Read Commit to Violence Online

Authors: Roy Glenn

Tags: #Suspense

Commit to Violence (8 page)

BOOK: Commit to Violence
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Kirk and Richards returned to the scene of the crime and began re-canvassing the building. They had been knocking on doors and then they got a break.

"I’m Detective Richards and this is Detective Kirkland."

"What y’all want?" the woman asked. She was very slender, her eyes were prominent and her hands shook a bit.

"Can we come in?" Kirk asked.

The woman rolled her big eyes and stepped back from the door and led them into the living room. There wasn’t much in the way of furniture in the small apartment. A couch, a small TV that sat on a dining room table and one chair was all there was.

"We’re investigating the murders that happened in the building tonight," Richard said.

"I don’t know nothin’ about it," the woman said and turned up the volume on The Daily Show. "And if I did know something why would I tell you?"

Kirk pulled out a twenty-dollar bill and dropped it on the floor in front of her. "Anything you can tell us would be helpful," Richards said and laughed a little.

When the woman started to reach for the bill, Kirk put his foot on it. "I don’t know who killed them boys," she said.

"What do you know?" Richards asked.

"You know who they were with?" Kirk asked.

"I heard them say they was with PR."

"PR? Who’s that?"

"I don’t know who he is?" she said and pulled on the twenty.

"You know where we can find this PR?" Richards asked and Kirk moved his foot.

"I don’t know nothin’," she said now that she had the money.

Both detectives laughed as they left the apartment. Kirk took out his phone and called Detective Sanchez. "Gene, its Kirk. You got anything on somebody called PR? Might be the new player behind tonight’s victims."

"Name isn’t familiar, but I’ll float it around and see what comes back."

"Thanks, Gene," Kirk said. He hung up the phone and got in the car.

"Where you wanna go now?" Richards asked.

"You call it."

"Let’s go see Stark," Richards said and drove off.

According to information they had gotten from Sanchez, Stark could be found at a cafeteria-style sit down restaurant called Fat Larry’s. It was a chicken and rib joint that he had taken over from a guy name Larry Mills. He kept Larry around as a front, and besides, he was a great cook; nobody made ribs like Fat Larry.

In one of their many conversations Black recommended that Stark buy or open a business. "Makes you a business man, not a drug dealer," Black told him. "And makes it a cash business."

When they arrived at the place there were a few people enjoying their meal. "Smells good," Kirk said to his partner as they entered Fat Larry's.

"What; you wanna stay and eat?"

"Maybe another time. I’ll come and checkout the food," Kirk said as they approached the hostess.

"Two?" she asked.

"No," Richards said and flashed his badge. "We’re looking for Bruce Stark."

The hostess picked up two menu place mats. "Follow me, please." Kirk and Richards looked at each other and then followed the hostess as she led the detectives to a table. "Can I get you something to drink?"

"No thank you," Kirk said.

"Okay, I’ll let Mr. Stark know that you’re here. Someone will be with you soon," she said and walked off.

When she left, Kirk got up and checked out the food behind the counter. "Food looks good too," he said as Moon approached the table.

"You detectives mind showing me your ID?" Moon asked then he looked at Kirk. "I remember you. Detective Kirkland, isn’t it?"

"That’s right," Kirk said and was about to show Moon his badge.

Moon held up his hand. "No need, gentlemen. Mr. Stark will be out in a minute," Moon said and walked away.

It wasn’t long before Stark came and joined them at the table. "Detectives," he said and sat down.

"Nice place you got here," Kirk said.

"Thank you."

"How’s business?"

"It’s been a little slow lately, but hopefully it will pick up."

"How’s your other business?" Richards asked.

"What other business is that, detective?"

"The business you were in the last time we talked," Richards said.

"The last time we talked, you asked me about the death of two old friends. Then you told me some ridiculous story about me being at war with Mike Black," Stark said and laughed.

"I hear you and Black are like buddies now," Richards said.

"I’ve met Mr. Black on several occasions since then, but I wouldn’t call us buddies," Stark said.

At that point Kirk had had enough. "Let’s cut the crap," he said. "We’re investigating several drug murders. They were all execution style. You know anything about that?"

"No, I really don’t know anything about that, detective. And since we’re cuttin’ the crap, if I did know something about it I
tell you. Mr. Black speaks very highly of you. So anything I can do to help you, detective, I’m all over it," Stark said and smiled.

"You wouldn’t be going to war with anybody?" Kirk asked.

"Nah, things are all good," Stark said and they actually were. The word was getting around that Black was behind him. Kirk’s visit was proof of that.

"Ever hear of a guy that goes by the name PR?" Kirk asked. "It was his people who got hit."

"No," Stark said quickly and wondered if Kirk picked up on the apprehension in his voice. "But if I hear anything I’ll let you know."

Kirk stood up and handed Stark his card. "How’s the food here?"

"I think it’s pretty good. Larry makes the best ribs on the East Coast."

"I’ll have to come back sometime and check it out."

"Any time, detective. For you,"—Stark said and looked at Richards—"it’s on the house."

"I like to pay my way. But thanks for the offer."

Once they were back in the car, Richards turned to Kirk. "‘Mr. Black speaks very highly of you. I’m all over it, detective.’ What the fuck was that about?"

"Black thinks he owes me for clearing him on the murder beef."

"Are you kidding? He does owe you—big time. If it wasn’t for you Mr. Black would be doing life right now," Richards said and drove off.

"Whatever. But I think we have an answer to one of my questions."

"Which question was that?"

"There is at least an alliance between Black and Stark. I mean just look at him. How he acted, the way he was dressed. Black’s influence is written all over him. And did you notice the look on his face when I asked him about PR?"

"Yeah, he may not be involved in it, but he knows who PR is."

"So, let’s go talk to Black," Kirk said.

"Like you read my mind," Richards said and headed in that direction.

When they arrived at Cuisine, Black’s supper club, Lexi the informed the detectives that Mr. Black would join them shortly. Kirk and Richards took a seat at the bar and looked around for any familiar faces.

It wasn’t too much longer before Lexi returned and asked the detectives to follow her. She led them to the rear of the club to Black’s office. She knocked lightly and then opened the door to show the detectives in. There sat Black and Bobby.

"Detectives." Black got up and shook both of their hands. "What brings you here?"

"I came to ask you a couple of questions about a triple homicide."

Black looked at Bobby. "I’m tempted right away to say, I don’t know anything about it. But go ahead, ask away," he said and offered the detectives a seat.

"You ever heard of a guy goes by the name PR?" Kirk asked.

"PR? No I haven’t heard the name before. What about you, Bobby?"

"Other than every Puerto Rican in the city, you mean?" Bobby said and laughed.

"Sorry, can’t help you on that one, detective. But if I do, I will let you know. What’s goin’ on?"

"That would be police business," Richards said.

Kirk looked at his partner. "You heard anything about some dope-boys gettin’ robbed and then executed?"

"No, I haven’t heard anything about that, but I’ll ask around, let you know what I find out; if that wouldn’t be interfering with police business, of course?" Black asked and looked at Richards.

"Pat?" Kirk asked his partner to answer.

"Go ahead and ask around," Richards said.

Black smiled. "Anything you need, I’m all over it, Kirk."

Kirk gave Black a look. "What, all you guys got the same answer?"

"I don’t know what you’re talkin’ about."

"While we’re sorta on the subject, what’s the connection between you and Bruce Stark?" Kirk asked.

"You wanna know the truth?" Bobby asked quickly.

"Yes I would," Kirk said.

"I know I would," Richards chimed in.

"Idol worship," Bobby told the detectives.

"Nothing business related?" Kirk asked.

Bobby laughed. "Black and Mr. Stark don’t do the same type of business."

"You of all people should know that, detective," Black said.

"Look, Kirk, the fact is that the kid worships the ground Black walks on. And that’s it," Bobby said.

"How you feel about that, Black?" Richards asked.

"Personally, I think the kid should pick better role models."

"I think so too," Kirk said. "So I guess there’s no truth to the rumor that you, Stark and Angelo Collette are in business together?"

Black laughed. "Where’d you hear that one?"

"I hear things in my line of work. All kinds of things. Some true, some not. But you haven’t answered my question."

"No, Kirk, me and Angee have been friends for years, you know that, but we have never had any business together. And Stark, like Bobby said me and Mr. Stark don’t do the same kind of business."

Kirk and Richards stood up to leave. "Right," Kirk said.

"Before you go, detective, a very good friend of mine, Kenny Lucas, was murdered in the street last night."

"Yeah, I heard about that, Black. I know you and Kenny go back some years."

"What can you tell me about it? You got any suspects?"

"Not our case, Black, sorry," Richards said and continued for the door.

"Whose case is it?"

"That would be detectives Goodson and Harris that are assigned to the case."

"Not those two assholes," Black said.

"Goodson and Harris couldn’t find pussy in a ho house," Bobby said.

"Come on, Bobby, they’re good cops. But at this point they have no suspects," Kirk said and followed Richards out of the office.

"You buy that?" Richards asked.

"Until something happens to show me otherwise," Kirk answered and the detectives left the restaurant.













Wanda Moore was the lawyer for the operation. Wanda had gotten them out of more cases than she could remember. She was as Nick once called her, "The mad scientist that made everybody rich."

"It wasn’t just me, Nick. Sure, I handled the money, made some good investments, but everybody did their part. We changed with the times."

Wanda always laughed when she thought about that. Over the years she managed the money and made millions for her partners. It began early on when Wanda insisted that they start a business to run their money through. It was the same advice that Black had offered to Bruce Stark.

Wanda placed the phone back in its cradle and spun her chair around and looked out the window. She picked up the phone and dialed Nick on his cell, but got no answer—something that was happening more and more lately. Something had to give.

"You’re gonna make me cum again!" Rain yelled and sat straight up on Nick. Her head drifted back and her mouth was open wide. Nick twisted her nipples. "Fuck me harder, Nick!" Rain screamed. "I’m cummin’ all over your dick!"

Rain rolled off of him, grabbed his dick, lowered her head and took him into her mouth. Nick watched as Rain’s tongue slide up and down his shaft. She ran circles around his head with her tongue.

"Come here and get this pussy, nigga," Rain said and got up on her hands and knees. Nick stood up and grabbed her ass. He entered her slowly, easing in inch by inch. "Don’t tease me with the dick, nigga. Fuck me," Rain demanded.

He grinded his hips into Rain, spanked her ass and pushed harder. "That’s it, nigga, get this pussy!" Rain began to push back and slid her hand between her legs to massage her clit. "Oh shit!" she screamed and they slammed their bodies against one another. Rain came again and Nick came right behind her.

Now that they’d had sex, Nick and Rain got ready to hit the streets again. Once Nick was dressed, he reached in his pocket and looked at his phone. He had one missed call.

"Somebody call you?" Rain asked as Nick looked at the display.


"I thought I heard it buzzin’ in between me screamin’," Rain said and continued to get dressed. "You gonna call her back?"

"Yeah," Nick said and walked out of the room.

"Tell her I said hello," Rain laughed.

Nick called Wanda back but there was no answer. He started to try her on her cell, but really didn’t feel like getting into the reason or the lie that he would have to tell about why he didn’t answer when she called. Lately, those conversations always got around to them talkin’ about Rain.

Right then, Nick had much bigger issues that he knew he had to deal with. Without his knowledge, he had brought the drug business back to Black’s organization at a time when they were doing everything possible, to move away from their illegal activities. He had to end this and do it before anybody, especially Black, or Wanda for that matter, got wind of it.

Rain had gotten a tip on somebody that had information on who was robbing her. They left Rain’s apartment and headed for her car. To Nick’s surprise, Rain stopped in front of a late model, gray Ford Taurus and Rain unlocked the door.

"When did you get this?" Nick asked and got in the car.

"This morning," Rain answered. "Too many people know my Lex on sight, and I need to keep a lower profile until we settle this shit."

"So where we goin’?"

"See a nigga named Smoke. My people tell me that he been talkin’ ’bout he got connections with some niggas that’s gettin’ ready to do big things."

"How you know that’s got anything to do with you?"

"I don’t."

"Then why we goin’ there?" Nick asked, questioning her logic. It was times like this when he missed Freeze. He seemed to know everybody. Freeze would always say, "Somebody know something. And they told somebody, ’cause niggas can’t keep shit to themselves. All you gotta do is find the mutha fucka they told." He was usually right, and given time, he would find that person and make them tell him what he wanted to know.

"Look, you a gambler, you know more about that shit and how it works than I’ll ever know. Me, I’m a drug dealer," Rain said as she drove. "That’s who I am, who I always been since I was fourteen. I know how this shit go. Ain’t but so many mutha fuckas can do the kind of shit this nigga was talkin’ ’bout and nobody see the shit coming. They ain’t talkin’ ’bout some niggas from down south or Cali or Miami or some shit like that. He talkin’ ’bout some local niggas raisin’ up. Where they get the money? Where they gettin’ the product? Could just be some nigga I ain’t heard of, maybe not. But I think they makin’ this move with my money and my product."

Nick couldn’t argue with her logic ’cause on some level what Rain said made sense. Knowing how Rain operated, Nick checked his guns and went along for the ride, and hoped that she was right.

For the next hour and a half, they rode around from place to place trying to find out where Smoke could be found, until they got an address. When they made it to the apartment where they were told Smoke could be found, Rain stopped at the door and took out her gun. She turned to Nick. "You wanna kick it in or you want me to do it?"

Nick laughed a little and took out his gun. He kicked in the door and Rain rushed in. There were two men seated on the couch playing video games with a pile of powder cocaine on the coffee table in front of them. They started to go for their guns, but Rain fired a single shot in their direction and they froze.

While Rain held her gun on them, Nick collected their guns and checked the apartment to make sure nobody else was in there. Rain lowered her weapon.

"Which one of you is Smoke?"

"I am."

"I heard you been doin’ a lot of talkin’." Rain walked up to him. "Talkin’ ’bout you got connections."

"Who the fuck are you?" he said, and Rain kicked the coffee table out of her way and hit him in the mouth with her gun.

"I’m the bitch askin’ the fuckin’ questions," she said and held her gun to his head. "Now you gonna tell me who these niggas are you been talkin’ ’bout, where they gettin’ their product and where I can find them."

Smoke spit blood and smiled at Rain. "I don’t know what you talkin’ about."

Rain hit him again and returned her gun to his temple. "That ain’t what I wanna hear. You been rollin’ around tellin’ mutha fuckas that you got connections with some niggas that’s gettin’ ready to do big things. Probably the same niggas that gave you that powder that’s all over the floor now. I wanna know who these niggas are you been talkin’ ’bout, where they gettin’ their product and where I can find them."

"And I already told you I don’t know what the fuck you talkin’ about, bitch."

"Liar," Rain said and shot him in the head.

She quickly turned her gun on the other one. His eyes and mouth were wide open. "You gonna tell me what I wanna know?" Rain asked and moved her gun closer to him.

"I don’t know anything about this, I swear. I just came over here to get high and play Madden," he said, shaking with his hands in the air.

"That’s fucked up." Rain shot him too and walked out of the apartment. Nick shook his head and followed Rain to the car.

"That went well," Nick said sarcastically when he got in the car.

"I think so too," Rain said calmly and drove away.

Rain parked the Taurus in front of her building and got out. Nick got out of the car but instead of heading for his car, he followed Rain inside the building. They walked in silence to her apartment. Rain unlocked the door and Nick followed her in. The minute she closed and locked the door Rain began unbuckling his belt and pulling down his zipper. She dropped to her knees and took him into her mouth.

She teased his head with her tongue, and then slowly worked her way down. Rain’s lips and tongue were soft and wet. As he got harder, Rain relaxed the muscles in her throat so she could take more of him into her mouth. She used the roof of her mouth to apply a little push on his shaft.

Rain licked her lips and put two fingers in her mouth and let her hands roam over her body. Her nipples were hard, so she pinched and squeezed them a little bit. It didn’t take long for her pussy to start throbbing and for her hand to find its way down there. She took her fingers and spread her lips apart. Rain massaged her clit, and then slid two fingers in and out as she continued to suck. "I love your big dick."

Rain clasped her fingers together and placed them around his throbbing dick. Slowly, but ever so firmly, she moved her hands up and down. She let go with one hand and began to fondle his balls, and continued to stoke him with the other. She licked her lips and felt his dick swelling in her hand. His balls were getting fat so Rain squeezed them. Nick stood completely still and watched Rain as her tongue slide up and down his dick. With her thumb and forefinger Rain squeezed the bottom of his shaft, causing his head to swell. She ran circles around his head with her tongue, as Nick tried to reach for her. Rain moved his hands away.

Rain ran her tongue over her lips and kissed his head. In and out—deeper and deeper—she slowly took him in until she had taken almost all of him in her mouth. Nick was in ecstasy. His body became tense and rigid and Rain felt him begin to expand inside her mouth while she licked and sucked him. Rain knew he was getting ready to cum, so she squeezed it in her hand and felt it twitching.

Nick pushed away from Rain and pulled her up. He lowered his head and took her nipple between his teeth, sending an electric sensation rushing through her veins. He kissed her again, nibbled her chin, and sucked her neck. Nick forced her legs open and pinned her up against the wall. "I wanna feel that dick in me."

Nick plunged his dick into her wet pussy and stroked her hard. Rain loved it; it made her want more. Rain closed her eyes and felt herself tremble as he moved in and out of her. She bit her bottom lip to try and keep from screaming. It didn’t work. "AAAAAAAHHHH!"

Rain attacked his tongue; Nick grabbed her thighs and lifted her off her feet. Before she could catch her breath, he thrust himself into her. Her eyes widened, her breath caught in her throat, her mouth was open and she her muscles began to tighten its firm grip on him.

Nick let Rain down and she led him to the bed. She pushed him down and got on top. "I’ma fuck the shit outta you, nigga. Got me cummin’ like this."

Nick arched his back and pushed himself as deep and as hard into her as he could. Rain collapsed on his chest and Nick kissed her passionately until she grabbed the back of his head and forced a nipple into his mouth. Nick licked and sucked her nipple, all the while continuing to push himself inside Rain until her head drifted back with her mouth open and eyes wide, as she screamed, "I’m cummin’ all over your dick!"

After Rain came she rolled off of Nick. He got out of bed and headed for the shower. "Where you goin’?"


When he was dressed and ready to leave and said goodnight to Rain, she kissed him and lay back down. "When you see Wanda, tell her I said hello," Rain said and Nick walked out.


BOOK: Commit to Violence
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