Read Confined Love Online

Authors: Lacey Thorn

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Erotica, #Romantic, #Romance, #Science Fiction

Confined Love (4 page)

BOOK: Confined Love
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Chapter Four


I was dripping sweat. No workout had ever been this
hardcore. Xanthus was a task master. Drill, drill, drill. That was what the
morning had held. I’d gone to sleep dreaming that I might be awakened with a
kiss and another bout of sex play but no such luck. Instead, I got a firm smack
to the butt and Kain telling me to get my ass up and moving. I’d have to work
on this method of waking me up.

“Run it again.”

I gritted my teeth to prevent nasty comments from escaping
as Xanthus shook his head.

“Radek, you’re moving too slowly.”

“Fuck you, Xanthus.”

“You keep watching Soph and it’s throwing you off. We have
to be able to trust her to be our equal out there. No exceptions.”

“She’s not our equal. No offense, Soph.” Radek looked
sincere when he said it but the words still stung a little. But realistically?
He was right and we all knew it. “You’re good, Soph. Incredible. But you’re slow
on the turn. Your kick is too low. And I can’t promise that I won’t be watching
you instead of where I need to if it stays that way. I won’t let anything
happen to you.”

“Radek, Kain, take a break. Shower, grab lunch and get the
conference set up for our intel meeting.”

“What about me?” I was ready for a cleansing and food. Food
sounded like heaven right about now.

“You’ll stay with me and repeat the drill until you get it

“Fuck you, Xanthus,” I snapped, repeating Radek’s earlier

“Xanthus?” Kain stopped by the door, a question in his

“Go, Kain. She’ll be fine.”

I watched Kain and Radek step out and pull the door closed
behind them. We’d been running drills for the last three hours. I was
exhausted, and unfortunately, Xanthus knew it.

He shed his shirt and tossed it aside then sat down to
remove his boots and socks until he wore only his black Enforcer pants.

“Take your boots off. We’ll work on movement.”

“I know how to do the damn kick.”

“Then you should have done it hours ago.”

That was all he said but the cut was deep. Mostly because he
was right. I should have been able to execute the move perfectly from the first
run-through. It made me wonder if I was Enforcer material. This was my dream.
This was everything I’d ever wanted. And I was failing.

One swipe of his leg and Xanthus had me flat on my back, his
body looming over me. He pinned my arms over my head and softly tapped his
forehead to mine.

“You know what the problem is, Soph?”


He tapped our foreheads together again. “You’ve got
something up here holding you back. You’re overthinking. Stop. Stop thinking
about it and just do it.”

He went back on his heels, took my hand and pulled me up to
my feet as he stood.

“What motivates you?”


“I’ve spent the last hour trying to make you angry. That’s
what motivates most Alpha Enforcers. Make us angry and we won’t come up for air
until someone is dead.”

“Anger skews focus. I can’t work that way.”

“So what does motivate you?”

I shrugged. “I’m not sure. I’ve never needed motivation

Xanthus looked at me, really looked at me as if attempting
to see into my very soul. “You weren’t an active-duty Enforcer, were you?”

I’m sure he could see the answer in my eyes. His gaze
pierced me to my soul. I waited, waited to hear his disappointment, his disgust
at being misled.

“So that’s what holds you back.”


“I’ve seen the vids so obviously you’ve trained as an
Enforcer. It’s their stupidity for keeping you on a desk. I assume that’s where
you were?”

I nodded.

“I imagine that you were offered your tiger for agreeing to
join this unit.” He nodded before I could. “Of course they would do that. I’m
sorry, Soph.”

“For what?”

“We all jumped at the chance to form this unit.” He sighed.
“It gets lonely. The fifth is hell. You’ll see what I’m talking about when we
go over the intel later. We even have some vids to show you. Part of me wants
to wrap you up and send you back, keep you far away from there.”


He smiled sadly. “I couldn’t do it now if I wanted to. You
signed the contract just as we did. There’s no going back for any of us. But,
Soph, you have to start believing that you
an Enforcer. No
reservations. No doubts. No questioning if you can do this.”

I felt a single tear slip from my eye to slide down my cheek
and in that moment I loved Xanthus. I walked over to him.

“Don’t cry, Soph.” He wiped the tear from my cheek and
brought the moisture to his mouth.

I laughed. All doubt washed away. I was worried they would
feel that I wasn’t good enough, that they would sneer and think I’d earned my tiger
symbol on my back. But those thoughts were mine alone. I was the only one
doubting my ability. I was done.

“Thank you.” I reached up and brought his lips down to mine.
Soft and warm, just as I recalled. I took from him and he let me.

When I broke free, I turned and stepped back to the center
of the room. I began the last drill. My execution was flawless. I knew it. I
could feel it. The kick was perfect, striking exactly where I needed it to, a
swish where it struck nothing but air.

“Again,” Xanthus commanded.

I went back to my starting stance. I hadn’t heard the door
open but Radek and Kain took position with me. We ran the drill flawlessly.
This was the formation we would be in when on patrol. Every time Xanthus yelled
“Attack!” we executed our kicks, our hits, our turns. Xanthus joined us and we
ran it again and again and again. No one was slow. The more we ran it, the more
confidence I built. I was born for this. No matter how the opportunity had
presented itself, I was an Enforcer.

“Enough.” Xanthus finally stopped us. “It’s past time we had
something to eat.”

“I got it all set up,” Radek stated.

“And I set up the conference room,” Kain added.

“Do I have time to clean up?” I was more than hot and sweaty
now. I was a complete mess.

“I like you the way you are.” Kain’s voice was husky and
seductive. “It makes me think of how you looked last night, during and after.”

His lips met mine and stayed, tasting and exploring, taking
me right back to what we’d shared last night as well. I leaned into him, my
arms reaching up to wrap around his neck.

“Where’s mine?” Radek stepped up and tugged me from Kain.

I went with a laugh that turned quickly into a moan. I was
primed and ready for an encore. I wanted our clothes off and their hands all
over me. I wanted my hands all over them. I wanted to lick and taste every
inch. I was hungry all right but it was no longer food that I needed to sate

I grabbed Radek’s shirt and ripped it down the front. I was
panting with need. I scraped my nails down his chest, loving the way he jerked
and moaned. I saw Kain pull his shirt over his head and toss it aside. I
watched Xanthus watching me.

“There’s one thing you should know about me.” I spoke to all
three of them as I released Radek’s pants and shoved them down. His cock was
hard and thick and filled my palm as I caressed it.

“What’s that?” Kain asked the question but they all waited
for my answer.

“I like to be woken with a kiss, a caress even. Tender
touches or soft licks that remind me how lucky I am.”

“We’ll try to remember that.” Radek breathed out as I
stroked him.

I let my eyes meet his. “I hope you do.” I dropped to my
knees in front of him, lining his cock up with my mouth. “Then I can show you
how lucky you are.”

I sucked his cock deep, taking as much as I could and using
my hand to stroke the rest of him.

“Fuck. I need to feel lucky,” Kain murmured and I snickered
around Radek’s cock.

They were stripping. I could hear as clothing was quickly
removed. I focused on Radek and how good he tasted as I ran my tongue over him.
There would be just as much attention shown to the others when the time came.

Radek’s hands were buried in my hair, his hips thrusting,
though he let me control depth. I flicked my tongue around the head as I
sucked, tapping the notch underneath as well as the slit at the end. I wanted
his cum on my tongue, washing down my throat in a salty spray of sated passion.

Xanthus moved behind me. I watched from of the corner of my
eye until I could no longer see him without pulling off of Radek and turning my
head. I refused to do that. I moaned as I tongued his shaft, knowing what the
vibration of sound would do to him, for him.

Xanthus lifted my bottom off my heels, bringing me up onto
my knees. His fingers made quick work of my pants and tugged them down over my
hips until they caught on my knees. He slipped a hand between my thighs and
found the engorged bud of my clit. His fingers tapped and rubbed over it,
making me cry out as pleasure rocketed through me. I was primed and ready. Any
second I’d be begging him to take me.

His fingers thrust inside me, fucking me. Kain moved to
stand next to Radek and he was deliciously naked. My other hand reached out to
caress him. I trusted them to help me keep my balance. Xanthus was stroking me
closer and closer toward orgasm and I wanted to take Radek over with me.

He must have sensed my intention. He pulled back from me.
Before I could complain, Kain stepped in, feeding me his cock. I took it,
sucked, nipped and bathed it with my tongue. Orgasm was stealing my breath as
well as my concentration. I did my best to focus on Kain but my mind was
centered on that promised pleasure.

I came with a harsh cry. Releasing Kain’s cock from my
mouth, I gasped for air, panting as Xanthus continued to work me with his fingers.
I was the one feeling lucky. This was how we should have started the morning.
This was how I wanted to start every morning and end every night.

Xanthus pulled free and rose to his feet behind me. Kain
reached down and gripped my hands, helping me stand. I eased out of the rest of
my clothes. Radek moved something to the center of the room. It was a padded
bench, no back or sides. He sat on one end of it and patted his thighs.

“Come here, Soph. I want to feel that slick pussy wrapped
around my dick.”

I walked over to him.

“I was waiting for someone to say those words to me.”

“We’ll all be saying them,” Kain promised. “Over and over

“I’m counting on it.”

Kain and Radek helped me get on the bench so that I was
straddling Radek’s cock. I took his shaft in my grip and placed him at my
opening. Slowly I eased down, taking him inside. We both moaned at the
sensations that coursed through us.

“Now it’s my turn to feel that luck you were showing Radek
earlier.” Kain worked his hand up and down his shaft as he moved to the side.

Radek pulled me down so that my breasts rubbed against his

“You feel so good on top of me.”

“You feel so good inside me.”

“I think we should all feel good.”

Xanthus spoke from behind me. I looked back to see his cock
and palm slick with lube he’d obviously found. I knew what he planned and I was
eager for him to do it.

“Do you want it?”

Of course I did. I braced my legs beside Radek’s hips and
thrust my ass up a bit, letting him know without words that I wanted him to take
me. I wanted the hard thrust of his cock filling my ass while Radek fucked my
pussy. And I wanted to suck Kain while they were fucking me. Luckily, they all
wanted the same thing.

Xanthus moved into position behind me just as Kain reached
down to cup my chin and lift my head a bit. Both cocks entered me at the same
time. One thrusting deep into my ass while the other softly breached my lips.
We were as one, all of us linked with me as the central figure.

Radek and Xanthus took turns fucking me. One of them filled
me completely while the other pulled almost free. Then they switched. I moaned
and panted around Kain’s cock. My hands were braced by Radek’s shoulders so I
had to trust Kain to feed me what I wanted.

I sucked and licked greedily, swallowing around his cock
head as it bumped the top of my throat. Good, it was so incredibly good.
Xanthus’ hands caressed my ass cheeks as he rode, while Radek’s palmed my
breasts. My nipples were plucked and pinched, driving my lust higher and
higher. Every nerve in my body was alive and screaming in the throes of

Radek jerked beneath me, burying his cock fully inside me as
he came with a harsh cry. I could feel the hot jets of his semen pulsing out of
his cock and filling me. Xanthus fucked me hard and furiously now. Each thrust
had me crying out around Kain’s cock. The pleasure was so good it was painful.

“Watch the teeth.” Kain’s words pierced the veil of pleasure
I was wrapped in and made me realize I’d nipped him a little harder than I’d
meant to. He pulled his cock free of my mouth. “I’ll just let you enjoy this
later.” He stroked his shaft and grinned at me.

“Soph,” Xanthus panted my name as he began a hard and fast
pounding. Radek slid a hand between our bodies and found my clit. His fingers
toyed with it, rubbing with just the right pressure. I was close, so close. I
could feel the tingles of orgasm.

“Come with me,” Xanthus demanded, and as if his words had
released a dam, I did.

He pushed deep and held there while he joined me. I could
feel the heated wash of his cum in my ass. I collapsed down onto Radek’s chest
and felt the rumble as he chuckled.

Xanthus patted my ass and slid his spent cock free. “You are
something else, Soph.”

I chuckled softly.

“Hope you’re not too exhausted.” Kain’s deep voice reached
me before his hands did.

Gently he lifted me from Radek and pulled me into his arms.
But gentle wasn’t what he wanted. He spun around and lifted me against the
wall, coming up between my legs. His cock nudged my pussy then thrust deep. I
rocked against the wall as he pounded in and out. My hands gripped his
shoulders, my nails gouging into his flesh. I wrapped my legs around his waist
and held tightly.

BOOK: Confined Love
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