Read Controlling Krysta Online

Authors: Lyla Sinclair

Tags: #Erotica, #General Fiction

Controlling Krysta (4 page)

BOOK: Controlling Krysta
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I let my feet relax onto the floor, and peeked back over my shoulder.

Mason noticed immediately. “On your toes.”



“It’s uncomfortable. I didn’t like it.”

Mason reached into his desk and removed some things I couldn’t identify at first.

“If we liked doing everything…” he said, “we wouldn’t need self-control.”

I shrugged.

He took a step toward me. “This is your last chance.”

I didn’t move. Fear and anticipation raced through me, causing a slight tremor in my arms and legs. What would he do?

“Eyes forward.”

Right before I complied, I saw the surgical gloves.


As I stared at the bottom of the painting, he approached. He allowed a black object to pass briefly in front of my eyes before it disappeared behind me.

What was that? A rubber paddle of some sort?

Heat coursed through my body at the thought of it.

Being whipped by Dix had bordered on erotic. What would being paddled by Mason feel like?

“Put your hands in the seat of the chair. Keep your legs spread.”

Once I obeyed, my head was down and my ass was up, pointing toward him. The idea that he could see into my pussy caused another liquid release.

I felt a slight tickling sensation on my clit, even though Mason wasn’t touching me there.

Interesting what the human mind could do. He hadn’t laid a hand on me and I was almost ready to come.

“You will learn discipline.”


The flexible paddle made contact with my ass.

I moaned. I wanted more. Such a strange reaction. The sting of the paddle satisfied some innate need in me.

“You will learn to obey me.”


The words “obey me” in Mason’s voice combined with the sting of the paddle almost undid me. For a split second, I thought I would orgasm.

Slap! Slap! Slap!

My knees buckled and my shoulders nearly gave way. The last three had been too hard, too quick.

I needed him to stop. I needed him to do more to me.

“Please!” I said, not sure what I was asking for.

“You want better treatment?” Mason said sternly. “Assume your original position.”

I moved my hands back up to the slat at the top of the chair.

“On your toes and answer me with ‘Mr. Maddox’ when you talk to me.”

I stood on my tiptoes.

“Are you ready to be a good girl now?”

“Yes…yes, Mr. Maddox.” Should I be disgusted with myself for allowing him to debase me like this? But I was so aroused.

“Will you obey me in all things?”

“Yes, Mr. Maddox.”

“If you’ll remain in this position, I’ll show you how good employees get rewarded.”

Through sheer will, I forced myself to stay up on my toes.

A minute later, I felt something slide across my pussy entrance from the back, spreading my own fluid over my clit.

Mason’s finger.

I sighed.

At this point, I didn’t care about the gloves. I was grateful for any contact.

He circled around inside my pussy lips. He slid back and forth across my clit until a pang flashed through me. I moaned.

He plunged his finger inside me, pumping in and out rapidly in a torturous tease.

It was almost enough…

Then my pussy felt full and I knew he’d added another finger. He thrust the digits inside me. His other hand found my nipple and pinched so hard I screamed.

I stiffened and began convulsing. My leg muscles felt like they might give way at any moment as brutal ecstasy reeled through me.

My shoulders gave out, but Mason used the hand already on my breast to keep me from falling forward.

As I experienced the sensation of melting downward, he suddenly picked me up. I had just enough time to relax against the warmth of his chest before he laid me on the couch in the sitting area at the corner of his office.

The leather upholstery gave me a chill. I shivered.

“Are you all right?” He seemed genuinely concerned.

I realized he’d placed my head on a leather throw pillow.

Now that it was over, I felt embarrassed. I was naked in my workplace with my boss, who was fully clothed. What a weird situation I’d gotten myself into.

Yet, I still wanted something more from Mason. His yearning gaze told me he wanted it, too. After a few seconds of eye contact, his gaze left mine.

He walked over to his desk, dropping his gloves in the trash can and placing the paddle in a desk drawer. After pulling his coat from the back of his chair, he took his cowboy hat from a hook on the wall.

Was he leaving? These Maddox boys had a penchant for walking out on me when I was at my most vulnerable. Was that what their dad did whenever things got uncomfortable?

When Mason put the hat on, fresh desire swelled in my chest. Why were men always hotter in a cowboy hat? Okay, not all men. I remembered Brandt when he dressed as John Wayne for a Halloween party. Not a good look for him.

Picking up his briefcase, Mason strolled toward the door. He stopped in the doorway and gazed at me, his lips parted.

I had the distinct feeling Mason Maddox had no idea what he wanted to say.

Could I make him stay a moment longer? My mind raced to come up with a question he might answer. I needed a tidbit from him, something personal so I felt like I knew him a little bit better.

I thought about how Dix had known exactly what to do to spur Mason into action.


He raised his eyebrows at me, as if to say “what?”

“This sibling rivalry you have with your brother seems unusually intense. Where do you think that comes from?”

He appeared surprised at the question, which I supposed was pretty odd coming from a naked woman in his office.

He chuckled. That near-smile was such a fabulous tease, I was desperate to see the full-blown version.

“From the time Dix was a little kid, Mama was always asking me why I didn’t have more friends like Dix had, or why I didn’t smile more, like Dix. She always liked him better, so I hated him the whole time we were growing up.”

“And now you’re in business with him.”

“Yeah…I don’t have a whole lot of family left to choose from.” He glanced at his watch. “I’ve got a meeting with my ranch foreman. I’ll see you tomorrow.”

He left and shut the door behind him.

I lay on the couch for a moment, shivering under the air conditioning vent.

In my mind, Mason’s voice still whispered commands in my ear.

I slipped my hand down between my thighs, already excited again. Spreading pussy cream over my clit, as he had done, I swirled my finger around and around.

I spread my legs as wide as I could with my calves resting on the arm of the couch. In my imagination, Mason had tied my ankles to his bedposts.

I let my knees fall open so my pussy would feel vulnerable to his whims.

He was slipping the edge of his rubber paddle over my nipples and down my stomach, threatening to use it on me if I didn’t follow his orders. He unzipped his pants and slid his cock into me, filling me with his heat.

“I’m gonna fuck you ‘til you beg for mercy,” he threatened.

My body quivered under his. “Yes, Mr. Maddox,” I replied. And my words sent me into instant orgasm.

I cried out. I’m not sure what, exactly, but it was so loud, I didn’t hear the door open behind my head.

“What the hell went on here?”

At the sound of Dixon’s voice, I grabbed the throw pillow, hugged it to my body, and sat up.

Could this be more embarrassing?


“We?” He glanced around the empty room.

“Um, yes, we…” What was I going to say?

“I’ll tell you what. You put your clothes on, then meet me in my office and tell me the story.”

He winked and he left the room, obviously enjoying my embarrassment.


A few minutes later, I was in Dix’s office, fully clothed and glad I wasn’t a blusher. I’d come in as quickly as possible because I wanted to get this conversation over with.

“Take a load off,” Dix said, nodding toward one of his blue upholstered guest chairs.

Once I was seated, I couldn’t help glancing down at my clothes self-consciously. At least all the buttons of my blouse were done up and my skirt was turned the right way.

This was mortifying. Dix sat there with his elbow on his desk, his chin propped on his thumb as his forefinger made a moustache over his lip.

He appeared to be deep in thought.

My patience was wearing thin. “Why did you come back? I really wish you hadn’t seen me naked.”

“Why? You’re in great shape. Besides, I’ve seen so many women naked, they should give me a gynecologist license by now.”

I burst out laughing, now grateful to Dix for cutting through the humiliation.

“God, you’re full of yourself. I guess you have a different woman for every night of the week.”

“Not anymore,” he said. “There’s a particular girl I’ve been waiting for the past few months. I’m supposed to get back in contact with her soon, and if she still feels like I do, she may be the last lucky lady to see Dixon Maddox in all his glory.”

“Wow, the last one, huh?” I teased. “Sounds like she’s really got you hog-tied.”

“She’s got me corralled. I’m generally the one who likes to do the tyin’.” He winked.

“Do you know you sound like you’re flirting constantly, even when you’re not trying to get into someone’s pants?”

“Hmmm…” he said. “You think now that I’m not tryin’, I should act more like Mason?”

“I can’t imagine you accomplishing that.”

“Me either.” He wadded up a piece of paper and tossed it across into the trash can with the flair of an NBA player. “Speaking of Mason…”

“Do I really have to tell you what happened?”

“Hey, I’m paying a lot of money for this. I want to make sure you’re doing your part.”

I gave him the most clinical description possible, leaving out any emotions or physiological reactions on my part.

Dixon was onto me though. “Did my brother make you hot, Krysta?” he asked in a kid-brother teasing tone.

I pressed my lips together, trying not to give myself away with a satisfied smile.

“I’ll take that as a ‘yes,’” he said. “I don’t get how hot women can find his sour puss attractive, but his wife was a real looker, too.”

I couldn’t help but be flattered that Dix considered me a “looker.”

“There’s something to be said for the mysterious type,” I replied.

“I guess especially for you shrink babes.”

My mood turned a little sour. I didn’t want to think I was attracted to Mason for the same reason I was interested in mental patients.

“Did he make you come?”

That question jerked me out of my thoughts. It was way too personal.

My mind flashed to the feel of Mason pleasuring me with his finger. His voice in my ear…

“Damn! He did!” Dixon said. Apparently, my facial expression had given it away. “And you were so hot from it, you needed to come again, after he left!”

I propped my elbows on my knees and buried my face in my hands.

“Do I really have to talk about my orgasms to a man I’m not even seeing?” I dropped my hands and gave him my most pained expression.

“Sorry.” Dix smirked like he wasn’t really sorry at all. “One more thing. Did he actually touch you?”

When my gaze met Dixon’s, I was sure he could see the disappointment in my eyes.

“Not without gloves.”

He stood from his chair and turned toward his window, staring out at the dusky skyline of Houston. The room was quiet for several seconds.

“He got you naked the first time, though.” He turned his head back toward me. “And made sure you got your satisfaction.” He winked. I’d known that was coming. “That’s a lot of progress for Mason in one day.”

I didn’t want to talk about it anymore. Admitting the glove thing out loud had put me in a lousy mood again. As unlikely as it might have been, I’d wanted Mason to find me so irresistible, he forgot all about the gloves.

I decided to change the subject. Besides, I wanted to get the other brother’s take on the sibling rivalry thing.

“Dix, you knew Mason would take the bait if he thought you were disciplining me.”

“Yeah.” He came around and, as usual, used the edge of his desk as his chair.

“So there’s a lot of rivalry between you two.”

He chuckled. “You could say that.”

“Where do you think that came from?”

“Oh, I know exactly where it came from. Growing up, Mama nagged me every day, ‘Why can’t you make straight A’s like Mason?’ ‘Why can’t you be good like your brother?’

He was the golden child who could do no wrong.”

“Really?” I said, hoping he’d continue.

“And our dad made everything a competition between us. The winner got praised.

There was no trying. Only winning.”

“Sounds like you’ve thought a lot about this.”

He checked the wall clock then grabbed his cowboy hat. “I dated my high school guidance counselor for a while.”


“What?” He threw his hands out questioningly. “I waited ‘til I graduated to ask her out.” He put his hat on, adjusting it to the most attractive place on his forehead. He glanced at himself in a small decorative mirror on the wall.

I stood and headed for the door. “Oh, well, that’s not creepy at all,” I said sarcastically. I walked out in front of him and headed for the elevator.

“You know, Krysta,” he replied. “Sometimes the things you aren’t supposed to do turn out to be the most fun of all.”

“I’ll keep that in mind.” I winked at him before he could get the jump on me.

Dix laughed.

Laughing. Such a natural thing for him to do. I wondered what it would take to get his brother to relax with me like this.


Dix lay naked atop his covers as memories of Tessa flashed through his mind.
BOOK: Controlling Krysta
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