Business and Pleasure (Lavender Lace, Book One) (5 page)

BOOK: Business and Pleasure (Lavender Lace, Book One)
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“I’d like a new bra and panties. I was thinking of black, but…” She glanced at Llyr. “He said that wouldn’t look good on me. I wear black a lot.”

Ashlyn smiled again. “You should wear whatever makes you feel good. But some colors do work better than others, depending on hair color, skin tone, things like that.” She tapped her chin with one finger, her eyes narrowed. “I agree with Llyr. You’d look better in dark gray than black.”

Marci wrinkled her nose. She hated gray. It made her think of her third grade teacher, Mrs. Jewel. She’d always worn gray or brown old-fashioned dresses that made her look frumpy.

“But not for lingerie. You want something very feminine and sensual. Perhaps something to match your new dress?”

“Yes, that would be per…” Marci stopped when she realized what Ashlyn had said. She’d left her new dress in her car. Ashlyn couldn’t possibly know about it. “How did you know I bought a new dress?”

Ashlyn shrugged. “Lucky guess.”

Before Marci could question her further, Ashlyn continued. “Let me show you the lavender and blue displays. I’m sure we can find something you’ll love.”

Marci followed Ashlyn across the store, nodding and smiling at women along the way. There must be at least twenty women in the store, ranging in age from late teens to mid-sixties. Lavender Lace hadn’t been open long, but it was already a success.

The display made Marci stop and stare. The royal blue demi-bra and thong on the mannequin was the sexiest lingerie she’d ever seen. Ivory lace edged both items, making them look feminine as well as sexy.

“Would you like to try them on?” Ashlyn asked.

Marci dragged her gaze away from the mannequin and back to Ashlyn. “I, uh… I don’t wear thongs or bras that low-cut. I mean, I do wear nice lingerie, but nothing like…” She waved one hand at the display. “That.”

“Why not? You have a lovely figure. You should show it off to your special man.”

“I don’t have a special man.”

“What about the one you’re having dinner with tonight?”

“That’s just a business dinner. He isn’t…” Marci stopped again. Ashlyn couldn’t possibly know about her dinner with Keefe tonight. She’d go along with the lucky guess about the dress. This went way beyond lucky guesses. “How did you know about my dinner?”

“I have sheer stockings in a beautiful taupe color that would be perfect for your skin tone. Thigh-high with lace around the tops. Very sexy with a garter belt.”

Marci noticed that Ashlyn had ignored her question. “Are you psychic?”

Ashlyn smiled. “I’ll be happy to take the lingerie into a dressing room for you. Would you like to look at the garter belts? I have one that matches this bra and thong.”

Marci opened her mouth to respond, but shut it before speaking. She felt as if she’d stepped through a door into another land. Peggy was usually the only one who could confuse her so completely. “I don’t wear thongs or garter belts.”

“But you’d like to, wouldn’t you?”

Yes, she’d like to. Marci loved sexy lingerie, and had always yearned to wear as little as possible beneath her clothes. She’d never worn anything as sexy as the royal blue set.

“I can show you all types of bras and panties that would be the type you usually wear.” Ashlyn leaned a bit closer to Marci and lowered her voice. “Why not go for something different and daring?”

Different and daring sounded really good. It wasn’t as if Keefe would see her lingerie. This would be a business dinner only. But how delicious to know she was wearing little bits of nothing beneath her dress.

Her clit softly throbbed at the thought.

Marci pointed at the mannequin. “I want that set in my size.”

* * * * *


Keefe glanced at his watch again. 7:06. Marci was only six minutes late, yet it bothered him. Surely she would’ve called if she’d decided having dinner with him wouldn’t be appropriate after all.

He hoped that wasn’t the case. He wanted to get to know the lovely president better.

Getting involved with another woman wasn’t anywhere in his plans. There were still tiny pieces of his heart scattered around inside his chest. At least, that’s how it felt when he thought about Jeania. Commitment would be impossible until his heart completely healed.

That didn’t mean he couldn’t enjoy the company of a woman—having dinner with her, going to the movies, taking walks in the park. He liked waking up with a woman in his arms. All those things were important to him.

She could’ve gotten stuck in traffic, or had a last-minute phone call, or any number of things that would make her late. A few minutes doesn’t mean she’s stood me up.

Keefe glanced at his watch again. 7:08. He threw back the last of his bourbon and signaled to the bartender for another drink. He’d give her until 7:15 before he called her.

I can’t call her. I don’t have her phone number. Shit!

The bartender set a fresh bourbon on the rocks in front of Keefe. He lifted it to take a sip…and froze. A beautiful blonde stood in the doorway to the bar, her gaze slowly sweeping the room. He let his own gaze do some sweeping, admiring the way her dress clung to her curves. The square neckline gave a hint of the roundness of her breasts. The skirt flowed over her hips to expose her knees and sexy calves. She wore black high heels and carried a black clutch.

Damn, he did like a woman in high heels.

Her waterfall of hair swirled over her left shoulder to caress her breast. He imagined fisting his hands in it while he kissed her, over and over and over…

She stopped looking around the room when their eyes met. With a small smile on her lips, she started toward him.

My God! That’s Marci.

He stood on legs that felt like rubber bands as she approached him. “Hi,” she said, her smile widening.

Keefe swallowed. He hoped his tongue would work so he could talk. “Hi.”

“I’m sorry I’m late.”

“No problem.” He gave her body a lingering glance. “You look amazing.”

“Thank you.”

“Donegan, party of two,” the hostess said from the doorway.

Keefe held out one arm, indicating for Marci to walk in front of him. “Shall we?”

He placed his hand lightly on the small of her back as they followed the hostess to their table by the large windows. Keefe held Marci’s chair, giving him the opportunity to see inside the bodice of her dress. He was blessed with an enticing view of her breasts. They were the perfect size to fill his hands.

He took a moment to admire the view and the flowery scent of her hair before he moved to his chair. “I’m glad you like this restaurant. The food is great.”

“You’ve eaten here?”

Keefe nodded. “My friends brought me here right after I moved to Seattle.”

“You should’ve told me. We could’ve gone somewhere else.”

“I told you to pick the restaurant and this is where you wanted to eat.”

Their waiter, Aaron, arrived to take their drink order. After asking Marci what she wanted, Keefe ordered a bottle of Chardonnay. He watched her pick up her napkin and place it on her lap, her movements fluid and graceful. He’d be happy to watch her the rest of the evening.

Other parts of his anatomy wouldn’t be happy, but he didn’t let anything below his belt rule him. Influence him, yes, but not rule him.

She raised her head and met his gaze. “You’re staring at me.”

“Yes, I am. The view is very nice from here.”

Her lips twitched, her eyes crinkled at the corners. “You can look out the window and see Puget Sound. It’s more majestic than I am.”

“That’s debatable.”

“Keefe, this is a business dinner, remember?”

“What’s wrong with mixing business and pleasure?”

“Because I don’t believe in mixing them.” The amusement faded from her expression. “You said strictly business. I’m holding you to that.”

“I’ll be a perfect gentleman.” Keefe opened his menu. “I had the grilled salmon last time. What do you recommend?”

“I haven’t had anything yet that wasn’t delicious. The lobster bisque is incredible. I love the shrimp scampi. The steaks are tender enough to cut with a spoon.”

“You’re making it harder for me to choose.”

The waiter came back with their wine. After pouring a bit into Keefe’s glass and getting approval, he splashed the cold liquid into both their glasses. Keefe waited until Aaron left before lifting his glass toward Marci.

“To Marshall Media’s success, and to our success as a team.”

Marci touched her glass to his. “I’ll drink to that.”

He watched her while she sipped her wine. He would be a perfect gentleman during dinner, exactly as he had promised her. He’d ask her about the company, learn more about his duties at Marshall Media.

After dinner…

If things progressed from business to pleasure, he had no problem with that. He’d do everything in his power to make sure Marci experienced pleasure as intense as possible.

Chapter Four


Marci sat with her fork in her hand, her dinner forgotten, while she listened to Keefe talking about his last time on a movie set. Her mouth had dropped open in surprise a couple of times during his story. She couldn’t believe some of the antics on the set by two famous stars. “Are you telling me the truth?”

“Absolutely.” Keefe held up one hand, his fingers in the traditional “Scout’s Honor” gesture. “I saw it with my own eyes. Right there in the open. Anyone walking by could see them.”

“They were making love outside in the middle of the day? Wow.” She laid her fork on her plate. “Nothing like that has happened on any of my movie sets. At least, not that I know about.”

“This was the first time it happened while I was on a set. Pretty intense.”

“And of course you turned and walked away as soon as you saw them.”

“I didn’t stand there any longer than thirty seconds. Forty-five, tops.”

His eyes shone with laughter as he grinned. Marci laughed. “You’re bad.”

“Well, hell, I had my own personal porn show. I couldn’t pass that up.”

It took Marci several seconds to bring her laughter back under control so she could take another bite of her dinner. Keefe was bright, intelligent, witty, and completely charming. Marci had fallen under his spell by the time she’d finished her lobster bisque. She’d be in lust with him by dessert if she wasn’t careful.

“Would you have watched?” Keefe asked.

She looked into those devilish blue eyes and knew he teased her. “Of course not.”

One corner of his mouth tilted up in a rakish grin. “You’re a lousy liar.”

She returned his grin. “It’s not nice to call your boss a liar.”

Keefe chuckled, then dug into his prime rib again. “Speaking of movie sets, you mentioned in our meeting that travel would be involved. How often and where would I go?”

Marci chewed and swallowed her bite of shrimp before she answered. “Both depend on the project. My former Logistics VP rarely traveled. He preferred to do everything by phone or email. I don’t agree with that, which is part of the reason he’s no longer with Marshall Media. I think a personal meeting is important.”

“I agree.”

“I’m glad to hear that.” She laid her fork on her plate. “Have you read
In the Mountain’s Shadow
by Tyler Wilson?”


“I have an extra copy at the office. I’ll give it to you Monday. Read it. It’s
. The author lives out in the boonies in British Columbia and likes his solitude. I’ve talked to him on the phone and we’ve exchanged a few emails. I almost have him convinced to let Marshall Media produce a movie based on that book.”


“The email I was reading when you came to my office yesterday? It was from Mr. Wilson. He said he’s still considering my offer, but isn’t ready to give me a definite yes. A face-to-face meeting with him is essential.”

“So I’ll be heading to B.C. soon?”

BOOK: Business and Pleasure (Lavender Lace, Book One)
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