Read Cassie Online

Authors: E. L. Todd

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Erotica, #Romantic Erotica

Cassie (10 page)

BOOK: Cassie
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“Drop it,” I said firmly.

“Why are you being so complicated right now?” Tony said. “I’ve found you a perfect solution. Why go back there where you are miserable? And I can make this woman’s life miserable if I want to.”

“Do it!” Orland said. “You would be the office hero.”

I grabbed his arm. “Can we discuss this later?”

He stared me down. “Okay.”

We got back to dinner and talk about other things. It was still tense because of the argument Tony and I just had. I really wished Stewart hadn’t brought up the incident, but I couldn’t be mad about it. I understood why he assumed Tony already knew. Any normal girlfriend would tell her boyfriend. Except most normal boyfriends weren’t billionaires.

When we came back to my apartment, I prepared for the battle about to take place.

He stared at me. “Why didn’t you tell me?”

“I’m so horny right now.”


I wrapped my arms around his neck and kissed him. “Make love to me.”

He fell for my ploy but only for a second. “I know what you’re doing.”

“Trying to get laid.”

“You’re trying to avoid a fight.”

I sighed.

“Why didn’t you tell me?” he repeated.

“I didn’t have a chance.”

“You had three hours from when you left work until we went to dinner.”

“I had errands to run.”

He glared at me. “Be straight with me.”

“I just didn’t want to, okay?”

“Are you really going to lose your job?”

“I’m pretty sure I will.”

He shook his head. “That’s something you should tell me. I thought we were serious.”

“We are,” I said. “That has nothing to do with this.”

“But it does. I love you. You love me. You should tell me everything, especially important stuff like this.”

I crossed my arms over my chest and avoided his gaze.

“How long has this been going on?”

I shrugged. “Like a month.”

“A month?”

“It’s not a big deal.”

“It is a big deal!” He came closer to me. “I want you to quit tomorrow. I’ll take care of you.”

“I don’t want you to take care of me!”

“Too bad! And I’ll find you another job if you want one. I can get you in with a better company, a better gig, with better pay. And I’ll make sure your boss gets fired. Money fixes everything.”

I glared at him. “Tony, I don’t want your help. That’s exactly why I didn’t want you to know. I knew this is the response I would get.”

He studied my face for a long time. “Why won’t you let me help you?”

“Because I can figure it out on my own.”

Tony didn’t look convinced. “Babe, I know you aren’t with me for my money. You don’t need to prove anything to me. Please let me help you.”


“You’re being really annoying right now.”

“So are you. Let me figure it out.”

“Why?” he said. “You’ll get fired and you’ll frantically search for a job, not find anything because of this bitch, then take a job you don’t even want and be screwed over. I’m opening a door for you. Now walk through it.”


“What are you trying to prove?”

“I love you.”

He sighed. “Babe, I already know that.”

But everyone is going to think that’s what’s going on.”

“Who cares?”

“I do,” I said. “I don’t want there to be any doubt.”

“Even if there wasn’t, people would still assume. That’s just how it is.”

I shook my head. “I don’t even want to work for a magazine again.”

“What do you want? You don’t have work at all if you don’t
want to.”

“That will never happen.”

“When we get married, it will.”

“No,” I said firmly.

“I could slap you right now.”

I glared at him.

“What do you want, baby?”

“My boss hates my dresses but I know they are amazing. I just wished I had my own clothing line. She would beg to feature me and I could tell her to fuck off.”

“Then make your own clothing line,” he said simply.

“I’ve already tried,” I said sadly. “I need a lot of money just to start up and there’s no guarantee I would even be successful. I could lose everything.”

“You would be if you had all the right connections and the right investors.”

I looked at him.
“Tony, no.”

“Why not?
It’s an investment.”

“You never would invest in something like that unless you were sleeping with me.”

“I’ve slept with a lot of girls and I’ve never offered them shit. I’m in love with you. There’s a big difference. And I’d appreciate it if you didn’t forget it.”

My eyes softened.

“Now take my offer.”

Having my own fashion company was my dream. I had so many ideas. And I really thought I had the talent to be successful, despite what Pia thought. But I couldn’t take the money from Tony. Janet would immediately assume I was using him. It was my dream to have this, but Tony was a different dream, a more important one. “No.”

He marched to me then threw me on the couch, pinning mw down. “Yes.”

I flinched at the anger on his face.

“You are doing this. We don’t have to tell anyone.”

“Tony, I love you so much.”

“Baby, I know.”

“I don’t want to lose you.”

“You can’t,” he said. “Not ever.”

“I’m scared.”

“Don’t be,” he said. “I can’t let you fall and lose your potential. That would be hurt me a lot more than if you took this money then dumped me. Please do this for me.”

“What if Janet finds out?”

“I don’t give a shit if she does.”

“I don’t know…”

“I’m withholding sex unless you do this.”


“You heard me.”

I chuckled. “That’s just mean.”

“I’m being serious.”

“Can I think about it?”

“There’s nothing to think about. You’re marching in there and quitting your job tomorrow. You’ll get your revenge when you become super successful. Then you’ll tear her down. And I’ll help.”

I stared at him, still unsure what to do.

“I’ve made the decision for you. We’re done here.”


“If you love me, you’ll take the money.”

“It’s going to cost a lot.”

He rolled his eyes. “You know how much money I made on the Yankee game today?”

I said nothing.

“A million. I think I can afford it.”

“I’ll pay you back,” I said.

“I don’t want your money, baby.”

“I have to pay you back.”

He sighed. “By then, what’s yours will be mine anyway.”

I felt my heart throb at his words. “I love you so much.”

His eyes softened. “And I you.”


I didn’t quit my job the next day. Instead, I pretended that nothing was amiss. Tony wasn’t very happy about it, but I was still debating what I should do. Even if I didn’t tell anyone that Tony gave me the money to start my own company, people would connect the dots, especially Janet. But she hadn’t called me in weeks. And even though I was livid with her, I missed her like crazy. And if I missed her, I knew Tony did too.

After work, I met Layla for a drink. I hadn’t seen her in a while and I missed her. She was already sitting at a table, looking at her phone. I approached her then gave her a big hug.

She hugged me back. “Are you doing okay?”

I sighed as I
sat across from her. “I’ve been better.”

Layla pushed a drink closer to me. “I got your favorite.”

I took a big drink. “Thanks.”

A man approach
ed our table then smiled at Layla. The creepiness was leaking out of him. I moved in my chair just to get away. He was eye-fucking the shit out of Layla.

“So, I was about to head out….”

Layla grabbed her drink and threw it in his face. “Fuck off.”

He closed his eyes as the liquid dripped down his face.

I froze in my chair, unable to believe that actually happened.

After he slammed his fist against the table, he left the bar.

I stared at Layla. “What was that?”

“He hit on me earlier and he wouldn’t back down. I just snapped.”

“Kyle would be proud,” I said.

“Kyle would take me on the table because he’d be so happy about it.”

I laughed. “How is it with you two?”

“Good,” she said with a smile. “I like having him around all the time.”

“Work and at home,” I said. “That’s a lot of Kyle.”

“And a lot of sex,” she said with a wink.

“I’m jealous. I wish I worked with Tony.”

me, we don’t get a lot of work done.”

“I can imagine,” I said with a laugh.

“So, how is it with you and Tony? I haven’t heard anything.”

“It’s great. I love him.”

“Wow. That was quick.”

“We’ve been together for two months,” I said. “And you’re one to talk. Didn’t you drop the L word in the first month?”

She smiled. “Maybe…”

“That’s what I thought.”

“When did you sleep together?”

My cheeks blushed.

“You’re such a whore,” she said with a laugh. “On the first date?”

“The second.”

“Oh,” she said. “That’s so much better.”

“Sometimes I think I loved him the moment I met him. The connection was there immediately. And I hadn’t gotten in laid in years. I was desperate and he delivered. And then I fell for him even more because he was such a sweetheart. If that was a mistake, it was the best one I ever made.”

Layla stared at my face for a while. “You seem really happy.”

“More than you’ll ever know. We went to California a few weeks ago and it was so romantic. I just keep falling more and more. He keeps catching
me so I just let go.”

“He took you on a trip?”

“I don’t want him for his money,” I blurted.

Layla rolled her eyes. “Cassie, I know that. You don’t need to tell me twice.”

My eyes widened. “You believe me?”

“Of course I believe you. And besides, you didn’t know he was rich until you slept with him, right?”


“I feel like that’s enough proof. And you wouldn’t do that to Janet.”

“I wish she thought the same.”

She sighed. “I don’t know what her problem is. I understand her hesitance, but this situation is just stupid. She shouldn’t cut both of you out of her life.”

I played with the coaster on the table and averted my gaze. “Did she say anything about me?”

Layla shook her head. “She never mentions you.”



“I hate this,” I whispered. “I feel like a part of me is missing.”

“I’m sure she feels the same way.” The bartender brought her another drink and she sipped it. “What else is new with you?”

“I’ve been going through hell at work.”

“What happened?”

“It’s a long story,” I said with a sigh. “Basically, I’m going to lose my job.”


I nodded. “It’s out of my hands. I’m tired of fighting it.”

“Are you looking for something else?”

I was quiet for a moment. “Tony said I should open up my own clothing line. I could be successful then get revenge on my old boss.”

“That sounds like a good idea.”

I looked at Layla. “It costs a lot of money.”

“Get a loan.”

“I could never get a loan big enough.”

“Then what are you going to do?”

I was quiet.


“I don’t want Janet to think I’m taking his money because I’m using him. I’m not!”

“Now I understand.”

“I don’t know what to do. I really want to make this happen. I’ll even pay him back. But I’m scared what other people will think. I can’t lose Tony. He’s the best thing that ever happened to me. I love him. I really do.”

“I believe you,” Layla said gently.

“Then what do I do?”

“Well, it doesn’t sound like Janet is going to be changing her mind anytime soon. And she assumes you’re using him anyway. If he offered
, you should just take it.”

“You really think so?”

“And you said you would pay him back, right?”

“Of course.”
              “Then you should just do it,” Layla said. “And Kyle and I can help. At Satin Magazine, we can order supplies for a discounted price.”

“Thank you,” I said.

“Of course.”

I grabbed her hand across the table. “Thank you for believing me.”

“You’re my best friend,” she said. “Of course I believe you.”

I nodded then pulled away.

“So, this is exciting,” she said with a smile. “You have to hook me up with some awesome clothes.”

“Of course I will.
If I’m ever successful with this.”

“Tony’s rich so he probably knows all the right people.”

“I don’t,” I said. “He’s just educated about sports. I don’t see how he knows anyone in the business world.”

She shrugged. “You never know.”

After we had our drinks, I walked to Tony’s apartment. I didn’t tell him I was coming but I knew he wouldn’t care if I stopped by. I missed him, like I always did, and I wanted to sleep with him. I always had a good night’s rest when I was held in his arms.

When I knocked on the door, Scott answered.

“Hey,” he said.

“What are you doing here?”

“Watching the game.”

“Oh,” I said. “I didn’t know there was one on.”

“There’s always a game on.” He opened the door wider.

When I came inside, I saw Tony sitting on the couch. He jumped up when he saw me. “Hey,
baby.” Tony picked me up, rubbing his nose against mine. “What a pleasant surprise.”

“I didn’t mean to interrupt. I didn’t know you were having people over.”

“You aren’t interrupting anything,” he said. “You can come over whenever you want.”

“You shouldn’t have said that,” I said with a smile. “Now you won’t be able to get rid of me.”

“It’s all part of my diabolical plan.”

“I’ll eat all your food, use all the hot water, and hog all the sheets.”

His eyes brightened when he stared at my face. A slight smile was on his lips. “That doesn’t sound so bad.”

“You say that now…”

“I’ll always say that.” He put me down then opened a drawer in his kitchen. He pulled out a key then handed it to me. “Mi casa es su casa.”

My eyes widened. “What?”

He wrapped his arms around me. “It’s your key. Come over whenever you want.”

“Uh, I can’t accept this.”

His happy expression turned dark. “You will take it. I didn’t ask if you wanted it. I’m giving it to you.”

“But this is your place.”

“Exactly. And I can do what I want.” He grabbed my purse and pulled my keys out. He clipped his onto the ring then returned it to my purse. “I never want to hear you knock again.”

“What if you’re doing something private and I just barge in on you?”

“I don’t have anything to hide, baby.”

“What if you’re watching porn?”

He laughed. “I haven’t watched porn since we got together. And I don’t suspect I ever will again. I like the real thing.”

“Well, I should give you my key too.”

“No,” he said quickly. “You don’t have to reciprocate. I just want you to have my key.”

I looked at it in my purse. It had the Rangers logo on it.
So typical. “Well, thank you. That was very sweet.”

He smiled. “That’s what I wanted to hear.”

“I’ll let you get back to your game,” I said as I moved toward the door.

“Whoa, hold on.” He pulled me back. “Why did you come by?”

“Oh. Just to talk. But it can wait.”

“Is everything okay?”


He caught my saddened expression. “Let’s go in my room.”

“No,” I said quickly. “Enjoy your game.”

“Watching it isn’t going to change the outcome of the score. I either win or I don’t.” He pulled me toward his bedroom then shut the door. “What’s up?”

“I was hanging out with Layla.”

“How did that go?” he asked as he sat on the bed.

I moved to the spot beside him. “I told her about the clothing line idea.”

“What did she say?”

“She’s supportive.”

“And she doesn’t think you’re a gold digger?” he asked.


“She sounds like better friend than Janet.”

I didn’t have a response to that.

“So, that means we’re really doing this.”

“I’ll pay you back.”

He rolled his eyes. “If that makes you feel better about taking my money, then fine.”

“It does.”

“I’m glad you’re pursuing this.”

“Only if I don’t lose you.”

“You won’t,” he said as he held my hand.

“That’s all that matters to me.”

He caressed my knuckles with his thumb. “So, I have a few ideas to destroy your boss. My favorite idea is paying the company to fire her and ruin her reputation. Then, I’d pay every other major fashion company to not even interview her.”

Even though I hated my boss, I didn’t like that idea. “She has a family.”

“So?” he snapped. “She threatened to do the same to you. I have a feeling she isn’t bluffing.”

“But…she’s been working there for twenty years.”

“Again, what’s your point?”

“That’s just…I can’t do that.”

He narrowed his eyes at me. “Are you being serious?”

“I can’t do that to her.”

“Even though she would do the same to you?”

“I just can’t.”

He sighed. “I think I just fell more in love with you, if that’s possible.”

“I’ll get my revenge, but I won’t do it like that.”

“Well, I have another idea.”

“Let’s hear it.”

The guys cheered when a score was made. Their voices carried into the bedroom.

Tony didn’t seem to care. “Victoria Sullivan is a good friend of mine.”

“The supermodel?”
I asked incredulously.

He nodded. “I can have her come down to the studio and inspect your dresses. I’ll ask her to like them and marvel at them, showing your boss that you are talented. But she’ll wai
t until after your boss rejects your work. Then Victoria will make a big scene about it, saying your chief editor doesn’t even know what the definition of fashion is. That will be a slap in the face.”

My eyes lit up. “That would be awesome.”

“I’ll arrange it.”

Victoria Sullivan was a household name. She had been in Sport Illustrated, was a Victoria’s Secret model, and even had her own reality television show. She was a really big deal. I felt my heart clench painfully. “How do you know her?”

“All rich people know each other. We attend the same events and parties. Since we’re only one percent of the country, there are very few of us.”

I nodded. “But that didn’t answer my question.”

He squeezed my hand. “I’ve never slept with her, if that’s what you’re asking.”

I breathed a sigh of relief.

BOOK: Cassie
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