Cree (My Way Series - Book 1) (Volume 1) (13 page)

BOOK: Cree (My Way Series - Book 1) (Volume 1)
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“I hear it’s someone’s birthday today.”

“You heard right.”

“I wonder what the birthday boy would like for his birthday.”

Cree let out a low growl, telling me exactly what he wanted for his birthday. I wasted little time and grabbed him from his boxer briefs.

“Mmm…I love feeling you hard for me, Captain. It kinda makes me want to taste you, and it makes me really wet thinking about sucking you on your birthday. Should I?”

I was taunting him and boy was it fun. While still holding him, I bent over and breathed heavily down onto him. I spit down on his length and then started licking up and down his shaft. When he was nice and wet, I started to go up and down his mighty shaft with my mouth. I let out a loud moan as I felt a rush of hot liquid pool between my legs from just sucking him.

“Bring your pussy up here.”

I didn’t argue. I situated my body so that my bits were by his face. He put both his face and hands to good use and before I knew it, I was straddling his face and sucking him hard. It felt so incredible that I couldn’t suck him at certain times because the sensation between my legs was simply overwhelming. I started screaming around his thick shaft as my orgasm hit and I rode out the wave by grinding down onto him.

“Cree, I need to taste you. Let go in my mouth.”

I started stroking him again with my mouth and tongue as his hand cupped my pulsating sex. It took only a couple more strokes before I felt the rush of Cree’s hot liquid flow in my mouth. I swallowed his release as I moaned and licked up the extra juice from him.

Cree flipped me off of him and threw me onto my belly. He bit down on my shoulder, grabbed my hips and thrust himself deep into me.

“Oh my god, Cree…”

He didn’t say a word, instead he relentlessly continued to fuck me. I felt his hand leave my clit and rub down my ass. He started rubbing the entrance to my anus. It was a strange sensation, but felt fucking good at the same time. My mind told me not to, but my body told me to grind back on it. So my hips started to fuck back on him. His finger entered and I howled with pleasure. My hips were bucking faster against him, and I started to feel my release building up. He reached around with his other hand and started massaging my clit. I instantly combusted into the hardest orgasm my body has ever experienced. I felt Cree’s hot release jet into me seconds later. He collapsed on top of me. I was face down into the bed with the love of my life laying limp on me. I giggled and said, “I guess you liked my present.”

“You have no fucking idea, Dolly.”

Cree’s hot come felt so good in me, and I could still feel him pulse inside me. I naturally started to push back against him. The sensation of his slick come inside of me and his hardness was unnerving. I couldn’t help myself and continued to buck my ass up against him. Pretty soon, he was joining the action.

“I want on top.”

Cree was never one to argue. I was on top and riding him. A nagging constant orgasm hit me with every thrust. I was so close, but not quite there. I knew I was screaming loud and shouldn’t be. Cree finally covered my mouth with his hand, and I bit down on his fingers trying to silence my noise.

“Help me, baby, I need to let go. Touch me, Cree.”

Cree slipped his hand down between us and helped me let go. I started my release right when Cree let out a loud grunt and said,

“Fuck me, Milly, Fuck me harder; now!”

I felt the familiar sensation of Cree releasing into me. I went boneless as I lay across him, experiencing the best orgasm fucking ever—and I mean ever! Like my story could end now and I would be happy as a piglet in mud!

“Happy Birthday, Captain!”

We went approximately three more rounds before we both surrendered to exhaustion.

“Cree, talk to me. I want to know more about you.”

“What do you want to know?”

“Tell me about her. Annie’s mother, tell me.”

I could tell that Cree wasn’t comfortable talking about her. He did it for me, and that’s why I loved him with my whole freaking heart.

“I was on a full ride football scholarship at Colorado State. I was recruited right out of high school and was projected to be a first round draft pick in the pros. Kyla was my high school sweetheart and we went off to college together. We were the All-American couple living up the college dream together. We were inseparable. I found out that she was cheating on me with one of my teammates, and then, three months later, she was pregnant. I loved her and would do anything for her. I never questioned her pregnancy. Instead I proposed, and was ready to do anything for her happiness. She lived up the pregnancy, indulging in the extra food, and being pampered by all those around her. She loved being pregnant. But that all changed when she gave birth to my beautiful little girl on May 24
at 6:02 a.m. That was the day I walked away from football and my dreams, but I found so much more in the little blue eyes of my baby girl. She was immediately jealous of my love for Annie. She wouldn’t hold or nurse Annie in the hospital. She even refused to name her. She hung around for a couple of months, before she finally left us behind. She left me a note saying that she hated the way I looked at Annie and that she couldn’t stand to be second in my life. She wrote on a piece of paper that she hated Annie for taking me away from her. She fucking wrote that! From that day on, she became dead to me. I couldn’t understand how someone could hate their own flesh and blood that way. I never saw Kyla again until Annie was three.”

“I’m sorry, baby. I don’t understand how a human being can do that, either. You have no idea how lucky Annie is to have you. Lots of unwanted babies and kids don’t even have a parent that wants them. You’re something else, Captain!”

“When Annie was three, Kyla came back to town. She told me that Annie wasn’t mine. That she had cheated on me with three other guys, and that there was no way Annie could be mine. I told her I didn’t care and to go fuck herself. Annie was mine, period. Kyla served me with papers for full custody of Annie, and she slapped a DNA test on me. I had to take my sweet baby in to get her mouth swabbed along with mine. That day in the doctor’s office, I promised myself that I would run away to Mexico with her before I gave her away. She was mine no matter what the test or judge said. I also decided that day that I couldn’t face Kyla in court. I assigned Willow to represent me along with my lawyer, because I didn’t care if Annie was mine biologically or not. She was always mine from the minute I held her when she entered the world. She was mine.”

“Cree, you are so amazing. Annie is so lucky to have been born into your arms.”

“I stayed on the farm that day with Annie. We waited for Willow’s call. I remember that day we played her favorite game of dress up, and I silently prayed that she wouldn’t be taken from me. Willow called me at 3:42 and told me that the DNA test proved that Annie was mine, and that the judge ruled in my favor. Kyla lost all of her parental rights that day.”

A dead silence fell between us as I held Cree close to me. I felt his body shake with fear from the memory of that awful time in his life. I felt bad for asking about Annie’s mother, but I knew the subject needed to be discussed. I had no idea just how awful the story was. The man had been shattered by Kyla, and then his heart was almost ripped out when she tried to take Annie from him.

“Milly, I would have run with her to a foreign country even if she wasn’t mine. I would have never given her back, no matter the cost.”

“I know, baby.”

“I moved back to the farm. My mom loved being with Annie. We were all so happy. Willow was off to college. Annie and I occupied the guest room. Dad loved having me on the farm. It was always his dream to have his boy take over the farm one day. He was worried football would ruin that one very important American dream of his. We lived with my parents for eight months and nine days before they were killed in a car accident.”

“Oh, Cree.”

“So you see, my life has been entirely mapped out for me. My desires and choices haven’t been factors in my future, until I met you. You’re the only thing in my life that I have the power to take control of. You’re the first choice I’ve had in a very long time. I was so scared to reach out to you because of my past. I love you, Milly, and I know Annie loves you, too.”

“I love you, Cree, and I belong with you and Annie. I’m glad you found me.”

“I have to tell you that this has been my best birthday ever.”

“Yeah? And we haven’t gone to the game yet.”

“I love you, Dolly!”

“I love you, Captain. January 20th is now my favorite day because of you!”













Bleeding Toes


Cree was lying on the couch shirtless watching football. He had one hand tucked inside his cotton pajama bottoms. He truly had no idea how easily he turned me on. We had just tucked Annie into bed with a story and lots of kisses. I settled on the end of the couch around Cree’s legs to clip and paint my toenails.

“Why do you do that?” he asked.


“Why do you always take a deep breath and shut your eyes before you touch a toe?”

“Am I being that obvious?” I asked, half kidding. I didn’t want to answer his question, and tried to brush him off by slapping the inside of his thigh.

“Milly, look at me,” demanded Cree.

I hung my head down and set the polish on the table. I couldn’t look up at him. I wanted the darkness to set in, so I wouldn’t have to see or feel anything.

I felt his body shift from the couch down to the floor. He parted my legs and knelt before me. He scooted my body up to the edge of the couch so that he was holding me.

“Tell me, please.”

“Cree, I can’t touch my toes without feeling pain. My momma hurt me,” was all I could get out.

Cree laid his head against my chest and gripped me tighter. “Tell me, Milly.”

I wrapped my arms around him and began to tell the story of my bleeding toes.

“My momma always hated me. She despised me for ruining her life. When I was little I would have done anything for her love. One time when she clipped my toenails she cut me. Every toe she clipped, she clipped skin with it. She was pissed because my dad had been gone on a weekend binger, and she couldn’t go because Poppy was out on the road. So she had to stay home with me. I gave her a picture of just the two of us playing that I drew, and she flew off the handle. She left me bleeding from all ten toes. This was always my punishment when Dad would leave her to go party.”

Cree was now holding my face while I talked with my eyes closed. I couldn’t open my eyes to look at him, I couldn’t face the pain.

“Every time I look at my toes, I see the blood dripping from each one. I see all my faults, insecurities, and the brutal reminder of me not being wanted by my own momma and dad.”

“Open your eyes, dammit,” Cree whispered against my lips. I opened my eyes to see the beautiful man in front of me holding me with all his being.

“Do you really think that of yourself?” he asked.

I nodded my head up and down to answer him, because I couldn’t bear to answer him with words.

He sat back on his heels and grabbed both of my feet.

“Do you want to know what I see when I look at these toes? I see the perfection that god created just for me. I see a creative and talented woman with the biggest heart that has ever walked this Earth. I see the woman that I’m madly in love with. I see my Dolly who brightens every single one of my mornings with coffee,” he said in between kissing my toes.

I felt tears prick the back of my eyes. He started working his way up my legs, kissing and caressing his way.

“Your parents were ignorant fools. Please don’t let them hold any power over you. I have never been in love with a body and soul like yours. I have an idea! Let’s make a new memory, Dolly.”

Cree grabbed the toenail clippers and started to clip each toenail. It took everything in me not to scream. Nobody had touched my toes since my momma. I started crying uncontrollably with each clip, and my body was trembling with fear. I was scared shitless that he was going to cut me and I froze with sheer terror. I couldn’t see blood and Cree mixed.

“All done, baby! What color are we doing tonight? Can I suggest the green polish?” he asked with a crooked smile. I still couldn’t get a word out. I just kept sobbing and trembling. I needed to find the courage inside to let go and erase the vision of blood streaming from my toes. Cree was here trying to help me let go.

He didn’t make me talk to him, he just let me cry. He continued painting each freshly-clipped toenail. He blew on each toenail with care to dry the polish. My sobs had subsided for the moment and only silent tears ran down my cheeks.

“Now, baby, every time you look at your toes, I want you to remember what is about to happen. I’m in love with you, Milly, never forget that.”

Settled comfortably between my legs on his knees, Cree lifted my hips and pulled down my shorts and panties. He slowly tugged them down my legs and made a big show of throwing them over his shoulder. He then kissed his way from my big toe to my core. My tears had dried up and somehow Cree had managed to put a huge smile on my face.

He placed tender kisses all around my magic button. He then slid one finger into my wet heat, making me moan. His tongue went to work licking my tender bud and then he slipped two fingers into me, working their way in and out. I ran my hands through his thick wet hair. I started bucking against his face. I was about to spiral out of control, when I grabbed his head to stop him.

“I need this with you inside of me. I need the one person who gives me the courage to forget with me for this,” I told him.

Cree stood up and slipped off his pajama pants and sat next to me on the couch.

“You are so beautiful. Come here.”

Cree grabbed my hand and sat me on his lap, facing away from him.

BOOK: Cree (My Way Series - Book 1) (Volume 1)
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