Cattle Valley Mistletoe CV2 (7 page)

BOOK: Cattle Valley Mistletoe CV2
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Licking the soft skin at the base of Hal’s neck, Casey latched on and sucked. When Hal didn’t protest, Casey sucked harder, sure he was bringing up a bruise. Unless Hal planned to wear a turtleneck the rest of the week, everyone he came into contact with would see Casey’s mark. He liked that, he admitted to himself. The thought of staking his claim in such a visual fashion hardened his cock even more.

Without releasing him, Hal tumbled them both onto the big bed. Within seconds, they’d pulled each other’s shirts off, trying to get at skin. Hal pushed his hands under the elastic of Casey’s sweats. “Need to feel you,” he panted, wrapping his fingers around Casey’s cock.


Thrusting into the touch, Casey tried to work Hal’s jeans off, but the belt was impeding his progress. Frustrated, Casey unbuttoned the jeans before sliding the zipper down, leaving the belt in place. He palmed the bulge hidden behind Hal’s briefs. “Need,” Casey begged.

Hal managed to get his belt undone one handed, still stroking Casey with the other. As soon as the belt was free of the buckle, Casey used his hands and legs to slide the denim down. The first press of Hal’s naked shaft against his own, tipped Casey over the edge.

Embarrassment overtook him as warmth shot between them. “Sorry,” he apologised. He hadn’t come that fast since he was fourteen.

Hal kissed him and reached over to the side table. Coming back with a bottle of lube and a new box of condoms, he sat back on his heels. “Don’t be sorry. It makes me feel good to know you want me that much.”

Casey took the lube out of Hal’s hand. “Let me get myself ready.” Shaking his head, Hal took the bottle back. “No, I want to taste you first.” After sheathing himself, Hal once again insinuated himself between Casey’s spread thighs.

With his eyes closed, Casey enjoyed every kiss, lick and suck Hal blessed him with, as he worked his way down Casey’s body. “Nice,” Casey moaned, as Hal licked the sensitive skin behind his balls.

When the warm velvet of Hal’s tongue brushed across his puckered hole, Casey’s hips automatically thrust into the air. Over and over, Hal licked and kissed, slowly loosening Casey’s muscles.

Positioning his arms under his knees, Casey brought his legs against his chest, giving Hal free reign. A grunt from the big man had Casey smiling. Oh yeah, he could definitely get used to Hal’s talented tongue. Casey cried out as Hal introduced a lubed finger into his neglected passage.

“So hot,” Hal murmured easing his finger in and out.

“Want you,” Casey moaned. He’d had quite a few lovers in the past, but Casey had never felt this humbled by their touch.

“Need to stretch you more. I don’t want to hurt you,” Hal panted. It was obvious to Casey that Hal wanted him just as much.

Shaking his head, Casey groaned. “No, I want to feel every inch of you sliding inside me.”

Hal looked up into Casey’s eyes. Casey could see the fire burning in those light blue eyes he’d come to love. “I won’t last long,” Hal said, withdrawing his fingers.


“Neither will I, but we’ve got time.” Casey spread his legs, welcoming Hal’s much bigger body between them. As Hal positioned the head of his cock at Casey’s hole, he closed his eyes. “Fill me.”

The breach was slow, but Hal steadily pushed his way inside Casey’s body, one glorious inch at a time. “So good,” Casey whispered. Never had he been so filled, both in body and soul.

When Hal stopped, Casey realised he was fully impaled on Hal’s cock. Casey shook his head, he felt like he was having an out-of-body experience. Opening his eyes, he stared up into Hal’s. “You fit.”

Hal grinned, sweat already beading on his forehead. “Was there ever a doubt?”

“No.” Casey smiled back.

Hal pulled back, taking that precious cock with him. Casey’s body did its best to suck the shaft back in, not wanting to be parted for a second. He was just about to cry out in frustration, when Hal thrust back into him. The immediate feeling of being full threatened to steal Casey’s breath. “More,” he panted.

Repositioning his legs, Hal took Casey’s words to heart and began pistoning in and out of his sensitive hole. “Yes,” Casey cried. He began to move in counterpoint to Hal, wanting, no begging, for everything he could get.

Reaching up, Casey skimmed his hands over Hal’s well-developed chest muscles, stopping at his pebbled nipples. The need to taste was overwhelming, but the pounding rhythm didn’t leave Casey in the position to reach them comfortably. He settled instead for squeezing and twisting the tawny coloured discs.

“Not gonna last,” Hal moaned.

Casey took that as his cue and moved one hand from Hal’s body. He wrapped his fingers around his cock and pumped himself to Hal’s already established rhythm.

“So sexy,” Hal said, eyes feasting on Casey’s cock. “Come for me.” The soft words and intense gaze pushed Casey over the edge into bliss. He forgot to breathe as his body bowed and his cock erupted. “Never, never felt like this,” Casey shouted as he painted his chest with cum.

He felt Hal thrust into him a few more times, before a roar echoed throughout the large bedroom. Collapsing on top of him, Hal’s weight was very much welcomed. They didn’t say anything while trying to come down from such heights.


When Hal’s cock slipped free, he quickly removed the condom, tying it off. Hal threw the rubber into the trash beside the bed before settling beside Casey. Moving easily back into Hal’s arms, Casey yawned.

“Tired, baby?” Hal questioned, running his hand up and down Casey’s back.

“Content,” Casey answered, kissing Hal’s chest.

Hal didn’t say anything for a few minutes. Just as Casey was about to drift off, Hal started to speak. “I haven’t been with many men, but that felt different.”

“Mmm hmm.” Casey turned his head and licked at Hal’s nipple. “For me, too.” Yawning again, Casey was pulled tighter to Hal’s chest. “Rest, we’ll figure it out later,” Hal said, his deep voice vibrating against Casey’s ear where it rested on Hal’s chest.

Nodding his head, Casey drifted off.

Standing at the stove, Hal felt eyes on him a second before arms wrapped around his waist.

“You shouldn’t have let me sleep so long,” Casey said, placing soft, open-mouthed kisses across Hal’s naked back.

“You looked so comfortable I hated to leave you, but I thought you’d need to eat something.” Hal gestured toward the skillet. “I hope you like scrambled eggs. Isaac said you’re stomach needed to take it easy for a few more days.”

“I’ll gladly eat anything you put in front of me, I’m starving. Someone gave me a pretty thorough workout all night.”

Hal turned off the burner and slid the eggs onto two plates. Popping a couple of pieces of bread into the toaster, he turned around and faced Casey. “We never did get a chance to talk.” He closed the distance, taking Casey’s mouth in a short but deep kiss.

“I know, and you have to leave to go to work,” Casey said, nestling his head against Hal’s chest.

Skimming his hands down Casey’s lean back, Hal cupped his man’s fine little ass. “Yeah, but I won’t be late getting home. I’m making a trip into Sheridan to pick up the tile.”

“I could go.” Casey looked up at him.


“You’re supposed to be resting. It’s bad enough I kept you up all night.” Hal didn’t want to admit that he’d love Casey to ride beside him all day.

“It’s sitting in a truck not exactly manual labour,” Casey grinned. “Please let me come?” Chuckling, it was plain they were both thinking of the previous night and Casey’s loud pleading. “Let me go into town and do a few things, then I’ll swing by and pick you up.” Casey looked at Hal for a few seconds. Hal knew Casey wanted a look at the reception hall, but he was keeping all of that a surprise. “Won’t it be out of your way to come all the way back here?”

“Nope, I know a shortcut.” He kissed Casey again. “Let’s eat before our breakfast gets cold.”


Chapter Eight

Pulling into the building supply store, Hal looked over at Casey. “You coming in?”

“Sure.” Casey smiled and hopped out of the truck. Grinning, Hal followed that cute little ass inside the store.

Deciding to have a little fun, Hal walked up to the nearest clerk. “Hi, we’re here to pick up the boxes of black and red floor tiles I ordered for Cattle Valley Community Church.” Casey coughed and grabbed Hal’s arm. With a straight face, Hal looked over. “You okay?”

Shaking his head, Casey narrowed his eyes. “Grey with little blue flecks. It’s what I showed you from the catalogue.”

“Oh, well I must’ve made a mistake. Would the black and red look so bad, though?”

“Yeah, I think so. I planned to paint the walls a pretty sky blue to match the floor, and…” Hal decided to give Casey a break. “I was just kidding. Geez, loosen up.” He grinned.

“Very funny. You nearly gave me a heart attack.” Casey punched Hal in the arm. Even though he could barely feel it through his thick winter coat, Hal quickly grabbed his arm and howled in pain.

Evidently their playful activities weren’t having the same effect on the clerk who rolled his eyes and walked off. “Well,” Casey said. Straightening, he walked to the customer service counter and waited. When a young woman smiled at him, Casey smiled back.

“We’re here to pick up some floor tiles. We asked one of your associates, but apparently he finds little humour in his job.”

Hal had never seen this side of Casey. He stood back and watched as Casey handled the girl with ease. He was charming yet still business minded as he turned to Hal and asked for the order form. When the cashier tried to charge him more than the agreed upon price, Casey showed her the paper, making sure she saw that it was for a church. Hal had to chuckle when he told the woman she needed to watch who she tried to cheat because some took it a little more seriously than others. Of course Casey made a show of pointing toward the sky before putting his finger over his lips.


By the time they got into the truck, Hal was shaking his head. Not only had they come away with the tiles for the price agreed upon, but the manager had thrown in the tile adhesive as a donation to the church. “That was something,” Hal said. “You should have gone into business. You’re good with money.”

Casey looked sideways at Hal. “Don’t you think it takes business skills to run a church?” Hal didn’t know what to say. He hadn’t meant to insult Casey, but he’d thought only of the spiritual side of Casey’s vocation. “I’m sorry.” He shook his head. “I guess I haven’t given your job enough thought to make a statement like that.” Casey sighed, “We still have a lot to talk about.” Hal knew Casey was right, but they’d been having such a perfect day. He wasn’t sure how Casey would take the news of Hal’s fall from grace. Reaching out, he pulled Casey next to him. “Later, okay? Can we just enjoy this for now?” Casey nodded and moulded himself to Hal’s side. “Buckle up,” Hal reminded him. “I don’t want to take any chances with you.” He waited for Casey to comply before pulling out of the parking lot. “So,” Hal began, “why don’t you tell me about your family.”

“My family? Well, they’re pretty normal I’d say. Dad works for the city, Mom’s a homemaker. I have an older brother and an older sister, both married with kids.” Casey shrugged. “Normal.”

“You’re from Kansas City, right?” Hal got onto a straightaway and put his hand on Casey’s thigh. He was tempted to do some exploring, but he wanted to learn more about Casey while he could.

Casey shook his head. “Just south, a town a little bigger than Cattle Valley. What about you?”

Hal felt tightness settle into his chest. He didn’t like to think about where he was from, so he went with the story he told everyone. Was that wrong? He wanted to be honest with Casey and knew the time would come soon enough, but for now… “I did most my growing up in Wyoming.”

“Do your folks still live around here?” Casey asked, rubbing the soft skin between Hal’s fingers.

It took Hal several seconds to answer. “No, I never knew my father, and my mother died when I was eight.”

Casey interlocked his fingers with Hal’s. “I’m sorry.” 48

Hal squeezed Casey’s hand letting him know it was okay. “It was a long time ago. I was raised by my mother’s cousin, Ada and her husband, Dave.”

“Do you still see them?”

“Occasionally, at funerals and stuff.” Hal pointed toward the back of the truck. “I think I’ll drop you off and run into town. I don’t really need to get started today, but the adhesive should be kept warm.”

Soft lips landed on his cheek. “Are you trying to change the subject?” Hal sighed, “Yeah, for now. I just…I’m not ready.” He turned his head and gave Casey a quick kiss.

“Do you have time for a quickie before you head back to town?” Casey ran his free hand over Hal’s fly.

Groaning, Hal spread his legs to give his growing cock more room. “Once I get inside with you, I won’t want to leave again. I’d better take care of things before coming home.”

“Ya know, if the roads weren’t snow covered, I’d be sucking you off right now.” Casey ran his tongue up Hal’s jaw.

Hal moaned. “I’m tempted to pull the truck over and let you do just that.” That reminded him of something. “Hey, Case, would you be interested in getting tested tomorrow? I mean, you can trust me if we do. I won’t step out on you or anything.” He looked over at Casey and felt stupid.

Giving Hal’s cock another grope, Casey purred in his ear. “I had Isaac run one right after you told me you were falling for me. I’m clean by the way. I was embarrassed to tell you I wanted us to be together exclusively.”

“Why would you be embarrassed?”

“I don’t know. I’ve never done exclusive, and I wasn’t sure that’s what you wanted. I’ve never had a relationship.” Casey shook his head. “It just seemed kind of dreamy to me, like I was being silly to want you all to myself.” Hal pulled into his drive and put the truck into park. Turning to Casey, he lifted the smaller man and set him on his lap. “I don’t share. I’ve never had what I consider a relationship before, but when I’m with someone I don’t stray. This is my first time being in love, and I can guarantee you I won’t think kindly to another man even looking your way.” He narrowed his eyes. “If that’s acceptable, I’ll stop into the clinic before coming home tonight.”

BOOK: Cattle Valley Mistletoe CV2
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