Read Cyrosphere 2:: Lives Entangled Online

Authors: Deandre Dean,Calvin King Rivers

Cyrosphere 2:: Lives Entangled (5 page)

BOOK: Cyrosphere 2:: Lives Entangled
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Kara asked, “So bored of dancing or lack of men?”

Ginger laughs and responds, “Naw, no men for me.”

Kara says, “Ah, a lady chaser. That’s cool with me.”

Ginger snaps her head at her and replies, “No, no that. I’m just healing after the devasting death of my boyfriend.”


Kara states, “Wow, intense. Girl, you been through some things. Hell ya, heal and take some time.”


Ginger nods and sips her water.


Kara answers, “You should see me run. I have super speed, but I am like a dare devil on legs.”

Ginger smiles and states, “That’ll be something to see. I love to run as well, but not sprint or 20Ks, or nothing like that. Just for me. You know to clear my head.”


Kara says, “Totally understandable. Hey, do you write by any chance?”

Ginger grins and says, “Yes, I love to write actually. It is my passion. How’d you know?”

Kara smirks and answers, “My gift. It’s called cataptromancy. Just a fancy way to say I can communicate or predict the future with glass or mirrors.”


Ginger nods and responds, “Pretty awesome ability. I can control time some.”

Kara gasps and asks, “Really?”

Ginger says, “I need to work on it, but yes I will control time someday.”

Kara wonders before replying, “Can I read your future?”


Ginger just nods. She sets her bottle of water down, as Kara takes her hands in hers. For Kara’s touch was warm like a snuggly, electronic blanket. Whereas Ginger’s hands were damp from holding the water.


Kara states, “I don’t know how accurate. My real talent is controlling my spirit in dreams. I am going to try a spell to enhance my abilities and try to get a glimpse of something.”


Before ginger could reply, she fell the build up of magic. It was energy all around her that felt like a zap of electricity shot through her entire body, and Ginger felt as if she was falling. Suddenly she was drowsy and sleep took over.


Chapter 23:


The moment I tried to open my eyes, I couldn’t because it was just darkness.


Ginger thought, “I guess I must be sleep.”

Kara’s voice rang in her mind, “Yes, only way my powers are going to work.”

Ginger thought back, “Okay. So what do I do now?”

Kara’s voice responded, “Wait.”


It seemed like hours of silence, but maybe that was her mind playing tricks on her. It was really probably just two minutes that went by, and felt longer because she wasn’t in control here.


Kara’s voice answered her, ‘I am done. You’re ready to leave this obliviousness to the dream world.”


The darkness changed to a entirely white room with no windows or doors. It wasn’t better or worst then the place she previously just left. Looking around she spotted a red diamond laying on the floor.


Ginger thought, ‘Was that there before?”


She walked over and picked it up. Ginger looked at it closely and saw a man that looked familiar inside like a mirror or a magic crystal ball. Before she could glance closer, the familiar face vanished to reveal Stacey. She was leading Ginger into a room with a long table that was filled with people.


Ginger wondered, “Who are they?”


The diamond shattered and she gasps, as she felt her world tumble out of control. Ginger’s eyes snapped open, and she was back in the club.


Ginger thought, “Where is the white room?”


Looking around she sees an angry Kara still holding her hands. She looked from an angry Kara to Leo. 


She wondered, “What is he doing here? Is he the one who shook me awake?”


 It was all becoming clear.


Ginger asked, “What happened?”

Leo responds, “That’s what I want to know?”


Chapter 24:


Leonard Desmond Lions, a man following her. That sounded so creepy, no protecting her. He was the reason her dream vision was shattered, but now she had some direction. Sure Jordan was on one lead and promises to find her blood step-parent. Ginger also had reason to believe he was the answer to stopping Feltus. That was great news in her mind. She was storing that bite of information away for later.


Ginger thought, “Leo, I wonder if he is single?”


Kara demands, “Why did you interrupt me?”


Ginger could see she was pissed.


Leo says, “ I was worried about Ginger. I was hired to look after her.”

Kara fumes and snarls, “Fool. I better start closing up the registers.”


Kara snapped up off the loveseat and headed for the ground level. A anxious Leo smiled and rubbed the back of his neck.


Leo states, “That could have gone better.”

Ginger laughs and replies, “You think?!”


He laughs with her, as he takes a seat next to her. He’s woodsy, almond scent hit her nostrils. This close proximity was sending her body into overload. A desire was risen, taken her into the zone of need and wanting to be protected by him.


She sighs.


Leo asked, “Is something wrong?”

Ginger forces a smile and answers, “A headache. Nothing to frat about. So why are you here? Spying?”

Leo replies, “Actually for once, no. I am a witch, and love this club.”

Ginger felt foolish at her snarky attitude.


She shakes her head and states, “Sorry. Didn’t mean to snap at you.”

Leo answers, “No worries. I probably deserved it. For basically stalking you without permission.”

Ginger laughs and says, “Hence the term stalking.”

Leo grins and responds, “You’re pretty funny and quick on your feet. Witty one.”

Ginger smiles and replies, “Thanks. I better get going, got an early day tomorrow.”


Leo stands as she does.


He asks, “Can I walk you to your car?

Ginger smiles and says, “I think I can make it. No drinking here.”

 He nods. Ginger felt his disappointment and stares into his big brown eyes.


Ginger answers, “Sure, why not. It is late.”


Chapter 25:


Standing outside in the parking lot with Leo. 


Ginger wonders, “Is he going to kiss me?”


He smiles at her.


She thinks, “Doubtful.”


Leo asks, “Had fun tonight?”

Ginger answers, “A lot actually.”

Leo responds, “You sound shocked. Don’t you come here often?”

Ginger states, “Not really. Tonight was my first time.”


Leo nods his head and replies, “It’s not because of it being mainly a witch club. Because everyone is welcomed.”

Ginger laughs and says, “No, just not 18 is all. Stacey go me in.”

Leo states, “Ah, got you.”


She thinks, “Idiot. Why’d you mention you’re underage?”


Ginger asks, “So you’re a witch, too? Do you guys have a club?”


She laughs at her foolish
 question. Glancing at Sidalor and thinks, obviously.


Leo says, “Actually a council, believe it or not.”

Ginger is stunned and replies, “Really?”

Leo nods and responds, “Yeah, Stacey never told you any of this?”

Ginger answers, “Maybe it slipped her mind.”


Leo nods and opens her door for her.


Ginger responds, “Thanks Leo.”


He nods, as Ginger slides in. She stares up at him and he gently closes the door. He waves when she starts up the car. Ginger drives off, gazing at him in her rear view window.


Ginger wonders, “Am I ready to date again?”


She sighs as she drove home.


Chapter 26:


The next morning, Ginger got up early and made breakfast. Nothing fancy, just blueberry pancakes, freshly squeezed orange juice, strawberries from the garden, scrambled eggs, and bacon to go with the bagel from the market. The smell jolted Aaron, Yvette, and Stacey downstairs.


When Stacey looked at her, Ginger sent a message telepathically they needed to talk in private.


Stacey nodded.


They all ate breakfast and had a lively chat. Yvette did the dishes, since she was in a rush to go to the office and work for a few hours.


Stacey says, “More power to you sis.”

Aaron states, “Try and have some fun kiddo. Live a little like your sisters. Both my princesses managed to have a good time last night.”


Ginger hadn’t missed that Aaron called her his daughter, she truly felt like a part of the family. The overwhelming joy lifted her spirits high.


Upstairs ten minutes later in Stacey’s room, the girls sat on the floor.


Stacey asks, “Wanna paint each other’s nails?”

Ginger replies, “Yeah, sure.”


Stacey claps her hands excitedly. She goes to her dresser drawer and pulls out a few bottles, sits back down and they begin sorting through favorite colors.


Ginger asks, “How was the rest of  your night?”

Stacey laughs and states, “I am a lady with a boyfriend, so figure out the rest.”

Ginger laughs with her and says, “What’s this council of witches do exactly?”


Stacey answers, “Help decide cases ad trails. Why do you ask?”

Ginger responds, “Kara showed me a vision of you taking me to one of the trails.”

Stacey nods and relies, “When?”


Ginger just shrugs.


Stacey asked, “How about after our nails finish drying?”

Ginger replies, “Sure.”



Chapter 27:


When Stacey indicated they were meeting this witch council, Ginger had no idea it would lead  them going to Utah. Richfield, Utah to be exact. Stacey materialized them here in the middle of a deserted road, without a person in sight for miles.


Ginger wondered, “What are we doing here?”


Stacey had pretty fantastic range to transport them from California to Utah in a blink of an eye. That was high on Ginger’s list of impressive things and powers she has seen.


Ginger asked, “Where to now?”

Stacey replies, “Nowhere. We’re here. Ready for your first lesson on magic?”

Ginger looked shocked and responds, “Like now? Now?”

Stacey grins and says, “Yeah, to reveal what is hidden with a masking spell.”

Ginger answers, “Is that powerful magic?”


Stacey states, “Close. The user controls the range of power and how much energy goes into magic.”

Ginger asked, “So witches use what? Runes, rocks, energy, or spells?”

Stacey responds, “All of the above. I can chant spells, or draw magic from myself. Just like you.”


Ginger wondered, “Am I ready?”


Stacey said, “Ready to learn?”

BOOK: Cyrosphere 2:: Lives Entangled
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