Read Chronicles of Eden - Act III Online

Authors: Alexander Gordon

Chronicles of Eden - Act III (4 page)

BOOK: Chronicles of Eden - Act III
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“AHH! What are you doing? Get off me!” Triska cried out as she tried to pry the girl off, with Luna slurping and growling like an animal as she munched on the cookie and tried to lap up all the crumbs. Alyssa fell to the ground laughing rolling around in the grass while Daniel stared with a stunned expression as Luna continued to maul Triska in order to get the treat.

“Oh my, she… really likes cookies,” Specca said with a blush. Squeak merely nodded slowly as she watched Luna shoving her face into Triska’s chest, with Triska crying out with a blush as she felt the girl’s tongue and lips going all over her skin and breasts. Falla just kept staring at the sight with no amusement as she hung in the air by the vines while Alyssa held her sides as she laughed so hard.

“Oh my god!” Triska cried out with a blush. “Get her off, she’s-
! Stop it, Luna! Stop!”

Luna shook her head around more then sat up with a blissful smile as she held her hands over her mouth, chewing the cookie up with a happy sigh. Triska stared at her with shock while her shirt was torn apart in the front, showing her bra which was pulled down revealing her breasts which had saliva on them from the butterfly girl.

“Cookies, so good,” Luna said dreamily.

Triska just stared at her in disbelief then looked down to her exposed chest, then over to Daniel with a jump, seeing the boy now looking down with a hand over his eyes again.

“Wow, um, you okay, Triska?” Specca asked unsurely.

Triska trembled a bit then looked to Luna as the girl licked her fingers quickly then smiled brightly at the human.

“Thank you for the cookies, Triska, I like you,” she said sweetly. Triska hesitated for a moment then shakily nodded.

“Yeah, I got that much just now,” she replied nervously.

Alyssa laughed and pounded her fist on the ground for a moment then looked over to Triska while trying to control her voice.

“Hey, Luna,” she said while trying to hold in her laughter. “I think there’s some chocolate on her nipple still.”

Triska jumped then quickly looked around at her breasts, not seeing any chocolate left on them, and then saw Luna staring at her with wide eyes of wonder while she licked her lips slowly.

“Wait, no, there’s no more-” Triska pleaded before Luna shot down and held Triska down while squeezing one of her breasts as she held her mouth onto it, with Triska crying out as she felt the girl’s tongue lapping around the nipple and feeling Luna sucking on it vigorously. Specca and Squeak stared at the sight with open mouths while Falla just watched her sister with a bored stare still. Daniel however was holding his hand firmly over his eyes as he heard Triska crying out along with Luna’s muffled shouts of joy.

“Oh my god!” Triska cried out with a deep blush. “Stop! Stop-
! Stop, Luna! There’s no more chocolate, no more! Stop her, please!
! She’s biting me now! Stop, please!”

Luna kept sucking and licking the girl’s breast in her excitement while Alyssa watched with a big smile before she burst out laughing as she rolled around on the ground. Triska shook her head wildly then looked to her friends with a strained expression and a deep blush.

“Why are you just standing there, stop her!” she cried out desperately. Specca and Squeak glanced to each other then looked to her again.

“Um,” Specca replied with a nervous smile. “I would, but I’d rather not she believe a crumb got into my shirt too.”

Squeak nodded with a small smile and shrug while Daniel just shook his head as he kept looking down with a hand over his eyes.

Luna sucked hard on the human’s breast while growling like an animal then sat up quickly, her eyes darting all over Triska’s exposed chest in pursuit for more chocolate.

“Did I get it? Did I? Did I get it?”

Triska trembled a bit as she tried to catch her breath then shakily nodded at her as her senses were slowly coming back to her.

“Yeah… you got it. Now please… get off me.”

Luna nodded then quickly hopped to her feet, with Triska remaining on the ground while she slowly held a hand to her tender breast. She wiped off Luna’s saliva and quivered slightly, her mind reeling from what she went through as she tried to gather her thoughts.

“Are you okay?” Luna asked curiously as she saw the human girl lying on the ground in a daze. Triska blinked then slowly looked up to her with disbelief, seeming to fail to form any words in response to that question. Alyssa stumbled to her feet while laughing heartily then looked to Triska with a giddy smile.

“She sure
okay!” Alyssa laughed. “I mean look how much she’s blushing!”

Triska shook her head then glared at the witch with fire in her eyes while holding an arm over her exposed breasts.


“What? I didn’t know she would act like that,” Alyssa quipped with a sneer.

“Yes you did you little liar!”

“Well it serves you right anyway,” Alyssa snapped back. “I could have lost a hand because of your idea of giving her cookies!”

“I could have lost my breasts! I think that would have been the greater of two evils here!”

“Enough!” Daniel called out, with the girls looking to seeing him still holding a hand over his eyes. “Triska, are you decent?”

Triska looked down to her ravaged shirt and exposed bosom then slowly shook her head.

“Not exactly.”

“What happened to your shirt?” Luna asked curiously.

“You happened to it!” Triska shouted out at her. Luna just tilted her head slightly with a curious expression.

Daniel nodded with a quiet sigh while keeping his eyes covered.

“Specca, could you please take Triska into the caravan and help her get cleaned up?”

“Of course, Daniel,” Specca said walking over to Triska. She helped the human stand back up, with Triska looking from her to Luna with a worried expression. Luna smiled nervously and backed up towards Falla.

“Um… sorry?” Luna said unsurely.

Triska opened her mouth to speak, stared at the butterfly girl for a moment, and then shook her head as she looked down to the ground while Specca guided her towards the caravan. On their way Triska glanced to Alyssa with a glare, the witch giggling and looking at her with an innocent smile.

“Calm down, Triska,” Alyssa said playfully. “She said she was sorry.”

“Alyssa,” Daniel scolded sternly.

Alyssa jumped a bit then looked to him nervously as the boy was glancing to her while making sure Triska and Specca were out of his line of sight. The witch smiled weakly at him for a moment then pointed to Triska with a pout.

“But, Daniel,” she whined. “She started it. I could have lost my hand earlier because of her.”

Daniel just continued to watch her with a stern expression, with Alyssa looking back and forth between him and Triska, waiting for a while before looking down at the ground with remorse.

“Sorry,” she said quietly.

Daniel shook his head then looked back to Luna and Falla, the two girls watching him still while Falla was struggling to free herself again.

“Squeak, take Alyssa in as well and make sure she doesn’t cause more trouble for Triska.” Alyssa opened her mouth to speak before the boy glanced to her again. “And make sure she apologizes to Triska, not the ground, for what she did.”

“But, Daniel,” Alyssa whined with a few hops.

Squeak walked over to the witch then pointed towards the caravan with a stern squeak. Alyssa looked at her with disbelief as the ant girl watched her with a firm expression.

“Hold on, I didn’t-” Alyssa started before Squeak pointed again to the caravan while squeaking a few times.

“But that’s not-” Alyssa tried again before Squeak again pointed to the ride and squeaked sternly at the witch. Alyssa looked at her for a moment then over to see Triska and Specca climbing up into the caravan, both of the girls heading inside the cabin from the front entrance one after the other. Alyssa growled with frustration then looked down with a sigh. She started walking towards the caravan as well with Squeak following after her while keeping an eye on the witch. Daniel watched as the girls all boarded the caravan then looked back to the two butterfly girls.

“Did I do something wrong?” Luna asked worriedly.

“Aside from molesting Triska and nearly biting off Alyssa’s hand, no, you haven’t done anything wrong,” Daniel reasoned while shaking his head, then looked to Falla with a dull stare as the bound girl was still struggling to free herself from the vines. “Your sister however has, and her repeated mistakes are really getting annoying to us.”

“Then just give me what you promised already,” Falla snapped at him with a glare. “What’s your problem? You’re giving it to all of those girls, why not me as well?”

“I’m not doing anything of the sort with them, Falla,” Daniel said crossing his arms. “I’m not traveling with them just to have sex with them.”

“Bullshit, you’re probably doing it with them every night! Dammit, just give me your seed and then we’ll be out of your hair forever!”

Daniel shook his head and started walking back towards the caravan.

“Luna,” he called back to them. “Keep an eye out for your sister. Her blind ambition to get pregnant is going to get her hurt.”

He climbed up onto the front seat and took hold of the reins for Lucky then glanced back into the cabin, seeing the girls all sitting inside together doing what he pretty much expected them to be doing.

“I said I was sorry, didn’t I?” Alyssa snapped while sitting back against a few pillows on the side of the cabin, with Squeak sitting next to her with her abdomen facing away against the wall and watching the bickering girls with a blank expression.

“Yeah,” Triska scoffed at her from across the witch. “After Squeak had to force you to look at me with her hands because you kept apologizing to the floor!” She finished putting on a new yellow shirt which she then promptly started to rip down the middle slightly.

“I’m starting to suspect you’re just doing that to show off to Daniel,” Specca commented dryly from next to the teen, her eyes glancing to Triska briefly before looking back down to Daniel’s monster guide in her lap which she was updating the entry regarding the Giant Butterfly’s and how they didn’t wear any underwear in the wild.

“I could have lost my hand because of you,” Alyssa growled. “Why did you even want to give that crazy girl some cookies anyway?”

“Because she’s not a bad monster,” Triska shot back. “I felt sorry for her and wanted to do something nice. What’s so wrong about that?”

“Next time you want to be nice to a monster do so yourself!”

Triska growled and reached for her sword before Specca reached over without looking and grabbed her hand, the nixie’s eyes still locked onto the book she was writing in as she tried to keep Triska from unsheathing her blade.

“Triska, no swordplay in the caravan, you know the rules,” Specca reminded as Triska just continued to glare and growl at Alyssa. The witch was drumming her fingers on her staff at her side while returning the harsh look, all while Squeak was just looking back and forth between her fighting friends. Daniel cleared his throat to get their attention, with the girls looking to seeing him watching them while remaining silent. Triska slowly lowered her hand and looked to Alyssa with annoyance as the witch lowered her head and glanced away from everybody to avoid eye contact.

“So, are we all set to go?” Daniel asked.

“Yeah, all set, Daniel,” Triska said, looking to him with a timid glance.

“Yes, whenever you are,” Specca agreed with.

Squeak nodded with a squeak then looked to Alyssa with a raised eyebrow, the witch nodding and looking to Daniel with a worried smile.

“Um, sorry about earlier.”

“Did you say that to Triska?” Daniel inquired.

“Yes, I did.”

“Because of Squeak you did,” Triska commented dryly. Alyssa smiled nervously and shrugged in response, with Daniel rolling his eyes then looking ahead before he snapped the reins. Lucky neighed then started off along the path, pulling the larger caravan behind him with no trouble. As the travelers continued along their way Luna watched them go with a curious expression.

“I wonder what it’s like to ride in that thing.”

“I wonder when you’re going to get me down from here!” Falla yelled out.

Luna jumped a bit then started trying to pull off the vines around her sister, with a few of them finally giving and snapping off. Falla struggled and pulled free one of her arms, the girl then trying to yank off a vine from around her wing with frustrated grunts.

“I can’t believe this, I was so close. I mean I saw his penis for crying out loud!”

“You did? How big was it?” Luna asked with an eager smile.

“It wasn’t erect at the time, I’m sure it gets bigger than what I saw when he’s mating. At least it had better.”

The two girls kept pulling and snapping off vines for a while before Falla finally dropped to the ground with a thump, the girl stumbling to her feet with her wings fluttering a bit behind her.

“Dammit,” Falla grunted. “That human thinks he can just run away from our agreement? I don’t think so. No way, he’s not getting away from me that easily!”

“But sister, they said they were always watching over Daniel, even when he’s peeing. How are we going to get him if they’re always around him?”

“Just leave that to me, I’ll think of something. I’m going to get that human’s seed even if it’s the last thing I ever do!”

“If they catch you again it might be,” Luna nervously pointed out. “Maybe we should find another human, there’s plenty more out there in the world after all.”

Falla turned to her with a stern glare, causing Luna to jump a bit and back up with a nervous smile.

“I mean,” Luna quickly added. “I don’t want to see you get hurt, that’s all.”

“I am not letting this one get away!” Falla argued. “I’m sick and tired of men always getting away from us. This one promised to help me, and I’m going to make him keep his word. His seed is rightfully mine!”

Luna nodded slowly then looked around the area worriedly.

“Well… then what do we do now?”

“We need to go after them and wait for another chance,” Falla said looking to where the travelers had gone. “Those other girls can’t watch him all day every day, he’ll be alone eventually, and when he is that’s when we grab him.” She then smirked and glanced to her sister.

BOOK: Chronicles of Eden - Act III
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