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Authors: Gillian Jones

Call Me (26 page)

BOOK: Call Me
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“Fuck the rules. Let go, Ellie,” I stand now, moving my mouth closer to her ear, whispering: “I can’t wait to feel those sweet pussy lips around my cock.” Then I pull her hand from her pants and lick off her slippery fingers, the act propelling her to spiral into bliss, and she goes off again like a rocket. I cover her mouth with my other hand, masking her howls as her orgasm rocks through her body.

“Jesus, that was the hottest thing I have ever seen.” I step back, assessing her appreciatively from head to toe. This woman is incredible. I watch, unable to hide my satisfied smile, as her breathing evens out, and she floats back down to me.

“Ace, that was incredible. But maybe next time you should just email me all the article links and files. Clearly, we have issues following rules,” she chuckles.

“I think we need to add a rule,” I say, sitting back down on the desk and adjusting my still rock-hard cock.

“Oh yeah? What’s that?”

Ellie looks perfectly disheveled, and I will my brain to commit her to memory in this very moment.
Beautiful and perfect.

“Going forward, we can only meet in public. ’Cause next time, I’ll be contacting the chair. There is definitely a conflict going on here.” I gesture from my hard cock to my brain. “I let my dick take the lead on that one. I’m not really sorry; I know I should be. But did it work? Are you relaxed?”

“Yes, completely, but it was risky, Doctor…” she smiles, rolling the “r”, knowing I hate it when she calls me that, “…but so worth it,” she beams, softening the blow.

More and more, I’m convinced that
worth it…

Chapter 41


ey, 69, how’s
it hanging?” Destiny calls from her spot at the table, where she’s sitting with Cherry, Mercy, and Diamond. I rarely come into the staff lounge, but as soon as Destiny mentioned that I was the resident recluse, I decided to put in more of an effort. Over the last several weeks, I’ve made it my mission to interact with and get to know the other girls a bit more.

It turns out we’re all in the same boat: working here for the money. The differences? Our reasons. For Mercy, Destiny, and myself, it’s school. Destiny’s taking cosmetology classes at the Canadian Beauty College and Mercy’s a student at Sheridan who’d rather work here than end up with a ton of loans to pay off after school, which I can appreciate and relate to. As for Diamond, she’s a single mom trying to make more than ends meet; with a one-year-old at home, things have been tough for her. Turns out the baby’s father, along with her parents, wanted nothing to do with her once she decided to keep the baby despite their protests. Having flexible hours, Breathless Whispers keeps her and her daughter living above the poverty line. With babysitting help from her aunt, Diamond is able to work straight nights while Charlotte sleeps.

“Hey, ladies. It’s hanging. Just getting ready to pull the midnight- to four a.m. shift. I’m hoping it’ll be quiet, I’ve got a paper to finish.”

Not all of the girls here are friendly like these ones. There are a few who are here because they have a habit to feed and they could care less; they’ll try to steal your callers, take the prime shifts, and, if you’re not careful, will try to get you in trouble if you don’t bend to giving them what they want. These are the girls to steer clear of, Destiny warned me. According to her, these women are in way too deep with gambling, addiction, or other sketchy things, so they need this job to support that side of their lives. Despite the Conrad’s best efforts to keep the girls clean, according to Destiny, they can’t control everyone, so a few girls have managed to keep their jobs despite breaking the rules. She’s convinced it will only be a matter of time before they are caught, but warned me nonetheless to avoid them, which, thankfully, I’ve managed to do thus far.

“Oh, honey, I did that shift last night and I was swamped. Had the most fucked-up caller too. For the first time, I thought I was gonna have to drop the call. Guy wanted me to role-play I was his dog!” Cherry shares. I inwardly cringe, hoping to God she doesn’t say she did it.

Noticing my silence, Mercy jumps in. “Relax, Chanel. She didn’t go along with it. She pulled a Houdini and flipped the script.”

“Yeah, turns out he just needed to be dominated instead. So I made him my bitch,” she shrugs, and we all laugh.

Cherry is the resident comedian. From what she’s shared with me, she works here simply because she loves it. Apparently, her husband and teenage son both support her career choice. She told me the other day how she was writing an erotic novel and was using her Breathless experiences as material. Cherry also asked me to share any of my exciting calls with her, as well. Needless to say, I was very excited to hear that she was writing a book, and immediately offered to turn it into a screenplay when she was done. One quick handshake, a round of girlie squeals, and our deal was solidified.

Grabbing my Diet Pepsi from the fridge, I join them at the table. “Shit. Hopefully he doesn’t call back tonight and get my line. I’m finding I’ve not yet been able to pull off the Houdini; the other night I had to pretend I was a dude! I swear, we’re going to turn this experience into one hell of a movie in the future, eh, Cherry?” I nod, taking a sip.

“Tell me about it. I’ve got half the book dedicated to the weirdos who call. Seems we get them the most, ladies.” We all agree that it seemed that way lately.

“I gave a golden shower last month. And it was so good, the guy’s called back six times for a replay,” Mercy pipes up. “It’s a good thing the Conrads pay me enough to deal with this shit,” she adds, and we all agree again.

After a few more minutes of chatting we go our separate ways: Destiny and I to our suites, the others heading home. It looks like it’s just a few of us on tonight from the names I saw listed on the shift board as I passed by.

Once inside, I pull my props and thesis binder out of my bag. I’m really hoping my shift isn’t too crazy, I’ve got my final meeting with Ace in a few days before we all meet next week to defend our theses in front of the thesis committee. I have a bit more to edit and rewrite, but I think I’m actually going to pull it off. I’m grateful Ace didn’t let me give up like I wanted to last month.
God, that man is amazing. I’m falling for him more and more each time we’re together.

Our last movie date was incredible…

“Wow, you look stunning,” he says, when we meet in our row at Bloor Hot Docs for our weekly movie date.

“It’s dark. How can you tell?” I ask him.

“I just know,” he replies with finality.

“You really are good with words, Ace,” I laugh. The next thing I know, I’m being pulled over to his lap.

“I know because when I picture you in my mind, you’re always beautiful, but then when I finally get see you in person again you manage to take my breath away. Every. Single. Time.”

He grins, looking a little smug, knowing he’s just turned me into a pile of girlie-goo. Of course, that damned dimple joins in the fun.

“Okay, maybe you do have the words.” I move my hand to cup his jaw, the day-old stubble—along with those dark-framed glasses—making him look more rugged than usual. “I love when you wear your glasses.” I kiss tug on his bottom lip. His hand moves to my ass pulling me in closer.

“I love this tight ass. I can’t wait to get up close and personal with it. These rules are bullshit, E. I’m going to combust soon,” he groans, pushing my centre against his hardness. Looking around, I see that the theatre is still empty, the opening credits haven’t yet begun, and I decide it’s time to bend a rule. “It’s my turn for a little payback, Doctor Ryan,” I say, leaning in close. “I need you to close your eyes and listen to what I’d like to do to you here one day in the future. Think you can do that for me, Ace? Can you be a good listener?”

“Oh, hell, yeah, I can,” he says.

“Perfect. Imagine it’s our usual date, but suddenly I move off your lap from where we’ve been having some pre-show cuddles. Instead of moving to my seat for the previews, I position myself down onto my knees. Right between yours.”

“Sounds good so far, keep going.”

“You’re not quite sure what I’m doing, because—me being such an innocent girl—we’ve never done anything like this before. Little do you realize, however, I’ve thought about it every single week that we’ve come here. Pictured doing just this,” I whisper, blowing into his ear.

“What are you doing, Ellie? Don’t stop, tell me more,” Ace says a bit breathlessly, and in the amber glow of the theatre lights, I feel the slight twinge of his hardening cock under his jeans as I continue.

“I’m being a rebel. Rules are made to be broken, right?” I ask. “Leaning up, I place my hands on your belt, waiting for you to give me the go-ahead.”

“Like I’d ever tell you ‘no’, you know I love a rebel streak every now and then,” he shares.

“Now, because you’re such a cooperative man, you lift yourself enough that I can lower your pants, making it easier for me to get at that big, hard, beautiful cock of yours,” I smile at his intake of breath and the grip he has on the armrest, knowing I’m affecting him.

“‘I can’t wait to have you in my mouth. I’ve been thinking about it for a long time, Doctor Ryan,’ I tell you, as I spring your thick cock, the same one I can tell will fit me like it was meant solely for pounding into my waiting pussy.”

“Jesus, fuck, Ellie. That mouth,” Ace mutters, and I try not to giggle. I love that my plan is working.

“Keep talking like that and you won’t need to touch me. Blue balls, remember?” he quips, and I laugh.

“Once I’ve got you out, I reach for my drink. Opening the lid, I take a sip and slip a few ice cubes into my mouth. You eye me suspiciously, not sure what I’m up to, but your cock jumps with excitement.”

“Know that everything you say and do will be repeated. I’m hard as stone right now, Ellie. Goddamn it,” he says, shifting underneath me.

“Quiet. Let me finish this part, it’s so good. Taking your cock in my hands, I look up into your eyes. ‘How about we cool down that fireman’s hat with a little cold water,’ I say around the ice, placing my hands around your hard length.”

“‘Fireman’s hat?’ And I’m the one with word issues?” he chuckles.

“‘Shhh,’ I say, moving my mouth closer and blowing the cool air over your cock, waiting for you to relax and let me continue.”

“Call it what you want, as long as you suck it. Fuck, please tell me you put it in your mouth next. I need you to tell me how you’ll suck it, Ellie,” he hisses.

“With the ice in my mouth, I wrap my lips around the head of your dick. The ice begins to melt from your heat, and I start swirling my tongue around the sensitive head, coating you with my saliva, branding you as mine, making you all wet and ready for my mouth’s assault. Using my tongue, I tease the tip, applying the perfect blend of pressure and suction. You’re so turned on, you move your hands to my hair, and start kneading my head, holding it in place, and I fucking love it,” I say, pausing, taking a moment to let it all sink in and to see how he’s reacting. It doesn’t take long to see I’m doing a good job, even as the lights go down for the previews.

“Shit, that feels so good, E. Fuuck,” he whispers, his eyes closed as if he is picturing everything I was describing.

“As my mouth makes its way down your smooth shaft, I nibble a little bit, running my teeth gently along. I drag my lips and tongue over each ridge and vein before moving my hand up to play with your balls.”

“Jesus Christ. I’m going to come, if you keep that up. Fuck, yeah, I can’t wait to watch you take it all…” he says, as his hips start moving and I move my lips within millimetres of his ear and tell him that I can’t wait either, and then the opening credits start to roll and…


And I’m taken from my happy place by that familiar sound.

Chapter 42


umbling for my
headset, I click “accept” and speak into the line without looking at the caller specs: “Breathless Whisp—”

“Your only job right now is to listen. You understand? I’m in control here. I call the shots. Your only job is to say ‘yes’ and come on command. Understand?” the male caller bites out, cutting me off before I’ve even begun.

“Yes, I understand,” I reply in my lowest voice, assuming this caller is going to be an aggressive one who might be best dealt with using my soft tone. Sometimes you get these types of callers, ones where they need an outlet, a place where they can prove they are capable of being in control of any and all situations. A caller desperate to let their dominant side shine, because most likely they aren’t the ones wearing the pants in their reality.

Destiny warned me about these types of callers. She said to play along initially, then work to take back the control. She says that by the time you’ve taken control back, they’re so far gone they rarely notice they’re on the bottom again.

“Good. Now take your clothes off, pinch your nipples, get them ready for me. Tell me how it feels.”

“Exciting. The pulling is sending a little tickle to my…”

“Shit, I can’t wait to eat that cunt of yours. I’m gonna eat that pussy like a fucking cannibal.”

His words are harsher than I’m used to, but I shake it off and play along.

“Oh good. I can’t wait. I bet your mouth will feel so good on my pussy. It’s been too long, I need…”

“Fucking right it’ll be good. Once I get to you. But first I wanna watch you suck the fuck out of my cock. Get on your fucking knees. Now. I wanna listen to you gag and choke around my dick while I fuck your mouth and throat with my huge cock.”

“Yes, I’d like that,” I say, rolling my eyes, moving to grab a popsicle from the bar fridge’s freezer.

There’s a strange laugh that comes across the line, immediately causing dread to pool in my stomach. The hairs on my neck stand on end. I pause in the unwrapping of the icy pop.

BOOK: Call Me
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