Burning for the Fireman (4 page)

BOOK: Burning for the Fireman
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Chapter Five


Her eyebrows rose and I realized I sounded like a whiny girl
but I couldn’t stop myself. This wasn’t a usual hook-up for me and I felt like
a fish out of water.

“You want me to stay?” she asked awkwardly, her eyes focused
on me intently.

I wasn’t going to have it. Something unexpected was going on
between us and I wasn’t letting her go until I figured it out.

“Yes, I want you to stay,” I told her as I closed the
distance between us and jerked her against me, forcing her to look at me. “I
thought we had agreed on the whole night, Allie, and that’s what I want. Will
you stay?”

She hesitated, the confusion easy to see on her face. I
couldn’t explain why I was pushing the issue, because I didn’t really
understand myself. I just knew I wanted her there with me.

“I’ll stay, Ryker,” she murmured and wrapped her arms around
my waist.

“Good, then let’s get rid of this,” I whispered as I
unclasped her bra and slid it down her arms. Taking the unused cloth from her
hand, I tugged her into the bathroom.

“Wow,” she said as I flipped on the light switch.

“Like it?” I asked, honestly wanting her opinion.

“It’s beautiful.” Her eyes scanned the room.

“I redid it when I bought the house. If there’s one thing I
learned being a fireman, it’s that you need a shower with good water pressure
and a big tub to soak in,” I told her as she wandered close to the large,
Jacuzzi tub and ran her fingers along the cobalt-blue tile.

She seemed to have forgotten she was naked but I hadn’t. I
couldn’t tear my gaze from her lush curves.

“Is this a waterfall shower?” she asked as she slid open the
glass wall. The same blue tile continued into the stall, a space I had to steal
room from the adjoining bedroom in order to create. It had been worth it.

Stepping up behind her, I flicked on the water. My half-hard
cock pressed against her lower back and I heard her suck in a breath. I’d never
had a woman in my shower and I suddenly had the uncontrollable urge to make
Allie the first.

I nudged her forward and into the stall as I followed behind
her and slid the glass closed. Her head tilted back, and she stared up at the
square showerhead, which hung in the middle instead of off the side like a
traditional shower.

Gripping her hips, I gave her a little push, forcing her
into the water. She screeched and backed up hard into my chest.

“It’s cold!” She stared accusingly up at me.

“Sorry about that.” I chuckled down at her.

She looked irritated for a second before a devilish smile
spread across her lips. Standing on her toes, she wrapped her arms around my
neck and reached to kiss me. Her lips were demanding and I slid my tongue in,
wrapping my arms around her.

My head was swimming with her taste so it took me a second
to realize what she was doing. She had backed us up, little by little, until
she gripped my shoulders and jerked me into the water. It was freezing.

“Holy shit!” I exclaimed as we jerked apart and her laughter
filled the small space. I fiddled with the water until I got the right
temperature and pulled her back into my arms and under the spray.

I took my time running my hands over every inch of her then
started over with a soapy loofah. She groaned and reached for me to steady her
as I washed down the back of her legs.

Lowering to squat in front of her, I glanced up and lost my
breath at the sight of her. Her head was thrown back and the water cascaded
over her hair and shoulders, slid down between her breasts. She was gorgeous.

Dropping the loofah, I had the urge to taste her again and
feel her come apart on my mouth.

I settled my hands on her hips and pulled her forward until
she was out of the water enough I wouldn’t drown.

I caught her gaze as she suddenly tensed, obviously
realizing my intention.

“Relax, baby. I want to,” I told her.

She still hesitated and I did something I didn’t think I
would ever do.

“Please,” I whispered.

She nodded after a long pause and I smiled up at her before
centering my attention on her pretty pussy. She had copper-colored curls above
her pale lips and pink slit.

“Spread your legs a little farther, baby, and hold on to me,

She did as I demanded and spread her legs then gripped my

I licked her all the way around, not missing any of the skin
between her pale thighs but skipping her most sensitive spots. Her fingers
tightened on me and I felt a fine tremor go through her legs.

I wrapped one arm around her, just below her ass, so I could
feel her rounded cheeks resting on my forearm. Using the other hand, I spread
her lips and lowered my mouth. She was already slick with need and she groaned,
throwing back her head again as I sucked her clit into my mouth.

I wasn’t sure if she would come this way but I wanted to
try. I wanted her to remember me and remember this night, always.

Her fingers tangled in my hair, tugging my head closer as
she rocked her hips in time with my seeking tongue. I knew better than to
change my pace when the current one was working well, if her high-pitched moans
were anything to go by.

“Ryker!” she cried as she came apart for me.

I felt every wave of her climax with my tongue against her
jumping clit.

Standing suddenly, I lifted her and pressed her up against
the smooth blue tiles. Her eyes were glazed and I didn’t hesitate as I pushed
into her still-quivering heat.

“Ah, fuck,” I growled as I plunged into her over and over.

Her legs wrapped around me and she held on to my biceps for
dear life.

I caught her gaze. “Go with me, baby,” I ground out.

“I am, oh, Ryker! I can’t stop it!” Her eyes had a wild look
in them and it drove me insane.

“Don’t try to stop it; come with me!” I demanded and thrust
into her harder and faster, taking her with me whether she wanted to or not.

The sound of wet flesh slapping filled my ears. Allie’s head
went back and a scream ripped from her throat as she came again, harder than
before. It felt as if I was being gripped by a vise and I came with her, my
shouts mingling with hers in the steamy shower.

I came down slowly, with Allie wrapped around me like a
vine. Gently I lowered her to her feet and held her until she was steady.

It was then I realized I hadn’t remembered to grab a condom.
It was one of those
oh fuck
moments and she must have read the panic on
my face.

“I’m on the pill and clean if it makes you feel any better,”
she said quietly.

I nodded but felt like an ass so I didn’t say anything. It
was strange to have a woman read my face and know what I was thinking. She was

She smiled at me, and after pushing me into the water, she
picked up the loofah and washed every inch of my skin. I tried to take over,
but she pulled away her hand.

“Let me,” she whispered.

The plea in her voice had me giving in and letting her do
what she wanted. It was incredibly hard for me to hand her the reins and stand
still while she rubbed the soap into my skin.

When she got to my back and kneaded my shoulder and the back
of my neck, I groaned and gave in to her ministrations.

By the time she was done and I had washed her as well, we
were both feeling the effects of the warm water and sexual satisfaction. I
toweled off and collapsed in the bed. Allie lay down beside me and I pulled her
close. A moment later, I fell asleep.

* * * * *

I had strange dreams that woke me early. The sun was just
starting to rise and the room was bathed in a light glow. In the night, Allie
had rolled onto her belly and I rolled to face her, propping my head on my hand
to watch her sleep.

Little snippets of my dreams came to me and I delayed waking
up fully as I tried to remember. Allie had been in them, smiling, and her
laughter had floated along a breeze to me as I chased her down a beach. A white
dress had fluttered around her calves.

I jerked, my heart racing, and I moved to lie on my back,
staring at the ceiling. Never had I dreamed like that before. It had been so
vivid and now that I concentrated, I could almost smell the sea air.

Carefully, I reviewed the events of the previous evening and
figured that it had to be because she was here, in my house. My place of
solitude and peace, which I’d never shared with a woman. Until now… Allie had
already crept into the dark places and I wasn’t sure if I would ever get her
out. Or if I even wanted to.

Dreaming about the forever kind of bliss with a woman was
something that would never have occurred to me.

My heart rate slowed and I turned back to watch Allie sleep.
She was so beautiful, it almost hurt. Her hair had still been damp when we had
finally drifted off and it had dried it a wild mass of coppery-colored curls.
Brushing her hair back from her face, I thought about how good it felt to wake
up next to her.

Even if it was only this once.

I must have dozed back off because the next thing I knew a
hand was gently stroking my cock and a warm mouth nuzzled my neck. I kept my
eyes closed, feigning sleep as she slid her leg over me and straddled my hips.

Her warm mouth descended to my chest, leaving a trail of hot
wetness. My cock throbbed between her legs as her silky thighs rubbed in just
the right way. I lifted my hips to nudge against her and she moaned.

Raising my hands to her sides, I started to flip her beneath
me but before I could, she slid down my length in one smooth stroke. I growled
and gave up the pretense of faking sleep.

I sat up, jerking her hips closer and tunneling one hand in
her curls to pull her mouth to mine. Tongues tangled and teeth clacked together
as we devoured each other’s lips.

Dragging my mouth from hers, I kissed the soft spot between
her breasts. Then she started to bounce. Using her knees, she sprang up and
down in my lap, taking me deep.

This time, it was different between us, frantic and rough.

I sucked on one of her pink nipples, finding it already hard
for me. Allie’s bouncing grew erratic and I clutched her hips, lifting and
pulling easily. Her moans turned breathless and then changed to that
high-pitched noise that let me know she was close.

Those little noises made my blood boil and I wasn’t going to
last much longer. Feeling her wet tightness grasping my cock with no rubber
barrier between us drove me so close to orgasm I had to grit my teeth to hold
it off.

Her breasts bounced at eye level and I couldn’t quit staring
at them. Allie grabbed my hair with both fists, screeching loudly as her walls
clamped around me and then released. I growled and seized her ass, coming hard.

Over and over she clenched, drawing every little drop from

“Oh, god,” I grumbled as I fell back onto the bed, spent.

Allie sprawled on my chest for long moments before moving to
slide off me. Clutching her tight, I didn’t let her move, didn’t want to break
the connection. Not yet, anyway.

But eventually we did have to get up. I watched her as she
strode naked to the bathroom. My thoughts drifted back to my strange dream but
I pushed it away. It was just a dream after all.

Allie dressed slowly. She was quiet and suddenly seemed shy,
sending me glances from under her lashes.

“Will you drive me home, Ryker?” she whispered.

A weird tightening happened in my chest at her words but I
pushed the feeling away. “Yeah, of course.”

I pulled on jeans and a t-shirt. Searching for something to
say to break the silence between us, I discovered my thoughts were too jumbled
to make small talk. Allie had a sweet smile on her face as we headed to my

We both climbed inside the cab, and I turned the key. The
engine grumbled to life, cutting through the silent morning. I drove slowly,
glancing her way from time to time. Her hold on me hadn’t faded; she looked
just as good as she had the night before and I wanted her again.

Pulling to a stop in front of her building, I cut the engine
and turned to her.

“Ryker,” she said as she grabbed my hand and caught my gaze.
“Thank you. For everything.”

I nodded, my throat tightening and blocking any response I
might have come up with.

She reached for the door handle.

“Wait,” I said.

She turned back to me, eyebrow raised in question.

Somewhere along the line, everything had changed. Now that I
was forced to take a look at the situation in the cold light of day, I knew I
couldn’t just let her walk away and out of my life.

I wanted to see where this could go. Contemplating a
relationship was risky and it scared the shit out me to think about opening up
and letting her in, but as I stared into her gorgeous blue eyes, I realized I
had already done just that, and I didn’t want to lose her.

“I know we agreed to one night but I want more than that,
Allie.” Having no idea how she would react, I watched her face carefully.

She seemed surprised for a second and then asked, “How much
more? Sex on your days off? A friends-with-benefits kind of thing? Is that what
you’re asking for?”

I should have known she wasn’t just going to fall into my
arms and give me anything I asked for—she wanted specifics.

My heart felt as if it was going to pound out of my chest
but I suddenly remembered something I’d learned during my training. On the
first day, the chief had explained to us that there were going to be times when
we were terrified and that was okay. But we had to push forward anyway because
lives depended on us. Somehow this felt similar but I wasn’t going to back

Taking a deep breath, I turned to face her the best I could
in the truck and stared her in the eyes. “No, that’s not what I want.”

BOOK: Burning for the Fireman
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