Read Carried Away (2010) Online

Authors: Cerise Deland

Carried Away (2010) (5 page)

BOOK: Carried Away (2010)
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his mouth. 38 Carried Away One hand to her chest, he angled down and traced a long wet line with his tongue along her torso to her bellybutton. I wanted to put a ring in here three years ago. I damn well will tomorrow, he promised her and pressed his tongue inside the hollow. What do you think, babe? Amethysts? For your eyes? Diamonds. For yours. He snorted. Well put my eyes on you? He paused to gaze at her, his look melting her down. Since the moment I met you, my eyes have seen only you. Blown by his admission, she told him, And mine for only you, too. He pushed up on his heavily corded arms, flashed her a grin, but his mouth was thin, pained. Were overdue for me to put my hands on you. My cock inside your sweet little pussy. He smoothed her hair back. But we cant do this tonight. She gasped. Struck. He didnt want her? Her worst fear, come true. No, she sobbed. Let me make it all up to you. I never meant to hurt Babe, he whispered, its too late No! She felt like hed cut her heart out. Listen to me! Youve got me wrong. Shops are closed. Huh? Was her brain working right? He put his lips to her collarbone. Its not that I dont want you. Then what? She placed a hand to his cheek to lift his face. He looked forlorn as a teenager. I dont have any latex. She sputtered. No ... no... She was staggered with surprise. But... I havent bought any in ... hell! A long time! I certainly didnt expect to meet you in Venice and I Let me go, Grant. She put her palm to his chest. Babe, Im sorry! I understand, sweetie. Let me up! She pushed against him. Her pussy flooding with more cream, her breasts tingling to be possessed by him, she struggled up. 39 Cerise DeLand Coco, we can do lots of other things! Dont want to, she told him. He looked like shed just torn his heart out. Good. She hurried into her room. Flung wide the door to her bathroom, fumbled through her cosmetics case and extracted a long string of condoms. She pivoted back toward his room and halted. He stood in the doorway, his arms folded, his silver eyes streaked with sadness and growing jealousy. You carry I dont usually. But I did here to Venice. I knew, even if you didnt, that I was going to see you. I knew I wanted to make love to you and I wanted to be prepar He grabbed her so fast, she couldnt breathe, couldnt think. Didnt want to. He dragged her up against him, clamped his arms around her waist and consumed her mouth. As he walked her backward to the bed, he demanded, How many do you have? Dunno. Have to read the box. He snorted. Well use what youve got. He kept sipping at her lips, laughing in between words. Buy more in the morning. What stamina, she praised him, taking one packet but shoving the rest into his hand as she kissed his nose, his cheek, his jaw. You aint seen nuthin yet, sugar babe, he whispered, as her calves hit against the mattress and she sat down. The moonlight streamed over his shoulder, putting his face in shadow. She tore open the package, hoping she could put this on him easily. Shed had no practice since shed left him. His was a silhouette of power, tossing the remaining condoms to the nightstand, panting like a wild animal as he took his sweet time, damn him, looking her over. Want me to do that? No! She shrank away from his reach. I planned this. 40 Carried Away Hands on his hips now, he pointed his luscious cock at her, proudly. Cover me quick, bossy lady. She ran her tongue over her lower lip as she saw how his blunt shaft pointed at her. On a whim, she reached over and kissed the tip. He growled. Now is a good time! Undeterred, she licked the drops of pre-cum from her upper lip and smiled up at him as she wrapped her hand around his base and rolled the latex down, down, down to his root. Then she lay back and stretched up to display her body as leisurely as a stripper on an imaginary pole. What do you think? she whispered, eager to hear what he liked about her. My memorys bad, he rasped and lifted his chin at her. Refresh it. She swallowed hard on the intimate suggestion. Her memory of them together in bed and out was oh, so alive and well. It told her Grant Warwick was a man who liked to watchand afterward he would show her how very much he appreciated her ingenuity. She wouldnt fail him. She smiled at him, a slow hot caress over the outline of his massive body from his head to his lean hips to his sculpted thighs. Lifting her arms like a dancer who had all the time in the world, she curled her fingers in her hair, over her scalp and down over her eyes to drag apart her lips. She caressed her throat and pushed her breasts together to beckon him with stiff hot areolas. She could hear him catch his breath. Gratified, she went on. One hand drifted down the opposite arm, fingers touched, separated. Ballet lessons helped get your man hard. Who knew? She grinned at him, flexed her thighs. Her pussy pulsed, swelling, cream gushing down her channel. He stepped closer. In this light, she could glimpse the way his hands fisted at his sides and the way his giant cock rose higher toward his navel. 41 Cerise DeLand Her cunt flooded with fresh juice and she could feel the wealth of it rush over her labia and drip to her thighs. She was going to be so wet for him when he finally put that thick rod inside her, he would be a happy man. More, he demanded. Had she stopped? I want you, she told him as she threaded her fingers into her moist pussy hair, here. She parted her lips for him and the room filled with the small, distinct sound of her liquid need of him. She held her body open for him. He narrowed his gaze and audibly inhaled. Could he smell the aroma of her desire for him? She certainly could and she rejoiced she could offer him such proof of how she wanted to take him inside her. To give him more, she sank one fingertip down her seam. The merest touch to her clit and she hummed. Grant, sweetie. Roll over, he ordered her. She rose up on one elbow and did as she was told. Writhing on the sheets, getting whatever satisfaction she could from the rub of cool linen, she groaned. Then she pushed up to her knees, her buttocks in the air. She sent one hand between her legs, one fingertip tapped her rosy hole. Grant, she beseeched him. All of this is for you. He climbed on the bed, rocking the mattress with his weight. Hands to her hips, he pressed his thighs to hers. Slid his shaft along her seam. Made her bite her tongue in delight as he moved slowly back and forth along her dripping, greedy little slit. He prodded her, teasing her with the promise of his thick rod deep inside her cunt. She whimpered and put her forehead to the mattress. She knew he wasnt going to give it to her yet. He never did fuck her until hed tormented both of them with a feel of every part of her pussy and his cock. She reached back between their legs, able to capture one of his huge balls and caressed him. He growled at her. Fair play, she countered, then rolled his sac in her hand. He sent one hand up her backbone, buried his fingertips in her hair and kissed her nape. Youre a witch. 42 Carried Away She grinned as he circled one arm around her hip, one hand to her pussy, pressing her back to his hot, hard body. She pushed against him, losing her hold on his scrotum, but gaining one of his hands tracing her very happy slit. How big is your clit, babe? he asked as his fingers burrowed inside her and rested atop her sensitive ball of nerves. Do I need to make it larger? You do. She shuddered. With your mouth. He gave a laugh. What I figured, babe. He rolled to one side and let her fall to the other. Let me take a closer look and then Ill make you very happy, honey. Youd better, big boy, she complained and pouted like a kid, or Im coming without you! No way, he crooned as he pressed her thighs as wide as they could go. Tonight your tight little cunt pounds only around my cock. He always kept his promises and to ensure this one, he spread himself out on the bed between her legs. I love your pretty pussy. He rolled open her lips and as he spoke she could fell his breath moist and warm on her needy tissues. Swollen and pleading for me. Coated with cream ready for me to eat you up. He licked her clit delicately. And I love to work your nub here and get you fired up to have me. She pushed her fists into the bed. Im blazing already! Taste me. Now. I aim to please, he murmured and put his lips to her clit, then pulled her hard and fast into his mouth. She bucked up. One hand to her stomach, he pushed her down. Gotta be a good girl. No moving away from me. Im not going away, sweetie, she agreed on a plaintive note. But you have to eat me! 43 Cerise DeLand Hey, babe. He was laughing. Laughing? Im gonna taste you all night long. Like this, he whispered as he sucked her labia into his open mouth and his tongue stroked the nub to a wild new level of delight. And this here? He spread her wider and drove his tongue deep into her channel to lick her G-spot. This is where I make you nuts. Like this. He put one finger beneath her swollen button and stroked her there as well. She was pulsing with electric excitement when he got up on his knees and stuffed a pillow under her ass. There, he crooned. The better to pet you and tame this cat. He went down on his elbows again and concentrated on laving each labia, up one side and down the other, pushing them together with deft fingers to expose her clit fully, scrape his teeth over it and make her keen in delight. She drove her knuckles into his shoulder. Her reward came as he hooked his hands under her knees, hauled her up his thighs and drove his blunt cock right up inside her begging pussy. Ah, oh, um. She couldnt seem to find words to describe how full, how complete she felt with his shaft rammed up inside her. How had she lived without him? Without this ecstasy? He froze, too. With his eyes squeezed shut, his mouth open in a grimace, he looked like a man in exquisite pain. But as he movedoh, yes!she caught a breath and rocked with him. Grinding down on his cock, she panted, nuts to have him fill up every cell in her body, every thought in her brain. She wailed as he stroked her with a fast rhythm that gave her clit fresh delight and sent her careening over the edge of an orgasm she never could have imagined. She yelled over and over, knew she emitted crazy sounds. But she couldnt stop as he pummeled her pussy with his need and a wild, hard speed. She took him, absorbed all of him, his hunger, his pace and his brand on her. She came in one wave, followed by another and another. Still he rocked her and she hung on, fingernails in his thighs, ankles crossed behind his back. He pumped into her with the relentless force of a 44 Carried Away machine, fast and furious. Then like a penitent, he became slow and careful, murmuring some kind of fervent prayer to fuck her well and now and keep her with him. And then he exploded with a cry that shook her soul, pierced the quiet of the room and took her up to nirvana and down into the splendor of the bed. He wrapped himself around her. She burrowed back, reveling in the feel of his care. She had no idea how much later he pulled the sheet up over them. Minutes afterward, she felt him kiss her forehead, rise and go into his bathroom to get rid of the condom. The water ran for a while and he came back to lie down beside her. He peeled back the sheet and rolled her to her back. Then she felt him stroking her breasts and her belly with a warm washcloth followed by the brush of his lips. Suddenly he pressed the cloth between her nether lips. With loving swipes of his hand, he opened her labia and stroked her clit with the nubby fabric. She moaned and his mouth was pressing deft kisses to her pussy. I got carried away, he apologized as he continued his ministrations. You were gentle, sweetie. I dont ever want to hurt you, he said, kissing the inside of her thigh. You could never hurt me, Grant, she whispered. You may be this big brawny guy, but with me youre a lamb. Sheesh. He sucked her clit for a long minute, making her mewl. Dont spread that around, will you, babe? He rubbed his lips over her nub, inspiring her to put a hand to her pussy. Never. Darling, you have got to stop or Im going to demand you make love to me again. He nudged her fingers away, thumbed her more widely open and lavished his tongue on her cunt. I need this, Coco. Need you. I have to make sure you realize whos in bed with you. She put a hand to his cheek. I know whos making love to me! I knew a few minutes ago. A few years ago. 45 Cerise DeLand Really? He slid up beside her. She stared up at him and after the glorious lovemaking theyd just shared, she saw an inquiry, an objectivity in his features that astonished her. This was more than the jealousy shed seen when shed retrieved the condoms. This was deeper. She had to reassure him. I havent been with anyone since you. Why not? Her mouth parted at the wild hurt on his face. Oh, sweetie. I didnt want anyone but you. Hard to believe, dont you think? Since youre the one who left me. Truths, Coco. He needs big bad truths. In his narrow silver gaze and in his tense body, she saw how raw his wound was. The gaping pain of how shed hurt him. She glanced around the room. Swung a leg out of bed. Stood and kneaded her hands. Walked to the window, naked in the moonlight. I had to leave you that morning in Washington. I couldnt get on that plane to Fiji with you. So you just let me wait at the gate at Dulles? I had to. Why not tell me before I went there? Call me and let me know? I hung around for ten hours, looking at every leggy blonde who came along, hoping it might be you. Why not tell me face to face? In her career, she had braved a lot of things. Riots, bombs, crazed extremists. Still, she was too chicken to witness the look on his countenance when she told him the truth. She stared at the moon instead. I had a job to do. And I was called the night before you and I were to leave on vacation to complete it. The assignment was one Id taken on well before you and I ever met. So it was work, he concluded in a sudden and remarkably even tone. You couldnt just tell me you had work to do? She shook her head. No. 46 Carried Away Why not? She whirled to face him then. Because no one knows about the work I do! No one ever does. He digested that for a silent moment. In the silken light, she could see the feral heat of his gaze. How can that be? You are a freelance photographer. You work on assignments for media. Thats what I used to do full-time. Now its my cover. He got to his feet and in three strides, had her around the waist, her breasts and belly and pussy warmed by the encompassing comfort of his big, hard body. With two thumbs lifting her jaw, he stared down into her eyes and with heartache in his voice, he asked, Whats your real job, baby? 47 Cerise DeLand Chapter Five I work for the CIA. Her words gutted him. Ever since he saw the suit, hed worried. Hed worked the odds. Hed known the answer. Oh, maybe

BOOK: Carried Away (2010)
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