Read Croc and the Fox Online

Authors: Eve Langlais

Croc and the Fox (15 page)

BOOK: Croc and the Fox
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creased.Viktor froze. “Do you know something we don’t, Renee?”“I guess I should have said something before, but I was


afraid the mastermind would hurt me if she found out. Mastermind is a woman. And not a very nice one.”

A fly fart would have sounded loud in the silence following her announcement.
“A woman? Why didn’t you say something before?” Kloe’s quiet question started a barrage.
Questions hammered Renee from every side, and before she could duck under the table to hide, Viktor hauled her onto his lap and pressed her head into his shoulder. Then he roared. “Enough!”
“Would you like to discuss this with me outside?” Viktor

growled.“Um, no.” Mason sat back down and feigned interest in

the ceiling.
“A shame. My freezer needed stocking. As for the fact
the mastermind is a woman, yes, it’s a shock. But don’t go
blaming Renee. None of us questioned her. None of us thought
to, not even me, seeing as how nobody ever seemed to recall
anything. Not even her closest minions.”
“I should have told you, though,” Renee admitted softly. “Why didn’t you?” he asked, in a gentle tone that
contrasted sharply with the one he used on the rest of the room. “Mastermind doesn’t know I remember her. No one
knows. I was scared she’d find out. People who know what she
looks like have a tendency to disappear. Except for Gregory and
one of the scientists. They were the only ones allowed to recall
her. Everyone else took the special pills and forgot.” “But given your resistance to drugs, she must have
guessed you were immune?”
Renee shrugged. “I heard her talking about it with
Gregory one time when I was pretending to sleep. She thought
because she’d brainwashed me before my accident, that it

stuck.”“Can you tell us what she looks like?”

“She’s easy to spot. She’s really short. Kind of stocky with prominent front teeth. Brown hair to her shoulders. Really thick glasses.”

“A woman with glasses?” Mason said with disgust. “Now how am I supposed to punch the mastermind’s lights


out?” “Easy. I’ll do it for you,” Jessie announced, flipping her


hair back in a ruffle.

A groan escaped the doctor. “Oh shit. Short with glasses? We don’t have a spy. The mastermind is one of the victims in the safe house.”

“You’re kidding?” Viktor didn’t know if he should be elated or freaked that the enemy they’d searched for resided so


close by.“Oh, that’s bad,” Renee said. “I hope you don’t have


computers here. She’s really good with them.”

Renee no sooner finished speaking than the lights went out and they all heard an ominous click. The windowless space turned pitch black except for the glow of Jessie’s tablet screen and no back up lights flicked on. It seemed the mastermind planned her attack well.

“What’s happening?” Viktor asked.


“The safe house has gone into lockdown mode,” Dr.

Manners announced.
“Jessie, can you reverse it?” Kloe asked.
Tapping madly on her tablet, not affected by the power

outage, Jessie mumbled under her breath. “I don’t believe it. The four eyed bitch activated the lockdown in this section only.” “So undo it,” Mason replied.
“I’m working on it, but she also managed to change the safe house security code, which I now need to decode. This could take a little while.”
Too long, in other words, Viktor thought, to capture the slippery criminal. She’d one upped them once again. But, at least now, they had a face – and the proper sex – to go with the evil monster. And stuck in here, with him, Renee was safe.
But once they left, who knew when the mastermind would come after her again.
Let her, because I’ll be waiting and I won’t show mercy, woman or not.

Chapter Eighteen

Mastermind laughed her little ass off as she locked all her nemesis in one location. She knew she couldn’t keep hiding amongst them forever, and actually looked forward to leaving the boring safe house. The only thing she regretted was not being able to get her revenge on the FUC agents who kept spoiling her plots. But then again, perhaps she should thank them, because their intervention finally gave her the answer she needed. The secret to becoming a predator such as the world had never known.
Forget clinical trials. Forget hiding in the shadows. She was ready for the final step in her transformation.
The needle sank in with the lovely concoction the good doctor created to combat the experimentation, a slightly tweaked version of course. After the mishap with the one armed failure, she’d revised her initial dosage and now couldn’t wait to taste success – and the blood of those who stood in her way.
Mastermind waited for the potion to take effect. Drummed her fingers knowing she couldn’t wait too long as Jessie had probably already contacted outside help. Dratted swan and her technical skills. What a shame she insisted on working for FUC.
Impatient, the mastermind loaded some more syringes with her special cocktail and then flitted about the ward with its snoring occupants, injecting her failures, cackling as she bestowed the gift of greatness – in smaller doses of course, as she intended to be strongest of them all.
Some of the recipients woke with gasps. Others, hearing her maniacal laughter, huddled and cried. She left none of them untouched.
Done, she jumped onto a supply cart, lost her balance and fell as it rolled. Once back to her feet, she climbed on a chair and stood.
“Monstrous creations,” she orated, her squeaky voice still not attaining the proper treble to inspire fear. “It is I, Mastermind.”
Only a few of the experiments bothered to pay her any mind. This wouldn’t do at all.
“I command you to listen.” She stamped a tiny foot.
“You’re the mastermind?” The snorted query raised her

ire. “Someone has visions of grandeur, or should I say


shorture.” Laughter met the insult.

The mockery wasn’t acceptable. “Do not make fun of me.”
“What are you going to do about it?” The amphibian, who could no longer regain his human shape, rose from his bed. “You don’t have the drugs you used to subdue us. You don’t have your minions. Actually, you have nothing to use against us.”
Okay, this wasn’t how she’d planned her grand return. Apparently, the mastermind had done her job of making them forget a little too well. They didn’t have any respect for her intellect or evil nature. She’d show them. “I shall use my enhanced beast and you will tremble before my greatness.” Except, her beast wouldn’t come. Eyes squinched tight, fists clenched, whole body ready to burst, nothing happened. Not a single claw or hair sprouted.
And the laughter, started by one frog who now topped the list of people she intended to kill, cascaded into a wave. Worse, the ungrateful wretches left their beds and joined the frog in advancing on her, menace in their eyes.
But the mastermind wasn’t about to become their ball in the game of keep away. Darting as fast as her little legs could go, she fled, sliding through the legs of the tall creature the scientists jokingly called Sasquatch into the hall. She hurriedly tapped the code to lock the room.
Outside, she heard the thump of fist hitting the main door as the arriving reinforcements discovered the door code changed. She didn’t have long before they broke in and without her expected army of minions – ungrateful wretches who wouldn’t obey – she decided it less than prudent to stay. Forgetting plan B, and C, both of which involved her shifting into a creature more daunting than Godzilla, she skipped right down to plan H.
They never even thought to look in the ducts ventilating the place. Idiots.
And once again, I prove I am smarter than them.
Now if only she could figure out why her serum didn’t work, and why she suddenly had a craving for cheese enchiladas.

Chapter Nineteen

Jessie cracked the code for the lockdown just as agents broke down the door to the safe house. As they poured out of their temporary jail, reinforcements swept the building. But while all the patients were accounted for – if overly excited – of Mastermind there wasn’t a sign.

The wily villain escaped again.
Given the breach in security, Nolan, who insisted they drop the Dr. Manners title while they sat in the dark twiddling their thumbs, allowed Viktor to go home – along with a posse of FUC guards – with the instructions to not indulge in strenuous

activity.As if.

Ensconced in his apartment, guards outside the door, with his own version of a lockdown in effect – meaning nothing short of a bomb would get someone in to his place – he stripped as he headed for his bathroom.

“What are you doing?” Renee asked, her query a touch breathless.
“Showering? Are you coming with me?” And he meant
Quicker than he could reload a weapon, she stood naked before him. Oh yeah, he loved his fox. Although what he’d do about it remained to be seen. Could he make room for her in his life? Did he have what it took to keep a fox happy? Was it time to take a mate?
For once, he didn’t have the answers and killing wouldn’t solve the problem. All he knew was he loved her, and for now, he’d just leave it at that.
As he heated up the shower, much warmer than he usually took in deference to her mammal state, he drew her into his arms, the tension in his body fading.
She’s safe.
The entire ride home, he’d watched like a hawk for signs of being followed. Viktor even allowed Mason to check out his place for signs of an intruder before he kicked him out.
Alone, with Renee, surrounded by enough guns and ammo to kill even the most armored of villains, and in need of some healing, the sexual kind, Viktor didn’t bother to fight his

desire.He wanted Renee. Needed her. Loved her. And dammit

all, he was going to have her, in a bed this time. No hunters, no evil criminal out to get them, no smirking coworkers. Just him and his fox.

Naked, hot water cascaded over them as he luxuriated in the sensation of her smooth skin pressed against his. Their lips met in a soft clash of teeth as they both eagerly sought to control the embrace.

Forget his injuries. The bandages got wet, and he didn’t care. She was the only cure for what pained him.
Leaving her lips, he buried his face against her neck, the flutter of her pulse against his lips. Oh how her slick skin proved an oral delight. He nibbled his way lower, but gasped when he attempted to crouch, the gunshot to his thigh too tender for the position. Standing back up, he threaded his fingers in her damp hair and rested his forehead against hers.
“I’m sorry.”
“For what? Being injured and trying to do exactly the opposite of what the doctor ordered?”
A wry grin curved his lips. “He told me to eat and get my strength up.”
“I somehow doubt that was the meal he had in mind,” she teased, grasping his innuendo.
“But it’s the one I intend to enjoy once we’re done in here and get to the bed.”
“Or, you could let me have a turn.”
Before his brain could process what she meant, she dropped to her knees and put herself eye to eye with his cock. Swamp help him. Just knowing what she planned made his dick twitch. She licked him and all coherence left his head, along with the blood. But he’d never been happier to be stupid than at that moment when she wrapped her lips around him.


Renee wasn’t exactly sure if she did it right, but taking the advice of Miranda, who whispered instructions in her ear before they left the safe house on how to deal with Viktor’s stress, Renee took a hold of Viktor’s shaft and proceeded to explore it. Using her lips and mouth, tongue, and even the edge of her teeth, she sucked the hard length of him. Tasted the soft skin covering his erratic pulse. Grazed the tip of him with her teeth. Licked the salty pearl that emerged. And she enjoyed every minute of it.

Judging by his groans, rigid stance, and closed eyes, Viktor enjoyed it too. It made her insanely happy. When they’d come together previously, he’d feasted on her and she wondered after – because in the throes all she could do was feel – how he enjoyed caressing such an intimate part of her. Now, roles reversed, in charge of his bliss and succeeding, she enjoyed the heady and erotic power of having him react to her touch. Of having him vulnerable to her caress.
Of being mine.

She could have sucked him all evening. Wanted to see how he’d taste when he gave in to the pleasure completely.
“Renee,” he whispered her name, reverently.
A moan of pleasure rumbled through her body as she eagerly bobbed.
“Look at me,” he ordered.
She peeked up and saw him, eyes hooded with passion, intense and so handsome, a quiver went through her.
“Bend over for me.”
She ignored his request to swirl her tongue around the tip of him.
He sucked in a breath, then chuckled. “And to think I called you innocent. You learn quickly. And while I would love to finish in your mouth, I don’t think I have the strength to go another round. Not today at any rate, and I refuse to leave you hanging. So bend over for me.”
With a grumble of regret, she popped him free of her mouth, then stood to face him. He took her mouth hard, demanding. She moaned as their tongues danced, then moaned again as his fingers slid between their bodies and he played with

her clit.Already hot and ready for him, she swayed into his

touch, aching for him. He manipulated her so that she faced away, then bent her over, with a gruff order to, “Brace yourself.” Hands flat against the shower wall, she caught her breath when he rubbed the tip of his shaft against her sex. Slick for him, he slid back and forth with ease against her, the friction on her clit making her hips twitch back, looking for more.

“You are so perfect,” he murmured. He eased into her, a decadent inch at a time, stretching her, filling her. He went so slow, she wanted to scream. Instead, she pushed back against him, her buttocks abutting up against his thighs and burying his cock as far as it could go.

Her channel pulsed around him, and he growled as his fingers dug into her hips. “Impatient vixen.”
“Decisive,” she corrected. “I know what I want. I want

“I’m yours,” he answered in a gruff whisper. He withdrew then thrust, jolting a cry from her. Again, in and out, he pumped. Stroked. Took her with a gentle passion that built her erotic tension.

“Come for me,” he demanded in a low voice, tight with need. He slid a hand from her hip and curled it under her body, finding and stroking her nub. The intense sensation made her gasp. Her channel clenched. Rippled. His cock answered by swelling further as he continued to grind against her, deep and

BOOK: Croc and the Fox
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