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Authors: Mika Fox

Come On Over (10 page)

BOOK: Come On Over
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lifts one eyebrow.

he says, "that's it. No fluffy shit. Just sex."

nods, now raising his eyebrows in an expression that hopefully conveys just how
unnecessary Killian's disclaimer is.

he says simply. "Okay, whatever." Killian keeps his eyes on him, and
he sighs in slight exasperation at Killian's apparent assumption of his
innocence, perhaps with a bit more attitude than necessary. "Relax,
alright? You're hot, a good kisser, I'm kind of horny. Not asking for much,
here. What, not what you were expecting?"

adds it with some sarcasm, since he very much doubts it, and Killian looks
honestly a little surprised, if only vaguely so.

like that," he says, and Dominic nods slowly. Then he licks his lips,
pressing his hands against Killian's ass and pulling him closer.

don't worry about it," he says in a low voice. "It's all in good fun,

concerns Killian previously had seem to vanish at those words, and he eyes
Dominic up and down in a way that is downright sinful. The corner of his mouth
quirks in a hungry smile.


next kiss is different. Still hot, still hungry, but now completely without
restraints, and it honestly takes Dominic's breath away. He can hear the
pounding of music not too far away, can feel the bass vibrating through the
ground and through the air, and it does nothing but enhance the thrill rippling
through his body.

skin is hot and smooth under his mouth as he moves down to kiss his jaw, his
neck, Killian moaning pleasantly by his ear. Then the sound cuts off, and
Dominic looks up, only to see the artist in the middle of drinking from his
wine bottle. Dominic scoffs―he forgot the bottle was still there, for a

feeling very de-prioritized here," he says in mock offense, but Killian
doesn't reply. He just smiles around the bottle, taking another sip, and seeing
it does weird things to Dominic, things he's having a hard time handling.

grabs Killian's necklace, wraps the long leather string around his fingers as
he uses it to tug him closer.

quite the scoundrel," he says, and Killian hums approvingly, swallowing
down his sip of wine and moving the bottle away from his face.

have no idea," he says, and he says it with such a straight face that
Dominic isn't sure if he's joking or not. Not that he cares; Killian's mouth is
so close, and those dark eyes are just as intrigued as they are intriguing.

kisses him again, Killian's free hand now moving down and slipping in
underneath his t-shirt while the other keeps a firm grip on the wine bottle.
Dominic smoothes one hand along Killian's arm, until he reaches his wrist and
slowly starts prying his fingers away from that bottle, urging him to put it
down. Killian seems reluctant, but he complies, dropping it to the ground with
a thud and using the newly acquired freedom to cup Dominic's face, tracing the
shell of his ear with his fingertips and making Dominic sigh against his mouth.

get out of here?" Dominic murmurs after a while, between kisses, trying
very hard just to form a coherent sentence. Killian hums.

go where?" he asks, dragging blunt fingernails down along Dominic's back
and making him shiver.

place?" Dominic suggests, thinking of how it's much too far to his apartment
from here, considering the circumstances. But Killian surprises him by

he murmurs, and Dominic pulls back just a little bit, frowning.

not?" he asks breathlessly, almost too distracted to care once Killian
starts kissing his neck again. He lets out a soft moan. "Mine is too far
away. Where do you live, anyway?"

not going to my place," Killian says against his skin, his voice so low
and weirdly commanding that Dominic honest to god feels a physical tingle run
down his spine.

I'm not hooking up out here," he says with as much dryness as he can
muster right now, but Killian doesn't respond to the minor ultimatum the way
Dominic expects. Instead, he just pulls back to look at him, a small, devious
smile playing on his lips.

he says, a hint of amused doubt in his voice. Dominic is torn between being
turned on by it and being annoyed.

me old-fashioned," he says, "but I generally prefer being somewhere
with walls."

cocks his eyebrows, his hands sliding down along Dominic's sides and moving to
the hem of his jeans.

got a wall," he says cheekily, tilting his head back at the building he's
currently pressed up against, and Dominic resists the urge to sigh in
, how can someone so
unbelievably sexy be such a pain in the neck?

horny," Dominic says flatly, while Killian starts undoing his fly,
"but not

looks downright devious now, and his smile widens just the slightest bit.

sure about that?" he says, his tone matching his expression, and Dominic
doesn't really get a chance to reply, before Killian has slipped his hand
underneath his jeans and is palming against the quickly hardening bulge there.
Dominic gasps lightly, just as surprised as he is aroused, and he swallows
hard, keeping his gaze locked on Killian's.

uh―" he says lamely, but his entire train of thought pretty much
evaporates when Killian's hand finds its way underneath his boxers and presses against
his skin. Whatever Dominic meant to say slips away in an instant, and he
exhales sharply, dropping his forehead to Killian's shoulder, Killian clearly
enjoying the reaction as he slowly starts massaging him with his fingers.

fucking hate you," Dominic practically groans, and Killian huffs a laugh.

you don't," he says, using his free hand to tilt Dominic's face back up to
his own. His breathing is heavy, eyes burning with the same hungry impatience
Dominic can feel in his own expression, and he brings their lips together in a
slow kiss.

right," Dominic says distractedly. "I don't even know you."

makes a purring sound at the back of his throat, one that makes Dominic's skin

he says. "So let's not be like that, huh?"

about his tone sets Dominic off, and he moves his hands down to undo Killian's
pants, eyes fixed on his the whole time. Killian is already hard, and the
little gasp he lets out as Dominic slides his hand down underneath to wrap his
fingers around him is music to Dominic's ears, those amazing lips parting as he
leans his head back against the wall.

like fire, searing through every nerve, making them both breathe heavily
through gritted teeth, and Dominic mouths at Killian's neck, tasting his skin.
He inhales Killian when he does, breathes in his scent, and it eggs him on,
makes him lean into his touch and press himself against Killian's body, his
free hand trailing up underneath that loose-fitting tank top and making Killian
moan in the most amazing way.

isn't quite sure how it happens, but suddenly, he can feel the heat building,
that sweet sensation that makes his heart pound in his ears, Killian stroking
him faster and with such perfect precision, Dominic returning the favor even as
he feels himself falling apart. He moans into Killian's mouth, pulling him back
up for a kiss, thrusting into his hand and capturing Killian's breaths with his
lips and pulling them in, that coiled heat in his gut pushing him to the
breaking point.

he comes, it almost takes him by surprise, Killian following only moments
later, and it takes several seconds of heavy breathing before they eventually
come back down. Killian huffs a tired laugh against his neck, a sound which
Dominic immediately decides that he loves.

was that shit about walls?" he breathes, and Dominic groans, almost unable
to keep a small smile off his face.

time," he says, although he can't say that he exactly minds this
particular, innovative use of a spontaneous party/get-together, and a wall.

leans back against the building, a sated look on his face.



Chapter 6



To say that
Dominic starts his day the next morning with a smile on his face would be an
understatement. Having kept himself just below the line of getting a monster of
a hangover, the memory of Killian's mouth and hands is still intact, untouched
by the effects of alcohol―and it truly is a great memory to wake up to.

exchanged numbers before the night was over, and while Dominic isn't sure when
that next time they were talking about might occur, the taste he got last night
was enough to both momentarily sate him and build up his curiosity. In other
words, he can't wait to get more of it.

waiting turns out to not be a very drawn-out process, which Dominic quickly
learns when he goes to the college later that day. As if ready to pounce,
Killian corners him in the empty printing room only minutes after he arrives,
making sure there is no one else around before moving in.

walls, this time," he says as a way of greeting, before putting his hands
on Dominic's hips and steering him backwards, essentially trapping him against
the edge of a table.

hello to you, too," Dominic says dryly, but despite his surprise at
Killian's single-mindedness, he can't say he minds.

doesn't reply, just makes a low sound in the back of his throat as he presses
their lips together, making that spark from last night flare back to life
somewhere in Dominic's gut. He moves his hands to put them on Killian's body,
pulling him closer and opening his mouth to let him in, the taste of his tongue
familiar and sweet. It tastes a bit like candy, just like the first time.

doesn't last very long, however. Within minutes, the sound of someone entering
the art building is heard, and the two of them pull apart, Killian backing away
with a mischievous and simultaneously frustrated look on his face. Dominic is
pretty sure is own expression is much the same, but he doesn't object, realizing
the necessity of cutting this thing short at the moment.

be continued," Killian says, before slipping out of the room, leaving
Dominic leaning against the table, taking deep breaths and trying to make his
heart rate slow down.

Well, shit.


It keeps happening
like that, over the next few days. Dominic never even really gets the chance to
take any kind of initiative of his own, because Killian beats him to it, and
where he might normally get a clingy-vibe from that, he can tell that Killian's
only motivation for the behavior is personal gratification―something with
which Dominic has no problem whatsoever. He rather likes it, enjoys the
attention and aggressiveness, and since he is also in this for purely selfish
reasons, having Killian so close by to remedy any urges he might have is just
beyond practical.

is, however, a catch. Considering the fact that any and all hookups they have
are in the art building―mostly due to convenience―they get
A lot.
So far, the most
they have gotten out of any of these trysts is a hurried
which, admittedly, might have been one of the hottest things Dominic has ever
experienced, but still. Every time they get together, they'll ramp up and start
touching and moaning, up until the point where someone suddenly enters the main
room and cuts the session short, leaving Dominic immensely turned-on,
unfocused, and frustrated.

honestly getting a bit ridiculous.

days into their arrangement, Dominic arrives at the art building a little
earlier than usual, only to find it empty. He's disappointed and relieved at
the same time; he knows Killian should be here any minute, but he also feels
like his libido might not be able to handle another near-explosive bout of
stimulation. God knows, he has spent more nights than usual getting off to
thoughts of what might have happened if he and Killian had kept going on any
given occasion.

heads into the printing room, deciding to actually try to get some work done.
Sure, he's reaching the point where he's about to bash his camera to pieces
with a baseball bat, but he keeps going, convinced that if he keeps trying, he
will eventually find some kernel of inspiration that will suddenly make his
project create itself, somehow.

can always hope.

barely gets started before he hears someone enter the building, and he resists
the strong urge to peek out into the main room to see who it is, instead keeps
his attention focused on his laptop, which he has just booted up. He doesn't
even have anything to print, really, at least nothing he would want to waste
precious ink on―he has just taken a liking to sitting in here, and he
pulls up a chair to do just that.

hears footsteps approaching, and is honestly only half-surprised when he feels
a hand grab his arm and turn him around, bringing him face-to-face with none
other than Killian. He eyes him up and down quickly, Killian’s expression full
of hungry determination, and when they start moving away from the door and into
the back of the room, Dominic raises no objections. Instead, he feels a smile
tug at his mouth, completely involuntarily, before Killian covers it with his

like flipping a switch. In just a second, Dominic forgets all about where they
are, what he came here to do, how bittersweet this whole thing has become, his
attention instead narrowing down to the way Killian slides his tongue along his
lips, urging them to let him in. Dominic complies, firmly placing his hands on
Killian’s hips as the artist reduces him to a hot mess with the sweet persuasion
of his mouth, grinding against him firmly and drawing low moans from Dominic's

Oh god.
Dominic's mouth recognizes
Killian's now, his body reacting instinctively, hands moving to the places he
knows this guy likes, and when Killian groans softly against his lips, his
brain goes haywire. It's around that point that he remembers what he was
thinking just before Killian got here, and he pulls away.

seriously," he says, a little breathlessly, before Killian has a chance to
shut him up. "We can't keep doing this."

tilts his head, eyes narrowing.

thought we were on the same page," he says, an almost suspicious edge to
his tone, and Dominic realizes the misunderstanding.

we are," he says. "It's just―" He glances around the room,
before turning back to the boy in front of him. "If I have to walk out of
here with a boner again, I swear to god."

catches on after about a second, and he takes a step back. He keeps his hands
on Dominic's hips though, which is highly appreciated.

he says, expression even.

Dominic says, "that if we could actually go somewhere and get off, that
would be great."

regards him for a moment, eyes still narrowed like he's weighing his options.
It's not like Dominic hasn't brought this up before, subtly hinting at it a
couple of times over the past few days, but Killian has swiftly evaded the
subject every time. Dominic is very close to just offering to go back to his
place, but honestly, the several blocks of walking that would entail isn't
exactly something he's up for in the heat of the moment. He has honestly
started to wonder if maybe Killian lives under a bridge or something, or in his
mother's basement, and that that's the reason he won't take Dominic home.

it's because Killian is in a good mood―not that Dominic can ever really
tell with that stone-face―or perhaps it's simply because he has become
just as frustrated about these unfulfilled meetings as Dominic, but he actually
gives in.

he says. "We'll go to my place."

still takes Dominic slightly by surprise.

he says flatly, almost doubtfully, and Killian's eyebrows go up the slightest

you don't want to?" he says, and Dominic gives him a bored look.

Mr. Wayne," he says, in a tone matching his expression. "Lead the

doesn't reply, just looks at him with that same, unchanging expression, and
Dominic sighs, half-rolling his eyes.

Wayne?" he explains tiredly, gesturing with his hands. "You know, 'cause
your place is like a secret
, at this

stop talking," Killian cuts him off bluntly, and Dominic can't say he has
a problem with that.

quickly leave the art building, Dominic just following after Killian as he
walks across campus, heading god knows where. He wonders how far it is to
Killian's place, curiosity blending together with impatient arousal, but he
gets his answer after just five minutes or so, as they reach an apartment
building that Dominic actually recognizes. He recognizes it because it's in one
of the nicer neighborhoods around here, and he frowns a little as Killian
punches in the code and opens the front door, before they head inside.

rides seem to be a universally uncomfortable thing, but Killian, of course,
seems unaffected by such a petty norm. Instead, he waits patiently for it to
reach the seventh floor, Dominic glancing at him repeatedly while he just keeps
his eyes fixed on the elevator doors. You would never guess that he was
currently horny enough to bring a guy home in the middle of the day, after so
adamantly refusing to do just that for the better part of a week. Not that
Dominic is about to complain.

step out of the elevator and Dominic looks around the hallway while Killian
unlocks the door to his apartment, opening it and heading inside. Dominic
follows, and his eyes actually widen a little as he steps over the threshold.
Killian clearly notices, glancing over his shoulder as he throws his keys onto
a nearby side table and makes his way into the apartment.

just gonna stand there all day?" he asks, but it takes another moment for
Dominic to snap out of it.

he says, dumping his bag on the floor as he shuts the door behind him, his eyes
still taking in the room. "Just… not really what I was expecting."

might be a bit of an understatement. It's all one big room, from what he can
tell, the ceiling rather high and the large windows reaching nearly all the way
up to it, sunlight spilling in through parted, sheer curtains and leaving
golden patches of light on the wooden floor. To the left is a kitchen area,
fully equipped, by the looks of it brand new, and taking up most of that wall
space, a kitchen isle serving as a divider to separate it from the rest of the
room. And it's a big room, open and spacious, with a big couch opposite a
flat-screen TV and what looks like a surround system. On Dominic's left, in the
hall, is a door which he assumes leads to the bathroom, and as he takes another
few steps into the apartment, he notices the big double bed closer to the
right-hand corner, separated from the hall by a book case which serves as a
kind of wall.

considers the building itself, the neighborhood, as well as this very nice,
albeit one-room space, and it occurs to him that the place must be rather

with the grand tour?" Killian asks, and Dominic turns to him. It's odd how
Killian doesn't look the slightest bit out of place here, despite his overall
style somehow clashing with the room. Then Dominic notices the several posters
and paintings on the walls, as well as the art supplies that take up nearly
every shelf of the book case next to him. The book case doesn't have a back,
instead allowing him to see right through to the other side, to the bed area,
and he swears there are some paint smudges on the shelves here and there, as
though they've been grabbed by paint-covered fingers. It doesn't mar the place
though. Instead it simply marks it as Killian’s, somehow.

Dominic says. He's only vaguely aware of Killian moving towards him with a
suddenly intent look on his face, just like the one he had back at the art
building, before they left. "Can I just ask, though… How do you afford

a straightforward question, perhaps even inappropriate, but they're both way
past pleasantries like that―if they ever even bothered with them in the
first place, that is.

doesn't seem bothered by the question, but he does seem a bit impatient.

are loaded," he says with an oddly dry tone, and then proceeds to tug at
the fly of Dominic's jeans. It's pleasantly distracting, but not quite enough
to distract from the answer he just gave.

what?" Dominic says. "You serious?"

Killian says absently, now unbuttoning Dominic's fly and moving in very, very

real?" Dominic asks for good measure, and Killian sighs in frustration.

for real," he says, stopping in mid-motion and catching Dominic's eye
properly. "Now, you wanna talk more, or do you wanna fuck? 'Cause I
got patience for both, right now."

deliberates for about a split second, definitely curious, but then decides to
go for the obvious choice. It's why he’s here, after all.

BOOK: Come On Over
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