlier you all were going on your honeymoon. Congratulations on getting a catch like this. Enjoy it while you can.” She nodded toward her kids and continued, “With a cock like he’s got, you are sure to be chasing some of them around before you know it.” She handed one of them a toy that they wanted as she tried to get him into his seat.

Looking at the ticket again, I realized that we were sitting in the seats right behind her. “Shit.”

“What’s the matter, Luke? Is everything ok? Let’s get our stuff in the overhead and get out of the aisle so people can walk by.”

Handing me her bag to shove into the overhead bin, Cailyn squeezed past me to get into her seat. Her hand brushed against my crotch and she whispered to me, “That’s about as close as you are going to get to another woman. I did kind of enjoy watching you squirm though.”

I shut the bin and reached down to adjust the uncomfortable bulge in my pants before I sat down, trying not to draw more attention to myself, but easier said than done though. I heard one of the kids in front of us saying, “Mommy, he’s playing with his wee‐wee,” as he pointed at me. That’s just what I needed, one hot MILF knowing that she had made me so uncomfortable that I was “playing” with myself.

My cheeks had to be bright red with the heat I felt coming off them. Cailyn was stuck not knowing if she should laugh or blush from embarrassment by association with me. She reached over and pulled my head into her shoulder, trying to comfort me like a child. I was so exhausted it was easier to pass out than dwell on anything that had just happened.


I woke up feeling a hand rubbing my cock through my pants. Still groggy, I raised my head to look at Cailyn. “It’s about time you woke up. I thought he was going to be the only one to wake up for me. I’ve been sitting here with nothing to do as the bulge in your pants continued to grow until I couldn’t stand it. I had to stroke it, and I wanted so badly to unzip your pants, lean down into your lap, let my lips slide around the head of your cock, and join the mile high club right here. I can’t get your cock off my mind, and I want more of it, even if I still ache, and I want it now. Figuring the crowd might be a bit of a problem though, especially with the kids and all, I thought maybe I could just rub it a little.”

Pulling her hand away and putting it back in her lap, she made a pouting face. “Babe, didn’t you get enough of an experience with security at the airport? Do you want to go through that again? Come on, behave yourself.”

“But it’s so hard.”

“No pun intended?”

“Maybe? I’ve been without for so long I just can’t contain myself. I never knew what I was missing and it’s as if I can’t get it off my mind. I want to climb over on your lap and fuck you right here. I’m getting so wet just thinking about it.”

“So what you are saying is that now wouldn’t be the best time to tell you about my dream then?”

“Luke, don’t you dare tease me like that right now. I already want to go rub one out in the bathroom.”

“I guess I won’t tell you how hot it was to watch that ice cube melt across your nipple, the water running down your beautiful breast and across your stomach. Your nipple was so hard and cold while I had my nice warm lips wrapped around the other one, kissing and sucking on it.”

Cailyn slapped my leg and tried to give me a scolding look, “Dammit, Luke, stop right there!”

“Then I had you on the edge of the dining room table, licking your wet lips and clit, savoring every last drop of you before I let you get down on your knees in front of me and suck my hard cock. Seeing you do that was hot in the dining room, I can just imagine how great it would be on a plane.”

Cailyn stood up and started to squeeze past me into the aisle. I grabbed her wrist, “Where are you going?”

“I’m going to get away from you, because I can’t take this torture right now. If you want to help with my problems, then be my guest. If not, I’ll take care of them myself.”

Did she really propose what I think she did? She squeezed past me and shrugged free of my grip on her wrist. As I sat there, trying to come to terms with that, I watched her go into the lavatory, and the lady in front of me stuck her head around the seat.

“Really, are you going to just sit there and leave that poor girl to take care of herself? This is your chance to get some action on a plane. How many people actually get that chance? Do you want to sit here and watch my kids, because I sure as hell will go take your spot if you aren’t interested? You even got me worked up with that dream of yours.”

Snapping out of my daze at the thought of her dry humping Cailyn like she did me earlier, I figured there wouldn’t be too much dry about it from the sounds of it. I looked around to see where the flight attendants were. The coast appeared to be clear, so I got out of my seat and tried to walk down the aisle as inconspicuously as I could.

Halfway up the aisle, I realized that I was probably drawing more attention to myself than I would if I wasn’t trying to, so I attempted to relax. As I neared the lavatory, I could slightly hear Cailyn. Maybe it was my imagination. “Cailyn, babe, it’s me. Unlock the door.”

I saw the “Occupied” sign slide out of sight. I rushed to open the door and squeezed in. Cailyn was sitting there with her pants around her ankles and two fingers rubbing each side of her clit. “Damn, babe, how are we going to do this?”

“I started to think you weren’t man enough to join me. You took so long, I’m good now, but since you are standing there anyway–”

Her hand reached up to undo my belt and jeans. Leaning forward, she unzipped them and slid them down to my knees. I felt those heavenly lips wrap around the head, sliding ever so slowly down as she attempted to take it all.

I heard people walking by outside and I quickly realized that I didn’t lock the door. Sliding the lock into place just in time, someone jiggled the door trying to open it. At first, it distracted me. Then I realized it had fueled Cailyn; feeling her slide her mouth up and down my cock faster, her hand caressing my balls, I could feel the throbbing increase. I locked my knees and leaned back against the wall, slid my hand down into her hair pushing her slightly further down each time.

Feeling the climax coming on, Cailyn greedily swallowed every drop as if it was her only source of water while in the middle of the desert, I felt a little lightheaded as I reached down and zipped my pants. “That was–”

Cailyn held her finger to her lips. With her other hand, she pointed at the door. She tried to stand to pull up her pants, but there wasn’t room for two people. As we shifted around, elbows bumped up against walls and the door, we finally maneuvered where I was standing hunched over the toilet so that she could stand up straight enough to get her pants up.

She reminded me to be quiet, cracked the door open and quietly slipped out. I reached down to lock it so that no one tried to come in after seeing her exit. I waited a couple of minutes before opening the door. I tried to be calm and collected, and then I walked out.

As I exited, I ran into a beautiful flight attendant, her brown eyes immediately staring a hole into me. I could tell this woman didn’t take any shit from anyone and that she was fit enough to probably put a pretty big hurtin’ on me. “Sir, do you mind explaining to me what you think you were doing in there?”

“Uh, um, uh…”

“Sir, please take your seat. That kind of behavior is not allowed on the aircraft.”

I stood there in complete shock. Part of it may have been the lack of sleep, but I just couldn’t believe that Cailyn got out of there and I was the one that got caught. Then another firecracker of a flight attendant walked up to us from the direction of the cockpit.

“Autumn, is everything ok?”

“Yes, Giana, I have this under control. Did you get the Captain taken care of?”

“Yeah, you know how needy he can be. What’s up here?”

“This gentleman was just going to take his seat. Evidently, he has similar needs to the Captain. Unfortunately for him, he had to use the lavatory. Sir, I’m not going to ask again. Take your seat before I have to alert the Captain and have the plane diverted to have you removed.”

“Huh? Oh, I’m sorry, I’m going.” Did she just imply that the other girl was giving the Captain a blowjob in the cockpit? Damn, I needed to get a new job.

Chapter Six


I decided to ride along with Terry while Tuck and Breck drove my car. Jeremy had a few boxes crammed into Luke’s car following them. “Zane, is everything alright with Breck? He seems like he is a great guy, but I’ve noticed that even this morning he hasn’t stopped drinking.”

“To be honest with you, I’m getting a little worried myself. He usually doesn’t drink like this, but just a few weeks ago, he proposed to his girlfriend. He hasn’t really talked much about it, but from what I gather it wasn’t just ‘no’. I’m guessing that while he is down here helping us move Luke, she is moving out back home.”

BOOK: Breathless Awakening (The Breathless Series)
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