Celtic Mist: The Calm Before the Storm (Battle Raven Series) (7 page)

BOOK: Celtic Mist: The Calm Before the Storm (Battle Raven Series)
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“As you wish.” Faolan rubbed his beard.

Holding the sphere in one hand he held it between them. Faolan used his free arm to pull her close. Bringing his lips close to hers, just a breath away, he recited an incantation and an orange glow surrounded them. Golden Celtic knotwork surrounded them as it bound their oaths to each other.

“By your consent and by the power of the Carnelian Sphere I Lord Faolan O’Laighin take my love, Lady Paili Cillion’s power for my own. It is also my oath and upon my sphere that your brother Damon Cillian will live.”

“I give my consent. You my have my power.” Paili looked him in the eyes.

The transfer was not painful as she thought. It was as if her power was seeping through her very skin. She started to feel weak and blacked out in Lord Faolan’s arms. He stroked her cheek healing the bruise and sensed a familiar presence. Faolan looked to the shadows and narrowed his eyes. When he looked down at Paili he felt a familiar jolt as he picked

her up and carried her to the bedroom. He will have his chance to deal with the Druid in due time.

Chapter 10

On the final stretch to Quenith, Lady Orla, Lady Tara and Lara were in the carriage listening to stories of Aodhan as a child.

“All I know is that he was running through the kitchen all covered in mud. The scullery maid was screeching after him. It seems she had found frogs and snakes loaded in the laundry basket!” Orla said as they all burst out laughing.

Lara heard a thud against the carriage and brushed it off as nothing. She took a sip of wine and felt air whoosh by her face and heard the thud of something hitting flesh. Tara let out a cry and slumped into her. The carriage jolted and she felt it start to go faster.

“Take care of Tara!“ Lara yelled as she gently laid Tara on the cushioned seat and stood up giving the protruding arrow a glance.

“What are you doing?” Orla yelled after her as Lara opened the carriage door.

“I’m going to help!” Lara yelled back as the wind blew into her face as the carriage rushed on. She watched as Lieutenant Kory raced his horse to the forest edge. Lieutenant Derrick stayed behind with the carriages and others.

Going on instinct she stepped out onto the ledge as an arrow hit next to her. Trying to use the arrow as leverage it snapped at her weight. Lara cursed under her breath.

“Always works in movies.”

Lara took a chance and jumped grabbing the edge of the top of the carriage. She pulled herself on top of the carriage and almost fell off as the it lurched forward. She looked at the tree line and another arrow hit near her foot. Derrick was yelling at her to get back into the carriage.

She yelled into the wind whipping by her. “Eion where are you? What use is a Druid if he will not use his power!”

Lara closed her eyes concentrating and sensed three Firbolg on

horseback. She released her power and guided it to each Firbolg. The carriage bounced and she lost concentration. Lara stood as still as she could closing her mind to everything around her. She slowly released her power again and opened her eyes as the feathery black smoke floated quickly out to their attackers.

The carriage hit a rut and she went down to her knees. Hearing a shout from the tree line she turned to see Kedryn run his horse to the front of the procession. He stopped short in front of General Ruark. The general gave the signal to halt and Lara braced herself for the lurch of the carriage stopping.

Pulling the hem of her skirt up she swung down onto the small ledge and jumped down running to the carriage behind to get Fand and Kaylee. As Lara yanked open their carriage door they looked at her confused and startled. Kaylee held a long dagger and slowly lowered it when she saw the intruder was Lara.

“Tara has been hit by an arrow. ”

Hopping back down she sprinted to Lady Orla’s carriage with Fand, Kaylee and Serina following closely behind. Lara stood aside and looked around for Kedryn who was nowhere to be seen. Moments later he galloped his horse from the tree line with Aodhan following closely behind. There was a man draped over the back of Aodhan’s horse.

After the excitement of the day General Ruark decided to camp for the night when he was certain Tara was completely healed he stormed over to deal with their captive. Ruark and Aodhan pulled the Firbolg off of the horse dragging him to where the soldiers had set up their tents. Kedryn walked over to the tree where Aodhan was helping him tighten the ropes. He looked over to where his mom’s and the other women’s tents were set up. The Firbolg was placed so that they would not be able to see him. He looked up as General Ruark walked up to them.

“The soldiers are set up for the night. Should we start the questioning now or wait for Devlyn?”

“Devlyn?” Kedryn asked.

“He trained with some of Liam’s specialists for a time. Did not finish his training but learned enough.” Aodhan said.

“Lieutenant Derrick and Lieutenant Kory are coming to help with the questioning. Kedryn, you should go see if the soldiers need help setting up the fire pits. I am not sure if your mother would want you to

see this it could get messy.” Aodhan said as he glanced over where Lara’s tent was.

“As you wish.” Kedryn said and gave him a crooked grin and slight bow. As Kedryn was walking away he overheard General Ruark.

“We may be wasting our time and do not have the proper equipment to question this dog. I say we hand him over to Liam’s specialists and they are the best in the land.”

“You may have a point.” Aodhan said. He turned as Devlyn, Derrick and Kory stepped up to where they were.

They all turned to the Firbolg when he spoke spitting out blood.

“Son of the Battle Raven. You are coward to walk away during my questioning. Lord Faolan has nothing to fear if the Lady Battle Raven is such a coward also.”

Aodhan kicked the man in the chest making his head snap back hitting the trunk of the tree. Kedryn felt anger well up in him that he had never felt before. He turned walking back up to the Firbolg knelt down in front him.

“There is not a cowards bone in my body or my mothers. I respect the chain of command and my superiors.” he said with his tone flat but with an edge of menace behind it.

The Firbolgs head lifted and he looked Kedryn in the eye. “Lord Faolan has plans for you.”

“His plans can go to hell.” Kedryn said flatly and stood back up looking down at him. The Firbolg let out a low animal like laugh. Kedryn crouched back down now curious.

“Talk.” Kedryn said as he took out his dagger and placed the point at the man’s throat drawing a trickle of blood. The Firbolg tried to spit in Kedryn’s face. The mixture of spit and blood missed and landed on the dirt covered ground. Kedryn removed the dagger from the mans throat and sheathed it. He shook his head and stood up turning to Devlyn.

“Do you think you can get anything out of him?”

“You will learn nothing from me!” The Firbolg screamed and let out another spine-chilling laugh.

General Ruark ran to the man yelling. “Devlyn. Kedryn. Stop him!”

Kedryn and the others watched as the Firbolg gave Kedryn a sinister grin. The man viciously twisted his head and snapped his neck instantly killing himself.

“What the? That can be done for real?” Kedryn said as he looked away from the dead Firbolg. The hair was still standing up on his arm from the chilling look the man gave him.

“Where is Eion? I haven’t seen him.” Aodhan asked looking around making certain none of the women witnessed what had happened.

“He rode on ahead. Seemed a bit disturbed by something.” Ruark said.

Devlyn walked up to the body. “If he is troubled then we should have been informed of the danger.”

“It has nothing to do with this. Let us deal with the present matter. Derrick, Kory.” General Ruark said disgusted as he looked to the slumped body.

“Yes Sir.” they both answered.

He gestured to the body. “Get this out of my sight. No burial necessary. Double the watch. We will leave this place at first light.”

Chapter 11

Lord Faolan stopped in the middle of raising his goblet to his mouth. His face grew dark and he threw it with such force that the golden goblet smashed into little pieces against the fireplace. Lady Paili took a bite of her chocolate torte and gave him a sweet smile.

Not going as planned, my Lord?”

Faolan gave her a piercing glare. He pushed back his chair and stood picking up his dessert an throwing it against the wall. Chocolate and wine stained the floor.

The assassins have failed.”

Even your best have failed. You must not be so harsh against my brother.” she took another bite.

I will do as I please.” he said swiping up her goblet and took a long drink of her wine.

Not if you wish for me to remain.” she said.

Faolan set the goblet down and turned. Paili’s eyes followed him as he strode to the heavy metal door. Opening the door he turned and walked back to the dining table.

Come my dear I need to work off my frustrations.”

Paili turned in her chair. “I am not in the mood. Besides dear have not finished dessert.”

That is not the entertainment I was referring to.” Faolan gave her a sly grin.

Then do not let me waste any more of your precious time.” Paili said and gave him a dismissive wave.

Faolan jerked her up out of her chair. As she turned her hand hit the goblet knocking it over spilling the blood red wine on the table. He yanked her to him kissing her fiercely until she gave in. Paili clung to him and he glanced over at his squire. Firnir was patiently standing in their sitting room awaiting his orders.

Firnir” Faolan said spinning Paili around.

Yes my lord.” Firnir stepped forward.

Bring the monk. It is time to test something new.” Faolan said as he released Paili.

Lady Paili felt her insides tighten as he led her into the chamber. “No my lord. Please.” she said trying to pull away from his vice grip.

I have spared your brother. Do not ask any more of me.” Lord Faolan gave Firnir a dismissive gesture.

Firnir stepped through the door and motioned for the guard. “Bring the monk. My Lord wishes to be entertained.”

The guard nodded “It will be done.”

Firnir stepped out and turned towards the seers chambers. A movement caught his eye and he backed up looking down the intersecting hallway. The door to Damon’s chambers was just closing. He found it strange since it was not a healer but a man. Curious he walked to the seer’s door and took a step across the hall. He paused making certain no one was watching and pushed on a crack. A small panel opened and he stepped through. Firnir pulled out a stone that glowed yellow in his hand.

He let his eyes adjust and turned left making his way down to Damon’s chamber. As he turned a corner he saw pinpoints of light ahead and placed the stone in his pocket. Firnir looked through the concealed holes overlooking Damon’s chambers.

A man was slowly making his way to Damon’s bed. The healer in the room gave him a concerned look.

Shea.” Firnir quietly muttered and decided to stay a little longer to see what the lieutenant had planned.

Lieutenant Shea walked up to Rania and kissed her. “Do not worry my lady. I will not undo what you have exhausted yourself to heal.”

Thank you lieutenant.” Rania said and bowed to him.

He gave her a pat on the rear. “Wait outside my lady and give us some privacy. I may visit you after the raid.”

She blushed and gathered up her skirts giving him a slight bow and quietly left the room. The lieutenant looked down at Damon and clasped his hands behind him. He stood still for a couple of seconds and turned to the chair near the bed. He sat down and pulled out a long dagger testing it’s tip on his finger.

Damon had heard the lieutenant’s voice and cringed. He knew Shea was near and steeled himself as he turned his head. Shea was sitting playing with a dagger giving him an seething look.

Lieutenant Shea. What brings you to my chambers to grace me with your presence?”

Hold your tongue lest I use this and end your pain.” he gave Damon a dark look.

Then end it.” Damon stared him in the eyes.

Shea thrust the knife into the end table and leaned back in the chair. He laced his fingers together and gave Damon a smug look. “I have more honor in my veins than you. I will not attack an invalid.” he leaned forward in his chair “Not until you are well enough to defend yourself.”

You have always been jealous of my position. It was you who declared us enemies. Not I.” Damon said as he tried to sit up.

The lieutenant stood and stepped to the bed. “If you believe so.”

Leave my chambers and Kiara alone.” Damon pushed himself up supporting his weight with his elbows.

You had to bring the seer into this. It is your fault she has not responded to my attentions. You may think you are above me however I am not above this.” Shea said as he clinched his fist and struck Damon in the head knocking him against the headboard.

BOOK: Celtic Mist: The Calm Before the Storm (Battle Raven Series)
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