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Authors: LeTeisha Newton,Lillian MacKenzie Rhine

Conquering Theana (25 page)

BOOK: Conquering Theana
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clan had many things to be proud of. Not only
had they welcome a new alpha bitch who was with pups, but one of their young
ones had become a man overnight. Tim, even though he had stayed in the background
making the
clan run
like a well-oiled machine, had
been a notable force. The elders respected him, the youth looked up to him, and
the alpha loved him. He was sad to see him go, but happy that he wouldn't be
too far. Being the alpha of the
strengthened his relationship with Rafael. Rafael likened Tim's rise in power
to watching his son go away to college and return with a successful career.
Typically Rafael would only visit his own floors in the Seurri HQ building, but
he made it his point to visit Tim's office consistently to check in on him. He
had a big job to undertake regarding the security of Seurri, but Rafael was
confident that he would succeed. He would bet on it.

Seurri was changing. Construction was starting, and Seurri was to become a full
fledged compound, similar to a military base mixed with a wildlife reserve.
This General Josiah White, who appeared to have the backing of possibly the US
government, was really throwing a rift in the Seurri community. There had been
treaties formed and documentation created to protect the shifters in their
community, but it seemed that someone was voiding them, and possibly all
shifters worldwide were in danger. Seurri could only worry about their
inhabitants though. If the situation escalated, then they would pursue other
options that involved the Shifter Alliance Coalition (SAC). They would face
that time if it came.

of the General, another event darkened
doorstep. The banishment of Camden had affected the entire
clan. Most of the pack was undoubtedly loyal to Rafael and his decisions, but
it didn't lessen the sting to see him packing his things and saying his
farewells to his pack. The same pack that he had saved from his brother only a
few years back. Before he left, he had made sure to advise the elders to
respect and help the alpha in whatever he needed. They agreed. Rafael and
Gregori were there to see them off at the gates of Seurri.

was a rough day for his band of brothers and for the clan. They felt the cold
as soon as they passed out of the long driveway that connected Seurri to the
human world. The men had no idea what would become of their pack of five, but
they were confident that Camden as their leader would make a way for them to
survive and maybe one day grow their pack to a recognizable strength. Until
then, they drove down the lonely streets that were void of their kind but full
of human life. Somehow, they knew, and Camden knew, that they would survive.
And so would Seurri.


The End



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BOOK: Conquering Theana
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