Captured Innocence (CSA Case Files) (25 page)

BOOK: Captured Innocence (CSA Case Files)
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Chapter Twenty-Five


Masters’ social hour turned out to be successful.  Lauren glanced at her watch and saw that there was still a half hour left.  The majority of the people who had stopped by were guests, checking out the club.  A married couple had purchased a pair of nipple clamps that she’d outfitted with sapphires and a submissive had bought herself a corset that Lauren had adorned with amethysts.  Nipple clamps were the highest seller this evening and she knew she’d have to restock within the next week or so.  There were a few members milling about, wanting to see the newbies that might join, but they were well aware of her items and rarely stopped by her table.

She had set up near the entrance
after the foyer, giving the newbies room to maneuver around the room and look at the equipment.  The St. Andrew’s cross never failed to draw her attention and it reminded her of the position Connor had her take on the bed for the flogging scene.  It had been light and she appreciated that, even coming to love the sensation of having the tendrils of leather falling on her skin. 

“You don’t listen, do you?” Connor asked, startling her.  She turned quickly to see that he was walking toward her, although his
voice was low.  It was obvious he didn’t want to be overheard.  He was clean-shaven and she was able to catch a subtle scent of his cologne as he came to a stop in front of her table.  “I told you it would be safer for you to stay at home until this case was over.”

“And I told you that nothing has happened to indicate I’m in danger,” Lauren replied,
keeping her voice just as soft.  “Unless you’re aware of something I’m not, I still have a life.  I’m fine, really.  I have a half hour and then I’m packing up and heading home.”

Lauren looked around, but no one was paying attention to them except the man who had been three steps behind.  He was now standing side by side with Connor.  The handsome blonde flashed her a smile and it was impossible not to smile back.  It was infectious.

“You must be Jax,” Lauren said.  “You know, breaking into my apartment wasn’t such a bright idea.”

“Turned out rather well, if you ask me,” Jax replied, giving her a wink. 
She couldn’t help but laugh and hoped no one noticed.  Connor looked even more aggravated.  “Nice to meet you, Lauren Bailey.  I’ll give you two a minute.”

“He’s nice,” Lauren said, watching him walk away. 
Jax didn’t go unnoticed, as a couple of newbies watched him walk towards the bar.  She had no doubt that Joel would have two new members before the night was through.  “If you stay at my table too long, Joel or one of the regulars might think it’s odd.  You’ve never shown up for social hour before.”

“Exceptions can be
made,” Connor said, his irritation evident.  He picked up a collar and feigned interest.  “I can’t go into it now, but new information has come to light that indicates your
SUV might not be so accidental.”

She had expected to see frustration in his eyes, but when Connor looked up at her, she thought she saw fear.  Lauren felt her heart melt and almost reached out to touch him.  She wanted the closeness they had last weekend.  Carefully scanning the room and seeing that no one was looking their way, she leaned closer.

“Like I said, I’m done in a half hour.  Why don’t you meet me back at my place and you can catch me up on things
.”  Lauren saw a brunette head their way and knew she’d better finish talking.  “I know you can’t talk about the case, but if something involves me, then I should know.”

“Lauren, I can’t —”

“If it isn’t Master Connor,” the brunette said, laying her hand on his arm.  “I heard you had fun with Brie on Tuesday night.  Are you sticking around?  I’d love it if I could scene with you tonight.”

Lauren tried to swallow, but her throat wasn’t working.  Connor had been at the club, playing?  She didn’t know why that created such a sharp pain in her chest, but right now it was a struggle to breathe.  Looking down, she saw her invoice pad and picked it
up, giving herself something to do.  Lauren hoped like hell he didn’t see the trembling in her fingers.

“We’ll see,” Connor said, his voice a little tight.  Lauren wondered if the brunette caught the tension. 
Seeing as her hand was still on his arm, Lauren doubted it.  “Jax and I were thinking of heading over to Whip.  We just stopped by to see what kind of action might be taking place tonight.  If I’m around later, I’ll look for you, Casey.”

“I heard that Gerry was doing some sort of fire play scene,” Casey said, finally letting her hand fall.  Lauren figured nothing would seem out of the ordinary if she were to start boxing up some of the duplicate items.  She needed to leave before she embarrassed herself. 
Connor didn’t need to witness her struggling with ground rules they’d already set in cement.  “I’m not much for that kind of play, but you know that.”

“Connor, a little heads up that your co-worker was going to interrogate me would have been appreciated,” Joel said, walking up to them.
  Lauren gritted her teeth, just wanting to leave.  “I just reamed Jax a new asshole.  What happened to loyalty, man?”

The last thing Lauren wanted to do was stand here and listen to them talk.  Casey was still standing close to Connor and Lauren refused to even look his way.  She’d agreed to a casual relationship.  It wasn’t his fault that she wasn’t cut out for it. No wonder she left
the YOLO attitude up to Sue.  She sure as hell wasn’t cut out for it.  Lauren felt a little sick to her stomach, but continued to toss random items into the boxes.  She’d sort them out later.

“Hey, you know how it goes.  I heard
CSA was hired by the Maplewood Police Department, but since Jax and I are part of the community, Crest gave orders that we’re not to be involved.”

“I get it,” Joel said
, nodding his understanding.  “He wants someone impartial.  But you know that no one here is capable of murder.  Can’t you and Jax tell him that?”

“We’re staying out of it, Joel,” Connor said, setting down the collar on the table.  “We have our orders.
  Whoever has the case will figure that out on their own.  You have nothing to worry about.”

“Lauren, did you get a call from one of the CSA investigators?” Joel asked, dragging her into the conversation.  “I heard they’ve pretty much questioned anyone who had contact with Marilyn Sweeney.”

Lauren pasted a smile onto her face, hoping it didn’t across as too fake.  She’d been placing more items in one of the smaller boxes, hoping to stay out of the conversation, but it wasn’t meant to be.  A lot of things weren’t.  She turned her attention on Joel.  He was wearing his usual leather outfit, reminding her more of someone out of the sixties.  He had the hairstyle to go with it, along with an oval face and longer nose.

“Yes,” Lauren replied, technically not lying.  Connor had asked her questions, but she knew that wasn’t truly what Joel meant.  Apparently there had been quite a lot of happenings this w
eek that she’d not been privy to.  “Just your standard questions.  Social hour seems to be thinning out, Joel.  I think I’ll pack up and head on out.”

I know I always ask you the same thing, but if you’d like to become a member and stay for play hours, all you have to do is say the word,” Joel said.

“Kyle couldn’t handle me,” Lauren automatically replied, giving her standard answer and eliciting a laugh from Joel.  Connor remained conspicuously silent.  “I appreciate the offer, but you know that I don’t play.  It was a
nice turnout this evening, Joel.”

“Good to hear.  I’ll be in touch and we’ll set something up
for next month.” 

Joel’s name was being called, so he excused himself.  Lauren went back to packing her items, quicker now than before since she’d said she was leaving early.  She paid little attention to Connor and Casey, who were still standing there.  She heard him say something to the brunette, but couldn’t quite make out what it was.  Reaching back on the table for the larger items, she was startled when Connor’s
warm hand wrapped around her wrist.

“I have to work tonight,” Connor murmured, blocking their connection with his body.  “I’ll stop by —”

“Connor,” Lauren said, looking him directly in the eye.  She needed to get her point across, regardless of the knot in her chest.  “I get it.  You have nothing to worry about.  We’re not exclusive and you’re free to play with whomever you want.  I’m not going to cause some dramatic scene and blow your cover.”

“I didn’t touch Brie in a sexual way,” Connor stated, his jaw tightening.  “If I hadn’t done something, Joel and the other members would have automatically known something was wrong.”

“You’re the one who said there are different types of submissives,” Lauren murmured, trying to remain hidden behind his body while keeping her composure.  “I guess I’m not one who shares.”

“Everything good here?”
Jax asked, interrupting the moment.

Lauren pulled her wrist back, immediately wrapping her own hand around it.  The
deceptive feeling of pressure that she’d always felt had returned.  Had it ever really gone away?  She didn’t miss Connor glancing down at her movement. 


“Yes.”  Lauren ignored Connor’s negative answer and turned her attention on Jax.  “I just need to finish packing up.  It was very nice to meet you.”

“You, too,” Jax replied, looking toward Connor for some
cue.  He could look all he wanted.  She was done for this evening.  She needed to go home and have a glass of wine.  The bottle was sounding pretty good though.  “Does Joel have someone help you to your van?”

Lauren almost asked how Jax knew she drove a van instead of a car, but then thought better of it.  Of course he knew.  She would have wondered what else he was privy too, but realized that Connor wasn’t that type of man.  Regardless of what she was feeling right now, he was an honorable man.  That almost made it worse.

“I have a dolly, so I’m fine.”  Lauren glanced over his shoulder to see Joel looking their way.  She lowered her voice.  “We’re starting to attract attention.”

“Since we never come to social hour, they’ll think we’re just browsing your table,” Connor said, his voice tight.  “We need to talk.”

“Right now, you have two submissives headed your way,” Lauren said, tilting her head to the women behind him.  “Enjoy your evening.”


* * * *


She’d sounded like a total bitch.  Lauren loaded up the dolly and closed the back of her van.  Making sure it was locked, she started around the driver’s side but came to a halt when she saw two men arguing on the other side of the parking garage.  One of them was Joel and she stifled a gasp when the other man shoved him in the chest.

Not wanting the two men to think she was spying on them, Lauren
took a step back behind the van.  She crossed her arms, her white sweater not enough to ward off the cold.  When she’d started loading the boxes, she’d thrown her coat into the front seat.  Connor’s ire over her penchant for doing so sprang to mind, but raised voices brought her back to the present.

I won’t go down for this,” Joel said, his voice rising and carrying through the evening air. 

Lauren couldn’t distinguish what the other man s
aid, but she could have sworn he mentioned Connor and Jax’s names.  She edged closer to the side of the van, her heart beating fast.  Were these two responsible for Marilyn’s murder?  Is that what they were fighting about?

“…can’t back out now,” the man said.  “…make sure…aren’t…next weekend.”

Lauren heard footsteps headed her way.  She pulled back, flattening herself against the back door of the van.  She squeezed her eyes tight, hoping like hell they didn’t see her. 

“They’re headed over to Whip tonight,” Joel said, his voice near the front of her van.  “Take care of it or I’m backing out.”

Lauren heard the metal door to the exit open and then slam as it closed.  She held her breath, not hearing the other man.  Where had he gone?  Silence seemed to descend over the parking garage.  She slowly exhaled, hearing nothing but her breath along with the blood rushing in her ears.  Should she chance looking around the side of the van?

A car door slammed, causing Lauren to jump.  An ignition turned over and she heard the engine rev.  Within seconds, the vehicle pulled out and the sound faded as it drove down the ramp.  She waited, wanting to make sure that the coast was clear before getting inside the van.  Counting to one hundred, Lauren finally peeked around the side and saw nothing.  No one was there.

Quickly, she jumped inside of the van and locked her doors.  Lauren reached over to the passenger seat and moved her coat, looking for her purse.  Finding it, she fished out her cell phone out and then stared at it, wondering what she should do.  The last thing she wanted was to talk to Connor when her emotions were in such a turmoil, but knew she had no other choice.  She threw her head back onto the headrest.  So much for her self-pity party.

Chapter Twenty-Six


“Who is that?” Lauren whispered, turning to face Connor.  She peeked over his shoulder at
the large man dressed in black, leaning against the wall near her front door.  “He’s huge.”

“Crest hired him.  I just met t
he man myself.  He goes by Lach.  Red, I need you to listen to me,” Connor said, catching her attention.  She’d wanted this to remain professional, but having him back in her apartment made it anything but.  He hadn’t left her side since she called him from the parking garage.  “When Terry Sweeney was shot, his neighbor saw the person who carried it out.  He was driving a black SUV.”

Lauren felt her breath catch in her throat. 
She searched his gaze, knowing there was more to the story.  She looked back over his shoulder and finally figured it out.

“Lach’s been following me?”

“Keeping an eye on you,” Connor said, as if that made a difference.  To her, it was the same thing.  “Crest ordered it after Monday morning.  After the shooting, we officially got the case.  I wasn’t lying to you that I’ve had a hell of a week.”

“I didn’t say you were,” Lauren replied, not liking where he was leading this. 
“There’s no reason to bring up our personal relationship right now.  Crest looks like he’s finishing up his phone call and Lach looks like he’s getting antsy.”

“This is real,
Red.  I can’t give you a reason why the killer may have targeted you to begin with, other than he thinks you know something.  I also can’t give you a reason as to why he’s left you alone, after having followed you in the beginning.” 

“I don’t need reasons,” Lauren said, brushing past him.  “I just need a little sanity back in my life.”


* * * *


Lauren’s last comment made Connor want break something.  Damn it, but she was a stubborn woman.  There was no mistaking the pain in her eyes when Casey had come over and mentioned his scene with Brie.  He’d never intended to hurt her like that.  Connor could tell himself that he’d been working undercover, but the bottom line was he’d wanted to prove that Lauren didn’t have any kind of hold over him. 

Connor looked at Lach, not sure what he thought of the new team member.  He didn’t talk much, but that wasn’t a prerequisite.  Within seconds of Lauren’s call,
which he’d managed to get as he and Jax had left through the main entrance to walk over to Whip, Connor had received one from an unknown number.  It was Lach, telling him what had transpired in the parking garage and that he would wait until Connor arrived.  Apparently Lach knew quite a bit about their relationship.  He had no doubt Lach had gained that information from Crest, along with the rest of the case details.

“Connor,” Crest said
.  Lauren was already in the living room, standing next to him.  “Jax is entering Whip now and will take over this evening.  What are you thoughts?”

“Lach positively iden
tified the man as Gerry Mason.  Jax knows this and will work that angle.  The two men have always had a love/hate relationship.  Something prompted them to have these private parties, but it’s obvious from the conversation Lauren overheard that there’s tension.”  Connor kept his eyes on Lauren, wanting to stay with her but knowing he should go back out into the field.  “According to Lach, neither man saw Lauren.  She should be safe, although I still feel she needs protection.”

Agreed,” Crest said, before turning to Lauren.  “I won’t apologize for having put a protection detail on you, Ms. Bailey.  Whether or not the SUV you saw is the same one that Terry’s neighbor witnessed at the time of his shooting, I don’t know.  I don’t want to take a chance that you could be hurt.”

“I understand,” Lauren said, her focus on Crest.
  Connor had to wonder if she really did comprehend the danger she was in. “I would appreciate to be kept up to date though, when it comes to me.  I still have no idea what, if anything, this person feels I know.  But if you feel that Mr. Lach needs to keep an eye on things, that’s fine.”

“You are to carry on as if you know nothing
of what you saw this evening,” Crest ordered, picking up his dress coat that he’d placed on the couch.  “I have an appointment that I cannot miss, so if you’ll excuse me, I’ll leave you in capable hands.  Connor, could I have a word with you before I go?”

“Yes,” Connor replied, walking toward the door where Lach was still waiting.  Crest came up to both of them, his cell phone back in hand. 

“Lach, take your position back up and call if you think anything is amiss.  I’m heading back to the hospital.  Mr. Sweeney called and said there’s been a change in Terry’s condition.  It was a message, so I’m not certain if it’s good or bad.  Connor, get ahold of Kevin and give him the run down on the events that just took place.  Maybe it’s time for Kevin to lay the pressure on Joel and Gerry.  If there is tension between them, maybe we can get one of them to crack.”

“Already done,” Connor replied, crossing his arms.  “I also gave Jax a heads up that Kevin might stop into Whip tonight.  With his presence in front of the members, Gerry will immediately take him into the back office
, but the damage will be done.  The guests will see that the clubs are being scrutinized.”

“We can only hope someone panics and makes a mistake,” Crest said, looking down at his phone when another text came through.  “I need to go.  I want SITREPs on my desk by morning.”

With that last order, Crest left.  Connor looked back at Lauren who was now in the kitchen.  She was pretending to clean the counters, but he could tell from her body language she was eavesdropping.  Would she still be willing to listen after Lach left?

“I appreciate that you’ve kept such a close eye on Lauren,” Connor said, turning back to face the large man. 

Lauren had been right.  He was big and stood at least a good four inches taller than Connor.  He had dark brown hair that was cropped close and there wasn’t a strand out of place.  The way he carried his shoulders, it was easy to tell that Lach was military. 

“It’s an assignment, like any other,” Lach replied, his voice deep.  “
I’ll take up my post and let you know if I see anything out of the ordinary.  It’s obvious that you’re personally involved with her.”

Since his tone hadn’t changed, Connor wasn’t sure if he’d just thrown a dig his way or not.  He didn’t give a shit what Lach thought.  Regardless of his relationship with Lauren, he would do his fucking job.

“I appreciate that,” Connor said, keeping things short.  “Welcome to the team.”

Lach didn’t reply, but did nod in acknowledgement.  Turning, he followed Crest
’s trail and left.  Connor made sure the deadbolt was turned before facing Lauren.  She was leaning against the counter near the sink, her arms crossed and staring at him like she was ready to do battle. 

“My orders are to blend in at the clubs and garner as much information as I can,” Connor said, staying where he was.  “Jax and I are part of that community and at the end of this case, we will apologize to anyone we offended by doing our duty.
  You and I…”

“You and I what?” Lauren asked.  “I told you at the club, you have nothing to apologize to me for.  We agreed this wasn’t serious.  You can play with whomever you want to.  Just as long as you know that I can do the same.”

Connor fisted his hands and took a step forward.  An image of her with another man caused anger to swell in his chest.  Were all redheads this goddamned stubborn? 

“Lauren, if I hadn’t started to play, everyone that I socialize
d with would think something was wrong and immediately feel I was only there to investigate them.  The scene was not sexual in nature.  You seeing another man, let alone a Dom, is off the table.  This is the only case that has ever crossed into my personal territory and —”

“Wait a second,” Lauren exclaimed, straightening and taking a few steps toward him.  “You’re going to stand there and tell me that you played with a submissive because it was your
?  Just because you introduced me to a different aspect of the lifestyle doesn’t mean I have “naïve” written across my forehead.  You played with her because you wanted to play with her.  That’s fine.  But man-up about it, Connor.”

Damn if her anger wasn’t stirring his cock.  Did she just question his manhood?  Connor took another step and then stopped, knowing she wouldn’t want his touch right now.  How could he explain to her that the scene hadn’t generated his interest in any way?  Did he even want to? 

“I knew what I was getting into.  We both agreed to the terms,” Lauren exclaimed, coming closer and pointing a finger at him.  “This is not exclusive, Connor, and I have every right to either have a simple dinner with Rick across the hallway or have a scene with Kyle at the club if I so choose.”

“We said casual meaning nothing seri
ous,” Connor said, wanting to correct her.  He knew his voice was rising, but damn it, she was frustrating him.  “That doesn’t mean we are seeing other people while we fuck each other.”

“So because you didn’t put your cock in her pussy, that gives you a pass to flog her ass?”  Lauren was now one step away from him.  “If you want this
relationship to continue, I don’t give a rat’s ass what your duty is.  You can take
to the club until we decide we’re over.”

“It was a cane, not a flogger.”  Connor saw her eyes flare and knew that wasn’t the right thing to say at the moment.  “And you’re nowhere near ready for that.”

“Try me.”

Connor shook his head,
not even sure of what to say to that.  It wasn’t that he didn’t have the words; it was just that she’d managed to short-circuit every fucking nerve in his body.  He’d gone all week, making sure to keep his distance.  Conducting scenes and initiating the aftercare could induce intense feelings that could be misconstrued as something more serious than what they were.  He’d been giving Lauren time, knowing she was intelligent enough to understand that this was nothing more than sex.  Yet, here she was, standing before him saying…he didn’t know what the hell she was saying.

“I’m on a case,
Red,” Connor murmured, trying to keep himself from reaching out to her.  His anger and arousal were mixing.  Right now, all he wanted to do was fuck her.  “Even if I did agree to that, which Crest would never go for, you couldn’t handle the club scene.”

“You said it yourself,” Lauren said in a low voice, as if she too were trying to control her emotions.  “This case has crossed over
into your personal life.  What better way to blend in then by taking me to the club?  You and I both know that people saw us talking tonight.  Having me show up with you tomorrow night would give them something else to talk about, instead of speculating if you’re really there on business or pleasure.  And if the killer were after me at some point, maybe it would scare him to think I told you whatever it is he’s scared of me knowing.  And for your information, I can handle a club scene just fine.”

“The only
thing I can think of is that you’re running on adrenaline from what happened this evening,” Connor said, needing her to see what a dumbass idea this was.  “You can’t even have your wrists bound.  What the hell would happen if I cuffed you to the spanking bench or the St. Andrew’s cross, huh?  You’d panic and then I’d be dealing with you instead of doing my job.”

“If you had bothered to come back at some point throughout the week, maybe you would have realized that this weekend gave me a taste of what I really want.”  Lauren closed the distance between them and tilted her head up, her green eyes now emerald in color that dared him to take her in hand.  Connor’s cock had never been so hard.  “Master.”

BOOK: Captured Innocence (CSA Case Files)
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