Christmas With The Houstons (Acceptance #4) (2 page)

BOOK: Christmas With The Houstons (Acceptance #4)
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His comment makes me laugh. “He’s probably watching me waddle and thanking his lucky stars he’s not saddled with a pregnant woman.”

Jake’s hand moves from my back to the side of my waist as he pulls me closer to him. “No, he’s wondering if you’re really taken.”

Now I laugh even harder. “
. No man wants a pregnant cow. I’m damn sure my waddle doesn’t turn him on. Stop being so possessive, Jake. I’m yours, remember?”

“Damn straight you are, and when we get home I’m going to make you scream it. Once again, for the record, you’re not a cow, April. Fucking hell, I want
more than I want my next breath.”

Him and his dirty mouth; he always knows just what to say to turn me on. But we have shopping to do. As I lead him into Baby Gap and begin sorting through some of the cutest clothes I’ve ever seen, I turn to him and smile. “Talk, Jake. Tell me what is going on.”

“Connor sucks at his job.” He’s finally breaking his silence as I continue to load his arms up with all the clothes I’m buying.

“How can he suck at his job? Isn’t he doing amazing things for Kate over at Lila’s Place?”

“Yes, he is, and that’s exactly why he sucks at his job. He half-asses
because he’s always doing something for Kate and her business.”

“Well, in all fairness, it’s not as if she’s turning a profit. Every dollar coming in goes right back into running the place. You’ve been there, Jake, and you know she’s doing amazing things.”

His mood instantly becomes colder. “I’m not trying to be the bad guy, April. I love Kate, she’s like a sister to me. But the way things are going right now, I won’t even be able to take time off when
baby comes.”

Oh, hell no, he did
just say that.

“Listen, Jake, you have to talk to Connor, your dad, or both. There’s no way in hell you are missing your paternity leave because Connor can’t do his job. You’ve got two months to fix this, so I suggest you get started.”

Why would he even
not taking time off is a possibility? I gave into getting a freaking puppy three months ago because he wanted a dog to grow up with our son. I can’t, no, I
deal with a puppy and a newborn all by myself. That was
the deal.

After putting my purchases up on the counter, I flash him a glacial stare of my own. He pays the bill in silence and I storm out ahead of him. Jake slowly follows behind me while I lead the way. Stopping in front of a store filled with Halloween decorations, I let him know I’ll be back after I use the restroom. Maybe if he can act like a kid for a few minutes, we can have a more reasonable discussion.

I just don’t understand why he hasn’t confronted Connor or told his dad what is going on. Connor virtually got the job with no training, unlike Jake who worked with his dad through a year-long internship. Maybe everyone involved needs to remember that and help Connor out.

On the way back from the restroom, I stop off in the bookstore where I’m immediately lost in all the children’s books. By the time I finally come out—arms loaded with bags—Jake is waiting on a bench outside holding up a bag from Godiva as a peace offering. This is why I can never stay mad at him; he always puts me first.

“I’m sorry,” we both say at the same time and laugh. He takes my bags from me and I notice he’s got quite a few for himself from the Halloween store and shoot him a look with a raised brow.

“I know, I got carried away, but I found some really fun stuff. We’re going to make brains from Jell-O and I got a fog machine, a couple of scary masks, and some really cool sound effects. We’re going to have a blast on Halloween.”

His smile is genuine and I’m so happy he’s in a better mood.

“So how are we getting all of this to the car? We still have a few more stores to hit.”

“Well, I thought maybe you might like to be my lunch date down in the food court. We can eat at The Cheesecake Factory.” Jake flashes me a killer smile and I know he’s trying to make amends. “Let’s go sit by the kids play area. I’ll get you a fresh-squeezed lemonade and run these out to the car. When I come back, we’ll talk. Sound like a plan?”

“Sounds perfect.”

While Jake is taking the bags out, I sit and watch the kids playing in the mall playground. It’s hard to believe in a few short months we’ll finally have one of our own. When Jake returns, he places a kiss on the top of my head.

“Daydreaming?” he asks softly.

“Sort of, just imagining our future. I’m sorry I picked a fight with you earlier. It just makes me angry to see you so stressed out over something that seems so easily fixable.”

As Jake sits down next to me, he pulls me close. “I love my brother but we’re not ten years old anymore. I’m not going to go tattle to Daddy. It’s not that Connor doesn’t do a good job, he’s brilliant at his job. The way his mind works is truly incredible.”

“Then I don’t get it. What’s the problem?”

“The problem is he doesn’t even work on half the accounts he
be. I’m picking up
of his slack. At first, it was expected. He was new, never interned, but he’s so fucking smart, April. We didn’t think it would be such a learning curve.”

I nod in understanding and squeeze his hand. Our hands have always fit together so perfectly. Jake is a big guy and I’m not a petite girl. I’ve always been self-conscious of my size and my hands and feet are huge for a girl. When we first got together, Jake would always stare at our hands together and I would try to pull them away but he wouldn’t have it. He said one of his favorite things about me was the fact my hands never got lost in his. He never had to worry about squeezing too hard or being too gentle. I always thought it was weird but over time, I realized I loved it, too. I loved the feeling of reassurance we could give each other with just the squeeze of our hands. And when I placed his wedding ring on his finger, it was the sexiest fucking moment of my life. Knowing we were bound by our hearts, by our vows, with those rings on our fingers—the same fingers he entwined with his every day and kissed with such reverence—was almost more than I could bear.

“I don’t need my job, April, you know that. I love my job and that’s why I keep dealing with it. I want the company to succeed so I’m over-extending myself. Something has to give soon because at this rate, I’m going to burn out.”

“What were you doing before Connor came? Why are you suddenly drowning in work?”

“Well, we fired someone, and because Connor was coming on we never hired anyone to replace him. But I’ll admit, all this work Connor has been doing for Lila’s Place has brought us a shit ton of new investors. People are paying attention to his brilliance and it’s paying off in spades for both businesses.”

“Jake, talk to Connor and tell him how you’re feeling. Or maybe talk to Kate. If she can get him to leave willingly, you might not even
to talk to him.”

He shakes his head vehemently. “No, I’m not bringing Kate into this, and I’ve tried to talk to Connor, but maybe I need to be more direct.”

“It’s not like you to be indirect, so why are you tiptoeing around him?”

“Because he’s a new dad and recently married. He’s juggling work and helping Kate. Not to mention trying to juggle his time between Jess, Hope,
Zayden. I’m trying to give him a break and let him find his groove, get acclimated, but it’s driving me into the ground in the process.”

“Jake, you have to talk to him and work this out. He’s not the only one with a family. Daniel and Mike make it work. Kate’s making it work, and
going to have to make it work.”

“I know, babe, I know. Come on and let me feed you and my son so I can take you home and lose myself in you for the rest of the day.”

As we exit the restaurant after lunch, I notice a few officers at the playground. My heartbeat accelerates and I silently pray all the kids are safe and no one is missing or hurt. As we approach them on our way to the exit, my eyes lock on my friend Derek. Derek notices us at the same time and briskly walks over.

“April, I’m so glad they sent you today. This one is really delicate and she needs to be handled by the best and we all know you’re the best.” His dazzling smile does not go unnoticed by my husband who, as usual, pulls me closer to lay claim to me.

Derek eyes Jake up and down with a cocky smirk and I suddenly feel as if I’m in the middle of a pissing match.

“Derek, we were just here doing some shopping and having some lunch. I’m not working today. This is Jake, my husband. Jake, meet Officer Derek Martinez.”

Both men begrudgingly shake hands.

“April, I hate to impose on your day off, but there’s a little girl over there whose grandma was found dead in the bathroom. She’s five years old and from what the other members of the walking club tell us, there is no other family.”

This part of my job will
get easier. She must be terrified.

“We were told DCFS was sending someone for her but it’s been about forty minutes since we called it in and no one is here yet. Do you think you can talk to her until they arrive?”

That worker—whoever it is—better get here fast. We’ve recently been implementing thirty-minute or less response times and it’s been working wonderfully. We have lots of new on-call workers so there is always someone in the vicinity to get to a case when needed; these kids are in enough emotional distress as it is. If we can get to the scene fast enough, they can leave with us instead of with the police. Although, in some cases, a police escort is the best option.

I look to Jake and he smiles. “Go on, Mother Theresa, do your thing. I’ll be here waiting.”  Derek places his hand on my back to guide me but I quickly pull away. Derek doesn’t get to touch me there or anywhere else, for that matter. Only Jake gets to touch me there. I’m sure he’s watching us like a hawk already; there’s no way he missed that. He’s going to flip out on the way home, I just know it.

Derek shoots me a sly smile and leads the way. Immediately, I see her—her chest heaving rapidly up and down, tears streaming down her cheeks, and her arms wrapped tightly around a stuffed polar bear.

Carefully, I lower myself down to the step she’s sitting on and turn to face her. She’s a beautiful little girl with dark hair and eyes so deep blue they’re almost purple. She’s wearing a frilly yellow dress, black Mary Jane’s, and has a Build a Bear box at her feet. I bet she built the bear she’s clutching this morning. My heart absolutely breaks for her.

“Hi there,” I say softly, trying to get her attention.

“My name is April, and Officer Martinez thought maybe you and I could talk a little bit. I’m so sorry to hear about your grandma. I’m sure she loved you so very much.”

I pass her a tissue from my purse and she wipes her face with it but it doesn’t stop the torrent of tears or sobs coming from her tiny little body.

“Do you think you can tell me your name, sweetie?”

She takes a few hiccupping sobs and holds my gaze with hers. “My name is Mia Faith Ramos.” Her lower lip quivers and more tears pour from her eyes. Suddenly, her arms wrap around me and she’s hugging me with all her might.

I spot Jake out of the corner of my eye, the concern on his face evident. I’m not one who usually brings my work home with me. I love my job, but it can be sad a lot of the time.

Doing the best I can to comfort Mia, I run my hands through her hair and hug her back. We’re supposed to be compassionate but maintain a distance if we can. Right now, Mia needs love however she can get it, and I’m happy to give it to her.

My boss has been trying to keep me from the more emotional cases, aside from the ones I’ve been on for a while. She said pregnancy hormones and emotion-filled cases don’t mix. I like my boss, but she has mastered the distance aspect of her job. I can’t. I feel everything, pregnant or not. Kids should not have to go through the things they do, and there are many sleepless nights for me because I don’t know how to create distance from the bad things in the world.

I’m glad. I don’t ever want to become so detached from my feelings that I don’t get emotional anymore. I
to feel it. If I feel it, I know I’ll do my damnedest to fix it however I can. Right now, I’d give anything to take away Mia’s pain.

“Mia, we’re going to help you through this, I promise.”

After about fifteen minutes of her wrapped in my arms, her worker finally shows up. It’s my friend Marie and she looks frazzled.

“I’m so sorry I’m late. There was a major accident on the 101, the freeway is backed up for miles. I finally got off and took the streets. Did they call you in?” Her words are whispered because Mia fell asleep in my arms.

Shaking my head, I scoot over so she can sit down, too.

“Jake and I were doing some shopping and had just finished lunch when Derek saw me and asked me to come over and help out. Do you have any info on her case yet? “

Marie nods and continues to whisper, “Both parents are deceased, and other than the deceased grandmother there are no other relatives. The grandmother has had full custody of her since she was three when her mother died, and her dad was killed in a gang shootout when she was just a baby.”

BOOK: Christmas With The Houstons (Acceptance #4)
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