Read CEO's Pregnant Lover Online

Authors: Leslie North

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Genre Fiction, #Coming of Age, #Romance, #Contemporary

CEO's Pregnant Lover (8 page)

BOOK: CEO's Pregnant Lover
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Trent watched the look of despair and acceptance fill her eyes and wanted to yell at her for being so ready to give in. “I spoke to Janet and she said your emergency contact was a nursing home. I spoke with them this morning and they asked me to convey their well wishes for a speedy recovery and wanted me to let you know your mother was still progressing and would be very happy to see you when you were feeling a little better.”

Brianna closed her mouth before she screamed in frustration. All of those months she had protected her privacy and in the space of hours he had found out everything there was to know about her. How was she supposed to find the strength to carry-on each day when she would have to see the looks of pity from her co-workers.

“Brianna, it’s over. You are going to stay here and after you’ve healed, I will help you find another place to live, one that is safe.”

Brianna felt the tears begin and didn’t have the strength to stop them, “You don’t understand. It takes everything I make just to pay for my mom’s care, and what I had left over just barely covered the cost of that motel you called a dive.” She reached up and wiped the tears away.

The sight of her tears was tearing him apart; he had never felt so helpless in his life. Trent Coldwell didn’t do helpless well. He made things happen, but whatever was going on in Brianna’s mind was beyond him to fix. His “Quit crying” came out harsh and he knew the minute it left his mouth that it was the wrong approach to take with her, but he was frustrated and wanted to fix everything for her.

“Quit telling me what to do!” she replied.

Trent ran his fingers through his hair, “Then quit crying. It doesn’t solve anything.”

“How would you know? When was the last time you tried it?” she cried.

Trent laughed; Coldwell’s didn’t cry. There was no need to. Pushing off the bed, he began to pace across the room as he tried to figure out how to talk to her. She needed help, but she was too stubborn to accept it. “Brianna,” he began, softening his voice and injecting as much calm into it as he was capable, “Look, it’s obvious that you need a friend and you need someone to help you out. I want to be that friend. Please let me help you.”

Brianna gingerly shook her head, “Trent, you’re my boss. Not my friend.”

“Who says I can’t be both?” He found himself asking the same question silently, and decided that there wasn’t a valid reason. Brianna could be his friend, serve as his capable assistant during work hours, and spend her free hours as both friend and lover.

Not since Serena, had Trent considered having a girlfriend be more than just a bed partner. Thoughts of Serena had his mind wandering to the meeting, which was currently taking place at Coldwell Enterprises. He had cautioned security to be on the lookout for Marco Bresi, just in case the man was so bold as to show up during the negotiations and try to cause problems.

Brianna didn’t have a ready answer for Trent. He could see the indecision on her face as he pulled her from the chair and led her back to the bed. Pulling her down to sit beside him, he wrapped her in his arms and lightly kissed over the bandage at her temple. Running his hands up her sides, he stopped before his hands reached her breasts. With one hand, he lightly brushed the back of his fingers over the nipple that had hardened with his touch.

He continued to possess her mouth, taking the kiss deeper as she gave in to his demand for entry. While he continued to brush his fingers over her nipples, his other hand slowly pulled at the sheet she had wrapped around her, finally pulling it down enough that his hand made contact with her warm flesh.

Moulding first one breast and then the other, he felt her tentatively raise her hands to circle his neck and the way her body softened and swayed closer to him. Running his free hand up and down her bare back, he felt her shiver in reaction and let his mouth roam from her lips to beneath her ear.

Brianna tipped her head back, giving Trent greater access and barely concealed her moan of pleasure. Never had a man made her feel so alive. She let her hands play in the hair that curled at the nape of his neck and tugged at his shirt, wanting to feel his skin beneath her hands and against her. She wanted to rub herself against his chest and breathed a sigh of relief when he pulled his shirt over his head, tossing it somewhere over her head.

She let her hands wander across the broad expanse of his back and then moved her hands to his front, letting her hands mold the muscles, stopping to play when her fingers encountered his taut nipples.

Trent was so ready to explode, he felt like a green youth again. He let her play for a moment, and then took the reins back, lying her down upon the bed and pulling the sheet from around her body. He worshipped her with his hands and his mouth, bringing her more pleasure and rejoicing in the sight of her coming undone under his hands.

Brianna arched backwards as she flew off the edge of the cliff. Coming down slowly, she felt Trent climb into the bed with her, starting to explore her body again with both hands and mouth. She opened her eyes and met his gaze and the desire she saw in his gaze took her breath away. She’d never seen someone look at her the way Trent did.

Trent wanted to go slowly with Brianna, as he sensed she had limited experience, but the longing to bury himself deep inside her, making them one, was too much for his control. Rolling her underneath him, he made room for himself between her legs. After assuring himself that she was ready for his entry, he found enough control to join them without hurting her. When he was fully embedded in her warmth, he held still and took her lips again; striving to control the urge to move that overtook him.

When Brianna started squirming beneath him, he took that as a signal that she was ready for more and began to move, increasing his pace as her breathing increased. Trent felt her fly over the edge and followed her, capturing her scream of pleasure with his mouth.


Chapter 13

Brianna tried to get control of her emotions as well as her breathing. Beside her, she felt Trent trying to calm himself down. After several minutes, Brianna began to feel self-conscious and reached for the sheet she could see lying next to her on the bed. Pulling it across her body, she was alarmed to feel the wetness between her thighs. Then it hit her, they hadn’t used any protection!

Sitting up, she quickly wrapped the sheet around her, glancing at Trent to see him gently smiling at her, completely unaware of what they had just done. She quickly calculated the probability in her head and couldn’t contain her moan of despair when she came up with the wrong answer. The timing couldn’t have been worse.

Trent watched Brianna and thought it was cute as she tried to hide her nudity from him. He had just spent the last hour worshipping her body, and yet she felt the need to hide from him now.

Brianna saw Trent smiling at her and almost burst into tears. Rushing from the bed, she stumbled over the excess bedding material and would have fallen to the floor if Trent hadn’t sprung from the bed and caught her. “Hey, whoa! Where are you going so quickly?”

Brianna just needed to get away from him, “Bathroom,” she mumbled.

Trent helped her get her feet untangled from the sheet and then stepped aside, letting her hide in the bathroom and hopefully compose herself. She looked like she was about to cry again. Trent was confused at her strange behavior, until her turned back to the bed and saw the evidence of their recent activities clearly displayed on the sheet.

Trent felt his heart drop to the floor as he looked down at the bed and realized he hadn’t protected her. He wasn’t concerned about diseases, but the chance of her becoming pregnant was a very real concern. Surprisingly, the idea of Brianna becoming pregnant from their joining wasn’t all that repugnant. In fact, he wouldn’t mind her carrying his child at all. That concept should have sent him running from the room, but instead, he found himself knocking on the bathroom door.

He heard the shower going and when she didn’t answer, he pushed the door open, seeing her silhouetted behind the frosted shower door, leaning her head against the shower wall and her shoulders shaking. Damn it! She was crying again and this time it was all his fault.

Sliding the shower door open silently, he stepped inside and pulled her back against his front, making sure that the spray of water was not hitting her in the face. “Brianna, honey, I’m sorry. I wouldn’t intentionally put you in danger.” Seeing the look of defeat upon her face, he kissed her gently and then slowly awakened the passion in her once again before tenderly washing her body and hair.

Drying her off with a plush towel, he then carried her back to the bed and held her, urging her to sleep and save their discussion for later. Thankfully Brianna listened to him and he felt her body relax as she turned her mind off and slid into sleep again.


When Brianna next woke, it was to find a soft robe lying on the foot of the bed with a handwritten note inviting her to join him downstairs once she awoke. After using the bathroom to freshen up, she donned the robe and headed downstairs.

She took in her surroundings and wondered what it would be like to live in such luxury every day. She would never want to leave her house. Finding Trent sitting on a couch, aimlessly flipping through the TV channels, she took a seat on the opposite side of the couch, dreading the coming conversation.

She had given it some thought, and if she somehow became pregnant from today’s activities, she would just have to figure it out. She wouldn’t expect anything from Trent; after all, she had seen how he treated Chelsea when she had tried to get him to spend more time with her. He had sent his assistant to buy her an expensive bauble and then forgotten about her.

Trent eyed her and when he saw the steel in her eyes, he figured their coming discussion was going to be full of energy and he looked forward to convincing her that his ideas were the right ones.

“How’s the head?”

“It’s fine. Not hurting all that much right now.”

“You can have more pain medicine whenever you need it.”

Brianna nodded, “Great. Uhm…I was wondering if you could call me a taxi.”

Leaving was not an option he had considered she would try. Trent quickly thought of his options and then asked, “Was there someplace you wanted to go? I’d be happy to take you wherever it is.”

Brianna considered the ramifications of letting Trent drive her to see her mother, and decided it would be the wisest option. She could save the taxi fare, and it wasn’t like he hadn’t already spoken with the staff there. “Okay. I really need to go see my mom. I…”

Trent nodded and stood up from the couch, “Sure. Let me grab your suitcase so you can get dressed and I’ll get the car out and pull it around front. You did want to go right now, correct?”

Brianna hid her surprise at his easy acceptance of her wishes. She had only known Trent Coldwell for a week, but he didn’t do anything unless it benefited him. All the way across town to her mother’s nursing home, she tried to figure out how this trip was of benefit to him. She was still wondering that when they arrived at the facility.

The nursing staff informed Brianna that they had not told her mother of her accident, not wanting to upset her and that Mr. Coldwell had assured them she was going to be fine. Trent had shooed her away to go visit her mother, while he was given a tour of the facility by the night nurse who was clearly attracted to him.

Brianna’s mother was happy to see her, and even though she had trouble communicating, she noticed Brianna’s injuries and she had no choice but to tell her mother what had happened. She left out the part about not having a place to go when she left here, but on the drive over, Brianna had come up with a plan and was going to ask Jack if her old room was still available. While she didn’t think she could stomach his leering at her, and the way he always tried to brush up against her, she would at least have a place to sleep until she could figure something else out.

As her mother tired, Brianna went in search of the facility administrator. After the intimacy she had shared with Trent, there was no way she could continue working with him, nor would he appreciate having to see her every day. There was a small chance that Janet could help her find another position within the company, but Brianna felt she owed it to the facility administrator to discuss her options in the event she was unable to meet her mother’s fees.

As Brianna rounded the corner, she saw Trent shaking hands with the administrator and wondered how the man was able to charm everyone around him so easily. The facility administrator had never smiled at her, let alone shaken her hand. Rather, she always felt slightly dirty after dealing with him, and more often than not, his gaze was fixed on her chest, rather than her face.

As she neared the men, Trent turned and held his arm out, indicating he wanted her by his side. Deciding to ignore his gesture, she walked towards the administrator, inquiring if he had a few minutes to discuss her mother’s care. When he brushed her off and asked her to contact his office about scheduling an appointment Brianna couldn’t believe it. She watched in shock as the man turned and disappeared around the corner.

Trent tried to turn Brianna towards the exit only to have her pull her arm away from his touch and wrap her arms around herself. Something was definitely wrong and he intended to figure it out now. “What’s wrong?”

Brianna shook her head before looking at him, “Everything? Nothing? Life? Pick one.”

Not liking the sarcasm in her voice, he inquired, “Is there something wrong with your mother’s care that you needed to discuss with Mr. Abrams? I’m sure he’d be happy to meet with you now if I went and got him.”

Brianna shook her head again, “Don’t bother. It won’t make any difference anyhow.” Looking up at him she said, “I’m going to go spend some more time with my mom. Thanks for dropping me off. I’ll come by tomorrow and get my things if it’s okay to leave them there tonight?”

“What are you talking about?” Trent growled, taking her by the arm and pulling her into the nearest vacant room.

BOOK: CEO's Pregnant Lover
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