Claimed and Bred By The Wolf 2: Pack Initiation (Shapeshifter Erotic Romance) (7 page)

BOOK: Claimed and Bred By The Wolf 2: Pack Initiation (Shapeshifter Erotic Romance)
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Adrianna gasped. "Oh-my-God, the blood! It was Jeff's!"

"That's right. He caught up to you and there was a fight. He came back to the cabin bleeding all over. You're quite a little scrapper Adrianna."

"I'm so sorry. I assumed it was a rabbit, or... I just don't remember..." She'd been trying all day to try and remember the events after turning and couldn't come up with an explanation other than chasing down a small animal.

"You don't have to apologize, Addy. The fucker chased you down. His own damned fault," Ian snarled.

Adrianna glanced over at Ian and gave him a reassuring smile. "It's okay Ian. I understand. I'm okay now."

Grant sighed and Adrianna could see his patience beginning to wane. "Settle down so I can finish what I came for."

Adrianna glanced over at Ian, and noticed his jaw clenching. He was struggling to keep his temper in check. "So please continue Grant. What has to happen to make this right?"

"Well, see the issue we're thinking has to do with the cougar that Ian saw a few days ago. We had thought that the wolves had hunted them into extinction, but you're evidence that that isn't the case, which leads us to believe that the cougar Ian saw may have been part of a pride that not only knows about you but has come to find you."

While she tried to keep her expression concerned, a part of her was ecstatic at the thought. Could it be possible? Could someone out there, someone near her... her family?

She chanced a glance over at Ian and he caught her gaze. He knew what she was thinking and gave his head a little shake.

"So this is what I'm thinking Adrianna." Grant's voice cut into her and Ian's silent conversation and she turned her attention back to him.

"I know what you're thinking."

Adrianna could feel the heat rising to her cheeks, feeling guilty for her thoughts.

"These cougars are
your family, Adrianna. We're your family. One tried to kill you when you were a child and would have if Ian hadn't saved you. So when one of them contacts you, and I'm confident they will. You'll tell us and we'll deal with it."

Adrianna swallowed down the lump forming in her throat. Grant's eyes were piercing into her, demanding her obedience. She glanced over at Ian again who nodded and

squeezed her hand.

"She will Grant. We will," Ian cut in before she had a chance to respond.

"I want to hear her say it Ian." There was sharpness in his tone that made Adrianna wince.

Adrianna nodded. "Yes. Of course Grant. Of course I will." She attempted to smile, but failed miserably.

"Good. It's settled then." Grant rose to his feet and he seemed to be more formable than he had been when he'd arrived. "If they make contact, you'll let us know immediately."

It wasn't a question, but an order and Adrianna's heart sunk. She was caught between a rock and a hard place, which was fine if it was just her, but it wasn't. She looked over at Ian who seemed to be reading her mind and mimicking her thoughts and concerns

himself; she could see it in his ice blue eyes.

Bringing her hand to his mouth he brushed he knuckles across his lips. The gesture would normally soothe her, but with everything she'd experienced and learned within the past twenty-four hours she doubted she'd be at ease for a very long time.


"So what are we going to do now?" Adrianna asked as Ian finished drying the last of the dishes she'd just finished washing and put it away.

not going to do a thing."

"But Ian..."

"No Adrianna. You're not going to go chasing after ghosts and stirring up things. Even if you knew where to begin searching, which you don't."

"But, there must be something in mom's things... Something that..."

Ian tossed the dish towel onto the counter and turned to face her. Catching her chin in his hand he tilted her face to so their eyes met. His eyes were hard, conviction in his gaze.

"You're going to quit your job. I'm going to move out of my apartment and move in here and I'm going to teach you how to control your shifting. You need to learn to merge the cat within with your human side so the cat never fully takes over. That's the only way you'll avoid the blackouts you experienced last night."

"Okay, but-"

"What you're
going to do is dig up the past and give the pack a reason to get rid of you. If they find a cougar shifter in the area the pack won't hesitate to kill it. And if there is a pride in the area, searching you out then the last thing we want is a war in our backyard with you at the center. Are we clear?"

Adrianna's heart stopped for a moment. She'd never had Ian speak to her in such a way before. Tears formed in her eyes. Embarrassed by her emotional response, she attempted to brush past him in order to flee to the living room, but he caught her arm and refused to let her go.

"Let me go Ian!" She tried to jerk his arm from his grasp, but he refused to release her.

"No. Not until you promise me you'll agree."

Adrianna spun around, her anger flaring and her eyes caught his. Her body began

vibrate as it had at the Claiming. It felt as though the anger was the fuel and she was helpless to stop it.

"It's happening Ian. Leave!" The vibrations within her were coming on faster and stronger than it had the previous day.

"No Addy. No."

She barely heard him as her legs went weak under her and she fell to her knees. Ian caught her as she fell, lessening the pain of her fall. He knelt beside her, pulling her tight to him. "Fight it Addy. Fight it. You can control the turns, you just need to focus."

"Why is this happening?" she cried out as she felt the nearly unbearable pain of the first bone shift.

"Breathe honey. Calm down." Ian instructed, all harshness was now gone from his voice and only tenderness remained as he stroked her hair and brushed his lips across her temple.

"Oh God!" Another bone shifted and snapped, sending another jolt of pain through her. "I can't... I can't... It wants out!" Another jolt of pain. She screamed and fought to keep control of her consciousness. "Leave. Please. I don't want to hurt you."

"I'm not leaving. If you turn you'll kill me baby. Calm down. Breathe."

Adrianna held tight to Ian, trying to calm her emotions. He wasn't leaving and it would kill her if she hurt him. She had to remain in control. Had to.

"Your emotions are driving the turn. Calm down."

Taking a deep breath in, she exhaled slowly and repeated. The vibrations began to dim and the haze and intense urge to let go to the cat within began to subside.

"That's it honey. You're doing it. Take control!"

It took several more minutes of struggling, but she finally regained control. Her body ached, her muscles sore, though she was thankful it was nothing like it had been the previous day.

"I think I have it," she gasped as tears flowed freely down her cheeks

Ian remained in front of her, holding her tight in his embrace. She buried her face against his shoulder breathing in his spicy woodsy scent of his cologne and the soft words he spoke into her ear. His embrace and caresses finally put her fully at ease and she trembled against him.

"I'm sorry," she whispered.

"Me too. I shouldn't have spoken to you like that. You've been through too much. I'm sorry honey." He pulled back, cupped her chin in his hand and tilted her face up so their eyes met. "I love you so much; I don't want to see you hurt. It would kill me Addy."

She saw the remorse and love in his gaze. It was so deep and intense that it tore at her heart. She sniffed and swiped at her tears with the back of her hand. "I'm not sure I'll be able to control it Ian."

He touched her cheek with the back of his hand and placed a tender kiss on her

forehead. "You just did honey, I'm so proud of you."

Despite her upset she felt a shimmer of achievement. She
do it! She smiled hesitantly up at him.

"I'll work with you. I'll teach you to control the urge to turn and remain conscious in your cougar form. I had a hard time with it and I had a support system. I knew it was going to happen and the pack coached me for years before it happened the first time. It'll come. Garratt and I will make sure of it."

"Okay." A resurge of hope shot through her. She could do this... She could.

"Until you have the shifting down, I'll try not to piss you off too much." He gave her a wink and she laughed, throwing her arms around his neck and hugging him fiercely.

"Thank you."

"Nothing to thank me for. And now..." Standing he took her hands and pulled her up with him. Once she was standing he scooped her up into his arms and carried her out of the kitchen and into the living room.

"Where are we going?" She asked snuggling close to him.

"Taking a nice warm bath. It'll make you feel better."

"Hmmmm. Only if you're joining me." Adrianna kissed the side of his neck and he growled in response as he carried her up the stairs to the second floor with lightening speed as if she weighted nothing more than a feather.

"Well, I think I might be able to fulfill that request."

"Mmmmm. Good."

They reached the bathroom and he lowered her to the floor and then bent and turned on the water to the deep old fashioned style claw footed tub. The tub was one of

Adrianna's favourite aspects of the house - especially since it was large enough to comfortably accommodate her and Ian.

Turning back to her, Ian trapped her body between his and the bathroom sink. A

hunger was beginning to form within his blue eyes as he looked down at her. "How are you feeling?" he asked as he grabbed the bottom of her t-shirt and pulled it up.

Smiling Adrianna raised her hands over her head. Ian pulled the garment all the way up and off, tossing it to the floor. Sliding a hand to the back of her head, he threaded his fingers into her hair and lowered his mouth to hers.

His lips softly swept across hers, igniting her desire for him. As their kiss deepened, she began to undo the buttons on his plaid flannel shirt. With the buttons undone, she parted the material and pressed her palms against the rock hard muscle underneath.

Sliding her hand to his shoulders, she slowly pushed the shirt down his thick, muscled arms.

She fingered the scars on his left shoulder. The scars he received then he saved her from a cougar when she was just a child. "Seems like a lifetime ago." she whispered, her eyes glued to the scar. Despite wanting to dig into her roots; to see if she could find the group she belonged with, she knew he was right. Her family was him - the wolves.

"It does."

She shifted her gaze to meet his eyes. "You're right. I won't look for them."

"Thank you. But I think they may have already found you."

"The cougar on the road."


She wasn't sure how she felt about that. Maybe the cougar was her father?

"Don't overthink it for now honey. Let's deal with teaching you to control your shifts and then we'll discuss the rest of it. I promise."

She nodded. Taking a deep breath, she released it and turned her focus to the most important thing at the moment; the magnificent man standing before her and the cock that was rising under his jeans.

Ian lowered his lips to hers, claiming them. She moaned softly, parting her lips in invitation to him. Grabbing her ass in his hands he pulled her groin tight against him so she felt the right of his cock through their layers of clothing.

Their tongue met and the fire between her legs flared up, consuming both her mind and body in its desire. She grabbed at the front of his jeans and frantically undid them, pushing them and his boxer briefs down his hips, exposing his thick dick to her.

Adrianna grasped his shaft and began to stroke him. He groaned against her lips before tearing them away and began to trail a line of kisses down the length of her neck.

"Oh God, I need you," she moaned, her head dropping back and her back arching. She stroked him harder - faster.

Ian hooked his thumbs in the waistband of her jogging pants and gave them a tug.

Adrianna's body froze against him as the coolness of the room teased her moistening pussy. Ian's mouth moved along her collarbone and down her chest until his lips came to her left nipple. He took the first one into his mouth. Sweet shiver rushed down Adrianna's spine as his tongue flicked at the tip alternating with light nipping causing it to harden into a tight nub.

Her pussy began to throb between her legs, eager to feel him entering her. She moaned and spread her legs slightly, attempting to relieve some of the building tension.

Adrianna's hand resumed it's stroking, moving up and down along the shaft from the base to the tip, her thumb teasing the slit at the tip.

Ian's mouth dropped the first nipple and quickly picked up the second repeating the sweet torture. As his mouth taunted and teased he dropped to his knees in front of her and his hand cupped her shaven mound.

"Ian..." Adrianna's voice was barely more than a whisper as she gripped his shoulders.

Letting her rock hard nipple drop from his lips, he kissed his way down her stomach until her reached her mound. Grabbing her leg he slipped it over his shoulder, opening her wider for him.

Opening her eyes, she gripped the bathroom counter behind her. Looking down, she

watched as he spread her pussy lips and ran two fingers along the length of her soft folds.

Her breath caught in her throat, as he made a second pass and brought his fingers to his mouth, sucking off her juices.

She was thankful for the bathroom sink behind her as her body trembled and her legs began to feel weak under her.

"Fucking love the way you taste Addy," Ian growled as he buried her face between her legs.

Adrianna cried out and her fingers tightened on the sink as his tongue ran the length of her and then circled her swollen nub. She bucked against his mouth, she needed him filling her - cock, tongue, fingers - she didn't care at that point.

He thrust two fingers deep within her and began to stroke her inner wall as his tongue continues its delicious torment of her clit.

BOOK: Claimed and Bred By The Wolf 2: Pack Initiation (Shapeshifter Erotic Romance)
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