Read Coral Hearts Online

Authors: Avery Gale

Tags: #Fiction, #Romance

Coral Hearts (6 page)

BOOK: Coral Hearts
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“Oh, baby, one
of the things you need to learn right quick is how little influence my sweet mama’s lessons have the instant that luscious ass of yours crosses the threshold into the master suite.” Sage knew she was aroused, he could smell the sweet honey of her desire—the scent went straight to his cock, fueling an already raging hard-on. Sliding his fingers down her torso and through her slick folds, he smiled. “You are so wet baby. And I can’t begin to tell you how much that pleases me. And yes, sweet girl, I believe you are going to find that orgasms live up to all the hype.” Coral moaned as he circled her clit with his finger. He wasn’t giving her the direct contact she needed to come, her hips were starting to rotate in nature’s ancient dance of pleasure. “Are you on birth control?”

His question hadn’t seemed to surprise her, but she seemed to be having trouble focusing long enough to answer, too.
Good, because she’s doing a damned fine job of scrambling my brain cells, and I’d hate to go down alone.
He let the calloused pads of his fingers coax her clit out of hiding, giving her enough to keep her on edge, but not enough to send her over the edge.
Close…but not quite enough.
He doubted her mind fully understand what she was seeking, but her body had definitely gotten the memo. He wondered if she was going to answer the question, when she’d finally spoken. “Birth control…oh, yes. And, well, I haven’t had much experience. Umm…he used condoms both times. Oh…damn that feels so good and I can’t think when you… Oh…”

“What else were you going to say, baby?” When she started swaying to music only she could hear, Sage found himself completely enthralled with the sensuous woman in his arms.
Christ, she is the most responsive woman I’ve ever seen. Mine!
The surge of possessiveness surprised him, but he wasn’t naïve enough to deny it. “It’s going to only get more difficult to focus, sweetness. Best get your answer out now before you earn yourself another punishment. You’ve already got one coming you know, and I’m contemplating exactly what form it should take, so you might want to be particularly cooperative. You are, after all, naked and I’ve already made sure you’ll stay well within my reach.” He tightened his hold in her hair to emphasize the point before leaning down to bite gently on the top of her shoulder. That small bit of bondage elicited a low moan from Coral’s plump lips as her knees folded out from under her. He chuckled. “Oh no, you don’t get to come yet. Now, finish what you were saying before I’m forced to find another way to get your attention.”

“I went to clinics…even with the condoms, I was scared. I went to a clinic in Billings and…well, I drove to Cheyenne too. I wanted to make sure he didn’t give me anything. I’m clean…oh please don’t stop.” Her voice was taking on an air of desperation he always loved hearing when he played with subs. But it was different with Coral—this woman mattered more than any of the others had in the past. He wasn’t going to demand she wait for permission to come, she obviously didn’t have enough experience to delay an orgasm if she’d never had one. Hell, he doubted she’d be recognize the signs her release was coming until it steamrolled her.
That dry spell is fixin’ to end right quick, baby.

“Birth control, Coral?” She still hadn’t answered his question, but he wasn’t sure he wanted to know the answer either. For just a second a vision of her standing on the back terrace, her belly swollen with his child flashed through his mind, but he shoved it aside refocusing all of his attention on the beautiful woman in his arms.

“Yes, but…need…” Sage wanted to groan as her body shuddered against his. Damn, she was so fucking responsive he wasn’t sure which one of them he was torturing more by withholding her pleasure. “Need to go again next…soon.”
Aha that’s what she’s struggling to get out. That’s an appointment she won’t be going to alone, that’s for sure.
After what he’d seen earlier outside her apartment, he didn’t want her going anywhere alone—hell, if he had his way, he’d keep her sheltered at the ranch until everything was resolved.

He lifted her left leg, placing her foot on the stone bench built into the back wall of the large shower. The entire space was a hedonist’s dream and for the first time since Sage remodeled the master en suite bathroom, he didn’t feel even the slightest twinge of guilt about the obscene amount of money he’d spent on the small space. After his parents moved out, this had been the first renovation Sage had undertaken. He’d gutted the existing bathroom
the adjoining bedroom. He combined the two spaces into a bath suite that would make Architectural Digest sit up and take notice. The only argument his brothers had given him about the project was the size of the hot tub he’d chosen. He was glad he hadn’t chosen an enormous hot tub because he wasn’t interested in sharing with it anyone but the woman in his arms. And he was damned thrilled they’d recently completed the project. The tub might not be huge, but it was surrounded by soft lighting and rock shelves holding small pots of vining plants and white votive candles. The hidden speakers wrapped bathers in soothing sounds of the ocean or his personal favorite, the sound of falling rain and distant rumblings of thunder. Phoenix had also included several playlists of all Sage’s favorite music into the system, and if the younger Morgan was true to form, he’d probably already found out Coral’s favorites and added those as well.

The hot tub was nice, but the shower was his pride and joy. It was extra-large and featured numerous showerheads at various heights in addition to the two rain showerheads in the ceiling. There was a stone bench along the entire length of one wall. The bench was divided into sections of varying heights because he loved watersports of all kinds. The waterfall cascading down the rock wall was highlighted by backlights that made the water sparkle as it fell. The entire unit used recycled water removing any guilt over the amount of time he planned to spend enjoying his own personal water park. Montana winters were damned long, and he’d always dreamed of finding a woman who would love playing naked in the water as much as he did. Coral was lighting up under his touch. Hell, she was fucking perfect and didn’t seem at all intimidated by the water pouring down around her.

With her pussy spread open to his touch, Sage began a full on assault of temptation with his fingers. She was already so close he didn’t want to break the rhythm a second time by moving in front of her. “You are so perfect, baby. Your body melts against mine, your heartbeat has even synched to mine.” Increasing the pressure against her clit, he smiled when she moaned softy. “You were made for me, sweetness. Let your body’s desire lead you. Relax into my touch. Let go—let me take you there.”

Coral’s entire body was vibrating with need, and he knew she was fighting the unfamiliar sensations simply because they were overwhelming her. “It’s mine, baby. Your pleasure belongs to me. Give it to me.
” At his command Coral shattered in his arms. Her shout was almost completely silent, as if she hadn’t had enough air to spare for the task. She shuddered with the convulsions of a release that had been almost violent—and it had been spectacular to watch. He was sure she hadn’t noticed how she was fully displayed in the mirror at the end of the shower. Damn, he was glad he’d added the feature, because watching Coral come had been one of the hottest things he’d ever seen.

Her entire body had flushed a beautiful deep rose, and her scream had only been silent for a few seconds before the sound of her gasping his name echoed off the rock walls. He’d pinched her nipples before she’d come all the way back down sending her over a second time.
Oh sweet darlin’ there is so much more I can show you. I’ll make you crave my touch so much you’ll never want to leave.
By the time her second orgasm wound down, her muscles were shaking from the isometric pressure of being held tight for so long. Sage helped her sit on the heated section of the bench while he finished his own shower.
Damn, that heated section of seating has to be one of Phoenix’s best ideas—ever.

Sage grabbed one of the bath sheets from the warming cabinet, and gently patted the water from her glowing skin. As he rubbed the soft towel over her hair, she stilled his hands and looked up into his eyes. “Thank you. I don’t know any words to describe how amazing that felt.” He smiled, and waited because he could see what was coming a mile away. “But…what about you? I mean…” Damn, if the woman blushed any brighter the whole room was going to glow like a courtesan’s front porch.

“Sweetness, I’m not finished with you. Not by a long shot.” He picked her up and carried her to large bed. He’d already turned down the comforter and sheet before joining her in the shower, so he settled her in the center of his large bed and followed her down. Holding himself above her, he stroked his fingers down the side of her face. “You take my breath away. You are everything I’ve looked for in a woman. But you need to know right now, the minute I slide my cock into your sweet heat you’re going to belong to me. And I’ll want it all, pet. Your pleasure will belong to me. Are you ready for that?”

According to Brandt, Coral’s e-reader had provided a treasure trove of insight into the little sub lying beneath him. His brother had recited a few of the titles he’d found on the older electronic device, and Sage had been thrilled to learn about her interest in dominance and submission. Knowing he didn’t have to fully explain the implications of being with a Dominant meant he was going to be able to fuck her sooner rather than later.

He’d recognized several of the authors and titles she’d chosen, he’d noted there were certain similar elements—dominance in the bedroom, spanking, flogging, exhibitionism. Yes, indeed, her tastes appeared to parallel his for the most part, but she needed to understand he would test all of her limits—regularly. He’d push her to try things she’d never imagined could bring her pleasure. Damn, he’d been relieved to find out she wasn’t into hard-core pain. Sage wasn’t a sadist and didn’t particularly care for punishments that weren’t erotic in nature. There were usually far better ways to gain compliance in his opinion. And finding out the woman he’d been giving the slow sell for months was interested in bondage was the icing on a sweet little treat laying naked under him.

Brandt had shaken his head at Sage, muttering, “I’ve fucking told you to check a sub’s reading material. E-readers are windows into a woman’s desire. You’ll learn more in fifteen minutes browsing their contents list than you’ll learn in months of conversation.” It had been Brandt’s parting shot before he’d turned and stalked back down the hall to his own suite of rooms. Each of the brothers had plans to move in to their own place on the ranch when they found a woman of their own, but for now they’d all chosen to stay close.

Refocusing his attention on the soft woman beneath him, Sage whispered against her ear, “Surrender everything to me in the bedroom and I’ll show you pleasures you don’t even know exist, pet. I’m going to treat you so good you’ll never want to leave this house, let alone the state.” He saw the tears form, but knew they weren’t from sadness because her heart was right there in her eyes. He kissed the tears away, and then slowly pushed her thighs apart with his knees.

Pressing the tip of his cock against her opening, he swiveled his hips coating his tip with her juices as he let himself enjoy the wonder of the woman opening herself to him. “This is our first time together, baby, so I’m going to make love you. Then I’m going to fuck you hard and fast. I’m going to make you mine.”

“Please.” Her softly spoken plea was like a balm soothing his soul. It kindled a flame deep inside his chest. He closed his eyes as he fell headlong into pure bliss. Fucking hell, had anything ever felt as perfect as his bare cock sliding into her silky, wet heat? He couldn’t wait to take her from behind so his hands could have free rein over her breasts. Their weight would make them bounce perfectly with each pounding thrust. He’d roll her nipples into tight peaks before giving them a firm pinch sending her deeper into the pleasure. But this time—their first together—was all about giving her a memory she’d be able to hold on to for the rest of her life. He wanted Coral to remember this moment fondly in the years to come. He wanted to be able to look into her eyes for the next fifty years and know this shared moment had brought her joy rather than pain. And more than anything else, he wanted to memorize the look on her face as she came around his cock.

“I swear to you, I’m clean. And the way your heat is enveloping me, I’m never going to want anything between us, baby. Fuck, you’re burning me up, pet. Your pussy is so damned hot and dripping wet. Jesus, Joseph, and sweet mother Mary, you’re wrapping my cock in blazing heat and a sheath of wet silk that pulses with each beat of your heart.” He was barely leashing his raging desire, every cell in his body was screaming at him to shove his cock so deep his balls slapped against her pretty pink rear hole. Christ in heaven, she was so tight he worried he’d hurt her and that was the very last thing he wanted.
Fuck, she’s perfect.

Feeling her arch instinctively beneath him, he stilled her. “No. Hold still, pet. You are so tight. We need to stretch those delicate tissues with care, sweetness.” The pace was excruciatingly slow, but he was determined to ensure her safety. When he finally felt the weeping tip of his cock press against her cervix, he continued holding himself in check, letting her body take all the time it needed to adjust to his girth as he settled deep inside her. He could feel every beat of her heart and marveled at how quickly their bodies seemed to have recognized one another.

“You are so…ummm…well, you feel so huge inside of me.” Sage smiled to himself and tilted his hips up slightly pulling back just a few inches before pushing deep again. Coral’s eyes widened and her gasp was music to his ears.
Liked that didn’t you, little subbie?
“Oh my God in heaven, it feels so amazing. But, please, please, please. I need for you to move faster…harder.” An invitation straight from heaven and definitely words every Dom loves to hear. Sage was more than happy to accommodate her.

BOOK: Coral Hearts
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