Read CoyoteWhispers Online

Authors: Rhian Cahill

CoyoteWhispers (4 page)

BOOK: CoyoteWhispers
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“Dale Turner.”

“Come to the clinic.”

“What the hell is going on, McKenna?”

“I don’t know exactly but you need to come now.”

“I’ll be there in five.”

The line went dead in his ear. He pulled the phone back into
view and scrolled through his address book. Hitting call a second time, Steve
brought the device back to his ear. It rang five times before Brogan picked up.


“Where are you?”

“In town, why?”

“You need to come to the clinic.”

“I’m not liking the sound of your voice, Steve.”

“Neither am I but I’m dealing. Just get here.” He hung up
before his friend could question him further.

Pocketing the phone, he shifted Doc so he could get them off
the floor. She lay limp in his arms as he got to his feet and walked over to
the exam table. Placing her on the bed proved difficult when she wouldn’t let
go of his neck.

“I’m not leaving but I have to let the sheriff in when he
gets here.” Loud banging echoed down the hallway. “That’ll be him now. I’m
coming right back.”

Steve untangled her arms and settled her back on the pillow.
He grabbed the folded blanket from the foot rail, shook it out and spread it
over her, tucking in the sides. He brushed a hand over her face, pushing her
hair out of her eyes. “Be right back.”

Making his way to reception at a jog, he crossed the waiting
area and unlocked the front door. Dale, Brogan and Quinn charged in, making
Steve jump back or be knocked down by the three men. He started to shut the door
when Rowan and El stepped inside.

“Well, the gang’s all here.”

“Cut the crap, McKenna. What the fuck’s going on?” Brogan

Steve sighed. “I don’t know exactly yet. I got here about
ten minutes ago and the back door was open with no one in sight.”

“Where was Gordie?” Rowan asked.

“In the exam room but I didn’t know that then.”

“What do you mean by that?” Dale stepped closer.

“I’ll explain everything but first I have to get back to
Doc.” Steve turned, throwing over his shoulder, “Make sure you secure the

“Secure the door? Just what the fuck is going on, Steve?”
Brogan boomed.

“Stop yelling. Doc’s nerves are frayed enough without you
adding to it.” Steve entered the exam room to find Gordie had turned on her
side facing the doorway. Her eyes where huge in her chalk-white face and his
gut knotted. He walked over and gathered her into his arms, needing to feel her
against him to know she was safe.

Wrapped in the blanket, she curled up on his lap as he took
a seat in a chair. She trembled and in spite of the blanket and warm room, her
body temperature had gone down as though she’d been outside without her coat.

“Gordie?” Rowan knelt at his feet, brushed her hand over
Gordie’s head. “Can I get you something? A drink maybe?”

“Tea. Warm, sweet tea will help.” El patted Doc’s shoulder.
“I’ll get a cup.”

Steve loved that their group of friends were rallying around
Doc but hated that she needed them at all. He’d give her another minute to warm
up before he asked any questions. The three men stood in the room like a
barricade against any further threat, their menacing faces enough to scare off
the toughest of adversaries, known or otherwise.

El returned with a mug of tea and Steve held it to Doc’s
lips. She sipped, her hands wrapping around the cup and his hand. Her fingers
interlocked with his and she gave him a gentle squeeze before she pushed the
hot drink away and sat up.

“I’m okay.” She sighed before lowering her head to rest on
his shoulder.

“Wanna tell us what happened?” Steve asked.

“Not really much to tell. Someone was in the clinic. I’d
locked up before talking to you so I don’t know how they got in. Or how they
got out.”

“Out’s easy. They went through the back door. It was open
when I got here.” He handed the mug to Rowan. “Did you get a look at who it
was? Were they after drugs?”

Doc let out a chest-shaking sigh. “This is going to sound
stupid and I won’t blame any of you for thinking me crazy.”

Dale laughed. “You’re the least crazy person on the planet,

“Besides, in the last year there’s been lots of crazy shit
going on in this town,” Brogan added.

“He was in black from head to foot. A beanie on his head and
some sort of scarf over his face but I’d know those eyes anywhere.”

Steve tensed. He knew what was coming, felt it in his bones
and yet it still hit him like a two-by-four when Doc said the name.

“Marcus.” She shuddered and sagged against him. “It was

“Son of a bitch.” Brogan lunged for El as she slumped to the
floor. “Shit.”

“I’m okay, Brogan. A little wobbly in the knees, but I’m
okay,” El said.

“Jesus, woman. Don’t
that.” Brogan held her in his

Steve almost laughed at the terrified tone in his friend’s
voice but he knew all too well what Marcus was capable of doing. It had only
been a few weeks since the maniac had had El at his mercy so her weak knees
were understandable.

“Are you sure, Doc?” Dale asked.

“She wouldn’t have said it if she wasn’t,” Steve snapped.

“Whoa.” Dale held up his hands. “Just checking. It’s my job,

Steve relaxed his tight grip on Gordie. “Sorry, but Doc
doesn’t lie.”

“Never said she did but adrenaline can do a number on you
and so can fear. She wouldn’t be the first victim to make a mistake.”

“No mistake.” Gordie shifted in Steve’s arms. “Help me sit
up, Steve. It’s time we told everyone about last May.”

“While you’re at it maybe you’ll tell us what’s been going
on for weeks now too?” Steve was over being kept in the dark. If Doc was
prepared to reveal what had happened back in spring then she could damn well
tell him what the fuck had been going on recently.


Gordie knew Steve was right. She hadn’t mentioned any of the
events leading up to last May’s attack or the ones in recent weeks to anyone
but today showed her she couldn’t deal with Marcus on her own. And there was no
doubt in her mind that Marcus was behind everything. A shiver rippled through
her. He’d gotten way too close this evening. He wouldn’t get a second chance.

“Can we do this back at the house?” She looked at Steve.
“I’d prefer to leave here. I’m not avoiding, putting off maybe, but I will tell
you everything.”

“I don’t see why not. Any objections?” Dale asked.

“Yeah, I’ve got one.” Steve’s voice cut into her nerves and
skated over her skin like ice. “You’re not going back to your house.”

“What? Of course I am. Where else would I go?”

“My place.”

Gordie opened her mouth but didn’t get out a sound, never
mind a word.

“No arguments, Gordie. I’m done. No more running. No more
hiding.” His gaze bore into hers, slicing right to her soul. “Understand?”

There was no argument she could put forward. Not with every
part of her shrieking for him to stay with her—hold her. In the months since
that horrible night in the forest behind his house she’d made every excuse
under the sun to keep him at arm’s length. He’d pushed but he’d never once
stepped over the invisible line she’d drawn between them. Until now.

She nodded.

It surprised Gordie, the relief that washed over her. She
would have thought having Steve make the decision would chafe at her
independent nature but it felt liberating—right. They stared at each other,
testing the new agreement between them. Steve broke the connection and turned
to face the others.

“Rowan, can you go over to The Den and ask Kat for some of
her famous beef stew to go? Oh, and you better see if she can come out to the
house for this too. If not, tell her to come out when she’s done for the
night.” Steve took charge with ease. “Quinn, can I get you to change the locks
on the clinic? I’d do it but I want to get Doc home and comfortable before we
hash through everything.”

“Sure thing, I’ll meet you out at your place. Brogan, you
and El take Rowan with you.”

“Gordie, do you want me to ask Kat to get you anything from
your place?” Rowan asked.

“We’ll deal with that tomorrow. She can make do with what
she’s got. The clinic is closed now through to New Year so Doc won’t need
anything in a hurry.” Steve finally turned back to her. “Where’s your purse?”

“In my office, bottom desk drawer.” She still hadn’t faced
the room but she could hear shuffling and footsteps on the linoleum floor as
her friends began to leave the room.

“Did you walk to work today? Your car wasn’t out back,”
Steve asked.

“No, Kat brought me in. She stayed over last night.” Gordie
didn’t tell him why she’d convinced her sister to spend the night. There was no
point starting that conversation yet.

“Okay, let’s go.” Steve, still holding her in his arms,
cradled her close and got to his feet. “Dale, are you following us out to the
house now?”

“No, if it’s all right with Doc, I’ll wait for Quinn to get
back with those locks and have a look around in the meantime.”

“Do you think you’ll find anything?” She tilted her head to
look at Dale. “I mean, I didn’t hear anything until he was right behind me, no
doors opening, no footsteps, nothing.” She shivered at the memory of turning
around and coming face-to-face with Marcus.

“He’s gone, Doc.” Steve’s quiet words, murmured in her ear,
caused her tense muscles to relax. How he knew what she was thinking, Gordie
couldn’t begin to explain, and held in his warm embrace she didn’t bother
trying. She just snuggled closer.

In no time she found herself strapped into the front seat of
Steve’s pickup. The cab still had that new-car smell even though it was almost
a year since he’d had to replace the vehicle. Gordie pushed away the memories
of him using himself and his car as a barricade between Quinn and a madman.
Brogan was right. In the last year Whispering Springs had seen more than its
fair share of crazy.

They spent the drive out of town in silence. Gordie didn’t
mind. It gave her a few minutes to compose herself as the knowledge of what
they’d be before this day was over began to sink in. This time the shiver that
rolled down her spine had nothing to do with fear. The thought of finally
touching Steve like she’d wanted to for so long sent heat shooting through her
veins to pool in delicate flesh. Her breasts felt heavy, her sex swollen.
Moisture soaked her panties and she had to admit, if only to herself, he made
her want things she’d never imagined.

Steve pulled into the attached garage and switched off the
engine. The silence seemed to echo around them, the air vibrated with the
stillness and Gordie quivered as the power of the moment flowed over her. Once
they stepped from the car nothing would be the same. No, the change had
happened back at the clinic. When she’d needed Steve with a bone-deep ache that
she’d registered even while consumed with fear. It was that one instant in time
where the world had clicked into place and she’d seen the future as it should

In a second she’d gone from terrified and panicked to calm
and centered. She knew what she had to do. Survive at any cost. Steve turned
toward her, his forearm resting on the top of the steering wheel. He didn’t
speak, just watched her with that penetrating gaze. The one that read all her
innermost thoughts and made her feel all squirmy inside. No man had ever
affected her the way he did and until today Gordie hadn’t thought herself
capable of handling him. Now she knew differently.

“There’s no turning back now, Doc.” His fingers toyed with
the ends of her hair.

She swallowed over the lump in her throat. “I know.”

He smiled. “That easy?”

“It’s amazing what a little fright can do for the senses.”
She tried to return his smile but it somehow slipped from her lips before it
could form.

“Come here.” Steve released her seatbelt and pulled her into
his lap, pinning her between his body and the wheel. “You’re safe here, Doc.”

Gordie figured he meant in his house, but for her, safety
was his arms, the security of his embrace and the strength he offered her
willingly. She moved closer, nuzzled her face against the warmth of his neck
and drew in his scent. It amazed her how just that small action could soothe
her nerves and rile them at the same time.

“Gordie.” Warm air ruffled her hair before she felt his lips
press to her temple. “Come on, let’s get inside or everyone will arrive and
find us fucking in my truck.”

She gasped. His use of strong language didn’t bother her, it
was the images the words provoked that made her breathless.

“Yeah, I’m that close.” He chuckled as he opened the door
and maneuvered them out of the cab.

“I can walk.”

“I know, but I want to carry you and you’re going to let
me.” His arms tightened around her.


Steve laughed. “All this easy agreement is starting to worry
me, Doc.”

“Don’t worry. I’ll be back to my disagreeable self soon
enough and then you’ll wish you hadn’t started this.”


“You say that now…”

He swung her legs down until her toes barely touched the
ground and pressed her against the side of his truck. “I’ll say it forever.”

She stared into his dark eyes and felt the truth of his
words to the depth of her soul. Gordie watched as Steve lowered his head, his
lips drawing closer to hers. His breath brushed over her skin in a butter-soft
caress, a whisper of contact, a prelude of what would follow. From one
heartbeat to the next his mouth was on hers, his tongue thrusting between her
lips to delve inside.

Steve stroked his tongue over hers, toyed with her, coaxed
her into joining him in his demand for more. She wound her arms around his neck
and her legs around his waist, held on to him as hot lashes of lust struck her.
Gordie pressed her body to his, crushed her breasts to his chest and ground her
clit on the erection trapped between them. Pounding need thumped a beat as old
as time as their mouths continued to devour.

BOOK: CoyoteWhispers
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