Confessions of a Mail Order Bride - Complete (2 page)

BOOK: Confessions of a Mail Order Bride - Complete
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The day was almost over but I could overhear her complaining loudly to anyone who would listen about the extra work and how it was my fault that she had to do it. After a while, the complaints turned to giggles and laughter. Thank goodness it sounded like Roxanne was in a better mood.  And I was off for a long weekend anyway!



“You’re so beautiful,” Adrian gently finger combs my hair away from my face as he presses me against his body.

Relishing his touch, I tilt my face up to him. His skin is sun kissed with a honey hue and his copper eyes are filled with love. I can’t stop smiling; my heart is so filled with joy from being with him.

He kisses my forehead and I wrap my arms around his neck. I can’t help but giggle as his lips move to my nose, planting a tiny wet peck on the tip. Then, he kisses my lips. His caresses are soft at first, then becoming harder and more insistent. Our tongues entwined, I can feel my panties getting wet as our kisses grow harder and deeper. God, I want this man.

His right hand moves down to my breast, cupping it. Even though I have my shirt on, my nipples grow turgid, eager for his touch.

“It’s got to come off,” he whispers huskily. Without waiting for a response from me, Adrian lifts my shirt up and over my shoulders. Tossing the shirt to the floor, he leans into my chest, his tongue greedily sucking my tender flesh as he pulls the bra straps down on my shoulder. Unhooking the clasps, he tosses it to the floor and admires my breasts as they spill out from their confinement.

“Mmmm,” Adrian’s lips are clamped on my right nipple and he sucks nosily, biting lightly.

An electric sensation snakes through my body. My pussy is throbbing with desire.

“Do you know what you do to me?” Adrian asks throatily. He pulls away from my breast, looking at me. “Well, do you?”

“I…I…” I can feel the hardness of Adrian’s cock pressing against me through the thin fabric of my drawstring pants.

Adrian cups my chin and tilts my face so I am staring directly into his gorgeous eyes. They are rich with desire.

“Just look what you do to me,” he says as his cock presses harder into my leg. It feels like a tree limb; hard and heavy.

Gulping, I don’t say anything.

Adrian laughs. “Let me show you.” Adrian pulls away for a moment, pulling off his shirt, pants and boxers.

His chest is broad and muscular, boasting bulging biceps and a six-pack body builders only wish they could achieve. My eyes widen as they travel down his frame.

His cock is beyond gigantic. I know it will stretch me to the limits if I can even get it inside me.

“It’s so…so big,” I manage to squeak.

Adrian chuckles. He glances down at his cock and then back into my eyes. It’s as if he can read my mind.

“Don’t worry. It was made for you. And I can’t wait to show you what a good fit it is.”

I lick my lips.

Adrian grins. “As a matter of fact, I can’t wait to do everything to you Sherry. I want to suck your sweet tits, lick your pussy and fuck you in every way possible.”

Adrian reaches down and touches my pants. “Let’s get these off.”

I wiggle my hips, pulling the pants down while Adrian helps me step out of them.

“That’s much better,” Adrian says, a satisfied grin playing across his lips. “Now there is just the matter of these pink panties. They have got to go. I want nothing between us.”

In a flash, Adrian has my underwear pulled down and tossed to the side. Goosebumps race across my flesh.

“Nice,” Adrian says, surveying my naked body. “But you look a little chilly. Let’s get you warm and toasty.”

Adrian pulls me towards him, wrapping his warm arms around me. He kisses my face, neck and shoulders.

I hug his waist, stroking his flesh, and reach for his massive cock. I want to fondle it, but Adrian has a different idea, moving my hand firmly back to his waist.

“There’ll be plenty of time for you to play with my cock later. Right now I need that sweet pussy of yours.” Running his hand along my belly, he reaches down and begins stroking my thighs. “I’m going to feel your pretty pussy, and then I want to eat it up and fuck it.”

I moan as I lean into his hard body and he begins to finger the tender flesh. As his fingers explore my folds, I dig my fingertips deep into his back. My body feels like it is on fire.

“Mmm, you’re so fucking wet.” Adrian groans as he strokes. “I love feeling your juices on my hand.”

Adrian stares at me as he lifts his hand from my pussy and licks his fingers one by one. “Yummy,” he growls.

“Oh God! This feels so good…”

“Tell me what you want Sherry.”

“Adrian, I…I…”

“Sherry…tell me.”

I know Adrian already knows what I want. He just wants to hear me say it out loud. Though I am normally a pretty shy quite person, I can’t stand it anymore. I have to have this man’s lips on my pussy. “Eat me, Adrian, eat me…”

Adrian grins at me. “Yes ma’am.” He moves his lips away from my face and kisses his way down my belly, sucking and biting lightly as he goes.

Leaning my back against a wall I spread my legs, facing Adrian. I just wanted—no needed, to have this man’s lips sucking on my crotch.

And Adrian was more than happy to satisfy my need. My body lights up as he gets on his knees and begins to lick my pussy, his tongue thirstily drinking in my juices.

“Does it feel good, baby?” Adrian looks up at me, his amber eyes filled with lust and the desire to satisfy.

I nod.

“Tell me,” he insists. “Tell me how it feels.”

“I love it…I love it when you lick my pussy.”

Adrian grins. “The pleasure is all mine. You taste delicious. I’m going to lick you till you come and then I’m going to slide my dick into your hot box and fuck your brains out.”

I gulp for air as Adrian starts licking again, his tongue seeking every fold.

“Damn you’re so fucking wet. I love your scent baby,” Adrian breathes. “Every part of your body tastes good, but this little nub is the caviar.”

As Adrian focuses on licking my clit, the tension in my body climbs and I am right on the verge of exploding. Then the release comes. My body shudders as wave after wave of my orgasm washes through me.


I awoke sweating, my heart thumping…pussy pulsing.  Startled, I realized I’d fallen asleep in front of the TV and I’d actually had an orgasm dreaming of Adrian. Glancing around the room, I almost expected to see him, my dream had seemed so real—the orgasm certainly was. My pussy felt wet and sticky and there was no mistaking the sexual release I’d just experienced. But Adrian wasn’t there. It was just me.

This was crazy. I had never met the man. Yet, there was a deep ache inside me. I wrapped my arms around my body, shivering.

Glancing at the clock on the coffee table, I groaned. It was already time to get ready for work. My long weekend was over, with nothing to show for it. I rarely took time off and I’d planned to get a lot done during this break, but I’d accomplished zilch. Instead, I’d spent so much time looking at Adrian’s profile on the ‘Luscious Lads and Ladies’ site that I had his bio memorized and could visualize every detail of his face and body without looking at his picture. He was so tall and buff, with those heavenly copper eyes. I hadn’t been able to get him out of my mind from the minute I first saw him, and now I was dreaming about him and having sleep-gasms? Geez.

I knew that in real life that being with Adrian would be even more amazing. But as much as I hated to admit it, I knew Roxanne was right. Adrian wouldn’t be interested in someone like me, so why waste time dreaming about something I couldn’t have?



Monday mornings were always tough. I’d have to catch up on my mail and the rest of the workload. I turned on the computer. As usual, there were a number of unopened messages in my inbox. As I scanned them quickly to prioritize which to answer first, one of them caught my eye. It was an email from the ‘Luscious Lads and Ladies Marriage Mates’ site. Why would I be getting an email from them? I shrugged my shoulders. Maybe they were doing mass mailings to entice new users? I just wasn’t sure how they would have gotten my email address. I had never signed up for the site, just browsed it.

I clicked on the envelope and opened it. “Dear Sherry, Thank you for completing the application form and sending your photo to the ‘Luscious Lads and Ladies Marriage Mates’ site. We have processed your application and you are now in our system. You may click the link to view your profile. In addition, we have forwarded your profile to the mates you selected when you signed up. They are listed below this message. Good luck!”

My eyes widened as I skipped to the bottom of the page. Under ‘Potential Mates’—there was the photo of just one man, Adrian the lion shifter, the man that I hadn’t been able to stop thinking about since I first saw him on the site. But I’d never filled out an application. Why would they say I had selected him? What the hell was this all about?

I barely had time to think before there was a new email alert on my computer. The text in the lower corner showed it was from an Adrian Landen. Adrian Landen? Oh my God, that had to be
Adrian Landen from the ‘Luscious Lads and Ladies’ site!

With trembling fingers, I clicked on the email. “Dear Sherry, thank you for contacting me. I own a successful barbershop business in Shifter Villages. At this time in my life, I am ready to settle down. I am very interested in being with a loving woman like you seem to be. I would love to get to know you better with the possibility of a marriage match. Please email me back. I am really excited to see that we are a ten heart perfect match.”

I looked at his picture and read the note again. Was this for real? What was going on here? Clicking back, I reread the message from ‘Luscious Lads and Ladies’. It said I had a profile. I tapped through the profile link it listed. To my shock, there was a picture of me—but my port wine stain was gone! I gasped as I read the text under the photo. It included an accurate description of my likes and dislikes.

My head was spinning. I had never created a profile. How did this happen? How did someone get my photo and know so much about what I liked and didn’t?

How did someone get my picture? I wasn’t big on having my photograph taken. I studied the picture carefully. I could see the collar of my red party dress. I had only worn it once, and that was to the office Christmas party. At the party, someone had taken a group photo and shared copies with all of us. That photo must have been cropped so only my face showed. Whoever cropped it had retouched my skin, removing the port wine stain. Then they’d used the photo to sign me up to ‘Luscious Lads and Ladies’ and had my profile forwarded to Adrian.

But who would do something like this? And then—it hit me. I could just guess who it was. I thought back to the giggling of Roxanne and her cronies. It must have been them. Bitches!




“Roxanne, did you submit my profile to the ‘Luscious Lads and Ladies’ site without my permission and have my profile forwarded to Adrian?”

Roxanne glanced around quickly. Not seeing anyone, she turned back to me and smiled. “Come on, Sherry. We thought you deserved a chance with Mr. Hottie. And we knew you’d never submit yourself.”

So, it was her. I knew it! And apparently she’d had help. I tightened my lips. Yes, it was true I never would have done something like that, but what gave them the right to do it behind my back? I could feel my blood starting to boil.

“We even used your answers on the personality quiz when you joined the company to make it accurate. Jamie in Personnel helped with that.”

“What!” Jamie had accessed my work records to fill out the profile? This was going way too far. I was shocked.

“We were just having fun,” Roxanne said. She stretched her hand out in front of her body, admiring her hot pink finger nail polish.

“Why did you remove my birthmark?”

“You should always put your best face forward,” Roxanne said matter-of-factly. “Let a guy get to know you and then nothing else will matter.”

“That was wrong, Roxanne—just plain wrong.”

“Sherry, don’t be so serious. We thought you’d get a kick out of it.”

Kick out if it my ass. Did they really think that? I was livid. “Wow, just wow. I can’t believe you did that.” I felt like slapping her. In the past when Roxanne made snide comments or was up to one of her antics I had always managed to stay in control, but this time…this time...

Roxanne could see from my face she had crossed the line and she nervously took a step back from me. “Like I said, we were just having fun. And really, what are the odds he will email you anyway? It’s probably just a model they paid to be on the site, not a real guy looking for love.”

“Well, he did email me,” I said sharply.

“He did?” Roxanne asked, surprised.

“Yes, he did.”

“What did he say?” Roxanne probed curiously.

“You know, Roxanne, that’s none of your damn business. For the past two years I’ve put up with your bullshit, but you went too far this time. Get the hell out of my cubby before I report you to Judith.” There was silence in the rest of the office and I knew everyone was listening.

Shaking, I pushed past Roxanne to the ladies room. I needed time to compose my thoughts. How dare she put me on a marriage site, alter my picture, and send it to one of the shifters looking for love—how dare she?

The tears started falling as I pushed the main door to the bathroom closed and pressed myself against it. Just then, I heard a toilet flush, and Judith Banks emerged from one of the stalls.

Walking over to the sink to wash her hands she caught the expression on my face. “What’s going on, Sherry?” she asked. “You look upset.”

I shook my head. In the past I’d put up with Roxanne’s little games without saying anything, but this was too much.

“It’s Roxanne.” I said angrily, wiping away the tears. “I’m so pissed…without my knowledge she signed me up to the Luscious Lads and Ladies site. That’s the site we mentioned at the meeting.”

“Yes, I remember, it’s the dating site,” Judith frowned.

I nodded. “She…she got Jamie from Personnel to go into my file. They used the information to fill out the questionnaires on the site and they uploaded a photo of me, and then they forwarded my profile to Adrian. He’s one of the shifters looking for a match.” I could feel my face flushing as I thought of my dream about Adrian. “I even got an email from him this morning…”

Judith shook her head. “If this is true, she and Jamie will both be fired.”

“Thank you,” I said. I wanted to feel relief, but then I remembered that Roxanne was divorced and supporting several children on her own. Jamie’s husband barely made minimum wage. It would be hard on her kids also.

“I guess…I don’t want them fired. But I would like something done. What they did was just not right.”

“Hmm, well let me think about what is best to do here,” Judith said as she waved her hands under the auto dry machine.

“Thank you, Judith.”

She cocked her head towards me. “So, what happened to the email?”

“Huh, what email?”

“The one you mentioned that you got from the shifter?”

“Oh, that. Well, nothing. I will delete it I guess.”

“Why not respond?”

“Judith…” I swallowed. “I know it was a joke. They retouched my skin removing my birthmark. I don’t think they even thought he would respond, but if he did they knew he would never want me if he saw what I really looked like.”

“Why wouldn’t he want you, Sherry? You’re a beautiful woman, with or without the birthmark.”

“I wish,” I said sadly. And then I just blurted it out. “I…I feel so ugly. But you wouldn’t understand. You’re…you’re so perfect.” Judith was beautiful. She was a tall, curvy woman with lush red hair and sparkling green eyes.

Judith stood in front of me. “I’m not perfect by any means.”

“Oh come on…” I said. “Just look at you.”

“Take a look at this, Sherry.” Judith yanked up her pink sweater. Her chest was a mass of angry scars.


“Burn scars. When I was five, my family took me to a bonfire. I got too close and an ember from the fire ignited my shirt. I suffered severe third degree burns over my chest and pelvic area. The pain was excruciating. I almost died.”

“Oh my God!”

“People aren’t perfect, Sherry. None of us are. We all have our mental
our physical problems.”

“I never realized…” I said, shaking my head. I could just imagine the pain she’d experienced when it happened and the issues she probably still suffered to this day taking care of them. Yet, she never once complained and she was always confident. I’d had no idea.

“I’m sorry, Judith.”

“Yes, it’s sad that it happened. It’s sad that I was burned. But they made me a stronger person. They’re part of me—badges of courage…mine for life. Just like your birthmark is part of you.”

I shook my head. Here I had always thought Judith had this perfect life. I had no idea she’d obviously been through so much. It always surprised me how great things could look on the outside, and yet…

“Sherry, what you are saying Roxanne and Jamie did was very wrong,” Judith said softly. “I will see what I can do about it. But letting anyone make you feel bad about yourself is not going to help matters. You need to stop the pity party. Get over the birthmark. Get laser treatment, cover it, or live with it…but get over it and live your life!”



BOOK: Confessions of a Mail Order Bride - Complete
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