Cali & Drake (The Alliance Book 1) (17 page)

BOOK: Cali & Drake (The Alliance Book 1)
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Chapter Thirty-Four

It turns out that Cali saw her mother once more after all.

The fighting in the Realignment Center had a more immediate impact than
Cali could have hoped for. The people had called for an immediate referendum.
They hadn’t renounced the law her mother had implemented, they just demanded a
small change to the punishment. The negotiations were taking place on
and were finally finished.

“It seems you got your alliance in a round-about way.” Aicen Edal was
keeping her distance from everyone in the room. “We are all in agreement. The
medical fixing of those with emotions will stop.”

“It doesn’t hurt that your facility is in

Drake growled menacingly. His emotions were still on the surface.

“Yes, that does put things in perspective.” Aicen pushed the agreement
back across the table. The three members of the council had just finished
signing it. “Here is everything we’ve capitulated to. Those with emotions will
be offered transport off Cestori. An initial group now, and then on regular
transport cycles. How long before you know where you are taking them?”

“We have a meeting with Ambassador Tec’hia in a few days. We’ll leave as
soon as we’re done here.”

“I’ll stay behind to work with the medical staff.” Nellia tapped her
fingers nervously on the table. “Since I was rescued before the realignment
could be completed, I have an idea of the trauma those survivors have gone

Cali looked at the others at the table with them. Her father, Nellia and
the two other council members were the only people in the room. Her mother had
waved off her guards and Cali knew it was because she wanted to look strong. It
didn’t hurt that her mother knew they were useless against Drake. If he wanted
her dead, she would be.

In order to facilitate this removal of the first group of banished,
Drake had offered the services of
The Maxon

“I will stay and co-ordinate the others that want to leave. Word is just
getting around and we should have another group of refugees soon. Give it a few
weeks.” Eliav Edal sat calmly at the table, ignoring the council members. His
attention was on her, Drake, and Nellia. “With
The Maxon
helping us relocate, the process shouldn’t take long. I
can’t thank you enough for the use of your

Cali was grateful to Drake for letting her father use
The Maxon
. They would be taking the
first group of about one hundred with them to the meeting with Ambassador
Tec’hia. After that meeting, they’d either be bringing the refugees to Titus or
handing them off to the ambassador for transport to Atheon. Either way, once
this group of refugees was safe,
would return to Cestori to be at her father’s disposal. The warship
was intimidating enough to keep her mother
in line

Eliav Edal would be traveling between Atheon, Cestori and Titus as a sort
of liaison. After un-partnering with her mother, he was ready for a new
adventure. Cali was excited to see her father re-engaged with life. He was
filled with a new purpose and Cali hadn’t ever seen him so happy.

“You are
” Drake smiled at
her father and took her hand. “I thank you for Cali.”

“I think we’re done here. You will have safe passage to and from Cestori
for the removal of the deviants. If there isn’t anything further.” Her mother
called for a transport before another word was spoken. Tonn Dax and Taspa Lor
bowed their heads slightly and disappeared as well.

“Okay then. Nellia and I should be getting back as well.” Her father
stood from his seat. “I can work with a clear conscious knowing you and Drake
are looking out for each other. These last few days of getting to know him, and
in a strange way you, Cali, have been the best of my life.”

“Please be careful.” Cali hugged her father goodbye.

“Your mother knows what will happen if she isn’t careful.” Her father
squeezed her tight and then stepped back. “We only need to worry when her
technology matches those of Titus and Atheon. Make no mistake my girl, she will
work toward that end with all due haste.” He clapped his hands together, “Which
is why I will be getting as many of our people away from here as I can. Drake.”
Her father shook Drake’s hand. “Take care of our girl.”

“I will.” Drake held her loosely at his side.

“Cali.” Nellia hurried to follow her father. Giving her a quick squeeze
then stepping away. “When I get the chance, I’ll want a tour of Titus.”

“The Challenge of Succession is soon.” Drake shook Nellia’s hand. “That
will be when all of the clans converge to choose their leadership. It is
something you might enjoy seeing.”

Drake. I’ll work with
The Maxon
to make sure I get there in
time to see it.” Nellia moved to stand next to her father. “See you soon Cali.
Give Vareen a big hug for me.”

Cali nodded and both of them shared a moment of mourning before her father
and friend transported.

Mica had returned with Vareen, Nevir, and Vathral to Titus. She turned
The Cali
so that they could get
there faster. Vathral had just started the realignment, so still had his
facilities about him. Nevir was adamant that he was free of his promise to
Diandra. The other woman didn’t love
or care about his welfare, and Nevir argued that she would make a much better
partner, and Cali agreed. Vathral’s feelings for Diandra were smoke and
mirrors. The desire to experience love more than actually feeling it. His
reactions around Nevir were the real thing. It was obvious that they were meant
to be together, and Nevir wasn’t going to let Vathral try to logic his way out
of it.

Vareen was another story completely. She had been in the Realignment
Center much longer than Vathral and her prognosis was uncertain. Mica had spent
every second since finding her in the Realignment Center trying to reach her,
but she wasn’t aware of him. Whatever had been done to her brain might be irreversible.
Cali wasn’t sure what had happened with them on
The Reliant
, but she was hoping Vareen’s feelings for Mica were
strong enough to bring her back to him.

Chapter Thirty-Five

“Ambassador Tec’hia thank you for coming.”

Drake’s voice forced Cali to pay attention. The ambassador had been
transported directly into their meeting room on
The Maxon
. When Cali focused on the woman in front of her, she
couldn’t stop her mouth dropping open.

In all her imagining’s of what this woman would look like, she had never
pictured this. She wasn’t as tall as the women from Titus, but she was taller
than the women from Cestori. Her hair was a vibrant lavender
if this was natural or dyed to be that
way Cali had no idea. It was long, with small glittering gems applied randomly
through the curls. Her face was oval shaped, with a delicate dent in her chin.
She had a slightly pale complexion which could be natural or make-up, Cali
wasn’t sure which. Dark brows framed the palest gray eyes Cali had ever seen.
When the ambassador blinked, her
long eyelashes flashed with drops of what looked like diamonds on their tips.
The glitter on her eyelids made her eyes seem huge
her face. Her cheeks were rouged and her lips had a glossy sheen
to them.

After breaking her eyes from the woman’s face, Cali had to snap her mouth
closed again. The dress the ambassador wearing was so…poufy! Layer after layer
of material in a variety of the pinkest shades Cali had ever seen. From light
to dark, it looked like a swarm of butterflies had attached themselves to her.
The whole effect should have been ridiculous. Instead, Cali found the woman
enchanting, it must have been the warm smile she wore that set her at ease.

“This is Calinae Edal.” Drake drew
her forward to his side and Cali felt plain in her purple dress.

“Please, call me Cali.” She held out her hand to shake the ambassador’s
and was drawn forward instead.

“Cali.” The ambassador kissed her with a loud smacking sound on one
cheek. “Call me Risenal.” Another smacking kiss on the other cheek. How did the
woman get her lips so damn soft? With the glossy
Cali had figured they would feel tacky with some type of
lipstick. They didn’t.

“Did you have time to read the report I sent you?” Drake moved to pull
out a seat for Risenal, who sat with a flounce of material into the chair. Her
guard moved from their silent vigil during the introductions to flank her seat.

lips pursed, “What
a mess.”

Drake moved a seat out for her, and Cali sat down across from Risenal.
“What are your thoughts on relocating those from Cestori to Atheon?”

The glitter on
eyelids changed
color and Cali stared transfixed, “I imagine they would be happy on Atheon. The
only issue I can see would be that we are a monarchy, and the refugees from
your planet might not appreciate the way our planet is ruled.”

“A monarchy?” Cali thought for a moment. “I’m not sure that is too much
different than the Council of Three.”

“The Council of Three is from a certain genetic line?” Risenal asked.
“Your mother leads, with two others?”

“Yes. Although I’m not sure the other two council members have much of a

“Then it is similar. Our royal family heads a legislature voted into
office from the different districts. We would allow your refugees to live in an
existing community or form their own. The details can all be worked out once it
is decided how many we would be receiving.”

“We have about one hundred on the ship with us, and there are bound to be
more when word spreads that there is a
for them
another world.” Cali turned
to Drake. “What are your thoughts on the refugees living on Titus.”

“With the unaffiliated clans roaming freely on any unclaimed land, I’m
not sure where the refugees would be happy living. They wouldn’t be able to sit
on the council. With our special abilities, they wouldn’t ever win a challenge
contest. Not that we wouldn’t strive to make them
because we would do everything in our power to work
toward their happiness. I guess it comes down to how the people of Cestori
would react to not having a say in our government.”

Cali listened to what Drake said and then turned back to Risenal, “I
think Atheon would be a better fit for the people of Cestori. They would be
able to integrate much easier into your way of life.”

“I will send a message to
City and arrange for emergency quarters for the one hundred refugees you have
onboard right now. You can transport them at your convenience. By the time any
additional quarters are needed we should have a
resolution in place for your people.” Risenal paused for a moment then
continued, “In addition, I will send an emissary to Cestori to learn what we
can do to make your people more comfortable. I know that some of our
information regarding Cestori
isn’t accurate.
I myself warned The Council of Titus to avoid contact with your ships.”

“I understand. You did get one thing right; my mother is crazy.” Smiling
so Risenal wouldn’t think she was mental Cali continued. “Your emissary can ask
to speak with my father,
Edal. He
is in charge of finding those that wish to leave. My friend Nellia Adet will
also be able to give you information on the medical needs of the refugees.”

“I will pass those contact names to our emissary. I’m sorry, Cali,”
Risenal offered her sympathy. “I know how hard this must be for you and your
people. We will do whatever we can to help.”

“Would you like us to escort your emissary to Cestori?” Drake asked.

“That won’t be necessary,” Risenal declined. “Our scout ships are fast
enough to outpace anything in this sector. Except perhaps
The Cali

Cali was surprised that Risenal already knew about her ship. “You’ve heard
The Cali

Risenal laughed, “Yes, your mate’s declaration of affection has raised
the bar for all males in the quadrant.”

“It wasn’t me alone,” Drake protested, “The Council on Titus felt Cali
deserved the ship.”

“I’m sure Cali is more than deserving of the ship.” Risenal gave Drake a
smile. “From what I’ve heard, she singlehandedly saved five heirs to five
clans. That’s a feat that even your people will appreciate.”

It was Cali’s turn to protest, “Finding Drake was an accident. I only did
what any good captain would do in answering the distress signal.”

“I think what you did took great courage Cali. You didn’t know what you
would find and still you took your ship to help. That is one of the reasons I’m
so willing to allow people from your world sanctuary on Atheon. If they have
the same courage and sense of decency, we will get along famously.”

Before Cali could respond to the flattery, one of the guards tilted his
head and then motioned to Risenal.

“Your Highness,” He bowed over her shoulder to speak. “His Majesty is
asking for an update.”

“I’ll return to
The Cariyel
send father a message,” Risenal went to stand.

“Your highness?” Cali was startled that an ambassador would be titled
with a royal moniker.

“Yes, my father is the head of our legislature…the King of Atheon. I’m
trained for the position of ambassador so that I can learn more about our place
in this sector. My father thinks it will make me a better leader when the time
comes. I’ve been having a great time learning about Titus, and now Cestori.”
Risenal pushed back from the table and stood. “If you’ll excuse me, I’ll return
to my ship. Please, let me know if there is anything further I can do.”

“Thank you for everything.” Cali stood, along with Drake.

, away team to beam
back.” Risenal stated then added to Cali, “I’ll try to make a trip to Titus
soon, and we can get to know each other better.”

“I’d like that.” Cali got out before the
their visitors told her transport was in progress, and a moment later
Risenal and her guards were gone.

“What do you think of the Atheon ambassador?” Drake took her hand and
they walked out of the meeting room.

“She’s nothing like I expected.”
thought of all the wasted years spent avoiding anyone from Atheon, “I think
this is the beginning of something special.”

Drake reached to pull her into his arms. “I think you’re something

The halls blurred past as Drake ran for their quarters. She knew what the
glint in his eye, and the increased speed meant. Her body responded instantly.

“I was talking about The Alliance we’re forming,” Cali teased. Her mother
might work hard against Cestori joining them but Cali was determined that the
people be given a chance. In
was certain they would want to stop the separatism and join with The Alliance.

“The Alliance can wait,” Drake entered their quarters. “Computer lock
this door. Restrict access.”

“Confirmed.” The computer responded and the door chimed to indicate it
was locked.

“Now, let me see if I can get your mind off The Alliance for a few

“Only a few hours?” Cali gasped when Drake tossed her into the air and
caught her in a different hold. She was now draped over his shoulder.

“Not long enough? I’ll have to work on my stamina I guess.” Drake slapped
her butt playfully.

Cali groaned. If Drake had any more stamina, it might kill her.

Cali slapped his butt in retaliation and grouched, “You’re too slow!”
Then let out another shriek when she was flying across the room to land on the
bed with a bounce. Drake hovered over her, his eyes a brilliant, electric blue.

He was right. They would be home on Titus soon enough. There would be
trips to Cestori and Atheon to protect the refugees and solidify the agreement
they’d made today. All of that would be done another day, by liaisons and
ambassadors. F
or now,
The Alliance could

BOOK: Cali & Drake (The Alliance Book 1)
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