Centaur Redemption (Touched Series) (36 page)

BOOK: Centaur Redemption (Touched Series)
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Unsure who I was addressing, I refused to waive in my stance.  “I don’t believe we’ve met?”

Not another sound could be heard in the warehouse.  Angelo broadcast his thoughts to me in high definition – he was laughing.  I stole a glance in his direction.  Angelo’s full attention was on the woman in the middle of the room; he looked thrilled.

The woman’s voice brought my attention back to him, “Ah, well, I would love to introduce myself to you, but I have been banned from this realm.  Due entirely to your meddling, I might add.”

Banned from this realm?  What else was out there that I didn’t know about?  I took a step forward on the podium, angling myself in front of Zandra slightly.  The nervousness in my voice that I heard when I first began speaking was gone.  “It has been an exhausting few months; maybe you could tell me which meddling you are referring to so that I might know who you are.”

“That won’t be necessary, Chairman.”  She dragged out the word “Chairman,” as if merely saying it gave her a bitter taste in her mouth.  “We will not meet again.”  Her arm drew an object from her side so rapidly my mind couldn’t process the movement to react.  For a fraction of a second, I saw the dagger flying directly toward my head.  The next second everything had changed.

The uninvited guest disappeared in a puff of smoke from where she stood, while her hand still hung in the air from releasing her weapon.  Horror gripped me as a blur from behind shoved Zandra and me hard to the floor. I watched as a second blur emerged from the crowd, jumped high in the air in front of where I had stood:  my brother Ben frozen in mid-air, as the dagger struck his heart, and he fell to the floor.  Centaur Enforcers piled on top of Zandra and me in the same moment as other enforcers grabbed at the puff of smoke that used to be the woman in the middle of the room.

Screams shrieked as Centaurs pushed Centaurides to the concrete and protected them with their bodies.  A bright light flashed behind me; Drake’s body morphed into a warrior a split second too late.  He vaulted over the raised platform where Zandra and I were now sprawled out, the top of his tuxedo shirt, bow tie and jacket still intact as his massive horse body stood in the center of the warehouse where the enforcers stood grappling at the smoke. 

“Let me up,” I demanded.

It was Cameron’s body that lay atop Zandra and me.  When Cameron gently peeled himself off of us, an enforcer held out his hand to help me up.  I pushed his hand away and sprung past him and onto the floor next to Ben.  Blood flooded out of his chest. I gripped his hand, staring into his brown eyes with no idea what to say.

His voice rasped, “Best Chairman in Centaur history.”  He coughed as blood spattered out of his mouth.  “Will tell Angela. . . how incredible you are.”  I held Ben’s hand as it went limp in mine, and he died on the cold cement floor. 

I was paralyzed, kneeling beside Ben’s lifeless body.  Ben thought of everyone before himself.  He had stood up for Cassie when no one else would.  He pleaded with me to make things better for Brent’s unborn children.  Without hesitation, in his final act of bravery, Ben threw himself in front of the flying dagger to protect me.  Gretchen shrieked from across the room, “Nooooooo!”

Gretchen’s pain erupted in the stunned warehouse.  Her shrieks echoed off the metal walls. My family encircled Ben’s still warm body while I remained on the floor holding his hand.  A gentle hand squeezed my shoulder.  I turned, expecting to see Drake’s supportive hand on me, but it was Ben who comforted me.  Gesturing to his body, he said, “
You can let go.  I’m not in there anymore.

A flood of emotions washed over me.  “Ben, I’m so sorry.  I never meant for anything to happen to you.”

This was my choice, Cami.

I looked between his translucent figure standing behind me and his body lifeless on the floor.  “Can you get back in?  I can summon Athena, or Aphrodite, or someone – one of them will help.  Ben, don’t go.”

No.  It’s too late for me, but it’s just the beginning for you.  Take care of our family.

Gretchen walked over and offered me her hand, pulling me upright.  She turned and faced Ben’s spirit, “I’ve never been more proud of you.”

Thanks, Mom.  I’ll see you all again.
”  He turned and looked over his shoulder.  “
Tell Dad I love him.

“I will.”

Tell Brent I said to stop being such a wimp and to marry Katherine.

Gretchen laughed as tears
streamed down her cheeks, “Okay.  I won’t paraphrase.”

I’m not worried about Beau or Bruce, but if Bart doesn’t get picked, tell him I said he doesn’t have to go it alone.  I would have been fine with a human wife, and I wouldn’t have thought I was settling.  Tell him I said he has to make a life with someone who loves him, okay?
”  Gretchen was too overcome to do anything but nod.

Ben turned back toward me, “
Don’t let anyone sway you.  Keep thinking for yourself.

Will stepped forward in between Gretchen and me.  “Son, I know you’re still here.  You kept our society from falling into chaos today.  You will never be forgotten.”  Will’s voice cracked, as his voice became barely more than a pained whisper, “I look forward to seeing you in the pasture.”

Ben glided toward Will, looked at me and said, “
Tell him not to rush it.  I’ll be waiting, but I don’t want either of them coming to see me any time soon.
”  Ben’s hand was translucent as he put his palm on Will’s face.  “
Bye, Dad

Ben began fading away, his hand still cradling Will’s face.  He gave me one final look and said, “
Tell Cassie I said goodbye, too, okay

“I’ll tell her.”

Ben faded away before my eyes, and I heard the echo of hooves on the pavement.  All the Centaurides turned toward the sound of him galloping off to the pasture.  Most had heard the exchange, and there were few dry eyes within ear shot. 

Behind a crowd of enforcers just a few feet away stood Cassie.  I hadn’t seen her standing there.  She blew a kiss in the direction of the sound of Ben galloping off. 
“Good-bye.  I promise I’ll never forget you.

Athena appeared with a crack, still wearing her body armor.  She took in the scene as an anguished look overtook her.  She strode over to me, “I am so sorry, Chairman.  I got here as quickly as I could.”

Stunned at the turn of events, I could only ask, “What just happened?”

“Zeus found Eris and Ate.  Both were banished from Mount Olympus and the human realm.  Eris took a detour on her way to the underworld.  Discord couldn't resist living up to her name one final time.  I didn’t learn of her plan until it was too late.”  She somberly reached down to Ben’s cheek, “Sleep well, brave warrior.”

Bitter rage spewed from me.  “I want no more interference from the gods.  The Centaur have sacrificed enough.”

Athena nodded solemnly.  “I will lobby Zeus myself.  You have my word that you will only see me again if you ask for my help.  But Camille,” she paused looking around the room, focusing on my Uncle Angelo, “do not be reluctant to ask for help if you ever need it.  I am no longer the Shepherd to the Lost Herd.  I am the Shepherd to all Centaur; you have my word that I will protect you against all enemies for the remainder of my immortal life.”

I should be grateful, and in time, I’m certain I will feel indebted to the goddess who had risked everything for my race.  The grief in this moment was all encompassing, and I refused to feel anything but the loss of a brother who willingly sacrificed himself so that I might live. 

Drake eased beside me, taking my hand in his large one.  “There is nothing more to be done; he is already in the pasture.  Don't let his death be in vain.  Celebrate his life and give the freedom he longed for to all of our kind.  Be the Chairman he believed you to be.”

Drake was right.  I bowed my head toward the goddess.  “I am beholden to you.  Thank you for all you have done.”

“It was my privilege, Chairman.  All Centaur are under your care now.  It is much to live up to, but there is no one better for the job.”  Athena bowed respectfully and disappeared.

Zandra righted herself, brushed her dress off and spoke from the raised platform.  “If any of you had your doubts about Camille’s ability, put them to rest now.  I am envious of the way she sees the world.  Her decree of no repercussions shall be reproduced and distributed to every living Centaur.”  Zandra beamed down at me, “I look forward to the changes our world will see under your leadership.  You have more than my former position – you have my respect and admiration.  You are the Chairman that the Centaur have long searched for.”




Note from Nancy

I hope you have enjoyed
Blood Debt, Centaur Legacy, Centaur Rivalry
, and
Centaur Redemption
.  This has been quite a journey.  The question I am always asked:  will there be more books in this series?  Yes, there will be more in this series.


When will they be coming out?  I'm going to let Cami and Drake enjoy their happy ending for a while.  You can find the latest information at my website:  http://www.nancystraight.com


If you haven’t heard of it, I have another Paranormal Romance Series:  Meeting Destiny, Destiny’s Revenge and Destiny’s Wrath.  I would love it if you checked them out.  Meeting Destiny is free from all bookstores.


I’m an independent author, which means I don’t have an agent, a publicist, or a publishing company backing me up.  I DEPEND on word-of-mouth advertising.  If you enjoyed this series, it would mean the world to me if you recommended it to a friend (or ten friends!).  Heck, I'd even like it if you recommended it to people you don't like, too! 


Independent Authors live and die by reviews from readers.  If you could take two minutes and write a review of Centaur Redemption, I would be very grateful!!


Finally, if you would like to chat with me, here are the best places to find me:

My Author Page on Facebook: 

My blog: 

Twitter:  @NancyStraight


[email protected]

I hope to hear from you!

Happy Reading,





BOOK: Centaur Redemption (Touched Series)
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