Collared: Ashton [Collared Lovers] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour) (16 page)

BOOK: Collared: Ashton [Collared Lovers] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)
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Ty caressed her stomach, eyes burning with hope. “I would love to see you ripe with our baby, but we need to get married soon. I want our children born well after the wedding, not just scant weeks before. I want to see you in a wedding gown coming toward us.”

Pulling away from her, Ty dug in his pocket, and Ashton watched as Nate rolled his eyes and started griping at him about having the thing there. Between them they grabbed her left hand and slid a beautiful three-stone diamond ring on her finger. The large center was over two carats, and the two flanking the center stone were about a carat apiece. All that sparkle was set in platinum, and she loved the beautiful ring instantly. She couldn’t contain the tears that overflowed her eyes running down her cheeks. She continued to cry as she hugged both men to her.

“Is that a yes?” Nate asked with a grin, and she could only nod.

“Say it. I want the words,” Ty demanded.

“Yes, I’ll marry you both. Just tell me when and where,” she said excitedly.

“Let’s ask Sophie and the guys for some ideas tonight when they come over and we will nail down some specifics,” Ty replied.

The afternoon progressed with a lot of decisions made concerning their future. No birth control would be used until after the first baby and then only until they wanted another. She admitted her desire to stay home as long as they had children still in the house. Ashton was thrilled at the chance to have a real family with wonderful memories and parents who would love them like children should be loved.

The one thing they disagreed completely on was the marriage. She wouldn’t pick between the men, and neither would they. It was such a horrible fight. Everyone yelled, and Ashton stormed out, stomping up to her room. Slamming the bedroom doors, she threw herself on the bed wanting to scream.

How can I select one over the other?

She would not choose. They couldn’t make her. They could go fuck themselves.


* * * *


Ty and Nate sat downstairs in the office, glaring at one another. Ty was so damn frustrated and angry. He told them to marry one another. He knew it was the right thing to do. Nate had a name to carry on, whereas he would love nothing more than to forget his. But he just couldn’t make them see it.

Nate was clearly fuming in anger. Ty knew he wanted him to marry Ashton as Nate’s family had plenty of men to carry on their name and knew they would completely understand about Ashton marrying Ty. Considering Ty’s childhood had been an utter clusterfuck of dysfunction, it pissed Ty off that Nate tried to shove his forced need for security onto him. The fucking molly-coddling would stop even if he had to take the crop to his fine ass, but he couldn’t make the stubborn jackass see reason about the marriage.

Later that evening over dinner, the six friends were together, but three of them were barely speaking to one another. Finally Keith demanded, “What the hell is up with you guys inviting us over only to be pissed at one another, the tension so thick you could cut it?”

“We’re having trouble deciding who is going to marry Ashton,” Nate simply replied.

“I won’t choose,” Ashton mulishly stated.

“Neither will I. I told Nate I want him to marry her. It makes more sense for her to take Nate’s name. Honestly, I don’t even want my name, and I sure as shit don’t want it associated with Ashton,” Ty said emotionally.

Ashton burst into tears and fled the room, Sophie following.

“You could always change your name to Nate’s and it wouldn’t matter which she married because y’all would share the same name then,” Mike suggested after the girls left. “Have your attorney draw up power of attorney and medical directives giving the three of you the ability to make legal decisions for one another. You could always have a ceremony down in one of the islands marrying all three of you. It wouldn’t be legal in the US and I still think one of you needs to marry her here in the States, but the real ceremony would be down there. We would be proud to go down and witness it.”

Ty looked at both men, wondering if it could really be that simple. If Ty took Nate’s name and married Ashton he wouldn’t be able to argue the name point, and Nate would get what he wanted—for Ty and Ashton to always have security. Nate looked at him and Ty knew, regardless of their decision, they had to present a united front to Ashton. She could easily play on their indecision and have them all at odds. Ty nodded his agreement to Nate to keep this to themselves for now.

Sophie and Ashton came back, and they spent the rest of the evening making plans to go to the islands at the end of the month. All the while Ashton stubbornly sat, refusing to offer any input into the choices being made. Nate and Sophie would take Ashton shopping that weekend, and Ty would take care of finding a resort and flights. Keith spoke up, “I have a friend with a private island. He’s invited me several times over the last few years. I’d be glad to give him a call.”

“That sounds good, thanks,” Ty said.

“Thanks for coming. Sophie, Ashton and I will call you when we are ready to go shopping for everything,” Nate told her.

Ashton and Sophie whispered to each other and embraced one last time as they said good night, and the moment Ty closed the door, Nate swept Ashton up into his arms, carrying her up to their bedroom. That night the men made love to her over and over until finally, just before dawn, they slipped off to sleep curled around each other.

When the phone rang the next morning, Ty answered. It was Keith. After listening for a few moments, he said he would show them and get back to him. Jumping out of bed, he rummaged for his laptop in the wardrobe, turned it on, and within moments he was pulling up idyllic pictures of a beautiful oasis with pictures of a beautiful pool, tropical garden, and a white sandy beach. Ty watched Ashton’s eyes light up at the pictures and immediately called Keith, telling him that whatever the man wanted he would pay it. It would be well worth it. Ty learned the gentleman was none other than a guy they knew, Marcus Whitmore.

The four-way call lasted more than twenty minutes, and when Keith had to go, they continued on with their conversation, catching up. They had served in the Marine Corps together, though they never understood why Marcus had joined, because his family was obscenely wealthy. It became apparent that Marcus had a death wish—the things he did made it very apparent he was running away from a boatload of pain and guilt. It was obvious Marcus hadn’t changed. He offered them the island and his home. Ty hoped the excitement of being married on this beautiful island would end Ashton’s frustration.

Chapter Fifteen


The next two weeks passed in a blur. Ashton was so grateful to be leaving, despite her worries, rubbing her arms against the chill in the house as the weather had turned cold, and she was anxious to go to a warmer climate. They were leaving tomorrow, and Marcus was sending his private jet to pick up the six of them.

Nate and Sophie had kept her busy with shopping and selecting things for the two sets of trios. They had chosen her wedding dress with the same precision that most surgeons employed during life-saving surgery. After the three of them discarded nearly fifty gowns, she had finally chosen the most perfect creation on the planet. The Grecian-style gown was simple, with little adornment, and the fabric so light and gauzy it was gorgeous. Her wedding dress was just the right shade of off-white, so it would complement her complexion and hair.

Sophie excitedly informed her that Marcus was flying a top team of stylists from Florida in to take care of their hair and makeup on her wedding day.

Each day Ashton’s excitement grew, but so did her anxiety at the thought that whoever didn’t marry her would grow to resent the arrangement. She could never choose, and she had hoped to hold herself away from all of the wedding decisions and make the two men sort it out for themselves.

That last evening before they left for the island, both men took her to the playroom, each paddling her over and over while the other whispered his love for her and how he couldn’t wait to marry her and for her to be his wife. They reprimanded her for holding herself away from them and the preparations for the most life-altering day of their lives. When she refused to comment, they switched tactics, making love to her and each other for the rest of the evening.

The next morning, her men woke her at dawn.

“Come one Ashton. It’s time to take a shower, baby.” Ty gently shook her awake.

Rolling over she pushed her hair out of her face and Ty was still leaning over her.

“The jet is scheduled to take off by ten, and the driver will be here in an hour and half. We need you to be ready to go, baby.” Ty kissed her head as if trying to soften the blow of getting up at the ass crack of dawn.

Nate came through the door around the same time Ty was done trying to cajole her out of bed. Nate sat a new piece of her luggage down on a piece of the furniture.

Walking over to the bed, he held out a hand when she pushed the covers back. He walked her into the bathroom, and sat her on the vanity. Leaving her there, he started the shower. Nate grabbed her two towels, and put them on the warming racks and walked back to the vanity, helping her down. Kissing her forehead he left her to take care of her needs. Both men had learned quickly not to engage her in conversation early, to basically leave her alone for the first thirty minutes she was awake. Ashton had to admit it was a trait she had come to love about them.

Each man seemed to try and reassure her with little touches, the wordless acts speaking volumes of their feelings. Lately, Ty had taken to laying her clothes out, but looking at the skirt with the tank and sweater set, she vetoed it. Pulling out low-rise jeans, she paired them with the tank, choosing to grab the cardigan also. Both men looked surprised at the opposition, but didn’t say anything about her self-assertion.

She watched as the men took her bags, and Nate informed her that her carry-on was on the bed and it had a change of clothes and toiletries. They ushered her out the door and into the waiting limo. The driver dropped them at a private entrance at the airport, and they met Sophie and her men at a private gate.

Nate sat her and Sophie in a small booth lined with windows overlooking the landing strip. The young man serving them brought them each a mimosa. Sipping the sweet-tart beverage, they watched as the men gave over their passports and flight information to an airport official. The man analyzed the paperwork, opening each passport and scrutinizing everyone in the room. When it was time to board, they were escorted out to the tarmac where a sleek jet sat.

A beautiful flight attendant stood at the base of the stairs greeting them with a welcoming smile. Ty held one of Ashton’s hands and Nate the other as they guided her to one of the sectional sofas. Ashton counted four captain-style chairs and two L-shaped sectionals along with a smaller love-seat-sized sofa. The large flat screen mounted on the wall was showing the flight plan and weather projections both in their current location and their destination.

Seeing Keith situate Sophie in the other seating area toward the back, Ashton relaxed into the corner of the plush leather. Nate turned her and slipped her flip-flops off, placing her feet into Ty’s lap. Relaxing deeper into the cushions, it didn’t take long until she fell asleep.


* * * *


Breathing a sigh of relief when they closed the hatch to the plane, Ty knew they were that much closer to her officially belonging to them. Last night was wonderful, but they still hadn’t broken through to her. Their hope was to really push her boundaries before the wedding and maybe then she would finally understand she couldn’t continue to hold herself back from them and their future. It frustrated them that she hadn’t once asked who was going to be signing paperwork with her at the courthouse when they got back.

Ty watched Nate run his fingers through Ashton’s hair, her cheek pillowed on his lap. He was content to soak in the sight, and after only a few minutes, Nate gave up the fight and fell asleep himself.

Over an hour and half into the flight, the flight attendant offered them a cold lunch. He shook the other two awake, and they groggily accepted the fare. The gourmet salads and hors d’oeuvres were impeccable and thoroughly delicious, and a fruit and cheese tray to finish the light meal was perfect.

After only a few short hours in the air, the pilot announced that they were making their final approach to their destination. They were landing at the small airport, and a helicopter was going to shuttle them to the island that Marcus owned. The landing was as perfect as the flight, and they were met at the gate by the local governor and customs officials.

A warm welcome and business being completed, they were shuffled immediately to the awaiting helicopter. The fifteen minute flight was rapid and full of beautiful sights and the beauty Marcus’s estate radiated.

Marcus, the perfect host, situated them all in an indoor garden, offering the group refreshments, and soon they slipped into an easy dialogue just like old times. Ty was so proud of Ashton. It was clear that Marcus intimidated her, however, she forced herself to address him directly and comment.

The five men continued to talk. Seeing the women were disgusted by their lusty retelling of past exploits, Marcus called for a man named Vance, who was instructed to shadow her and Sophie around the huge manor and take them to the pool when they were ready. Marcus and Keith grew up in the same silver spoon circles, and had known each other their entire lives. Mike and Keith sat listening as Nate, Ty, and Marcus were still going back and forth talking about lost comrades and ones they missed, when Vance stepped in and nodded at Marcus.

BOOK: Collared: Ashton [Collared Lovers] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)
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