Read Chance of the Heart Online

Authors: Kade Boehme

Chance of the Heart (3 page)

BOOK: Chance of the Heart
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“You look thrilled about that,” Bradley said, smiling teasingly.


Chance felt his cheeks flame. “Oh, yeah. Just got a lot on my mind.”


Bradley lifted his beer. “Here, here.” He took a healthy swallow and Chance had
thought a throat could look as lovely as Bradley’s did, Adam’s apple bobbing. When Bradley finished, his tongue swiped over his full lips to gather the remaining beer there. Chance knew he was flushing to the roots of his hair for being so fucking drawn in by a damn


You need to get out of here.


“I envy you,” Bradley said.


Chance stared. “What?”


“Having things mapped out like that, knowing how life’s gonna go. Kind of wished I’d followed the beaten path.” He grimaced and took another sip of beer.


“It ain’t all it’s cracked up to be.” Chance was startled when the words left his mouth. He’d never expressed that, only thought it once or twice.
What is
with you tonight?


Bradley laughed. “Sorry I said that. I don’t know your situation. It’s been one of those days.”


“One of those weeks,” Chance grumbled, taking a swig of his own beer. When he glanced back to Bradley, the man’s gaze had turned practically predatory.


“Maybe we could do something about that. Something mutually beneficial.”


“What?” Chance squeaked.


Bradley deftly moved around to a flabbergasted Chance’s side of the table. He scooted close. “You know, I always hoped you were gay. You were such a good looking guy. Too young then, but so strong.” Bradley ran a hand down Chance’s thigh. Before Chance could protest, Bradley’s hand found his cock, and by damn he was hard as hell. He couldn’t remember a simple touch ever setting him off like that but he almost nutted right then and there.


Bradley leaned in, nose grazing behind Chance’s ear. When he spoke, his warm breath ghosted on Chance’s neck. “You grew up real nice, Mr. Becket. Real nice.” He kissed the bottom of Chance’s jaw, suckled Chance’s ear lobe. Bradley gripped his cock tighter and Chance couldn’t remember his own name.


“Come on…” Bradley said, taking Chance by the hand. In a blur they made it down the stairs and out of the bar. Damn if it didn’t suck that southwestern Texas didn’t have cold enough January nights to shock his system. That may have derailed this crazy train, but Chance’s body had never been so on fire, his brain so blissed out.


“Get it out of your system. What could it hurt?”
He wasn’t sure whose voice he heard but the devil on one shoulder was definitely winning. He wasn’t sure whether Bradley was just that intoxicating, or whether he’d had that much beer, but his head was definitely fuzzy and happy and carefree. And horny. He’d been hard before but he’d never been this


Less than a block away, they stopped at a nice apartment complex. A flight of stairs, an unlocked door. A new beer.


Chance told himself he probably didn’t need the beer. He was in another man’s apartment, for fuck’s sake. He chugged the beer. He wasn’t drunk, but tipsy enough that when Bradley came back in the room shirtless, he was the aggressor, shoving Bradley against the front door, sucking on his lips.


Holy shit. What a fucking kiss it was, too. He didn’t think he’d ever felt so consumed by another person. So utterly wanted or needed. This wasn’t going through the motions, or stressful. He was floating and he was hot and he was shaking in pleasure. It was almost embarrassing how shaky he was, knees wobbling.


Bradley growled. “I love how fucking much I’m turning you on, Becket.” And then Bradley took control. “On the couch.” Bradley grabbed his wrists and pushed him toward the sofa in the middle of the room. He pushed the carefully chosen polo over Chance’s head, shucked Chance’s jeans.


Chance almost felt self-conscious when, within moments Bradley stood bare in front of him as well. Jesus. How’d this happen? One minute he’s wondering why he was in that bar, then he’d seen Bradley for the first time for almost seven years. And now they were naked together. It’s like the man had some sort of power over him.


Before he could get his bearings, Bradley was covering him, all their skin touching from crotch to where they were kissing, necking like a couple of horny teenagers. His whole body was out of control with his shaking. “You okay?” Bradley whispered.


Am I?


“Get it out of your system.”


He latched his lips back onto Bradley’s and they started rutting against one another, grunting into each other’s mouths. Bradley reached between them and took both their cocks in hand, a firm, calloused grip. Chance’s head snapped back and he let out a long groan as Bradley stroked them together.


He didn’t know what to think. Was it because this was someone new? Was it because he was with a man? With Bradley? Was it because this was taboo or because it was casual?


“Fucking come for me, Becket. I feel you. You’re gonna shoot off so hard.”


Bradley’s words sent Chance right the fuck off. His cock jerked, loving the way Bradley’s balls felt against his as they pulled up. The pleasure was so quick, so surprising it was almost painful. He yelped and buried his face in Bradley’s neck. As his cum coated Bradley’s hand, his stomach, Bradley let out his own moan and his cock started jerking too, as he kissed Chance fiercely and shot between them.



Bradley had been so caught up in everything that it wasn’t until after Chance fell asleep clinging to him that he’d realized he may have made a mistake. When he’d made the assumption Chance was gay, and said so, Chance never confirmed it. He hadn’t seen the guy in years and tonight he’d practically mauled him. Bradley had always been assertive when it came to seduction and even more so in the bedroom. He’d managed to use his best Dick Whispering abilities to snag a couple of purportedly straight guys in his day. Straight or not, he’d always managed to top them.


After the day he’d had, the idea of getting laid seemed nice. And with Chance, a dream come true. He hadn’t lied, he’d always thought the younger guy was damn attractive. He’d wondered a few times after seeing how a younger Chance had watched him for years if they’d shared the same preference for men. But Chance had been off limits.


Chance was younger. He was also a member of his father’s congregation from a well-respected family. But Bradley had always known the sex would be good. He’d had no idea it’d be this good though. The man was a born bottom, of that Bradley had no doubt.


He looked at the sleeping man, who undoubtedly would be like the other hick assholes they’d grown up with. He’d wake up in the morning with a hangover and try to kick Bradley’s ass. Act like it never happened.


Or maybe it’s just been a shit week so you’re expecting the worst. Maybe he’s actually gay and this was a one-off good enough for the record books.


He could certainly hope. He went into the bathroom and was shocked at the hickeys that covered his collar bone. He’d never been one for marking a lover, but being marked by Chance Becket was hot. The man was so responsive, so turned on, you’d think it was his first time.


Maybe it was.
That’d be fucked. But the chances were high. The guy was still working at the ranch and probably going to Bradley’s dad’s church, so Bradley would have heard from his sister if Chance was out. She’d mentioned him a couple times, apparently Chance helped her a lot with her catering for the church. They weren’t best friends or anything so far as what Heather had said, but she’d definitely have known if the guy was openly gay.


He grabbed a towel and went back out to the living room to clean off his sleeping lover.
Don’t get ahead of yourself.
When he’d finished, he managed to wake Chance enough to get the man to come to bed. He wobbled a little, which could either be sleepiness or drunkenness.


We’ll see what tomorrow brings.
He snorted at himself. He’d probably wake up with an empty spot in his bed where the cowboy had once been. It was that kind of week, after all.


Chapter 3



Chance woke to a dark room. It was obviously late, or very early. First he noticed a digital clock on the bedside table that was definitely not his, saying it was five thirty in the morning. Next he noticed the warm body behind him. They were both naked, not cuddling, but curled around each other in a spoon position, respectful of personal space.


“Shit.” He didn’t realize he’d said it out loud until the body behind him, Bradley fucking Heart of all naked people, shifted. Chance went rigid.
What did you do?!
Bradley made a pleased “Hmmm…” in his ear as he wrapped one of his big arms around Chance. Bradley’s thick cock moved to rest, heavy and hard against Chance’s lower back as Bradley wrapped his larger frame around Chance’s. And Chance was no small man at six feet, one-hundred ninety-five pounds.


Then again, his cock betrayed him when Bradley wrapped a strong hand around its rigid length and started stroking.


“Well, good to see you’re


“Fuuuuck.” Chance didn’t know if his groan was of shame or pleasure. But his cock won out this time, too. Not like he hadn’t already fucked up. And his cock had obviously decided this was what it’d been missing all these years, because all the blood went there and strayed from whatever part of Chance’s brain was still capable of putting up a fight.


So this is what it feels like to just give in.
That wasn’t a sensation Chance knew very well. This was like falling, and it was scary but he felt alive, no matter how ashamed he was to admit it, no matter how much he wanted to put this back in the box. He wanted to just give in to what Bradley was doing and not think. It was a heady feeling, this surrender.


Maybe they were all right about sowing those oats. There was some shit you just needed to get out, like pus in a wound.


But he couldn’t imagine this was pus. This was … Bliss. Damn him, Bradley was bliss. Not for the first time tonight, he was asking himself how this had happened.


A knee wedged between Chance’s and he let his legs be pried open. Bradley kissed up the back of Chance’s neck as he stroked Chance’s cock. He then did that thing that made Chance’s brain give up even trying to make sense of this whole crazy night— he sucked Chance’s earlobe into his mouth and toyed with it.


Chance felt fingers going to his ass and didn’t register much other than they were slicked with something, then
holy fuck.
They slid right in. He’d done this to himself while masturbating many a time, probably should feel violated having someone else do it. Especially this fast. Did people do this? Men certainly didn’t. Especially men who weren’t—


“Oh, oh God, Bradley!” He groaned as Bradley’s finger toyed with that special place in his ass so much more deftly than he’d ever managed on his own. “Goddamn.” The sensation was intense, pushing back against the invading finger—now fingers—and trying to fuck into the fist that was jerking him.


“Am I going too fast? Chance, I’m so fucking hard for you. You make me crazy. I want all of you while I have you in my bed.”


Chance didn’t know what that meant but he wanted it too. If this was the only time, if this was his chance to get his one and done, if this was his free pass… “Everything,” he whispered hoarsely.


Bradley groaned in his ear and kept suckling his earlobe, the soft skin behind his ear. He entered with a third finger, something Chance had done as well. Chance’s fingers weren’t quite as thick so the burn was a little more intense but his erection never flagged, possibly got harder. He could feel his pulse in his cock.


He whimpered when Bradley pulled his fingers out. Thankfully the stroking continued. A beat of thrusting into that talented hand later, and Bradley was back. At first, Chance didn’t get the significance of the bluntness at his hole.


“You’re such a good bottom,” Bradley groaned. And in he sunk his cock, slowly but surely. He used a knee to spread Chance’s legs open wider. Chance was so shocked he almost rolled forward off the bed. Bradley’s cock was inside him, moving deeper. It fucking hurt and another man was
in his ass.
The burn was intense but when Bradley moved once, twice, Chance groaned. How was this okay? How was this so good? Why had he said he wanted it all? He knew what
all of it
was… But… Was he fooling himself to say he hadn’t expected this?


He was letting Bradley fuck him and Goddamn it hurt and it felt wonderful and he was lost. Bradley quit stroking Chance’s cock, placing his hands on Chance’s hips, and started pistoning in and out. Slowly at first, then pounding.


And this was why he couldn’t stop himself. He felt like he was anchored, protected against the battering winds of the uncertainty of his mapped-out life. He didn’t have to provide or take care of. Someone was taking care of him and his needs and letting him surrender. And he had no clue that it was something he’d want, much less that it’d be such a relief.


“Goddamn, you’re tight Becket. Fuck. Such a good bottom.”


Chance could only whimper, wrapping a hand under one knee and holding it up as Bradley sawed in and out of him from behind. He took himself in hand, possessed like a mad man.


“That’s right, baby,” Bradley said in Chance’s ear, pulling up his front to Chance’s back, wrapping one arm under Chance and around his chest to lock them together, using his other to turn Chance’s head so their tongues could meet in a sloppy semi kiss. It was the single hottest moment of Chance’s life. And his cock agreed as it began to tingle then his whole body clenched and jerked with release, spewing cum on the sheet beneath him


“Daaaamn!” Chance couldn’t contain the loud groan that followed his blessed release.


A few more jabbing thrusts and Bradley buried his face in the crook of Chance’s neck, stilled and shot in the condom deep inside Chance.


After a moment, they separated. Chance didn’t want it to end because then reality would return and he’d have done his one. And he’d maybe feel guilty. But they did have to separate.


Bradley disappeared into the bathroom and after a flush of the toilet, came back with a towel, watching Chance warily as he dried wiped the cum off the sheets. “What?” Chance asked, voice sounding rusty from emotion and overuse and need for sleep.


“It was okay?” Though the smirk on Bradley’s face said he knew that it’d been better than


Chance should probably have gotten out of bed just then, put on his clothes and left. He probably should have felt fucked up. But the brief moment where Bradley didn’t seem so confident or aggressive, the way he eyed Chance warily, kept Chance right there. He’d done it, no matter how he felt about the insane, whirlwind of a night in which he’d probably made one of the worst decisions of his life.


He reached out a hand and pulled Bradley into bed. “You’re the only man who’d make me sin so bad,” Chance whispered.


Bradley sat up. “Wait. That really was your first time?”


Chance nodded. Bradley groaned miserably and dropped his face in his hands. “Oh, man. When you were… You just… It seemed like you…” To see the cockiness turn to concern was almost a relief. Realizing he wasn’t just a random fuck to Bradley shouldn’t have mattered, but for some reason, it did.


“Hey, it’s okay. I’m not sure how I feel about this yet. But it’s on me not you, okay.” Chance was confused as hell and reassuring himself  as much as he was Bradley. How much does one have to deny their feelings to only need a couple beers to fall on a guy’s dick with hardly a thought?


Bradley looked up at Chance, that wary look back in his eyes. Chance stopped him. “Look, this was a one-time kind of thing. That’s what I was assuming it was for you too, since you weren’t exactly courting me back there. I just… had a little steam to blow off.”
That ain’t the half of it buddy.


“Don’t worry about it. Just go to sleep, okay?”
Please. Go to sleep.
Bradley looked Chance over another minute before his expression changed to one of almost cool neutrality, lying down beside him. Chance wanted badly to reach for the man, to hold him. He’d let the man take him, had the most intense, insane, probably very wrong night of his life. But heaven help him, he still wanted the man.


For something that was supposed to clear things up, to get it out of his system and all that other nonsense… this seemed to have only muddied the waters.




BOOK: Chance of the Heart
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