Read Circle of Death Online

Authors: Colleen Masters,Celia Loren

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Genre Fiction, #Coming of Age, #Romance, #Contemporary, #Multicultural, #New Adult & College, #Multicultural & Interracial

Circle of Death (15 page)

BOOK: Circle of Death
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“Jesus Christ, Dev,” I whisper, as he kneels over me on the bed. “You’re going to be the death of me.”

“Hey. There are worse ways to go,” he grins, running his hands down along my spine, over the rise of my ass.

“What if I can’t...” I begin, trying to hide my blush from him.

“Logan,” he says, taking my chin in his hand and turning my face toward his. He’s starting down at me intently, and I feel my fears ebb away. There’s something deeper than lust in his gaze. Something knowing, and caring. Something that looks a whole lot like true affection. “Listen to me. We were built for each other. Can’t you feel that? There’s nothing we can’t do. Do you trust that? Do you trust me?”

“Absolutely,” I say softly. And it’s the truth. I trust Devlin with my body, my mind, and even my heart.

“Good,” he says, grabbing hold of my hips. “Because I’m not cruel enough to keep either of us waiting any longer.”

He tugs me up to my hands and knees, and I feel the swollen tip of him pressing against my wet slit. I take a huge breath, steadying myself. My entire life fades away in the face of this one momentous instant. I’m ready.

Devlin presses himself into me, parting my pink lips with his staggering cock. My mouth falls open as he fills me, inch my inch, rocking gently into my trembling body. I can feel myself stretching to accommodate his enormity.

“Christ. You’re so tight,” he groans above me, his hands tightening around my hips.

Our satisfied moans ring out in unison as he finally slips all the way into my eager body. He’s so deep, so expansively huge, that I swear he could rip right through me. But that’s a risk I’m more than willing to take.

Devlin draws back and drives into me as I press back against him. We can’t be contained any longer. Our bodies move together, faster and harder with every pass. I cry out as Devlin bucks into me, driving his cock ever deeper. I slam myself back against him, high on the sensation of him filling me up. I want as much of him as I can get. Fuck it, I want all of him.

“You’ve got me right on the edge, Logan,” he growls through gritted teeth.

“Let me feel you come inside of me,” I plead. “Devlin, I need to feel you—”

“Say it again,” he snarls, reaching around my body and finding my clit once more.

“Come for me,” I beg, crying out as he rolls his fingers over that hard nub, “Please—”

But my words cut off as Devlin slams into me one last time. I feel him come in a rushing surge, filling up every inch of me. His body arches into mine as his bliss gushes into my eager body. For the longest moment, we’re suspended together in rapturous silence, totally outside of time. It’s absolutely perfect.

We collapse into each other, our bodies folding into a tangle of limbs. Devlin pulls me against his heaving chest, and I rest my cheek there, grinning blissfully. After a spell, we emerge from the depths of our happy exhaustion, coming up for air.

“I don’t know how the hell you’re still single, knowing how to treat a woman like that,” I laugh, “I’m surprised anyone’s let you get away.”

“Honestly,” he says, his voice heavy with wonder, “That’s things usually go for me.”

“What do you mean?” I ask, peering up at him in the low light.

“Well,” he begins, letting out a long, spent sigh, “I don’t know how to say this without sounding like a raging, arrogant dick...”

“Oh, this should be good,” I laugh, propping myself up on an elbow, “Do go on.”

“I guess that usually, when I’m sleeping with a girl, I’m pretty wrapped up in getting off, having a good time, and moving on...” Devlin says, totally unembarrassed.

“Ah. A real ‘hit ‘em and quit ‘em’ kind of guy...” I tease, “I’m practically swooning.”

“Oh, give me a fucking break,” he laughs, swinging his powerful body on top of mine and pinning me lightly against the bed. “When you sleep with a guy, are you seriously more invested in his pleasure than your own? Or are you just trying to get something out of it and be on your merry way?”

I cock my head thoughtfully. Devlin does make a good point. In the past, my sexual experiences have basically amounted to me twiddling my thumbs while some clumsy college guy wiggled around on top of me for a while, hoping to get off against all odds. It was always kind of a chore to be slogged through. Like flossing, only somehow even less sexy.

“I guess I’ve never really felt...connected to someone before. Not like this,” I say softly, tracing a finger along Devlin’s sharp, stubbly jaw.

“That makes two of us, babe,” he grins, nipping playfully at my hand. “When I’m with you, I’m like a man possessed. I have to have all of you. Give you my all. All at once. And I have to know you’re there with me too.”

“I was. I am,” I assure him, “I don’t quite understand it, but giving myself over to you like makes me feel so strong. So secure.”

“So. You liked that,” he smiles, running a hand along my side, “You liked being told what to do?”

“I really did,” I tell him, biting my lip, “Does that make me some kind of weirdo, or—?”

“It makes you sexy as hell,” Devlin tells me, resolutely. “I can’t tell you how hot it was, having you hang on every word. Getting down on all fucking fours for me. Having a woman like you put that much faith in me, it makes me feel like a better man, Logan.”

“And knowing I can inspire that in you, the way you just take me,” I tell him, my voice soft, “It makes me feel like the woman I’ve always wanted to be.”

“Well...lucky us,” Devlin says, his voice quieter than I’ve ever heard it.

He brings his lips to mine, kissing me gently, carefully.

Don’t get ahead of yourself, Farrah, I chide myself.

For the second night running, I fall asleep wrapped up in Devlin Vile’s arms. And though I’ve had more than a bit to drink, I know I’ll remember every second of this evening. Something’s changing in me, something fundamental. I don’t know what that change will mean, but I do know that I intend to welcome it with open arms.

Especially if it leads to more nights like this one.


Chapter Thirteen



The next thirty-six hours roll by in a sweeping rush of unimaginable erotic bliss. Devlin and I simply refuse to leave our suite of rooms. We have each other so many times, in so many ways, that the day blurs together into a ceaseless spree of lovemaking. I’ve already flung myself into Devlin’s more than capable hands, after all. I might as well see all the wonderful things those hands can do to me.

We move seamlessly between impassioned fucking, peaceful slumber, and the occasional round of excellent room service. All the while, we help ourselves to Devlin’s personal stash of fine whiskey. Even when we try and pause to take a shower and get ourselves cleaned up, I end up pinned to the tiles, riding Devlin’s perfect, sudsy body until we both lose it.

All told, it’s the couple days of my entire life.

It’s not until the morning of my third full day on the island that we deign to emerge from our love nest. Truth be told, we’re both jonesing for a little sunlight—and it might do the Circle of Death good to know that their president is still alive and kicking.

We shrug into some casual clothes, grinning like lunatics all the while. I choose a plain white tee and short cutoff jeans for the day, while Devlin opts for black denim pants and a flannel top. We’ve decided to spend the day exploring the vast island, so we each pull on some hiking boots, as well.

Over a room service breakfast of thickly buttered toast, scrambled eggs, bacon, and rich coffee, I study my brand new bedfellow with reverent wonder. We share the window seat, looking out over the gorgeous Atlantic and sprawling forest all around. Devlin feels me staring at him and widens his eyes in mock horror.

“What?” he asks, “Do I have some egg on my face or something?”

“No,” I laugh, pouring another dash of cream into my coffee. “I just...can’t quite believe this is happening to me, is all.”

“Why’s that?” he asks, “Other than the fact that our meet-cute story was a little, you know, unconventional.”

“I guess I’m just not used to being this...happy,” I admit, raising my eyes to his. “I’ve spent a lot of my life being angry. About Juliet, about how my parents raised us, about never feeling good enough for anyone. But these last few days, it’s crazy—I just really can’t bring myself to care about any of that.”

“That’s what a good lay will do for you,” Devlin winks, taking a big bite of toast.

“I’m serious Dev,” I laugh, shoving him playfully. “I think you’re actually good for me, you crazy sonofabitch.”

“Glad you think so,” he replies, laying a hand on my knee, “because I’m starting to suspect that you’re the best fucking thing that’s ever happened to me. But don’t let it go to your head or anything, babe. It could just be this delicious goddamn bacon talking.”

“I’m sure that’s it,” I smile, gathering my hair into a high ponytail. “What do you say, want to hit the road?”

“Sure,” Dev replies, “Just let me get my shit together.”

I pull my knees into my chest, watching absentmindedly as Devlin gathers his supplies for our day of hiking. He chucks a few things into a battered old knapsack and crosses to the bedroom safe, punching in the code and pulling it open. I raise an eyebrow behind his back. What valuables does he intend to bring on our little trek? But my stomach flips on itself when I see what Devlin produces from the safe.

“Wh-what is that?” I ask, though I know full well.

Devlin glances down at the handgun he’s pulled from the safe. He tucks it into the back of his jeans, looking up at me quizzically. “It’s my piece,” he says nonchalantly. “Just in case.”

“In case of what?” I ask, “You gonna try and take down a bear or something while we’re out and about?”

“You gotta problem with me carrying a gun?” Devlin asks, annoyance coloring his voice. “Because it’s not exactly negotiable for me, Logan.”

“Is that so,” I say flatly, crossing my arms.

“You bet your ass it’s so,” he says heatedly, “I’m not without my enemies, babe. Walking around unarmed is not an option for me.”

“That makes strolling through the woods with you a bit less appealing, I have to admit,” I tell him honestly.

” he scoffs, rather unkindly.

“Am I not allowed to be concerned about the fact that you’re lugging around a killing machine?” I press.

“What you’re not allowed to do is get all freaked out the second you catch the slightest glimpse of my actual life,” he shoots back. “You’re meeting me on my fucking vacation, Logan. This place, The Club, this is a departure for me and the guys. The real MC life isn’t about room service and spa days. It’s rough, and it’s ugly, and it’s not for the faint of heart.”

“Is that what you think I am?” I ask, hurt by his harsh words, “Faint of heart?”

“You tell me,” He says, his jaw set, “Are you gonna run away scared the second shit gets real around me?”

“I...I don’t...” I stammer. Honestly, I haven’t even thought about what I’ll do when this week is up. When I get the chance to go back to Boston, to my real life and my new job. I can’t imagine turning and walking away from Devlin...but I certainly can’t imagine hopping on his Harley and driving off into the sunset, either.

“Shit,” Devlin says, shoving a hand through his black hair. “This is a lot for you right now. Me barking at you isn’t going to help.”

“It’s fine,” I assure him, hugging my knees. “This whole thing is’s so new. And so huge. I just need a little time to figure out what I think about it all. What I feel.”

“Yeah. Sure,” Devlin says, his smile tight and not entirely convincing. “You know what? Let’s just not deal with the big, important talk right now. It’s too early in the day for that emotional shit. Let’s just get out into the fresh air, and forget about it for now.”

“Sounds good to me,” I reply, hurrying to gather my own things. I hope he can’t sense the little streak of tension creeping through my body in the wake of our heated words. But now that the question is out in the open, I don’t know if I’ll be able to put it out of mind. Because in a few short days, I’ll really have to make a decision—do I stay, or do I go?


BOOK: Circle of Death
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