Concealment (The Cassano Series Book 1) (7 page)

BOOK: Concealment (The Cassano Series Book 1)
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Chapter Ten



“I have the latest report from Boone,” I say to my brother, Adrian. “He believes a transfer is going to take place soon. His undercover dealer has become tight with one of Victor Larios’s men.

“Said he told his guy that Victor received a substantial payment from a militant Islamic group. I’m guessing Al Qaeda, but with ISIS rising now, who knows?”

“Get me a new cell phone I can talk to Boone on. With detective Hart working here, I don’t want to take any chances on our phones being tapped.”

Adrian slumps back in his chair and stares up at the ceiling. His mood is different today.

“What’s going on with you?” I ask.

“I’m tired of thinking we’re making progress only to have the terrorists grow stronger.”

“We’re doing what we can over there and preventing more of them from coming here.”

“I guess,” he says, still staring at the damn ceiling.

“No ‘I guess.’ We are, Adrian. It’s a fact. Now, stop sulking. I need you to stay strong.”

He sits up, his forearms hitting his desk as he leans over. “Maybe I need something else.” He’s glaring at me, and I’m not sure where he’s going with this.

“What do you need?”

Adrian’s expression turns from angry to sad as his eyes roam his desk. “I don’t know. I’m sick of the same routine. You have a wife and kids to go home to. I fucking live where I work.”

“So … you want a wife?” My surprise is evident in my tone.

“I didn’t say that. I–I don’t know what the hell I want, but this is getting old.”

“Maybe you need a vacation. Go to Arizona.”

“I end up working when I go to my home there.”

I rub the bridge of my nose. “Fine, then go somewhere else.”

“Can you just get me the damn phone?”

“Yeah, I’ll get it,” I say, shaking my head on the way out.

After sitting down in my office, Simon comes in. “Who are you pissed at?” he asks.

“Adrian’s behaving strangely.”

Palms land on my desk, and he leans over to where he’s closer to me.

“I bet it has something to do with that server, uh, Vicky. I haven’t been able to shake why he moved her into Elite. He never goes around me like that.”

I recall Adrian’s comment about me having a wife and kids. “Hmm … maybe.” I can’t tell Simon Vicky’s a cop, but I can tell him I’ll look into it so he doesn’t.

“Let me handle it. I’ll check her out.”

“I can have one of my guys tail her.”

“No, I’ll look into it.”

Simon eyes me for a moment. I swear the kid can sniff out anything. He hardly trusts his own damn brothers, but I guess in this case he can’t.

I don’t want in the middle of this shit because Simon’s going to lose his when he finds out we’re keeping this from him.

“Alright. Tell him I’ll talk to him later about one of the clients giving me trouble. I’m not in the mood for his cranky ass this evening,” he says.

Simon leaves, and I conceive if there is validity to his concern. Is Adrian falling for Vicky? Surely not. He has enough sense to know he can’t have a future with a cop.



I finish putting on the pair of thigh high hose under my so-called uniform and leave the restroom stall. I didn’t get shit for sleep this weekend since Adrian was all I could think about.

Then on top of that, one of the damn neighbors kept me up last night, playing their drums. Drums in an apartment building. Who thinks that is going to fly for any length of time?

Add the lack of sleep to my dayshift job I’ve already completed, and this Monday sucks. I’m exhausted.

The only spark of life in me is the hope I have for a chance at seeing Adrian. I shouldn’t want to. It would be awkward as hell, but I got the vibe he’s not going to go away easily.

I don’t know how I could date him unless I find nothing to bust him on. Would he then forgive me for having withheld my true identity?

“Hi, chick,” Tara says after coming around the corner in the locker room. I’m putting my things away as she drops a duffle bag onto a bench. “How was your weekend?” she asks.

“Uh, uneventful. I live a boring life.”

“That sucks. You need to go out with me sometime. Several of the men who play here have killer parties. I attended one Saturday night. It was caviar and Cristal, baby.”

She gives a wicked grin, and we might be onto something. Wanting to appear only semi-interested in what she said, I stare into a small mirror in my locker and apply my lipstick.

“Men in the Elite lounge ask you out while they’re here playing?”

“Yes, and it definitely has its perks.”

“Hmm … that’s cool.”

“Yeah, they probably won’t ask you right away. It seems they like to gain some trust first.”

I pause, lipstick hovering at my mouth.

“Oh? Why is that?”

“A lot of them have wives. They only want a younger woman on their arm for parties. I’m twenty-three, by the way.

“I’ll only go out with the married ones who don’t expect sex. I do abide by that rule.”

I want to roll my eyes but I refrain. Is fingering and blow jobs off the table, too? After putting my makeup away, I shut the locker and carefully pivot toward her in my silver heels.

“So, you believe I’ll get asked out eventually?”

“Most definitely.” Tara finishes getting ready, and we enter the lounge. Once again, many men are playing poker at the round tables. I don’t see any women tonight.

“And she braves another day,” the bartender, Sebastian, says to me with a grin and a wink.

Maybe I should buddy up with him. He might spill info at some point. I imagine the servers confide in him at times.

“I get to see your handsome face, so why not?” I say with a wink in return.

“You just moved yourself up to first position for getting your drink orders filled.”

Tara smacks me lightly on the arm.

“Hey now, you’re going to cost me tips bumping me down the line.”

“Oh, please, as hot as you are, I imagine these men would wait an hour on their drinks and still tip you high.”

She gives me a whopping grin of satisfaction.

“Thank you, sweetie. You’re hot yourself.” She’s winking at me now, and we’ve got a verbal three-way going here.

“Tara, you need to get to work,” Shannon says as she approaches us, adding an authoritative look.

“Of course, ma’am.”

“How many times do I have to tell you not to call me ma’am? It makes me feel old, and I am not.” A turned up chin reinforces my boss’s frustration.

I was introduced to Shannon the other day after Adrian let me return to work. I’m guessing her to be in her late forties.

She oversees the lounges and is extremely attractive, with hair an amber color. Her tall, slender body is firm and poised.

Word is she’s an ex-showgirl who never snagged a wealthy spouse. Maybe seeing middle-aged men gawk at young women every night has her in a tizzy.

There are women who believe they’re going to be amongst high society by riding on the successes and bank accounts of businessmen.

Let me rephrase that; by
businessmen until they’ve met the ones who will set them up for life.

They’ll then have babies, and in not too many years, their husbands will be seeking companionship from women even younger than they are.

The now thirtysomething women will seek validation of their attractiveness from the hot pool boy or gym instructor.

He wants sex with no-strings-attached instead of with clingy, early twentysomething chicks with high expectations of wining and dining.

I’m glad I’m not one of those women. The problem is, the men in here will likely think so, but maybe my older age will throw them off.

Oh, hell, they’ll probably think I’m even more desperate since I’m in my thirties.

When I met Shannon, she inspected me from head to toe, practically frisking me in the process.

I was then informed that I must get a mani and pedi, so Tara and I are supposed to go together tomorrow at lunch.

Reggie was pissed today when I told him, but what else could I do? It’s the only time I can go.

“Vicky, we need to discuss something in private for a moment,” Shannon says to me as Tara walks away.


“Mr. Adrian Cassano wants to meet with you, but not until after your shift. I don’t know what you’ve already done wrong but fix it.

“I’ll honestly be surprised if you’re here tomorrow. He’s never asked to see a server before.”

Shit, I don’t want her thinking something is going on between us. “Uh, I had an issue with a male guest my first day. It’s why I was moved here, so maybe it has something to do with that.”

“Alright, well, Kruse, can take you to see him tonight. He should be roaming around here.”

She’s waving her arm toward the open area of the room, her eyes already searching for him.

“Yes, ma’am–I mean Shannon.” Grabbing a tray from the bar, I hurry away before she can scold me further.

I’ve got news for Adrian. I’m
going to his office again. I try to clear my head of the confusing thoughts I’m having for him and plant a smile on my face.

A table of men in my area are about to start a new game, so I figure it’s a good time to approach them.

“Can I get you a drink?” I ask the closest guy. Taking a glimpse at me, he then does a double take.

“A Glenlivet 21 single malt please.”

He gives a crooked smile, but the interest he’s conveying through his unique sandy eyes is straight on.

I take a couple of more orders and travel to the bar. “I need a Glenlivet, a bourbon and Coke, and a whisky sour, please.”

“First in line, sweetheart, like I promised,” Sebastian says suggestively. Lord, do men’s dicks control all their thoughts?

After I load my tray, I return to the table and save Crooked Smile’s drink for last. Setting it down next to him, I can’t help but notice his pocket cards as he lifts them for a peek.

Looking at the flop, the cards the dealer has laid on the table, I see this guy has two pair.

He needs to bet aggressively and bully these men off the table. I can’t count the times I’ve lost with two pair.

“Excuse me, I’m Rick, and you are …?”

I snap out of my gaze as I realize he’s speaking to me. “New … I’m Vicky.” Smiling, I admire his sandy eyes, which match his brown hair.

“Nice to meet you, Vicky.”

“Nice to meet you.” Rick’s attractive and fit, appearing to be in his mid to late thirties. He’s younger than a lot of the men in the room but not the youngest.

A cream colored polo matches well with his eyes and navy pants, and I can’t miss the BVLGARI watch he’s wearing.

I’m interested in knowing what each of these men do at their day jobs. What career do they possess to bring in enough money to play poker in this room? I hear Elite’s not even the most expensive lounge to play in.

Chapter Eleven



Sitting up abruptly, I rub my eyes. I’ve dozed off on the bus, which is an unsafe no-no for me. I don’t know how long I can keep up double shifts.

Of course, if I keep getting fifty dollar tips like Rick gave me, I could probably quit my day job. The thing is, it’s the interesting one.

When my inquisitive brain figures out a case, it’s like being handed a college diploma. I feel exhilarated and in control wearing that badge and pistol.

It’s the only thing that has ever made me feel alive–that is until I met Adrian.

The problem with that is I lose all sense of control when he’s near. I already have impulsivity issues.

Engaging with something that makes you feel alive but out of control is dangerous. He might as well be heroine.

As the bus rolls up to the stop, I begrudgingly drag my ass off the seat. My duffle bag is pulled firmly over my shoulder, and I step out into the breezy, warm air.

Too bad the exhaust from the bus suffocates the purity of it. I start my lazy stroll home, imagining my bed.

Getting closer to my building I spot the car out front and Reggie leaning against it. Wait, that’s not Reggie or his car.

Shit. My heart thumps harder, but my pace slows in an attempt to delay the inevitable.

“Hi, what are you doing here?” I ask Adrian once I approach his car.

“You were supposed to come see me,” he says tersely but vacant of expression.

“I know, and the confusing, intimate moments we’ve shared have me defying you already.

“See how mixing business with pleasure poses a problem?” I ask sourly before noticing his outstretched physique.

His arms and ankles are crossed as his back rests against his Vanquish. Biceps are flexed, leaving no free space in his black button up.

There is only an outlining sketch of their incredible shape. A pretentious smile steps on stage like a costume for his character, drawing my eyes away from his body.

“Intimate moments. Defiance. I appreciate where you’re going with this.”

I stare at him, wanting to be pissed, but for the life of me, I can’t stop the goofy smile that wants to act out this scene with him.

Feeling defeated, I drop my duffle bag to the ground. “Don’t. Don’t do this.”

Reaching for my wrist, he yanks me to him, and even my cop instincts are powerless to his touch. I know in my heart it’s because I want them to be.

As soon as I’m against him, he’s letting my wrist go and circling my waist with his arms. My chest hits the firm planes of his, but I lean my head back a little and turn it away from him to the side.

“So, you thought our moments were intimate, huh?” Leaning his head over, he skims his nose up my neck.

My lungs pull in a breath in time with his path of exploration. Lust billows from his searing breath, crowding my ear.

“That’s a stroke to my ego, Victoria, seeing how I didn’t even kiss your mouth.”

Oh, god
. His is wet as it sucks in my earlobe and holds it for a beat. Lips move to my jaw and skirt down it. “Once again, you smell so fucking good.”

A sharp breath escapes me, pushing in my diaphragm. A hand comes up and turns my chin back to face him.

Peering at me with an unequivocal force of desire, Adrian gives my vacant soul a pulse. When I’m not risking its existence, it’s void.

A vacuum.

But he incites a passion I’ve never known, his presence dragging me into its enthralling space comprised of mystery and danger.

He is the recklessness my soul craves.

Two fingers brush across my lower lip, and I close my eyes. The billowing desire is now a dust storm rolling over us as his mouth hovers above mine.

His touch is an indulgence reaching farther than my skin. It’s penetrating, cutting through my walls.

“Your mouth is enticing. Look at me.”

I open my eyes, and his are daggers, piercing right through me. They’re not menacing, only hungry and wild.

“I love the way these lips spout off at me or anyone else in their path who threaten your control.” His two fingers brush back across them.

“Their fullness, ripe and rosy, draws my gaze, and they’re soft to the touch.” Pressing his forehead against mine, the feel of his fingers still transfer a spell.

It’s intoxicating and dizzying, a poison to all rational thought my mind holds. We’re physically close, emotionally drawn to the other, yet worlds apart in our lives.

His erection shoves against me as our foreheads still rest at each other’s. The need for him to touch me is achingly painful, a throbbing between my legs.

Fingers graze from my lips to my cheek until he’s cradling it. “I can only think of two mysteries to your sensual mouth,” he murmurs.

“What are those?”

“One is what it tastes like, and I don’t think you’re ready to hear the second.”

“Yes, I am,” I say sharply, leaning my head back. His fingers drop and clutch my waist. He’s smirking, but it’s short-lived as a searing gaze returns, lust brimming at each corner.

“The second mystery is what this sassy, wet mouth feels like wrapped tightly around my stiff cock.”

I suck in a breath before my lips smack closed in astonishment.

“I want you, Victoria. I can’t stop thinking about you.” His restless hands shove into my hair, his mouth slamming onto mine.

I’ve never felt so alive in all my life, and I’m a glutton for punishment, knowing damn well what the fallout will be from my deceit.

BOOK: Concealment (The Cassano Series Book 1)
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